tI.S. SEetlRITIEG I.N9 COMMISSION ANItOUNCEIENTS EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC GOVERNMENT BUSINESS FORUM ON SMALL BUSINESS CAPITAL FORMATION The. Securities and Exchange Commission is planning the first SEC Government Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation in an attempt to establish a dialogue on the capital formation problems besetting the small business community. This program will provide a forum for small businesses, government regulatory agencies, and private sector organizations concerned with small business issues to discuss the existing impediments to small business capital formation particularly in the areas of taxa- tion, securities and credit. The Forum is scheduled to be held September 23-25, 1982, in Washington, D.C. The format of the Forum provides that participants will meet in working discussion groups of 15-20 persons to cover eight major issues with the intent of developing specific recommendations. In order to achieve these objectives, the size of the Forum must be limited. Each participant must be generally familiar with all the dis- cussion papers being prepared for distribution prior to the Forum. Further, each participant will be requested to act as a discussion leader on one major issue. Members of the public interested in being considered for active participation at the Forum should promptly complete and return the biographical sheet available from the Office of Small Business Policy, Division of Corporation Finance, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 500 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 by August 2, 1982. The biographical sheet will facilitate the selection of small busi- nesspersons, lawyers, accountants and others who are knowledgeable in small business issues and who could make the most meaningful contribution to the Forum. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel Abdun-Nabi at (202) 272-2644. ADDITION TO WEEKLY CALENDAR Thursday, July 15 - Chairman John Shad will testify before the Subcommittee on Con- servatIon, credIt and Rural Development of the House Agriculture Committee at 10:00 a.m. in Room 1302 of the Longwcrth House Office Building. The subject of the testi- mony will be HR-6156, "SEC/CFTC Jurisdictional Accord". CI¥l PllCEEDIIIS NELSON BUNKER HUNT AND WILLIAM HERBERT HUNT ENJOINED The Commission announced that it has filed a civil action in the U.S. District Court for the Di~trict of Columbia against Nelson Bunker Hunt (Bunker Hunt) and William Herbert Hunt (Herbert Hunt) alleging violations of the beneficial ownership reporting provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) with respect to the securities of Bache Group Inc. (Bache) and seeking injunctive relief. The Commis- sion's complaint alleges that in a series of transactions from October 1979 through March 1980, Herbert and Bunker Hunt acquired, in the aggregate, more than 5 percent of the outstanding common stock of Bache. The complaint further alleges that Herbert and Bunker Hunt did not file the required statement on Schedule 13D within the 10-day period provided by Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act. Simultaneous with the filing of this action, without admitting or denying the alle- gations in the complaint, Bunker Hunt and Herbert Hunt consented to the entry of a Final Judgment of Permanent Injunction restraining and enjoining them from acquiring, directly or indirectly, the beneficial ownership of more than 5 percent of any com- mon stock or equity security of a class registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act, issued by any broker and/or dealer, as those terms are defined in the Exchange Act, or by any other issuer or person that owns or hereafter acquires in excess of 25 percent of the outstanding shares of common stock or other class of equity security of any such broker-dealer, unless they file with the Commission, and send to the issue~ of such security and exchange where .the secur~ty i.e trad~, a, statement containing all the. information required by the benefic~al ownersh~p repOtt- ing provisions of the Exchange Act. The Commission also announced that it has authorized the transmittal to Congress ~f a staff report concerning events surrounding the sudden rise and collapse in silver prices during the fall.and winter of 1979-1980. The commission staff is presently finalizing the report, which the ~mmission expects to transmit to Congress during the next two months. (SEC v. Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt, Civil Action No. 82-1931, U.S.D.C. D.C.). (LR-9716) HOLDING COMPANY ACT RELEASES GULF POWER COMPANY An order has been issued authorizing Gulf Power Company (Gulf), an electric utility subsidiary of The Southern Company, to enter into an agreement with Escambia County, Florida to finance certain pollution control and waste disposal facilities through the issuance of up to $32 million of pollution control revenue bonds by the county. Gulf will issue a similar amount of collateral bonds. Jurisdiction has been reserved over the terms and conditions of the notes and collateral bondS to be issued by Gulf. (ReI. 35-22576 - July 13) The following foreign private issuers submitted materials that appared sufficient to establish an exemption under Rule 12g3-2(b) during the week of: June 21-25, 1982 - (82-655) Regulus Resources Inc., and (82-656) Power-Can Resources Ltd. SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933. The information noted below has been taken from the cover page and the facing sheet o.fthe prospectus and registration statement and will appear as follows: Form, Name, address and phone number (if available) of the issuer of the security; Title and the number or face amount of the securities being offer.ed; Name of the managing underwriter (if applicable); Whether the offering i. a rights offering; File number and date filed; Assigned Branch; if the registration statement is a New Issue; and [S] denoting SHELF REGISTRATION pursuant to Rule 415. (S-18) THERMO MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC., 135 Stevens Ave., Dittle Falls, NJ 07424 - 10,000,000 shares of common stock. The company has been developing systems employing infrared thermographic technology and devices to externally detect.energy loss. (File 2-78281-NY - July 2) (Br. 10 - New Issue) (S-18) CUMBERLAND RESOURCES, INC., 6445 Powers Ferry Landing, Suite 160, Atlanta, GA 30339 - 15,000,000 shares of common stock. Underwriter: Hereth, Orr & Jones, Inc • .The company is involved in the acquisition, exploration and development of gold and silver mines. (File 2-78289-S - July 2) (Br. 5 - New Issue) (S-14) B & M INVESTMENTS, INC., 8320 W. Hwy. 84, Suite Three, PO Box 8662, Waco, TX 76710 (817-776-8623) - 1,618,595 shares of common stock. (File 2-77308 - July 6) (Br. 9 - New Issue) (S-14) INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS CORPORATION, 100 Jericho Quadrangle, Jericho, NY 11753 - 99,937 shares of second preferred stock, Series I; and 99,937 shares of common stock. (File 2-78351 - July 8) (Br. 8) (S-8) NOVAMETRIX MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC., One Barnes Industrial Park Rd., Wallingford, CT 06492 (203-265-7701) - 100,0-0 shares of common stock. (File 2-78350 - July 8) (Br. 8) (S-8) HEALTHDYNE, INC., 2253 Northwest Parkway, Marietta, GA 30067 (404-955-9555) - 115,000 shares of cammon stock. (File 2-78353 - July 8) (Br. 8) 2 NEWS DIGEST, July 14, 1982 SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS, cont. (S-15) MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORPORATION, 770 North Water St., MilWaukee, WI 53201 (414 - 765-7801) - 270,000 shares of common stock. (File 2-78354 - July 7) (Br. 1) (S-6) HUTTON UTILITY TRUST, Third Public Utility Series .. 15,000,000 units of beneficial interest. Depositor: E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc., One Battery Park Plaza, New York, NY 10004 (File 2-78355 - July 8) (S-15) FIRST & MERCHANTS CORPORATION, F&M Center, 1111 East Main St., Richmond, VA 23261 (804-788-2000) ..776,920 shares of common stock. (File 2-78356 ...July 8) (Br. 1) (5-1) RODIME PLC, 59 Nasmyth Rd., Southfield Industrial Estate, Glenrothes KY6 2SD, Scotland (0592-774704) ..1,882,100 shares of ordinary shares of 5p each.- Under- writer: Warburg Paribas Becker. The company designs, manufactures and markets rotating disk memory devices. (File 2-78357 - July 8) (Br. 9 - New Issue) (5-3) C.I.T. FINANCIAL CORPORATION, 650 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10022 (212-572-6500) .. $200 million of medium-term notes, due from more than 9 months to 7 years from date of issue. (File 2-78360 ...July. 9) (Br. 2) [5] (S-3) FIRST CITY BANCORPORATION OF TEXAS, INC., 400 First City Twoer, 1001 Fannin St., Houston, TX 77002 (713-658-6873 - $150 million of debt securities. (File 2-78362 ..July 9) (Br. 2) [5] . (S-l) EN! OIL & GAS INCOME AND ROYALTY FUND 1982-83, 110 - 110th Avenue N.E., C2l6ll, Bellevue, WA 98009 - $40 million of limited partnership interests. Distributor: ENI corporation. The partnerships will acquire producing oil and gas interests. (File 2-78383 - July 12) (Br. 3 - New Issue) (5-1) WINCHESTER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, Clarendon House, PO Box 1022, Hamilton 5, Bermuda (809-29-23434) - 3,000,000 shares of common stock. Underwriter: Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. The company trades commodity futures contracts and forward contracts. (File 2-78388 - July 12) (Br. 2) (5-3) SOUTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY, SPS Tower, Tyler at Sixth, Amarillo, TX 79170 (806-378-2840) - $30 million of first mortgage bonds, due July 1, 2012. Underwriter: Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. (File 2-78390 - July 13) (Br. 8) (S-3) GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, 3044 West Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202 (313 -556-5000 and 767 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10153 (212-486-5080) - $200 million of extendible notes, due July 15, 1992. Underwriter: Morgan Stanley & Co.
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