02/17. Designed by Barques. www.barques.co.uk Barques. by Designed 02/17. representations of fact but satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to each of them (iii) no person in the employment of WHR Property Consultants LLP or DTRE has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (iv) all rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of VAT. of exclusive quoted are prices and rentals all (iv) property. this to relation in whatever warranty or representation any give or make to authority any has DTRE or LLP Consultants Property WHR of employment the in person no (iii) them of each to as otherwise or inspection by themselves satisfy but fact of representations not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or statements as them on rely not should tenants or purchasers intending any correct, be to believed are and faith good in given are details other and occupation, and use for permissions necessary and condition to references dimensions, descriptions, all (ii) contract. or offer an of, part constitute nor constitute, not www.libertyparkwidnes.com Misrepresentation Act Misrepresentation WHR Property Consultants LLP for themselves, for DTRE and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are hereby give notice that: (i) the details contained within these particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees and do lessees or purchasers intending of guidance the for only outline general a as out set are particulars these within contained details the (i) that: notice give hereby are they agents whose property this of lessors or vendors the for and DTRE for themselves, for LLP Consultants Property WHR www.libertyparkwidnes.com Development By Development A [email protected] [email protected] WA8 8FZ WA8 READY FOR IMMEDIATE DEVELOPMENT IMMEDIATE FOR READY Tom Fairlie Fairlie Tom Goode James [email protected] [email protected] TO 405,300 107,210 SQ FT SQ ALL ENQUIRIES ALL Michael Rooney Rooney Michael Richard Harman Harman Richard WAREHOUSE UNITS WAREHOUSE Manchester. play community in Kent. in community play units of 45,000 sq ft and 162,000 sq ft. sq 162,000 and ft sq 45,000 of units INDUSTRIAL/ SUIT TO BUILD 335,000 sq ft industrial unit, Wigan. unit, industrial ft sq 335,000 City, Airport unit, industrial ft sq 277,089 Two new speculative industrial/technology industrial/technology speculative new Two work, live, acre, 800 growing rapidly A Poundland Amazon www.worcestersix.co.uk www.kings-hill.com ALL ENQUIRIES ALL Liberty 45 & Liberty 162 - Worcester Six Worcester - 162 Liberty & 45 Liberty Kings Hill Kings Liberty has been developing in the UK for over 25 year, other projects include: projects other year, 25 over for UK the in developing been has Liberty prestige and profile have enabled us to remain highly competitive and successful. and competitive highly remain to us enabled have profile and prestige Midlands which can accommodate up to 440,000 sq ft. sq 440,000 to up accommodate can which Midlands depth understanding and experience of business processes, labour catchment, staff welfare, accessibility, accessibility, welfare, staff catchment, labour processes, business of experience and understanding depth four logistics properties totalling 1.4 million sq ft and a consented warehouse scheme in the West West the in scheme warehouse consented a and ft sq million 1.4 totalling properties logistics four Stoford is a privately owned company with all the shareholders fully employed by the business. Our in Our business. the by employed fully shareholders the all with company owned privately a is Stoford office (as of 30/06/2016) with access to 9 of the top 10 industrial markets. To date in the UK we have we UK the in date To markets. industrial 10 top the of 9 to access with 30/06/2016) of (as office DSA, DEFRA and The Home Office. Home The and DEFRA DSA, Liberty’s portfolio mix (by sq ft) is currently 87.4% (90 million sq ft) industrial and 12.6% (13 million sq ft) ft) sq million (13 12.6% and industrial ft) sq million (90 87.4% currently is ft) sq (by mix portfolio Liberty’s Insurance, Tesco and The Co-operative, together with Government Departments such as HMRC, HMRC, as such Departments Government with together Co-operative, The and Tesco Insurance, industrial facilities, bio-pharmaceutical laboratories, offices, hotels and live/work/play communities. live/work/play and hotels offices, laboratories, bio-pharmaceutical facilities, industrial occupiers such as Standard Life, Axa, LaSalle, BlackRock, GE, Severn Trent Water, Npower, Admiral Admiral Npower, Water, Trent Severn GE, BlackRock, LaSalle, Axa, Life, Standard as such occupiers excellence developing over 70 million square feet across a range of property types including – warehouses, warehouses, – including types property of range a across feet square million 70 over developing excellence We are proud to have been trusted to develop for some of the UK’s largest financial institutions and and institutions financial largest UK’s the of some for develop to trusted been have to proud are We planned developments, creates value. We have a 44 year track record of real estate innovation and and innovation estate real of record track year 44 a have We value. creates developments, planned competitive and is able to deliver a quality product on time and within budget. within and time on product quality a deliver to able is and competitive Liberty’s commitment to quality and our attention to detail in executing and delivering our carefully carefully our delivering and executing in detail to attention our and quality to commitment Liberty’s Our innovative approach to site and contract procurement has ensured that Stoford remains highly highly remains Stoford that ensured has procurement contract and site to approach innovative Our extraordinary work environments. work extraordinary 10 million sq ft across a diverse range of sectors, throughout the UK, such as industrial, office, retail and hotels. and retail office, industrial, as such UK, the throughout sectors, of range diverse a across ft sq million 10 develops, acquires, leases and manages properties with the mission to enhance people’s lives through through lives people’s enhance to mission the with properties manages and leases acquires, develops, Since then, the company has grown significantly and has completed commercial developments totalling totalling developments commercial completed has and significantly grown has company the then, Since (as of September 30, 2016). Founded in 1972 and headquartered outside of Philadelphia, Liberty Liberty Philadelphia, of outside headquartered and 1972 in Founded 2016). 30, September of (as 104 million sq ft of industrial and office space throughout the United States and the United Kingdom Kingdom United the and States United the throughout space office and industrial of ft sq million 104 in the Midlands. the in Liberty Property Trust (NYSE: LPT) is a $9.5 billion real estate investment trust which owns owns which trust investment estate real billion $9.5 a is LPT) (NYSE: Trust Property Liberty Stoford was founded in 1996 to specialise in occupier led pre-let commercial property developments developments property commercial pre-let led occupier in specialise to 1996 in founded was Stoford www.libertyproperty.com www.stoford.com Development By Development A TRACK RECORD TRACK Sutton KNOWSLEY EXPRESS WAY M6 Cro A58 LOCATION M57 Winwick PRESCOT Burtonwood M62 The site is strategically located at the junction of Speke Boulevard Whiston M6 A49 (A562) and the Knowsley Expressway (A5300). Direct access from Huyton Clock Face M62 the Knowsley Expressway onto the national motorway network via M57 A50 either Junction 6 of the M62 or Junction 1 of the M57 is within ROUTE TO/ M62 M62 Bold Hea 3 miles of the property. DITTON BROOK LIBERTY PARK WIDNES IS FROM JLR A57 A562 D A49 R N Great Sankey O DRIVE TIMES D WARRINGTON L STRATEGICALLY LOCATED A57 E D A562 H R A50 TO W T HGV distances from Liberty Park Widnes:H IG A561 Tarbock Green JLR R D B R L WITH DIRECT ACCESS TO THE E NEWSTEADA ROAD A5060 Jaguar Land Rover, Halewood 2 milesU 5 mins G A T A56 N Halewood M62/ J6 & M57/J1 O3 miles 7 mins NATIONAL MOTORWAY NETWORK M TO J6 M62 Walton Liverpool John Lennon Airport 5 miles 14 mins D A5300 WIDNES Higher Walton ROA VIA THE KNOWSLEY EXPRESSWAY WEST COAST A562 A562 ITTON D MAINLINE KNOWSLEY A562 Appleton Liverpool 2 16 miles 35 mins EXPRESSWAY A533 Moore Manchester M62/J12 23 miles 42 mins A56 A561 NEWSTEAD ROAD H World Freight Terminal A A558 L RUNCORN E Daresbury Stretton Manchester Airport 26 miles 52 mins R M56 O Windmill Hill A Hale Leeds M62/J27 63 miles 1 hr 51 mins D HAL EBA NK M56 RO BirminghamAD M6/J6 89 miles 2h 41 mins Source: ukhaulier.co.uk Sutton KNOWSLEY EXPRESS WAY PROPOSED M6 Cro PASSENGER A58 SPEKE ROAD TRAIN STATION M57 Winwick PRESCOT Burtonwood KEY DEMOGRAPHICS M62 SAT NAV: Whiston M6 WA8 8FZ Liverpool City Region A49 Huyton Clock Face M62 SKILLED LABOUR POOL M57 A50 M62 M62 Bold Hea DITTON BROOK 670,000 1.14 A57 MILLION A562 D people employed DRIVE A49 R in skilled occupations working age A562 N TIME Great Sankey O D population WARRINGTON L A57 E D A562 H R A50 TO W T H 30 IG MINS Tarbock Green JLR R D B R L NEWSTEADA ROAD E A5060 U G A T A56 N 2.9 Halewood O M MILLION Walton working age 264,000 45 population AD employed in manufacturing MINS WIDNES Higher Walton ON RO A562 A562 DITT A562 Appleton A533 Moore A56 A561 Higher an Average earnings H 190,000 A national average Population currently 2.6% lower an A558 L RUNCORN E unemployed but Daresbury Stretton R unemployment rate national average M56 O want to work Windmill Hill A Hale D HAL EBA NK M56 RO AD 02/17.
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