Q nmom m HBABXSQ nwom imm* jm&ms COMMITtm (First witnts® hasrd Ifenda^ morning, 10sO0, Fab. 14)* Statamant r%®A without iattrruption (eondanstd version)* State la no tad la itself, but judged a® social agency* Uoos fortign policy of ®ovft*, including thia appropriation, prtaarva aooial valuta which ttatt ahould a«nrt ? ilra wa ooanslttad t© 'collective atourity1, in form of backing tha Bi^ira 1 (dm fasois® la daftatad tM« way, wh®n in jaaodarn warfar® tltara la waata aa ohiaf fact, not victory 1) wa cannot praauaa m without quao»- tionlng'good faith of stata Btp*t* Thm It wit ha puraly atlf-intaraat • wa aaak* la It good lausintiia to tefai 0 million or lasa deiUxa* worth of property at auoh groat cost 1 -Jt can only conclude what wa.ara rtally € is sphera of inftaance, laporl&liaia In broad aanaa* .'iut no for' " is doelarsd, for this thing oouldnft ®o throu#& on althar <. »*a alternatives* 4a patriots, we pro! of ir 1 pro gran to it of iffparialiatla polioiaa, ver name called. (At this point mm road'the Open Latter to tm President, sent £m &x*cutiva ©ormaittee of lew* ng thia point of views it pledged that wa would not sup­ port'tha Administration if it gabs ua into war in Far iflaot*) M i it* who love their e /, wa (fcffaat txttnsion of control of tha military, and war, for these maim loss of our country's finaat valuta* m Christiana, wa prefer to go dawn in a series of ware aa Oiristiana italitu | the fcy of the remnant. If wa do not go dawn, it * will ho heeause ooaia hava "borne witnaaa against support of intending war.,** fha i; lat I; al Share-*, i-iorth, has declared war social si :, and in aan'l* Conf, and ti •'o.-rd of Bishops , sad t© stand lay tha minority of CO*1 a for whoa it has mk®& axtaption (aa uith $Ha»da| ate*) Wa who 'tap that tha wo. Clod and not tha word of tha State ©hall rule in setters of const 'eiee that tha Christian fallow- ship to which wa belong la pledged to stand by ma in emergency* M p *sy Christians, "iiet-iodiato, wa wiU not bear ami or* sup­ port the allitary in time of war* «%• apfroac ian * re .i or that was what was wantc-c. fhan quar- id that our or.- mal 3 not olaar, 1 took some tan i \ to cere a^Min again* 1) that 1 ®^p%&rm as wrfber of .cifis w ai ,Va US. pts* of viaw on rtHtflaM&j ^^ poaitioaa) &) that Church and SCffiT wara onl; botmd to stand by "for our ,-Ion, thou#t axtc* eoim. of H^ h&c - In r^wd to lm< • wto is Jf« Saat* 3) So, on quas* dTaMalN i 1 • W^ wa ara not m«liar£iil > or^nlf- f fc aation in parsonal aanaai wa Aaal in with gaog: t ©d- p^tioipatiBg hodlaa« eor,. at 3*ci«o* ft«i f^aas -if at ao ®«^ imafti i (I), • * 1 ^aka for &U Mathodlst youth aa yacifista I a was no twusa for this, for I took tlma- II ?Inaon avan wfad that we go on to mora lnnadULata problaaa, to saka tha thing pari olaar..*, in^carrying out our ova c /tibial policy m€ Its relation to that of tha Qiuroh* It Is all thora in tha raoord* fhe pacifist minority has two stands of concent to tie* 1) &m» only la case of unprovoked agp*essloitf I) bear arms mt at all* fhe Oomnittee attacked the second, as acre vulntrahlt.***which 1 defended aa aore nearly e ten as follows i % tatfe invasion is 1 vable in our lift tdae, eert^ in that of thaae ships; militarily, and 1 i too busy at. beaMf h* J&thouglt taking tha J80#t defendable salient, the Oomatittee itself would not Ju We pacifism af those who we ../ in thig suae, \ i tavge loyal citiaeas besides ouroaXim rf*7/AI I to t, 4* they considered wis tta only basis f< slag artta* If not, why not consider on basis Of - bearing arms whenever gov't* says, w is what la really neurit* }§ a* ^uc-i arraigaaeiit of forces eouXu only argae the ana of our l^wim in a warld sat against It, the dut;/ of 0 :MB M to maiatmiii we 1- #f the rtsmsit* 4 down as dirlstisms ratn«* than aaothej WSQT* • * » * 11 It was in this connoatio! , n t ,l •- infarsons v^othay &e ~ ;at in tha a ' a3&ther<-and^sist«-s # 1 pi^otestaa that question yiih the palmar* end a- ,mmmf for the i n reasons* % It WUJ no H tre of «**r, c of no war tha tihittd States would be aatgsged in Case &, in i&ova farap«ph)f fe* It leads only to mlmmAmmtrnzMmg and sai (for truth #f the see ifr and w eencat 0* . is it^x :• , •. •, . - this I does not is* iferalvt eeiiaeiaiitious abjtetloft to bearing #* 1 had alraa% said 1 bellovod to defease, even Mt not •defense1 dafinacl b^ the military group* Ho at* ce-jntry implies iove of liberty we prise, §<s of tke cultaral value*, MLit sfc&jte &BE& J^H£&. e-e— |:; -:;.:•• i". hi-: m aft ee Hat no patens our country so aaaali as extension of the r ry at e^aitae of c: control of foreign pi • man 1 ih eboise between fIfo, qualified* and • $ta f, on the pN 3d abovs 1 eJsose to defend tha absolute % ife to eapl&ln again our #s of defease ( had. bean put : mil1), and that wa are sot ^preed among paai- fists, if 1 . was the Cha; test* r of a pubiie ae *• • alterable 1 t the oc 1 tanitins that the Mg Mmj mm &m hia ehssee to damage the real aeat of the testlway by s1 'iatf of tha *ilo ***•*,* giving the 9rasa seas >nal, if taatwia* fMs la not a ye»~no queatieo in aiaouasion of imir&i appropriations or warf only by igasriag agr previous distinction eaa *tef«aaa*9 and by co«- t*ravt*U*«g tmUmm •» me ar^ni^ationfa stand, eould the p»e»a gat what, it wanted, ShurehBien oft* «lw« 1 hi'v li lMP» iald it la aatuihia I a press predMi" ' for A*e I Nl *•• oaA of Its It ^ake clean 1) .. x* ?Jy hsppenedf - the ouia e aircn is in vile aaitar} 3) «tet the rejpeotive mi Horn are; 4) what wa ton it ol It, ye ally* ie owe It l» all p»npi to .^ka the truth known* OBA all tt^^dlsts can join in tha point of view of our olmiroh on ttiis ^ttar© It la a groat ©p.. orWnity to a«ny tha thing forward, or it is leaving f i the ttfOgg ite if aew&liieaf to n to wastt Us* -truth, of this ua*ig *eptrt# i haesrS t i a e*f4gr«t« » *,* : ^ - s . - i - itg iMi l ee j .:j'.- e *a t A* l»**Ufe e & 1 V it ; h#* u 4^ i r ,*,,„,, e. <• • ' - .... e. .,. .'*.....; . and thai «&&3* Want gtatea «& ft* S§itaX Agtion ^mtall nf *.*P*P(4PMIP W* IMTI and the® MfluMNi t# j^^srt it *m nottves !• an gjea&tt/ of rtiKaMBantgt Joining with ma figroxMMktt aatlgaia* 2 J nar £taa wlilo.* iMM la aft wtera to aN**ttyv it IjNteasgti Mi ft ask i'-Mkmmu& 9Mtfllea*** A 'v^iCTiMpialve/ aoad #rantilva Jtoli^iratiL protf^tt 1# teto^ Jyfj^r^ ###***# ittgr 1 Mtaw W» aoswa, an tite gsuwif ti>ee in tha IteK IBM &**a with aaot^r tagUKMtfu*. **•, te ^^-wQ*» &uXiaris*g aaa itt*w*gi ^in­ fer mar poroaO li §o teaotef tei imp tlaee* I* «uis «;« / ir*c-w.:cn gf t&a nu^ta H H&t URL aura J. gidtekl* J Vtti mm «agatofg In taMMtfrt w nay Ifltgia be itotatef jlSi polity's oi net #thii^«* lot It JtattM Ml ring au^ip to aura it*?*i»ett .to Aatfte-saaro and tarttaa f*^tt«na ## &M*de% that if Mlw HW stata gg ana te itag&f, Hit ft J* JM** a*Ot2? #a tie m^mm g£ whethw nr wx-* it ggrvgft t J o^ t£**U»t* fin jflHiMP*U£*ii# vt toy w#H >g gg fo«g*W 'am wmmtm lg iterttar tint p»saat fiwttgg ptUv #T tlui Adittnl^tr^tlcMa, gf wMeh thtg 11*21 ia an *Uvteg*wt» «CteQte • - . .-,:• •...-. " •••••'•• --.:., --..'/ pifgr 4n .:....'•",-•;;••-'=••• ,e.-;;. ,.,"'. '^'Si-.'' e , fetcirn£ti9ri«2*UHas *^ a ^s^w ^ptc- the If gf m «e tha €tfatten @f mt U* S» : to the L^^ia a teas, troll 0rj^'»afc Mi iMiM»t#i uii* J. c«3ked y mi others |i «**i €^^«»a»i :, mnd radio treads, isaneuvera in air and water in the P&alfie area, show -that thJWclng Is tpteifiei our future rests with the Wmim against the fascist pownwi* We are :£breed to ask whether the way to defend the dsaoormoies (to i^ aathit^ of Soviet lussla) is by such allgnnents of fares- • -whether fsaeis% itself a produet of eeoneaie aeeessity plus asrtial tradiidon, mm be beaten down by s»re of the unitary, as re waste m6 »re aeoaa#l%' far ejt*»9aa»**y systems* this position, sir, presumes the whole bastion* 3he highest pftttftettan 1 tod»yf ©id the truest e*llaetlva ateurity, deas net graauaa the war—-» °2rjaa a set out to %in# it* She essential feat shout war today is art vittoxyi It is wasfe* Sir, tha e^f if war itself J If, on tha mm%smg$ M take it far tarns that a people th&t onoe aewfbrtun&tely re.j^otad a possible lr*teyxmtlo*xll3?a is not now being tarltfceg lute polity ^hiah merely *mo^a«ratea aa ouch, it wm% ajwusae that me defeat of the Ludlow iteferanaioi* drive for mUUmUm ani mmmmts bills, aire to stand #r foil aortAy as vehloles of aattanal and partleuiaF ends* At this point we are aautely aware that all Jte»i- gan tamafaaate in China would atareely sunt to eais**t*jrtli of ikU appro* jariatttau Seed tt be said that this is vary bad business, from m pr&e~ tleal point of view f _ fa mm ftoratA to ocwslude that if this m .ism la toalnstgA "by the toonoiiia, yet me ao-oallad spiritual overtoaea aarrv rvvti^nat hinor* and &$tm?*m ** te Hr places of tha eas*th* A President wheal wa owl --Tje&e'*- of the ^©d neighbor poMsf t* th--.
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