118 House—Industrial EDMONTON CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORY House Movers—Contmued Hydraulics Implements—Continued Implements—Continued Northern Hydraulic Services Ltd Byers & Shearer Farm Equipment SHORTREEO IMPLEMENTS CO LTD eagle building movers 5710 103A jt. GE 9-3941 9745 65 C.E 9-''CC4 6340 103 « C£ PARAMOUNT INDUSTRIES LTD Case J r Co I201I ill a.e . HU 8-£;-U9 Smith Brothers 7823 104 tt buildings moved Mjp Cockshutt Farm Eqalpment Ltd Smiih BtoiherS 7323 104 st K 3^ RAISED ALBERTA'S LARGEST FRANCHH'HisA~:z 12505 97 it CR 7-3556 Union Tractor Ltd 4 3 ave & Cilguy traU..GE HYDRAULIC JACK SERVICE DEfOT Deera John Plow Co Ltd cm OR COUNTRY ALL SERVICE GUARANTEED 11311 120 It HU B-4477 Deera John Plow Co Ltd COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS FOR ALL 12957 120 SL GL 5-7374 MAKES — FAST SERVICE llJll 120 rt HU 8-7173 Implements^Parts & Alter Hours GL 5-7374 Oeera John Plow Co Ltd Rear 10560 115 SL GA 4-3659 11311 120 It HU 8-8876 Distributors FISHBURNE'S truck service ltd Residence UE 3-0084 Dominion Motors Co Lid Implcmer.i Parts Olstrihutcrs 107 a.- 4 120 it HU B-0951 rear 12118 Sto«gr Pi»ia rd. HJ Buildings Moved & Rais\^ EDMONTON AUTO PARTS CO City or Country A Ice Complete Sleek of Importers & Distributors ARCTIC ICE CO LTD lOOOl 97 ave. GA 2-1220 TRACTOR SLEEVE ASSEMBLICS General Trucking & Arctic Ice Co Ltd 10001 97 eye....GA 2-4202 CASKETS 6 BEARINGS Boerchen Wolfarvg upst 9213 99 rt,..Gt Main ORice, Warehouu A Machine Shop Eufifcan Ccrfecllenery Croctry & Hau ' Excavating Imports Ltd 10844 95 r. £.4 Ice Cream 10950 119 St HU 8-7231 Evans Wm G & Co 2 - 10126 100 « -G* ■ i 9555 82 Ave.... GE 3-5341-GE 9-06^ 10355 80 Ave. So. Side Br. GE 3-0733 G.new.iy imco'tcrs 10303 107 awe...M ■ ' Baronl's Drhe In 7303 78 ave HO fr-B691 3-6054 B805 118 Ave. East End Br.. GR 9-6574 HOLTZHEUSER BROS 10364 m st..GA 4% MARKS H J CO LTD Burger Baron No 5 6905 104 5t GE House of imports 10011 82 •« G£ 9-1^ Burger Baron No 6 12904 97 st GR 7-7021 Farmhand Co 10346 70 rr/c GE 3-6826 KAY W 0 & CO 10111 93 tt Burger Baron No B 3604 118 ave GR 9-2985 Kelly Equipment & Supply Ltd iO OVER 4-1439 Fort VemtlNon Agencies Ltd Burger Baron No 10 liois 101 10633 65 St.,HO 8-9343 uses 130 It GL 5-7379 Dairy Drive-Inn Ltd 10609 124 rt . HU Kullman A P 10970 97 st... SA 7-5321 Hayes EverlU Soderstrom Farm Equipment Dairy Drlve-lnn Ltd 8230 112 ave GR Locscher G 8720 104 st gg 5.- Buildincsl eodirid/S:^Id Dairy Queen 10825 95 st ^ 4-5224 Ltd 8102 103 it GE 3-4269 Ming Hoi Imports 206-10357 109 rt..t£3-^ 6-8683 Hayes Everitt Soderstrom Farm Equipment Dairy Queen 7815 loi ave HO Nclelenbos W J 12843 71 rt 6R T T- ^43 IIDA GA 2-'^38 8-6175 Ltd 10252 105 st GA 2-1290 After Hours J. GA 2-6046 Dairy Queen Inglewood 12429 118 ave HU Tarcta E A 6818 104 rt GE 3-E- Dixie Eloy Drive Inn Enterprises HOAR R L & SONS 15616 111 ava. HU 9-3117 Trans World Tradit^ Co 11040 KIngsway ave GR 7-6820 Hoar R L & Sons 7505 111 st GE 3-4921 12 - 12105 102A w..hJ £--•*- Shoemaker F W 51 sve & 95 3t GE 3-6539 Doug's & Hughle Tasty Freeze HOfWltz & Son 14010 lCi2A avo . HU 0-8474 Vantage Commodities Ltd 7240 118 ave..GR 7-7629 Intemailonal Harvester Co of Canada Ltd 4 - 10313 82 we..GE ^ 10914 120 rt. .HU 8-8111 Hannigan Enterprises Ltd Weeks Arthur C Ltd 10240 106 Housing Development 12225 118 ave..HU 8-0303 Intarnational Harvester Co of Canada Ltd Western Trading Co 10301 104 i V' 10914 120 st HU B-7678 Hannigan Enterprises Ltd Western Trading Co 11017 96 st..!i'6A 4-?^' MEADOWLARK PARK CORP LTD 8-8888 N Farm Equipment Ltd Winkel Gerrit 7696 Jasper ave IVga e'^ Ste 1 11751 124 St..HU 5524 104 St..GE 9-3552 I WHO ASSEMBLY & DP/JLOPMENtX JASPER DAIRY LTD 119 st & 104 avOe .nU 8-1685 Maelcod's Ltd 10332 101 st GA 4-4551 J & E Dairy Drive Inns Ltd Macleod's Ltd 10332 101 st GA 2-2592 Importers & Exporten 9-4712 11019 65 ave..6E McLEOD'S TRACTOR PARTS Eurocania Import Export Co Sherwood Properties Ltd 2-0032 Mac's Drive Itm 10702 97 st GA 10407 45 St..HO N.*> eth fir Financial Wd9..GA 2-4157 7-1223 NEW & USED FARM MACHINERY. Mac's Tastee Dellte 12325 97 st GR International Trade Co Rm 6 Northern Alberta Dairy Pool Ltd 12907 61 SL GR 7-1234 Bulletin Bldg.,£A 4-.<- 10531 102 st..GA 2-8101 Humidifiers 2-2171 K "C W Importers Ltd 9623 111 PALM DAIRIES LTD MASSEY-FERGUSON LTD Royal Trade Agency 10271 99 st ga l - I premier Inthstrial Ltd SILVERWOOO DAIRIES LTD (Ednwntcn 2-5151 10616 103 ave. GA 2-3441 Shaben & Hamdon Ltd 11735 108 aw H'J 9649 lOlA ave..GA 4-4191 city Dairy Co) 109 st & 102 ave-.GA MERCIER MACHINERY LTD Vat Sun Co 10134 97 st Sislair H^n3 Supplies Ltd South Edmonton Creamery Ltd 3-2261 TRACTORS — THRESHERS 9016 112 avt..6R 9-1995 10105 82 ave..GE T Super Dairy Freeze Ltd 8517 109 st..GE 3-0071 IMPLEMENTS Incinerators Swell Time Ice Cream 12930 123A st..GL 5-6444 10249 108 St GA 2-2206 9-5228 Brovrn W G 9844 61 ave Tastee Delfte 4220 1I8 ave GE 3- Hydraulic Equipment & Supplier MInneapolis-Moline of Canada Ltd PRAIRIE ENGINEERING SALES LTD Coults Machinery Co Ltd 10940 120 St. .HU 8-7848 Stadium rd & 92 st, ,GA 4-1112 Ice-Dry Nordhclmer Farm Equipment Ltd Representing 12011 111 avc..HU 8-7680 HOOTER CURTIS LTO MORSE BOULGER DESTjrt^TDR C3- Liquid Carbonic .W 8-1223 OLIVER CORP INDUSTRIAL COMMB^cUlV Manufacturers of Hoover Hydraulic Pumps, (Successors to Hart Parr Oliver Plow Valres & Cylinders municipal incinerators Liquid Carbonic .W 8-2606 Nichols & Shcpord) 6618 lO&A ave. .GA 2-0725 DESIGNS — SPECIFICATIOHS air All MaVes PACIFIC TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO INSTALUTIONS 618 Northern Hdwe. Bidg....qa 24:^- URvSE ice Machines-Wholesale OLIVER Hour Direct Line) I Wilson Elnttrlc Swlte^Ltd ^ ^.3,15 Industrial Wheel & Ritz R 10385 60 ave G£ 12654 97 SUeel GR 9-1912 ZONO-CRETE MANUFACTURING Wilson Electric Supplies Ltd a.a740 1 10245 106 St..6A H 1/ Crawler Tractors Always Within Reach of Your. Allied Equipment Customers- fa e Yellow Pages.| MEfsViAL SERVIC^ Ottawa Loaders & mestfc Helping Uivtid for Dutch IramiCTantaIramigranta — Call P. G. Van Ilhsjr \ Backhoes NORTHERN HYDRA 11512 Groat Road GL 5-5670 9810 62 Ave GE 9-4935 12014 121 SL . GL 5-S?^ SERVICES LTD. PERFECTION MACHINE WORKS LTD i '>s. 'D«^oi^ Distributors'* Implfem^s ^ Manufacturers and ributors of Industrial Consultonts Alberta ImpIemefitrH>aAJe« Co Ltd Sinclair Keating Supplies Ltd 77 ave & 74 jt. .H0;^6-2666 in''FaribjJaSd Industrial Hois 9016 112 av»..GR AHls-Chalmers Rumley Ltd '* WESTERN INDUSTRIAL UBORATORIES^ 10304 103 St..GA''2-4011 |^_^aln Loaders X I Consultants on Proctst (^treir 7.6846 Heyi^uty PIW^MX and Product AmtysIJx tecl. & ^ 3.33J3 :enn" EntU BJ^'1^aters\ 9723 103 AIR AND HYDRA' design, iNSTALLAfKyjrJiEPAIR BROWN BERN1E FARM EQUIPM SALES ^£^RVICE Industrial Securities 5710 103A SL 11903 72 St L GR 9-6273 Allied Securities Ltd 203 Phillip, j.|^ ^ lONAL fh TRUCKS Phone GE 9-3941 D SAL YOU GET continuous drc'-''. tion for every dollar spcr.^ ^ NO 6-1^ 4 Aflar Hour 10160 108 GA 4-B835 10519 these YELLOW PAGES. Infants—Insolations 119 "WHERE TO BUY IT" J»g; Instrument Repairs—Continued Instruments—Continued Insulafing Materials—Continued GREEN CROSS PRODUCTS^ Marsh iRSUumeni & Vahre Co (Canada) ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD PRIMCO (WESTERN) LTD ^n.^ectic\des - Weed Kii Ltd 8^07 103 $l GE 3-6131 I EL|(?rkldALlldAL INSINSTRjUMENTS "MEGGERS' NORTHERN DRAFTING & BLUE PRINT 1UE|cY^TEjtS & TACHOMETERS HOLMES MINERAL Seed DTessings - Fungic^c^ xnns -GA 4-4171 'Or Farms, Gard'^ns and Hc^cs TEN TEST TIME JESTED Engineering Instrurn^t Foiboro Cp Ltd 8540 109 st GE 9-4915 n Repair Work \ Marsh Instrument & \^ive Co (Canada) 'TNSatATION..PR|)DUCTS \ Ltif 8407 103 it GE 3-7582 Tracaits. LctcIs. Alidades. Binoculars Premier-Wus^rial ltd 9649 GA 4-4191 '. MierostcDes, Etc. 10929 103 Ave" '^. .GA 4-7195 SERVICAIR INSTRUMENTS LTD ' 10652 101 St GA 4-5136 Zeidier W R Ltd 10305 80 ave GE 3-3145 SPECTRA INSTRUMENTS COMPLETE AIRCRAFT INSTRUI Insulation Manufacturers * ^veiyihtng for Modern Post Control kj Ofw^I jx\^pjrierf\ Repai SERVICE ALLIED CHEMICAL CANADA LTD For Information ^ INDUSTRIAL & 1-5505 114 ave .GL 5-7116 Scienlific BARRETT PRODUCTS Phone GA 2-3243 COMMERCIAL GAUGES. ALLIED CHEMICAL CANADA LTD Green Cross Products ^ INSTRUMENTS, METERS 14505 114 ave. .GL 5-7116 CccBCf. Anrvex Northern ttardware Btdg.^ 110^ 97"'St 4-6285 1134 SL & 102 Avt. g STRA 9»Trrwrw7r.r-'*rrcvt9^<wi-wi-w.-w-.w.-wz<rAW-.'r.:rj^ Ultronict (Alta) Ltd 108S8 Jaiper av*..GA 2-4274 Hangar No. 16 Hun. Airport.. GL 5-4177 AftCT'Hours .{ ;. .. GE 9-4-2SJ> Infants' Wear Instruments i BAKER INSTRUMENTS LTD Westroc Industries Ltd Bay Co Department Store 11015 102 $t,.GA 4-5211 Instruments—Mfgrs 2nd fir Munro Hdwe bIdg.-GA 4-3347 -''fcper ere from 102 st to 103 $l .
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