SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD VOLUME 28 NUMBER 25 SCOTCH PLAINS»FANWOQD THURSDAY, JUNE 29,-1978 20 CENTS Railroad station expert eyes Fanwood structure upon* converting suburban railroad stations vation. There are a number of other potential to community cultural centers. The bill never sources for funding, Lutin indicated. In Red passed. Lutin Is personally more interested in Bank, the community received a Community stations that still serve as commuter centers. Block Grant of $50,000 for the restoration The Fanwood railroad station is an exam- project. Such grants are made with regard'to ple of stations built in the Victorian era — an the-size of the community. In communities eclectic architectural period. "Many of them with CETA employees, It Is not uncommon were a hodge podge, I guess you'd call the to utilize CETA talent in such restoration Fanwood station an example of Carpenter projects, he pointed out, Gothic," the architect said. The station is "The role I play is that of mobilizing a typical of those of its period, with the community to become interested in stationmaster's apartment upstairs. restoration of a station," Lutin said. In the Lutin likened the Fanwood structure to a case of Fanwood, the community is already similar one in Red Bank, New Jersey, which interested, The borough acquired the old he was Instrumental in rehabilitating, in con- station building during the 1960's, and con- junction with the Red Bank community, In verted It for use as a community meeting the case of the Red Bank station, the down- house. Civic groups use the downstairs stairs portion of the restored building is still meeting room on a reservation basis, while retained for ticket sales, railroad use, etc. upstairs meeting rooms are generally used by That restoration encompassed the entire some borough boards and commissions. "station area, and plans included a "multi- The Red Bank restoration was achieved modal transportation center," with provision under Lutin's first grant from the National of a kiosk for bus ticket sales, etc, eventually Endowment for the Arts in 1964. It is a han- to be incorporated in the complex. The city, dsome Victorian station, which had once of Red Bank, which had earlier leased the been covered with ornamental woodwork, FANWOOD RAILROAD STATION station parking area to a concessionaire, took which had been torn off in 1945. Con- over the improved parking area and used siderable research was involved, in Jersey — among them the Fanwood station. The Fanwood Railroad Station was recen- receipts from parking to defray costs of the establishing origins and original appearance. Dr, Lutin is associated with the Transpor- tly cited by Professor Jerome Lutin of Prin- restoration. Application was made for Historic Lan- tation Program, in the Civil Engineering ceton University as a meritorious example of dmark status, and the borough got behind Department at Princeton, He has a While Lutin does not provide funding, his station architecture, and a potential focus for Lutin's efforts, arranging for. "architectural background in architecture and urban plan- grant permits liim to work with a local com- •restoration and rehabilitation to its past drawings, improved parking, a bus tur- ning. As a facet of_his first giant from the munity in 'investigating the many "pots" grandeur- Professor Lutin knows of which he naround, and many more attractions. The National Endowment, Lutin conducted a fiom which funding may be acquired for speaks, He is currently working under a grant Red Bank project was completed in 1976, survey of New Jersey railroad stations, selec- such projects. He is interested primarily in from the National Endowment for the Arts with a ceremony tied in to the passage of the ting candidates, "which were worthwhile, restoration of the outside of such buildings, in Washington, as an advisor on restoration Bicentennial Freedom Train through the where we might get something going in the and found no problem with the fact that of suburban railroad stations, During a community. recent presentation before the Union County way of restoration," Fanwood already had purchased the station Transportation Advisory Committ.ee, he He notes that a bill had been introduced in in Fanwood, and now uses it as a community He has since* received another grant from outlined his role, and showed slides*bf some Congress by Congressman Frank Thompson center, the same source for continuation of his effor- archiiecturally worthwhile stations in New of New Jersey, provisions of which focused "I'm not interested in turning these ts. stations into museums," he noted, "I'm In- During his initial efforts, the New Jersey terested in preserving the ones worth saving Department of Transportation was relatively for their architecture, while providing for disinterested in railroad station restoration. Councilman questions path of 1-78 new purposes and transportation functions." However, times have changed within the His first step in the case of the Fanwood D.O.T., he noted. The department recently Councilman Larry Newcomb of Scotch "Following the lead of Freeholder Amalfi, station would be to seek designation on the appropriated $250,000 for a team of con- Plains released a statement this week, in- the Union County Board of Freeholders has New Jersey Roster of Historic Sites — a sultants to evaluate all passenger stations, dicating his strong objections to delays in the taken a naive self-serving position that can move which would insure preservation of the studying needed repairs, general condition, completion of Route 1-78. Newcomb's com- only delay completion of this much needed building as a'legacy, and also opens the door etc. ments were made in response to comments link in our area's highway system," to some funding sources for historic preser- Continued On Page 5 from the Union County Board of Chosen Newcomb said. He called the guidelines listed Freeholders, noting that their recent takeover in the resolution impossible. of the Union County Park Commission "1-78 may be the most studied road in They're dangerous!! represents a new look at the path of 1-78. history," Newcomb said. He pointed out The highway link had been scheduled to go that plans were in the talking stage since the Scotch Plains Police Chief Michael Rossi tlerockets, in 32 cases resulting in total vision through a portion of the Watchung Reser- mid-50!s. Engineering was almost completed recently issued a warning concerning loss or impairment. Firecrackers and vation. The County Park Commission, after ten years ago. Since then, there have been fireworks, With July 4 holiday weekend ap- skyrockets followed, with roman candles and extensive study of the issue, gave approval to studies, Newcomb noted, proaching, vigilance is more important than even apparently harmless items like punk," the planned route. However, when the He pointed out that most recently, seven ever, he indicated, During the past few and sparklers which burn at heats exceeding freeholders came to Scotch Plains last week, alternatives were studied in depth, public weeks, there has been an increase in incidents 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, on the list. Since to conduct one of their meetings within the hearings held, and finally the alternates were occurring within the community involving the majority of firework victims are usually municipality, Freeholder Amalfi introduced rejected in favor of what is essentially the firecrackers. Recently, one youth was found under 15, parents are advised to keep even a four-faceted resolution which received sup- original route. in possession of a large quantity of "ash the smallest firecreackers out of the hands of port from his fellow freeholders. His "Why? Because the alternates were far" cans" or fireworks in the trunk of the car. their children. What looks like fun to the resolution called for: telling the state Depar- more costly; would be much longer in length; They contained enough powder to blow the young can Injure and even blind. tment of Transportation not to take the road require more land; cause more pollution and trunk off the car if set off accidentally, the through the Watchung Reservation; asking burn more gas; and would result in the chief noted. the Department of Transportation to make destruction of many more private homes Severe accidents are too frequently an "in-depth" study of alternate routes; than would the original route," Newcomb becoming a part of Fourth of July asking the Department to complete the high- commented. celebrations. It is a violation of state law to way link; asking that the completion not One of the alternatives studied in recent buy, sell, possess, transport or use fireworks, be delayed. years was a "south of the park" route which Rossi said. Penalties for violation of the would bring the highway link south of the fireworks law range from Si00 fines to 90 reservation, paralleling Route 22. This plan days in jail or both. It is also a violation of would necessitate the razing of private local ordinances. Rossi seeks cooperation ; Index homes, and was one of the more costly alter- from local citizens in insuring a safe and natives studied. The link would have fallen happy Fourth of July for residents. within Scotch Plains borders. In a similar reminder, the New Jersey "No one wants to give up parkland, but it Society for the Prevention of Blindness CLASSIFIED 21 is getting so the greatest environmental im- Issued information regarding the estimated EDITORIAL 4 pact of 1-78 is not what the road might cost, 7,555 Americans.taken to hospital emergency LEGALS 19 but the trees lost to make all the paper for the rooms for fireworks-related injuries last year. studies involved," Newcomb quipped, Fireworks are a threat to life and limb - but ;\' RELIGIOUS SERVICES 13 "In Scotch Plains, we know that Route 22 especially to eyesight - the society notes, SOCIAL 8 is an unsafe overcrowded highway today.
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