CTHEMedford, MA 02155 TUFTSTuesday, November 7,1989 DAILY?Vol XM, Number 44 Trustees approve Armenian art chair 120 “Survey of Armenian Art: by SCOTT DAMELIN Fourth to Fourteenth Century.” Daily Editorial Board In the course, students will Visiting Associate Professor study Medieval Armenia’s castle Lucy Der Manuelian is the first and church architecture, sculp- person to be named to the newly ture and illuminated manuscripts. endowed Dadian/Oztemel Chair “As the first country to adopt -, of Armenian Art, according to Christianity, Armenia’s religious Provost and Senior Vice Presi- architecture and sculpture pre- dent Sol Gittleman. date Romanesque and Gothic Theappointmentfor the 1989- monuments. The art will be stud- 1990 academic year became ef- ied in an international context fective on Nov. 4 at the fall Board since Armenia had ties with Rome, of Trustees meeting. Appointments Byzantium, the Far East and to endowed positions are renewed Western Europe,” according to by the Trustees each academic the description in the academic Year. bulletin. The new chair was endowed New Alumni Trustees Attend by a recent $1 million donation, Meeting but as of March 1,1990, the nec- Overseer and Secretary of the essary support for an endowed Photo bv Denise Dmer Corporation Joe Lambert said that This model from Physical Plant of the 378-bed dorm to be located between Latin Way and Baronial chair or professorship will increase two new alumni trustees attended $0$1.25 million. their first meeting last week. Field House reflects the basic design prior to minor modifications. The initial construction i Professor of Art History Made- expected to begin in a few weeks. Alumni trustees, who serve eight line Caviness, the chair of the Art year terms, are elected by the History Department, said that Der Tufts Alumni Association. Senate allocates funds ‘formarch Manuelian is “one of the few JoAnn Giffuni Sher, a 1953 smialists in the field.” graduate of Jackson College, is ganization’s activity which rep- for it. If my constituents don’t She said that Der Manuelian by ATHANAS resents one side of a moral issue. like it, they just won’t vote for me vice-president of the Giffuni Senior Staff Writer has been teaching at Tufts for Company of New York City and Some senators did not want to again -- it’s simple,” Rosenberg ‘Lsometime in either a part-time Prompted by a request from seem as if they were advocating saa.--3 former vice-president of the the Tufts Democrats to partially or full-time capacity.” Der Man- Teacher’s Insurance and Annuity one side of the abortion issue by Senator Randy Ravitz was uelian has also served as a visit- , fund a trip to the pro-choice march funding the Tufts Democrats for against the Senate allocating any Association. - in Washington DC, some Tufts ing professor at Harvard Univer- Sher is a member of the Board this event. funds because he felt it would sity, Northeastern University and Community Union voiced of Overseers of the Libraries of senators A representative from the Tufts show Senate approval of abor- University of Massachusetts- disapproval at their meeting Tufts University, and is a mem- Democrats told the senators that tion. “I don’t think it’s a thing the Boston. Sunday night of publicly taking a ber of the American and New 90 percent of students on campus senators shouldendorse... Senate Der Manuelian will be a visit- stand on controversial moral is- York Bar Associations. who responded to a poll voted in funding will show approval and I ing professor at McGill Univer- Brian O’Connell of McLean, sues. favor of pro-choice. The repre- don’t think it’s the Senate’s place sity during the spring semester, However,theSenateapproved Virginia, a 1953 Tufts College sentative felt that the Senate should to do that,” Ravitz said. but Caviness said that.these ar- $300 in discretionary funding for vote to allocate ttie money be- Both Senate Vice President graduate, is currently president the Democrats to defray the costs rangements were made before her cause a large number of the stu- Harlan Tenenbaum and Senate selection as an endowed chair. and chief executive officer of of busingstudents to Washington Independent Sector. This organi- dents the senators represented were Parliamentarian Silvio Tavares Caviness said that Der Man- for the Nov. 12 march. pro-choice advocates. agreed with the view held by zation is a Washington-based Duringthedebate,someSena- uelian teaches part of the FAH Senator Stu Rosenberg voiced Ravitz. Tavares said that he was 001 “Introduction to the History tors questioned whether the Sen- see CHAIR, page 5 his approval of funding the march. see FUNDING, page 6 of Art” course, as well as FAH ate should directly fund an or- “I’m pro-choice and I’l2ote Campus- groups work The changing face of campus for rape awareness A activism: LCS in transition describing myths surrounding rape by EMANUEL BARDAN’S by DAVID SPIELMAN and harassment and the warning Daily Editorial Board Daily Staff Writer sims.- The campus group called Ac- The group is also planning to Five years ago, a student who tively Working for Acquaintance conduct a survey to learn more chose to donate a fraction of his Rape Education, the Women’s about the attitudes and the in- time to charity would turn to the Collective, and the Inter-Greek stances of rape on campus, as Leonard Carmichael Society, the Council are currently pursuing well as an event to educate and primary campus coordinator of programs to educate students on empower women in dealing with charity work in Medford and the subjects of date rape and sex- these issues; Somervilleneighborhoods. Today, ual harassment. “It’s being fairly well accepted LCS is no longer a simple charity AWARE, formerly referred to on campus,” Barrett said of organizer. Instead, it engages as the University Committee on AWARE’S efforts. She explained students at both the temporal, local Sexual Harassment and Date Rape, that the group is planning to focus level and the larger, national level. was formed last year. According more on education this semester, LCS is, in effect, part of the , -r --- to Women’s Center Coordinator citing a “discrepancy between American students’ changing role Vik Akula and Neil Faden and AWARE Chair Peggy Bar- what people think is rape and in activism. plained, is to foster awareness in rett, the group is using many what actually is.” Instead of directing people to Speakers from service agencies, students and assist their reflec- methods this semester to educate Barrett said that a recent sur- homeless shelters and soup kitch- outside lecturers and general dis- vey conducted by the University ens as they did a few years back, tions and introspective analysis cussion groups facilitate reflec- students. They have printed book- of their service experience. of Atlanta found that of 2,971 LCS sends volunteers out and tion for the volunteers. marks, table tents, and posters “These people have always men from 32 colleges, one out of brings them back to discuss not Neil Faden, the current presi- only their experience, but the gone back to their dorms and talked dent of LCS, characterized the every 22 men stated that they had with their roommates about their engaged in intercourse without greater issues involved as well. change as the ‘‘evolution” of LCS. After volunteering in a homeless experiences,” Akula said, reflect- The organization, he said, now the woman’s consent. Only one ing on past years. Today, he says, of these men considered the ac- shelter, for instance, a student realizes that it is part of the same op-Ed .............................. P.3 the process is ‘‘a bit more formal- Philip Goldberg on the status 01 would return to LCS and learn society which it targets to im- tion a rape. ized. ’’ ‘Maggie’s Farm,’ and Chris Ball on thc Barrett attributed this in part about the national homelessness prove. free-speech controversy at American U crisis or urban poverty. For instance, volunteers are “We work in the community, to a “miscommunication between given a chance to look at their men and women that’s dyquite Indeed, the terms have changed, with the community, knowing that Arts .................................. p.7 indicative of the transition of LCS’s experiences in the company of we are part of the community, Heretix was worththepriceofadmis. profound.” She explained that otherswho have undertaken simi- society actively encourages men role -- a volunteer in LCS no making [it] a better place,” Faden sion Thursday night. Also: comic Rich longer does “charity work,” but lar activities. In addition, LCS said. Overton. and The Great Barrier Reef. to engage in intercourse even provides them with the facts about though women might be resis- rather undertakes a “service “It’s a long time in coming experience.” And the system of the greater issue -- the ever-wid- and it’s an importantstep forward Sports .............................. p.9 tant. ening gap between the rich and Athlete of the Week Steve Swift liver One of the ideas of AWARE, volunteeringhas changedas well. for students at Tufts and other up his name, but the golf team hits ViAkula, a former president the poor, the rising numbers of places to be directly involved in to the homeless, the need for more Lsome rough spots this fall. see AWARE, page 2 of LCS, calls the new approach handicapped service funding. see LCS, page 3 “therapeutic.” The goat he ex- “_ page two THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, November 7,1989 can all wear our blue jeans today tected by law. Also, animals do and tomorrow in peace and with- not have to be treated humanely Iout harassment.
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