Studia Rhetorica Upsaliensia 4 Series editor: Otto Fischer ”Strunt alt hvad du orerar” Carl Michael Bellman, ordensretoriken och Bacchi Orden Peter Lind Avdelningen för retorik vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen Dissertation presented at Uppsala University to be publicly examined in Ihresalen, Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3H, Uppsala, Friday, 4 April 2014 at 13:15 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The examination will be conducted in Swedish. Faculty examiner: Professor Lars Lönnroth (Göteborgs universitet). Abstract Lind, P. 2014. "Strunt alt hvad du orerar". Carl Michael Bellman, ordensretoriken och Bacchi Orden. Studia Rhetorica Upsaliensia 4. 322 pp. Uppsala: Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen. ISBN 978-91-506-2387-1. The 1760's and 1770's saw the emergence of numerous clubs, orders and societies in Stock- holm. One of the most extraordinary expressions of this phenomenon was Carl Michael Bell- man's Bacchi Orden, a series of semi-public dramatic entertainments chronicling the exploits of the members of Bacchi Orden, a fictional society enrolling several of Stockholm's most notorious drunkards and dedicated to the celebration of Bacchus. Bellman's parodic perspec- tive stands in marked contrast to the self-professed virtuous undertakings of Stockholm's contemporary clubs and orders, whose members were recruited from the social and economic elites and professional and artisanal classes. The main purpose of the dissertation was to study the ceremonial rhetorical practices of Bacchi Orden - speeches, processions and other features designed to enhance the members' loyalty to the society's chosen ideal - and compare them to similar rhetorical traits in several orders and societies of the era in Stockholm to understand what made Bellman's parody work as an entertainment. The dissertation consists of three chapters. The first chapter introduces Bacchi Orden as a parodic and dramatic work and the eighteenth-century associations as cultural and social institutions. The second chapter outlines the use of ceremonial rhetoric in a number of orders and societies in Stockholm contemporary with Bacchi Orden. Through a combined chrono- logical and thematic approach, the third chapter examines recurring rhetorical patterns in Bellman's parody and the rhetorical implications these patterns might have signaled to his audicence. The ceremonial rhetorical practices of Bacchi Orden may be interpreted as parodying rhe- torical commonplaces occuring in all the examined orders' pledges to uphold certain virtues for the benefit of the Swedish nation. This system of virtues - with moderation, patriotism and diligence as cornerstones - is put to parodic use in Bacchi Orden through the different breach- es of decorum Bellman allows his characters to act out in their doomed endeavors to combine ceremonial protocol and severe intoxication. As a contrast, friendly and frank companionship among the selected few is the one positive virtue that Bellman's audience can infer from his mock-society. This particular tenet became central to subsequent social clubs, which used Bellman's fiction as a template for their ceremonies. Keywords: Carl Michael Bellman, epideictic rhetoric, clubs and societies, 18th century, ceremonies, parody, demonstrativ retorik, klubbar och sällskap, 1700-tal, ceremonier, parodi Peter Lind, Department of Literature, Rhetoric, Box 632, Uppsala University, SE-75126 Uppsala, Sweden. © Peter Lind 2014 ISSN 1102-9714 ISBN 978-91-506-2387-1 urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-214576 (http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-214576 Printed by Elanders Sverige AB, 2014 Till Margareta Innehållsförteckning Förord ............................................................................................................ 11 1. Inledning ................................................................................................... 13 Vad är Bacchi Orden? .............................................................................. 14 Vad händer när Bellman samlar Bacchi Orden till möte? ................... 15 Syfte ......................................................................................................... 17 Avhandlingens disposition ................................................................... 22 Teoretiska och metodiska perspektiv ....................................................... 24 Ceremoniell retorik och det svenska 1700-talet .................................. 25 Genus demonstrativum och dygderna .................................................. 28 Den komiska diktningens särart ........................................................... 32 Den svårfångade Bacchi Orden ................................................................ 35 Det eklektiska i Bacchi Orden ............................................................. 35 På vilket sätt är Bacchi Orden en parodi? ............................................ 36 Textunderlaget för Bacchi Orden ........................................................ 42 Vad kallades verket? ............................................................................ 43 Hur blev texterna till levande teater? ................................................... 43 Vilka tog del av Bacchi Orden? ........................................................... 44 Källmaterial och avgränsningar ........................................................... 46 Forskningsöversikt ................................................................................... 49 ”Ack! Verlden är ängslig och tiden är svår” – den sena frihetstidens Sverige ...................................................................................................... 63 Politiska omständigheter i frihetstidens Sverige .................................. 64 Ekonomiska spörsmål i frihetstidens Sverige ...................................... 66 Sociala förhållanden i frihetstidens Sverige ........................................ 68 Ordenskulturen i Stockholm – ett frihetstida fenomen ........................ 69 2. Ceremoniell retorik inom ordenskulturen ................................................. 78 Serafimerorden – den historiska bakgrunden ........................................... 83 Serafimerordens tryckta stadgar och ceremoniel ................................. 85 Tessins kanslerstal vid Serafimerordens sammankomster ................... 87 Hur beroende var Bacchi Orden av Serafimerorden? .......................... 93 Ordenssällskapen i Stockholm ................................................................. 96 Material ................................................................................................ 98 Lojalitet mot orden och bröderna – Stockholms frimurarloger .............. 100 Decorum i ordenslokalen – Pro Patria .................................................... 107 Det reglerade umgänget ................................................................ 109 Den personliga utvecklingen – Utile Dulci ............................................ 114 Kampen mot lasterna .................................................................... 116 Sammanfattning ..................................................................................... 119 3. Bacchi Orden och spelet med ordensretoriken ....................................... 122 En backanalisk bruksanvisning – företalet till Lsr 3 .............................. 125 Bacchi Orden som sceniskt verk ............................................................ 131 Enmansteater eller kollektivt skådespel? ........................................... 132 Diktion och sångstil ........................................................................... 138 Gestik och rörelsemönster ................................................................. 140 Kroppspråk i dramatiska framställningar ...................................... 140 Dansens roll .................................................................................. 142 Reglerade rörelsemönster i ordenskulturen ................................... 145 Rekvisita och dekorelement ............................................................... 147 Musiken i Bacchi Orden ......................................................................... 152 De tidiga ordensvisorna .......................................................................... 157 ”Stig fram du Bacchi hjelte” – en typisk ordensvisa ......................... 158 Är några motiv uteslutande knutna till visorna? ................................ 161 Janke Jensen – ett retoriskt monster ....................................................... 163 Parentationen som retorisk arena ....................................................... 163 Minnestalaren Janke Jensen ............................................................... 167 ”Här ligger jag – än sen?” – Jensen som ostadig högtidstalare ......... 177 Vad händer därefter med Jensen? ...................................................... 183 Janke Jensen – en politisk karikatyr? ................................................. 186 Avslutande diskussion ....................................................................... 187 Hjältetanken i Bacchi Orden – drinkaren som dygdemönster ................ 189 De bortgångna dryckeshjältarna ........................................................ 189 Att finna rätt ord för att hylla dem som inte förtjänar det .................. 195 De levande dryckeshjältarna .............................................................. 199 Avslutande diskussion ......................................................................
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