PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (P&Z) Donna A. Keys-District 1 Craig Fletcher-District 3 Gregory W. Smith-District 4 George H. C. Lawrence-District 5 Richard H. Baker-Member at Large George Hamner-Member at Large Ann Reuter - Non-voting liaison School Board Robert E. Bruce, Chairman-District 2 The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet at 7:00 p.m. ON THURSDAY, August 9, 2007, in County Commission Chambers of the County Administration Building, 1840 25 th Street, Vero Beach. THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SHALL ADJOURN NO LATER THAN 11 :00 P.M. UNLESS THE MEETING IS EXTENDED OR CONTINUED TO A TIME CERTAIN BY A COMMISSION VOTE. AGENDA ITEM #1 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ITEM#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. July 12, 2007 Meeting ITEM#3 ITEM ON CONSENT A. St. Augustine at Vero Beach: Request for preliminary plat approval of a 57 lot conventional single-family subdivision to be known as St. Augustine at Vero Beach. Royal Professional Builders, Inc., Owner. Schulke, Bittle, & Stoddard, LLC, Agent. Located on the south side of33rd Street, west of66th Avenue. Zoning Classification: RS-3, Single-Family Residential (up to 3 units/acre). Land Use Designation: L-1, Low Density Residential (up to 3 units/acre). Density: 1.92 units/acre [Quasi­ Judicial) F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\P&Z\Agenda & Lists 200718-9-07 Agenda.rtf 1 ITEM#4 ITEM NOT ON CONSENT A East Coast Animal Medical Center: Request for administrative permit use approval for a veterinary clinic and accessory kennel to be known as East Coast Animal Medical Center. Dr. Valerie Biehl, Owner. Knight, McGuire & Associates, Inc., Agent. Located at 6580 69th Street. Zoning Classification: A-1, Agricultural 1 (up to 1 unit per 5 acres). Land Use Designation: AG-1, Agricultural (up to 1 unit per 5 acres). [Quasi-Judicial] ITEM#S COMMISSIONERS MATTERS A Update of Board of County Commissioner's action on USl Capacity ITEM#6 PLANNING MATTERS A. Planning Information Package ITEM#? ATTORNEY'S MATTERS ITEM#8 ADJOURNMENT ANYONE WHO MAY WISH TO APPEAL ANY DECISION WHICH MAY BE MADE AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING MUST CONTACT THE COUNTY'S AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COORDINATOR AT 772-226-1223, (TDD #772-770-5215) AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. Meeting may be broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 27 - may be rebroadcast continuously Saturday 7 :00 p.m. until Sunday morning 7 :00 a.m. Meeting broadcast same as above on Comcast Broadband, Channel 27 in Sebastian . F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\P&Z\Agenda & Lists 200718-9-07 Agenda.rt[ 2 . PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION There was a meeting of the Indian River County (IRC) Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) on Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the County Administration Building, 1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Florida. You may hear an audio of the meeting; review the meeting agenda, backup material and the minutes on Indian River County website www.ircgov.com/Boards/PZC/2007. Present were members: Chairman Bob Bruce, QI1iHct 2 Appointee; Donna Keys, District 1 Appointee; Craig Fletcher, Distriei'f::1'3:':Appointee; Greg Smith, District 4 Appointee; George H.C. Lawrence, Distri:[~5 App~j!]Jee and Dr. Richard Baker, Member-at-Large. ··· "25:. -<'•~ '"""' Absent was member: George Hamaer, Member-at-Large"(excused) and Ann Reuter, non-voting School Board Liai~~-~~-~ne~~~~d). · ·:. Also present were IRC st3ff: George 6'1Ein:i'f; Assistant County Attorney; Bob Keating, Community DevelB''Wifu:er:;it Directof;,ii,tan Boling, Planning Director; Steven Deardeuff and John McCo.t, sli\0I<::u;planner}~1Jrrent Development; Chris Mora, Assistant Director, Public 1.A{erks 13~~~§1.erri GbJ(ir;:ip-Lister, Commissioner Assistant. 't's:.. ::'='""''Ks · · ··. ·· '">,,::;. ".,::.:. "'"-~· ' ··:: .. ,¼:,, ·~·_,~:, ' :, : ". ,'._.;:,•• Call to Order andl?ieclge of~~llegian·c:~, ~ ..s,.,;, Chairman ~r'Qce calJe~Ifiu,;!,ffieetinI:J§to order and led all in the Pledge of Allegian~~- ::•: :::·:_'.::: ······. :::~:=~~;:' s Apprdv~iof the l\/lihute~:2.~.f::. _, ·••W•,&~,. ON MOTl~J~ B?;;:tMs. Keys, SECONDED BY Mr. ~-;~":.Fletcher members voted unanimously (6-0) to -"'~"'~" ' tile.__,,,,,~ ·s,i![>prove !§It June 28, 2007 meeting minutes as p"rij\;~l~~"~,· ITEM ON CONSENT7 Mrs. Collins-Lister administered the testimonial oath to all those present wishing to speak on any quasi-judicial items. Chairman Bruce read the following into record. PZC/Unapproved 1 July 12, 2007 F:\BCC\AII Committees\P&Z\2007 Ag&Min\Minutes 07-12-07.doc A. The Falls at Grand Harbor: Request for preliminary plat approval for a replat of The Falls at Grand Harbor Tract "F". GH Vero Beach Development, LLC, Owner. Masteller & Moler, Inc., Agent. Located within the overall Grand Harbor development, and is bordered by US Highway 1 on the west, Grand , Harbor Blvd on the north, and Indian River Blvd on the east. Zoning Classification: RM-8, Residential Multi-Family (up to 8 units per acre). Land Use Designation: M-1, Medium Density (up to 8 units per acre). [Quasi­ Judicial] Dr. Baker asked to pull Item A, The Falls at::Grand Harbor, from the Consent Agenda. •"'""~'..~,• . ,h:-,,;., ~"~~·-··· A discussion ensued on re-designating Jh~ tract to affc:i,i@recreation use at The Falls at Grand Harbor. .. .. .. Mr. Chris Cleary, Director of Devmij~ent for.c§~J5md Harbo~;"f:esponded a pool was being put in and indicated the islan£i~~?Yl<f:Eehlain the same.~ ON MOTION BY ,;~i?;sJ;!aker, SE~QNDED BY Mr. Fletcher, the mem6.e'.r;§°'uoanimously{{!i~0) approved preliminary plat apjif~9val"f.cff::;,Jbe r~';.f,iL9t and re­ designatioo ._of Tracfi,'tF" .!:>Ji:Tffe· ..F\1li~- at Grand Harbor. _ ✓,L-:: • ·, =-::·,,s":~,- · :, '' Public Hearing ;;:'· _,_..., '"-'~":.-::., ,. ' Chairman BruCe"re?~2f~e'toi16wirrg i~fb record. •'<- 7 ::::, ... : -~--= .'> :" _ _"._:_:,. A. H.iJ1jscus ctiicl_i-~n•~ 'e"epter: Request for special exception approval to e<j)rivert an exish~g 0 groupZ':llome building to a daycare facility. Hibiscus Chfld.ren's Center, 05iY.ner. 'is;Jeel-Schaffer, Inc., Agent. Located on the south side bf1 ih Street, vviJst of Old Dixie Highway. Zoning Classification: RM-6, Residenti!:iJ,Multi-Fa~ij~ (up to 6 units per acre). Land Use Designation: L-2, Low DensityLResid~nfial-2 (up to 6 units per acre). Density: 4.7 units per acre. (Quasi:!i.Jfuiii;ial] Mr. John McCoy, IRC Senior Planner, Current Development, reviewed the information contained in his memorandum, a copy of which is on file in the Commission Office. Chairman Bruce wondered where the Type C Buffer would be located if required. Mr. McCoy indicated it could potentially be required along the south and the west property line. PZC/Unapproved 2 July 12. 2007 F:IBCC\AII Committees\P&Z\2007 Ag&Min\Minutes 07-12-07.doc Mr. Fletcher asked what would be the age of the children attending the proposed daycare. Mr. McCoy replied the age was up to preschool and was not aware if the proposed daycare would accept any children over the age of five. Mr. Fletcher inquired whether there would be a fence around the proposed daycare site. Mr. McCoy answered in the affirmative and noted there was security already on the site. Chairman Bruce inquired what was the path for th_!;l. pickup and drop off area. Mr. McCoy understood the parents would come th:Eo]gh the clubhouse to sign in and then proceed to the proposed daycare;c'["Mr. McCoy noted the applicant felt a third of the children attending the prctposed facility were already on site. sf""; ..... ,,tt,>M~ Mr. Smith referred to the parking ar§g[as an allowabli}\!t.Qp off area, but there was no dedicated actual drop off ?Jfil])jiffiought there had td"~e a dedicated drop off area. Mr. McCoy pointed out a d~t{jgated drQ~[pff area was"n§i required, but the area was well off the road-~ay. -~,T:;:Oc::~.~~;:, ·· · Chairman Bruce opened tt're::{2ublic hearin@~I§t?:17 p.m. and since no one cared to speak, the public hearingl~fSCIB~t. '"'" . A discussion ens_µE:ld_pn a dedj§9tegfclrop? off :?r~a: Mr. Boling detailed the Land Development Regulations (LDRi%:)tvvould need0to be changed in order to get a dedicated <:lrp~:coff area}t He feittroore flexibility was needed on existing sites and noted tt:i;e(proposed~qi,l'ycare wal'.Fonot the primary use at this site. ,,,Q~,; ~6~[§~_};:~~ Ms;,;.:~~:;: SECONDED BY Dr. ,i2,:'B"a~g1;,'" ·th~, members unanimously (6-0) recommend~tl..s::. that the Board of County Commf s~[qners¥~grant special exception approval for the proBosed"'i:faycare use. Commissioners Matter's~ Ms. Keys ffl\erftf6ned at the last Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Meeting, there was'.'a discussion regarding the Kennedy rezoning and mentioned the BCC had requested that meeting minutes be reduced, but she felt there needed to be more information or reasoning on why a certain item had not been approved. She asked Mr. Robert Keating, IRC Community Development Director, on his opinion on how to fix the problem. Mr. Keating explained the meeting was recorded and accessible via internet. A discussion followed. PZC/Unapproved 3 July 12, 2007 F:\BCC\AII Committees\P&Z\2007 Ag&Min\Minutes 07-12,07 .doc Ms. Keys requested at the June 28, 2007 P&Z meeting if Mr. Chris Mora, Assistant Director, Public Works, could attend the July 12, 2007 meeting to discuss turn lanes.
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