First published 2013 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Editorial material and selection © 2013 Mustafa Shah; individual owners retain copyright in their own material All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identi¼cation and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryPROOFS Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data [CIP data] ISBN: 978-0-415-58074-8 (Set) ISBN: 978-0-415-58248-3 (Volume I) Typeset in 10/12pt Times NR MT by Graphicraft Limited, Hong Kong Publisher’s Note References within each chapter are as they appear in the original complete work UNCORRECTED 9780415582483_vol1_A01.indd 4 10-22-2012 3:31:12 PM contents CONTENTS VOLUME I TAFSHR: GESTATION AND SYNTHESIS Acknowledgements xiii Chronological table of reprinted articles and chaptersPROOFS xv Introduction 1 PART 1 History and development 159 1 Exegesis of the Qur’an: classical and medieval 161 claude gilliot 2 Origins and early development of the tafsCr tradition 191 fred leemhuis 3 Ibn al-Nadcm on the history of Qur’anic exegesis 207 dimitry frolow 4 Qur’anic exegesis in medieval Islam and modern orientalism 219 bruce fudge 5 The Qur’an and its world. IX. The triumph of diversity: Muslim exegesis 245 e. a. rezvan 6 Preliminary remarks on the historiography of tafsCr in Arabic: a history of the book approach 289 walid a. saleh v UNCORRECTED 9780415582483_vol1_A01.indd 5 10-22-2012 3:31:12 PM contents PART 2 Early exegetical texts 325 7 The beginnings of Qur’anic exegesis 327 claude gilliot 8 Grammar and exegesis: the origins of Kufan grammar and the TafsCr MuqAtil 351 kees versteegh 9 Zayd ibn ‘Alc’s commentary on the Qur’an 384 kees versteegh 10 Studying early tafsCr texts 401 andrew rippin 11 Al-Zuhrc, Naskh al-Qur’An and the problem of early tafsCr texts PROOFS416 andrew rippin 12 TafsCr Ibn “AbbAs and criteria for dating early tafsCr texts 443 andrew rippin 13 Dating the so-called TafsCr Ibn “AbbAs: some additional remarks 478 harald motzki 14 Ibn ‘Abbas in ‘Abbasid-Era TafsCr 493 herbert berg 15 The origins of Muslim exegesis: a debate 509 harald motzki VOLUME II TAFSHR: THEORY AND CONSTRUCTS Acknowledgements ix PART 3 Procedural and conceptual exegetical devices 1 16 MajAz al-Qur’An: periphrastic exegesis 3 john wansbrough vi UNCORRECTED 9780415582483_vol1_A01.indd 6 10-22-2012 3:31:12 PM contents 17 Contacts between scriptural hermeneutics and literary theory in Islam: the case of majAz 25 wolfhart heinrichs 18 The status of parable and simile in the Qur’an and early tafsCr: polemic, exegetical and theological aspects 50 haggai ben-shammai 19 Poetry citation as interpretive illustration in Qur’an exegesis: masA”il NA¼“ ibn al-Azraq 65 issa j. boullata 20 MuQkamAt and mutashAbihAt (Koran 3/7): implication of a Koranic pair of terms in medieval exegesis 78 leah kinberg 21 Text and textuality: Q. 3:7 as a point of intersection PROOFS104 jane dammen mcauliffe 22 Quranic hermeneutics: the views of al-nabarc and Ibn Kathcr 128 jane dammen mcauliffe 23 Al-Ghazali’s theory of Qur’an exegesis according to one’s personal opinion 142 muhammad abul quasem 24 The in½uence of Ibn Scna on al-Ghazzalc in Qur’anic hermeneutics 158 mesut okumus¸ 25 Through the lens of modern hermeneutics: authorial intention in al-nabarc’s and al-Ghazalc’s interpretation of Q. 24:35 181 ulrika mårtensson 26 The linguistic introduction to Razc’s TafsCr 210 kees versteegh 27 Notes on the importance of variant readings and grammar in the TafsCr al-ValAlayn 224 hartmut bobzin 28 Assessing the isrA”CliyyAt: an exegetical conundrum 237 jane dammen mcauliffe vii UNCORRECTED 9780415582483_vol1_A01.indd 7 10-22-2012 3:31:12 PM contents 29 Origin and use of the term isrA”CliyyAt in Muslim literature 258 roberto tottoli 30 A ¼fteenth-century Muslim Hebraist: al-Biqa‘c and his defense of using the Bible to interpret the Qur’an 275 walid a. saleh 31 The designation of “foreign” languages in the exegesis of the Qur’an 305 andrew rippin 32 The function of asbAb al-nuzEl in Qur’anic exegesis 315 andrew rippin 33 The exegetical genre nAsikh al-Qur’An wa mansEkhuhu 341 david s. powers 34 The revealed text and the intended subtext: notes onPROOFS the hermeneutics of the Qur’an in Mu‘tazila discourse as re½ected in the Tah{Cb of al-lakim al-vizumc (d. 494/1101) 360 suleiman a. mourad 35 Ibn Taymiya Treatise on the Principles of Tafsir 386 jane dammen mcauliffe 36 Ibn al-Jawzc’s exegetical propaedeutic: introduction and translation (of the muqaddimah to ZAd al-masCr fC “ilm al-tafsCr) 393 jane dammen mcauliffe 37 Hermeneutics of al-Baypawc in his AnwAr al-tanzCl wa asrAr al-ta’wCl 405 yusuf rahman 38 The development of theory on Qur’anic exegesis in Islamic scholarship 415 yeshayahu goldfeld 39 Capturing the meanings of God’s speech: the relevance of uREl al-¼qh to an understanding of usEl al-tafsCr in Jewish and Muslim kalAm 434 gregor schwarb 40 Creative hermeneutics: a comparative analysis of three Islamic approaches 474 peter heath viii UNCORRECTED 9780415582483_vol1_A01.indd 8 10-22-2012 3:31:12 PM contents VOLUME III THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TAFSHR Acknowledgements ix PART 4 Commentators and commentaries 1 41 Studies in Arabic literary papyri II: Qur’anic commentary and tradition. Document 1 3 nabia abbott 42 A comparison of the references to Muqatil b. Sulayman (150/767) in the exegesis of al-Tha‘labc (427/1036) with Muqatil’s own exegesis PROOFS33 mehmet akif koç 43 The name of the ant and the call to holy war: al-kaqqak b. Muzaqim’s commentary on the Qur’an 63 kees versteegh 44 “The persuasive proof ”: a study of Aristotle’s politics and rhetoric in the Qur’an and in al-nabarc’s commentary 82 ulrika mårtensson 45 The last of the Nishapuri school of tafsCr: al-Waqidc (d. 468/1076) and his signi¼cance in the history of Qur’anic exegesis 133 walid a. saleh 46 TafsCr from nabarc to Ibn Kathcr: problems in the description of a genre, illustrated with reference to the story of Abraham 160 norman calder 47 The Qur’an commentary ascribed to Imam lasan al-‘Askarc 196 meir m. bar-asher 48 Shi‘c Isma‘clc interpretations of the Qur’an 217 azim nanji 49 On the popularity of Husayn Va‘iz-i Kashi¼’s MavAhib-i “aliyya: a Persian commentary on the Qur’an 225 kristin zahra sands ix UNCORRECTED 9780415582483_vol1_A01.indd 9 10-22-2012 3:31:12 PM contents 50 The survival of the Mu‘tazila tradition of Qur’anic exegesis in Shc‘c and Sunnc tafAsCr 241 suleiman a. mourad 51 The Mu‘tazila and their tafsCr tradition: a comparative study of ¼ve exegetical glosses on Qur’an 3.178 267 suleiman a. mourad 52 Maturcdc and his KitAb ta’wClAt al-Qur’An 283 manfred götz 53 The Qur’anic commentary of Imam Fakhr al-Dcn al-Razc: its sources and its originality 314 j. jomier 54 The major sources of Sulamc’s minor Qur’an commentary 327 gerhard böwering PROOFS 55 mefc tafsCr reconsidered: exploring the development of a genre 349 jamal j. elias 56 Abe lamid al-Ghazalc’s esoteric exegesis of the Koran 363 nicholas heer 57 mefc tafsCr as a mirror: al-Qushayrc the murshid in his LaSA”if al-ishArAt 385 annabel keeler 58 The existential breath of al-raQmAn and the muni¼cent grace of al-raQCm: the TafsCr SErat al-FAtiQa of Jamc and the school of Ibn ‘Arabc 406 sajjad h. rizvi 59 Al-Kindc: the founder of philosophical exegesis of the Qur’an 436 jules janssens 60 Avicenna and the Qur’an: a survey of his Qur’anic commentaries 457 jules janssens 61 Qur’an commentary as sacred performance: the Bab’s tafsCrs of Qur’an 103 and 108, the declining day and the abundance 472 b. t. lawson x UNCORRECTED 9780415582483_vol1_A01.indd 10 10-22-2012 3:31:12 PM contents VOLUME IV TAFSHR: TOPICS, THEMES, AND APPROACHES Acknowledgements ix PART 5 Topics and themes of exegesis 1 62 Solomon and the horses: the theology and exegesis of a Koranic story, sura 38 (MAd ): 30–33 3 anthony h. johns 63 The Muslim Samson: medieval, modern and scholarly interpretations 27 andrew rippin PROOFS 64 Literary exegesis of the Qur’an: the case of al-Sharcf al-Rapc 43 mahmoud m. ayoub 65 Shahrastanc on the arcana of the Qur’an: a preliminary evaluation 61 toby mayer 66 You can’t tell a book by its author: a study of Mu‘tazilite theology in al-Zamakhsharc’s (d. 538/1144) KashshAf 107 andrew j. lane 67 Meccan trade and Qur’anic exegesis (Qur’an 2: 198) 146 uri rubin 68 The self-referentiality of the Qur’an: sura 3:7 as an exegetical challenge 156 stefan wild 69 The light verse: Qur’anic text and mefc interpretation 173 gerhard böwering 70 Moses or Alexander? Early Islamic exegesis of Qur’an 18:60–65 204 brannon m.
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