Catalogue Ⅰ.Teaching Plan 1. MBBS Curriculum for 2009 Grade………………………………………………………………….1 2. MBBS Curriculum for 2010 Grade………………………………………………………………….2 3. MBBS Curriculum for 2011 Grade………………………………………………………………….3 4. MBBS Curriculum for 2012 Grade………………………………………………………………….4 Ⅱ. Syllabus 1. Medical Biology…………………………….……………………………………………………….5 2. Human Anatomy…………………………….……………………………………………………..15 3. Histology and Embryology…………………………….…………………………………………. 39 4. Biochemistry…………………………….………………………………………………….….…...55 5. Medical Genetics………………………………………………………………………………..….72 6. Physiology…………………………….…………………………………………………….…..….84 7. Medical Immunology…………………………………………………………………….…….….102 8. Human Parasitology………………………………………………………………..…………..….118 9. Pathophysiology……………………………………………………………………………….…..130 10. Pathology…………………………………………………………………………………………139 11. Medical Microbiology……………………………………………………………………………155 12. Regional Anatomy………………………………………………………………………………..194 13. Pharmacology…………………………………………………………………………………….206 14. Diagnostics and Electrocardiography…………………………………………………………….226 15. Traditional Chinese Medicine…………………………………………………………………….253 16. Medical Imaging………………………………………………………………………………….262 17. Surgery……………………………………………… …………………………………………...270 18. Internal Medicine ………………………………………………………………………………...321 1 19. Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology……………………………………………………………343 20. Medical Stomatology……………………………………………………………………………358 21. Neurology and Psychiatry………………………………………………………………………368 22. Pediatrics………………………………………………………………………………………..378 23. Ophthalmology………………………………………………………………………………….392 24. Infectious………………………………………………………………………………………..399 25. Otorhinolaryngology…………………………………………………………………………….406 26. Critical Care Medicine…………………………………………………………………………..418 27. Oncology………………………………………………………………………………………...426 2 MBBS Curriculum for 2009 Grade Course Hour Weekly distribution per semister 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Course Number Course Credit Exam Theory Laboratory Nature 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 Chinese 23 368 11 5 5 3 + 2 Medical Chinese 8 128 4 4 4 4 + 3 Medical Talk 5 80 4 4 + Compulsory 4 General Situation of China 4 64 4 + 5 Basic Information Technology 4 64 4 + 6 Medical History 2 32 2 - 7 Medical Sociology 2 32 2 - Elective 8 Psychology 2 24 12 2 - 9 Medical Ethics 2 32 2 - General Education 52.0 824 19 7 7 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 Human Anatomy 8 80 96 6 6 + 11 Medical Biology 3 32 32 4 + 12 Histology and Embrology 5 64 32 5 + 13 Biochemistry and Molecular 7 80 64 9 + Chemistry 14 Genetics 2.5 32 16 3 + 15 Physiology 7 80 64 8 + Compulsory 16 Immunology 3.5 48 16 4 + 17 Pathology + 7 80 64 9 18 Medical Parasitology 3 40 16 3 + 19 Pathophysiology 4 48 32 6 + 20 Microbiology 5 64 32 6 + 21 Pharmacology 6.5 80 48 9 + Basic Medicine 61.5 728 512 6 15 20 22 6 9 22 Regional Anatomy 3 24 48 5 + 23 Public Health 3 48 3 + 24 Medical Statistics 2 32 2 + 25 Epidemiology 2 32 2 + 26 Diagnostics 6.5 78 48 8 + 27 Chinese Medicine 3 52 12 4 + 28 Cardiography 1 14 12 2 + 29 Medical Imaging 3.5 48 16 4 + 30 Surgery 1 5 52 52 7 + 31 Anesthesia 0 24 2 + 32 Nuclear Medicine 2 32 2 + 33 Community Medicine 1.5 24 2 + 34 Forensics 2 32 2 + Surgery 2 6 35 80 32 8 + 36 Medicine 1 6 84 24 7 + Compulsory 37 Gynaecology 5 + 5 64 32 38 Oral Science 1.5 24 2 + 39 Medicine 2 4 52 24 5 + 40 Neurology and Psychiatry 2. 5 40 12 3 + 41 Pediatriacs 5 64 24 6 + 42 Opthalmology 2.5 32 16 3 + 43 Infectious Diseases 2.5 32 16 3 + 44 Dermatology 2.5 32 16 3 + 45 Ear Nose Thoat Surgery 2.5 32 16 3 + 46 ICU 2 32 3 + 47 Oncology 2 32 16 3 + Summary of Medicine 48 5 32 16 6 + I(Internal Medicine ) 49 Summary of Medicine 5 32 16 6 + II(Surgery) Clinical Medicine 86 1156 448 0 12 14 17 24 23 49 Clinical Technique Training 4 32 64 8 + 50 Clinical Practice 48 1440 √ √ + Clinical Technique 51 0.5 √ + Compulsory Examination 52 Graduation Examination 1 0.5 √ + 53 Graduation Examination 2 0.5 √ + Practice 53.5 1472 64 8 Total 253.0 4180.0 1024.0 25.0 22.0 27.0 27.0 22.0 27.0 21.0 28.0 27.0 12.0 Total class hours and the course 5204.0 4 4+1 4+1 5+1 4+1 7.0 6 6 7 5 number of each semester 1 MBBS Curriculum for 2010 Grade Course Hour Weekly distribution per semister 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Course Number Course Credit Exam Theory Laboratory Nature 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 Chinese 23 368 11 5 5 3 + Medical Chinese 2 8 128 4 4 4 4 + 3 Medical Talk 5 80 4 4 + Compulsory 4 General Situation of China 4 64 4 + 5 Basic Information Technology 4 64 4 + 6 Medical History 2 32 2 - 7 Medical Sociology 2 32 2 - Elective 8 Psychology 2 24 12 2 - 9 Medical Ethics 2 32 2 - General Education 52.0 824 19 7 7 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 Human Anatomy 8 80 96 6 6 + 11 Medical Biology 3 32 32 4 + 12 Histology and Embrology 5 64 32 5 + 13 Biochemistry and Molecular 7 80 64 9 + Chemistry 14 Genetics 2.5 32 16 3 + 15 Physiology 7 80 64 8 + Compulsory 16 Immunology 3.5 48 16 4 + 17 Pathology 7 80 64 9 + 18 Medical Parasitology 3 40 16 3 + 19 Pathophysiology 4 48 32 6 + 20 Microbiology 5 64 32 6 + 21 Pharmacology 6.5 80 48 9 + Basic Medicine 61.5 728 512 6 15 20 22 6 9 Regional Anatomy 3 22 24 48 5 + 23 Public Health 3 48 3 + 24 Medical Statistics 2 32 2 + 25 Epidemiology 2 32 2 + 26 Diagnostics 6.5 78 48 8 + 27 Chinese Medicine 3 52 12 4 + 28 Cardiography 1 14 12 2 + 29 Medical Imaging 3.5 48 16 4 + 30 Surgery 1 5 52 52 7 + 31 Anesthesia 0 24 2 + 32 Nuclear Medicine 2 32 2 + 33 Community Medicine 1.5 24 2 + 34 Forensics 2 32 2 + 35 Surgery 2 6 80 32 8 + Medicine 1 36 6 84 24 7 + Compulsory Gynaecology 37 5 64 32 5 + 38 Oral Science 1.5 24 2 + 39 Medicine 2 + 4 52 24 5 40 Neurology and Psychiatry 2. 5 40 12 3 + 41 Pediatriacs 5 64 24 6 + 42 Opthalmology 2.5 32 16 3 + 43 Infectious Diseases 2.5 32 16 3 + 44 Dermatology 2.5 32 16 3 + 45 Ear Nose Thoat Surgery 2.5 32 16 3 + 46 ICU 2 32 3 + 47 Oncology 2 32 16 3 + Summary of Medicine I(Internal 48 Medicine ) 5 32 16 6 + Summary of Medicine 49 II(Surgery) 5 32 16 6 + Clinical Medicine 86 1156 448 0 12 14 17 24 23 49 Clinical Technique Training 4 32 64 8 + 50 Clinical Practice 48 1440 √ √ + 51 Clinical Technique Examination 0.5 √ + Compulsory 52 Graduation Examination 1 0.5 √ + 53 Graduation Examination 2 0.5 √ + Practice 53.5 1472 64 8 Total 253.0 4180.0 1024.0 25.0 22.0 27.0 27.0 22.0 27.0 21.0 28.0 27.0 12.0 Total class hours and the course 5204.0 4 4+1 4+1 5+1 4+1 7.0 6 6 7 5 number of each semester 2 MBBS Curriculum for 2011 Grade Course Hour Weekly distribution per semister 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Number Course Credit Exam Course Nature Theory Laboratory 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 Chinese 23 368 11 5 5 3 + Medical Chinese 2 8 128 4 4 4 4 + 3 Medical communication 5 80 4 4 + Compulsory 4 General Situation of China 4 64 4 + 5 Basic Information Technology 4 64 4 + 6 Medical History 2 32 2 - 7 Medical Sociology 2 32 2 - Elective 8 Medical Ethics 2 32 2 - 9 Psychology 2 24 12 2 - General Education 52.0 824 19 7 7 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 + Medical Biology 3 32 32 4 4 11 Human Anatomy 8 80 96 12 12 Histology and Embrology 5 64 32 5 + 13 Biochemistry and Molecular 7 80 64 9 + Chemistry 14 Genetics 2.5 32 16 3 + 15 Physiology 7 80 64 8 + 16 Immunology 3.5 48 16 4 + Compulsory 17 Medical Parasitology 3 40 16 3 + 18 Pathophysiology 4 48 32 6 + 19 Pathology 7 80 64 9 + 20 Microbiology 5 64 32 6 + 21 Regional Anatomy 3 24 48 5 22 Pharmacology 6.5 80 48 9 + Basic Medicine 64.5 752 560 4 21 20 13 20 9 23 Public Health 3 48 3 + 24 Medical Statistics 2 32 16 2 + 25 Epidemiology 2 32 2 + Diagnostics 6.5 26 78 48 8 + 27 Chinese Medicine 3 52 24 4 + 28 Cardiography 1 2 + 14 12 29 Medical Imaging 3.5 48 16 4 + 30 Surgery 1 5 52 52 7 + 31 Anesthesia 0 24 2 + 32 Nuclear Medicine 2 32 2 + 33 Community Medicine 1.5 24 2 + 34 Forensics 2 32 2 + 35 Surgery 2 6 80 32 8 + 36 Medicine 1 6 84 24 7 + Compulsory 37 Gynaecology 5 64 32 5 + 38 Oral Science 1.5 24 2 + 39 Medicine 2 4 52 24 5 + 40 Neurology and Psychiatry 2. 5 40 12 3 + 41 Pediatriacs 5 64 24 6 + 42 Opthalmology 2.5 32 16 3 + 43 Infectious Diseases 2.5 32 16 3 + 44 Dermatology 2.5 32 16 3 + Ear Nose Thoat Surgery 2.5 45 32 16 3 + 46 ICU 2 32 16 3 + 47 2 32 16 3 + Oncology Summary of Medicine I(Internal 48 5 32 16 6 + Medicine ) 49 Summary of Medicine II(Surgery) 5 32 16 6 + Clinical Medicine 157 1988 1100 18 27 32 17 24 23 49 Clinical Technique Training 4 32 64 8 + 50 Clinical Practice 48 1440 √ √ + 51 Clinical Technique Examination 0.5 √ + Compulsory 52 Graduation Examination 1 0.5 √ + 53 Graduation Examination 2 0.5 √ + Practice 53.5 1472 64 8 Total 327.0 5036.0 1724.0 23.0 28.0 27.0 36.0 51.0 45.0 21.0 28.0 27.0 12.0 Total class hours and the course 6760.0 4 4+1 4+1 5+1 4+1 7.0 6 6 7 5 number of each semester 3 MBBS Curriculum for 2012 Grade Course Hour weekly distribution per semister 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Course Number Course Credit Exam Theory Laboratory Nature 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Chinese 23 368 11 5 5 3 + 2 Medical Chinese 8 128 4 4 4 4 + 3 Medical communication 5 80 4 4 + Compulsory 4 General Situation of China 4 64 4 + 5 Basic Information Technology 4 64 4 + 6 Medical History 2 32 2 - 7 Medical Sociology 2 32 2 - Elective 8 Medical Ethics 2 32 2 - 9 Psychology 2 24 12 2 - General Education 52.0 824 19 7 7 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 Medical Biology 3 32 32 4 4 + 11 Human Anatomy 8 80 96 12 12 Histology and Embrology 5 64 32 5 + 13 Biochemistry and Molecular 7 80 64 9 + Chemistry 14 Genetics 2.5 32 16 3 + 15 Physiology 7 80 64 8 + 16 Immunology 3.5 48 16 4 + Compulsory 17 Medical Parasitology 3 + 3 40 16 18 Pathophysiology 4 48 32 6 + 19 Pathology 7 80 64 9 + 20 Microbiology 5 64 32 6 + 21 Regional Anatomy 3 24 48 5 22 Pharmacology 6.5 80 48 9 + Basic Medicine 64.5 752 560 4 21 20 13 20 9 23 Public Health 3 48 3 + 24 Medical Statistics 2 32 16 2 + 25 Epidemiology 2 32 2 + 26 Diagnostics 6.5 78 48 8 + 27 Chinese Medicine 3 52 24 4 + 28 Cardiography 1 14 12 2 + 29 Medical Imaging 3.5 48 16 4 + 30 Surgery 1 5 52 52 7 + 31 Anesthesia 2 + 0 24 32 Nuclear Medicine 2 32 2 + 33 Community Medicine 1.5 24 2 + 34 Forensics 2 32 2 + 35 Surgery 2 6 80 32 8 + 36 Medicine 1 6 84 24 7 + Compulsory 37 Gynaecology 5 64 32 5 + 38 Oral Science 1.5 24 2 + 39 Medicine 2 4 52 24 5 + 40 Neurology and Psychiatry 2.
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