•,/ ................. I I m l .............m il < ATcrage Dally Nat Praaa Rim ror tlw Weak Baded dm * 4th, 1940 13,125 HMobar oC tto Audit B on u of ObeuUtlou Manchester—“A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXIX, NO. 287 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1960 (ClaOilflod Adrorttelng on Pugo 9) PRICE FIVE CENTO Dag, UN Force State News Roundup U. S. Orbits Space Balloon Eorget Disputes, PW Chief Urges Elisabethville, The Congo,'f o f the airport terminal. Preceded Aug. 12 (A>)—United Nations by bodyguards, the Secretary Hartford, Aug. 12 (i?*)—- Secretary General Dag Ham'- General walked down the steps of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft to­ his white twin-engine plane and As Aid to Communications marskjold and the first U.N. was greeted by Tshombe and all day called upon all its em­ troops to enter secessionist the members of the Katanga Gov­ ployes to but aside any dif­ Katarlga Province landed here ernment now in Elisabethville. ferences that might have today. Tshombe appeared in high arisen from the recent strike The troopa— 220 Swedea— arriv­ spirits. He joked and laughed with and .join together to meet “ the Hammarskjold and his party for a Sphere to Be Visible ed in five planes, tpuching down at toughest competitive chal­ IQ-minute intervals. Hammarskjold and- the troops al­ (Conitaiied on Page five) lenge in our history.” most did not land after all. The In individual letters to more-than crowd at the airport- saw Ham- 30,000 of the company’s employes On 5 Passes Tonight marskjold's plane arrive at 1:40 L. C. Mallet, general manager of p.m. and circle the airfield three Bowles Drops Pratt & Whitney Aircraft said times before it finally landed. the strikes caused great personal hardships to manv employes, both Wa.shington, Aug. 12 (/P)^—The Echo I balloon satellite will Katanga’s President and Pre­ From Race for union and non-union. mier, Moise Tshombe,' and other Let us all now resolve to put be visible to many Americans on five passes tonight, the Na­ government officials waiting at the them behind us and forget them,” tional .Aeronautics and Space Administration said to ^ y . airport were told as the plane Seat in House Mallet said. "Although this may be The first of these, around 9:1.5 p.m. EDT, may be visible circled that the Secretary refuised a counsel of perfection, I insist that from the U.S. eastern seaboard. to land. • - — • . whatever the differences may have Airport officials dashed back and Washington. Ang. 12 (.P) — Rep. been which separated us for the The four other pa.sses, two hours apart during the night, forth from the control 'tower to Chester Bowles.-(D-Conn), often past few weeks the.v ipust now be will be visible wherever the skies are clear over most of the find out what was .happening. mentioned as a leading choice for put aside. Our former differences U.S. It appeared the control tower’s Secretary of State if the Demo­ cannot be allowed to interfere with European operator had told Ham­ crats win the White House in No­ the big job that faces all of us at Cape Canaveral, Fla., Aug. 12 (TP)— The United States sent marskjold he would .be allowed to vember. will not seek re-election Pratt & IJ/hitney Aircraft, which to Congress: land but that permission would be is to meet and overcome the tough­ a giant communications satellite into orbit high above the refused to the planes carrying the Bowles, foreign affairs adviser to Earth today and quickly signaled its success by bouncing a Sen. John F. Kennedy, the Demo­ est competitive challenge in our .Swedish soldiers. hlstor.v.' mes.sage from President Eisenhower across the nation. Tshombe was appalled and cratic presidential nominee, said he had no understanding or com­ He added: “ Our futures success The new space messenger, a balloon high as a 10-story quickly ordered the control tower depends, as never, before, upon our to allow sill U.N. planes to land^ mitment with anyone. But he made building, was rocketed up from this missile test center at 4:39 it clear he wanted to be free to ability to work together as a The tower operator had abided team.” a.m. EST. by previous Instructions that on' accept appointment to a high gov­ ernment post if it should be of­ Mallet said that, as a result of A little oyer two hours later the National Aeronautics and no condition should U.N. troops the disruption caused by the strike, be allowed Intd the airport. fered. Space Administration announced it was successfully in orbit. Bowles announced his withdraw­ “ we have lost some ground which Although Tshombe three days we must'how make up. Unfortu­ T^lien at 9:10 a.m. EDT, less than four hours after launch, ago smnounced he now was willing al from the congressional race late the recorded message from the President was played back yesterday, saying he would devote nately too, ‘for the same reason, to accept the U.N. troops under his time to campaigning for a Ken- some employes will have to accept at a news conference in Washington. the Security Council mandate for ned.v victory. _ a lesser job than the one held be­ The message came baclt loud and clear when received at replacement df the Belgian sol­ Kennedy said he sincerely appre­ fore the strike, and some will have Holmdel, N. J., after being sent from Goldstone, Calif. diers on ditty in Katanga, the or­ ciated Bowles’ offer of assistance to be placed on a preferred list be­ It said; <«* der to prevent them from landing and stated "his aid will be invalu­ cause no suitable job is available "rhis is President Eisenhower never was withdrawn at the air­ able to me.” He added "Chester for them. speaking. port control tower. Bowles has always been motivated “To any aircrafter who has had “ It is a great personal satisfac­ This explanation was g^iven to by the highest sense of public, re­ the misfortune to fall into either tion to participate in this first ex­ Mirror in Sky newsmen by Tshombe himself. sponsibility.” one of these classes, I give my as­ periment in communications in­ Hammarskjold’s plame finally surance that you will- be consid­ volving the use of a satellite bal­ taxied up to the apron In front (Conttnned on Page Two) ered for return either to your Men appear as midgets in front of the 100-foot diameter plastic balloon of the type rocketed into loon known as Echo. ' ToHelpGabby, former job or,to the best available orbit early today at Cape Canaveral. Fla. This photo was made during an inflation test late last “This Is one more sigqiificant job as rapldl.y as circumstances year. (NASA Photo vla AP Photofax). step in the United States program permit in accordance with our of space research and exploration. Curious World Medical Care Bill Delayed agreement with the union.” “ The program is being carried forward vigorously by the United Holmdel, N.J., Aug. 12 (JV -A Morano Withdraws States for peaceful purposes. for *hlnny mirror hung In the sky to­ X15 Sets New Snatched from Pacific the benefit of oil mankind. day marks the first step toward Greenwich, Aug. 12 '(/P)—De­ giving swift, sure new telephone, Dirksen Blocks Limit "The satellite, balloon which has clining to buck opposition from his reflected these word* may be used news, and TV channels to a gabby own party, former U.S. Rep. A l­ Altitude Mark freely by any nation for similar ex­ and curious world. bert P. Morano says he won’t run periments in its own interests. The sky mirror is a giant balloon ■To Wage Bill Debate for his old Fourth District con­ Capsule Recovered 'Information necessary to pre­ shot into orbit this morning. gressional seat (Fairfield County). Of 131,000 Feet pare for such participation was Radicrstgnals shot up from Earth After his defeat In a Republican widely distributed some weeks can, it is hoped, be bounced back Washington, Aug. It A 'futes unless they get unanimous primary July 27 by State Sen. Edwards Air Force Base, CJalif., ago. clearly and surely to other parts MU providing medical care for consent to prpceed longer. Abner W. SIbal, Norwalk, the Aug. 12 — The X15 today "The United States will con­ of the Earth. the sbged probably won’t be Republfcans and Democrats op­ pgrty-endorsed candidate, Morano rocketed an Air Force test pilot After Orbiting Earth tinue to make freely available to This and later tests ultimately . ready for the Senate lintU next posing provisions o f the minimum said he might run for the seat as more than 24 miles skyward, the world the scientific informa­ promise a system of satellites week. That was the word -to­ wage bill offered by Sen. John an independent. man’s highest flight, yet. The new tion acquired from this and other through .which: day from Sen. Harry F. Byrd F, Kennedy, the Democratic presi­ Yesterday he announced he had record: 131,(XK) feet, ^Washington, Aug. 12 (JP) — A experiment* in Us program of You may dial an operator in to the Air Force. Seme of the pre­ space exploration." Chicago, give a number, and quick­ (D-Va), chairman of the Sen­ dential ' nominee, concentrated decided against making the race. Haj. Robert M. White, in the space capsule fired back to Earth vious launchings had failed to put ate Finance Gommlttee which their early fire on its expansion Morano represented .the tradition­ same plane set a world speed from an orbiting U.S.
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