VallielMatM\1/4 NZ '440010***4*****'\ *.a,k 31ebe June 9, 1995 Vol.PertVo 23 No. 6 Tenth Great Glebe Garage Sale best ever BY !CATHRYN BRADFORD and handed out so that shoppers successful winners of the GGGS Do- On Saturday, May 27th, the Glebe could find them. If you plan to nation Contest! was host to thousands of "garage- participate next year, the message We also asked a photographer to salers" who came looking for trea- is - register early, and get men- case the Glebe in search of signs for sures and junk in our 10th annual tioned in the list! our Sign Contest. Those signs we Great Glebe Garage Sale. And how Food Bank volunteers were found ranged from the ultra-cre- Great it was! The-weather was per- swamped by this high number of ative to the rustic, but all delivered fect (maybe even a bit too hot for participants, and as a result not all their message! We had a tough time some!), the lemonade stands did a sites were visited by a Food Bank choosing the winner, but after much roaring business, garages were representative to pick up dona- thought we awarded the prize to cleaned out, and everyone had a tions. Even so, the total received as Bonny Berger of Findlay Street for good time. of Thursday June 1 was $6,200, her sculptural sign of eminently Over 400 Glebe households par- with more donations to come! Let's garage-salable items - anyone need ticipated with enthusiasm. We had make 1995 a record year for dona- a used water dipper? Congratula- 200 sale sites registered the night tions from the Great Glebe Garage tions, Bonny. before the Sale, and the Glebe Com- Sale. If you have yet to make yours, Thanks to the volunteers and GCA munity Association's four Garage please send a cheque to the Food board members who helped organize Sale "ambassadors" registered Bank, or call 238-4159 to arrange the Sale. It was a lot of work, but it about 200 more on the day of the for drop-off in the Glebe. was fun! If anyone has suggestions Sale! All those who registered be- We're still calculating who the for the Garage Sale, please call me Bonny Berger of Findlay Avenue fore the Sale had their addresses top three donors are, so as soon as at 238-4159. You might even be- with her prize-winning GGGS sign and special sale items published we know we'll get in touch with the come a volunteer for next year! Photo: Martine Bresson Concert in Central Park Sylvia Holden Park officially open June 11 BY COUNCILLOR JIM WATSON Glebe residents are invited to June 1, 1995 was a very special hear the Air Command Pipes and day in our community. Over 125 Drums play in Central Park on people came out to honour their Tuesday July 11. Once again Glebe friend and neighbour Sylvia Holden residents Pushpa Jain and Lloyd as we officially opened Sylvia Holmes have invited the 45 piece Holden Park at the corner of Bank band with 25 bagpipes to perform Street and Holmwood Avenue. I was in the park west of Bank Street at pleased to host this event, and we 8:00 pm. were fortunate to have Jim Foster, Come out and bring the family, Past President of the Glebe Com- your lawn chairs and blankets, and munity Association and Inez Berg, enjoy! Editor of the Glebe Report attend the ceremony and say a few words about Sylvia. Sylvia Holden, who was the inspi- INSIDE ration behind this park, worked tirelessly for over twenty years to Letters 5 enhance the quality of life in our GCA 6 community and to preserve our green spaces and community facili- GNAG 7 ties. This beautiful park which Glebe Questions.... 14 features three acres of green space and offers a spectacular view of the Sport 23 From left: Jim Foster, Past President of the Glebé Community restored Aberdeen Pavilion is a Association, City Councillor Jim Watson, Sylvia Holden and Inez Feature 20 fitting honour to Sylvia her Berg, Editor of the and Glebe Report cut the ribbon at the official dedication to the Glebe. opening of Sylvia Holden Park. Arts 21 Photo: City of Ottawa Archives Complimentary hot dogs, ham- School News 25-29 burgers and soft drinks were Graham, the City's new Commis- the Central Canada Exhibition As- generously donated by Jim McKeen sioner of Community Services sociation Bernie Colterman, and and Loeb Glebe. Former city Suzanne McGlashan, Lansdowne Glebe Community Association councillor Jack MacKinnon Park Director John Gray, the CEO of President, Diane McIntyre. Quote of the Month entertained us with his bagpipes. "Roses are red, Thanks to everyone who attended Violets are blue the event for making the evening Come in Folks such a success. It was delightful to We're counting on you, have so many Glebe Centre resi- Art in the Park To help us move dents in attendance, as well as sev- Don't forget! From big to small, eral others who watched the cere- 10 Park, So come on folks mony from their balconies. Saturday June Central Please buy them all, Also in attendance were Regional 10 to 3 east side The Food Bank gets a share you know Councillor Brian McGarry, Ottawa So please dig deep and help it grow!" Board of Education Trustee Lynn Garage Sale Sign Sally Cleary NEWS Thank-you lise for 2 decades of caring for your community BY CLARA HIRSCH and Ilse went on to create "a place It is the end of a chapter in the where you could sit down and truly legendary life of lise Kyssa, relax and have healthy, tasty food." proprietor of the Pantry. After 20 Lorry Greenberg knew the value of years of endless hours, loving care, the Pantry and brought his staff for and the culinary skills that lunch on several occasions. Tables Austrians are famous for, lise has spilled into the main hall to ac- decided to spend more time with commodate the crowd. her grandchildren, her garden and lise is the kind of person who has do a few things she's always wanted always attracted a large following. to do. When The Pantry re-opens in Her co-workers at the Pantry are September it will be operated by also some of her best friends. Ilse's long-time friend and co-. Catherine Curry, Elizabeth Scott, worker Carolyn Best. Carolyn Best and her sister Gwen The Glebe has been unusually Best have worked with Ilse for over fortunate to have one of the finest a decade and there are always peo- tea rooms in the city located in its ple visiting who simply want to own community centre. Indeed, it partake in Ilse's warmth and has received accolades for being at vivacity, and her commitment to the top in its class on more than issues. one occasion. In the summer of 1988, for example, Ottawa Magazine lise has developed a coterie of said: younger friends over the years. She " the Pantry is the hands-down provides the children of the After winner of the "coziest tea room in Four Programme a special snack ev- Ottawa" award....It is like visiting a ery day. She laughs when she de- charming country kitchen where scribes the pleasure the children every inch of floor space is filled have in "ordering:" "They think with those things that, collected they are ordering 41 la carte at the Ritz over the course of a lifetime, make a Carleton: I'll In the Pantry, 1978: Ilse Kyssa pours coffee have cream cheese with jam and for Sylvia Holden (rt.) and house a home." Allison Dingle (1) who is holding her daughter Sarah. But it is not only the country- cheese on the side, please." kitchen warmth of the Pantry that Ilse's culinary skills are not her FOR YOUR ONE STOP SHOPPING IN THE GLEBE Ola draws so many to this quiet corner only achievement She has been of the Glebe Community Centre. It celebrated for her efforts to con- is first and foremost the food. In serve our environment. She brings INNISS PHARMACY "All the best for 1978" the Ottawa a wicker basket or string bag for 769 BANK ST. (AT SECOND AN/I.:NIT) Journal declared The Pantry "Best every shopping excursion and for Snacks" for its rich soups, imagi- years lugged home (on her now TEL: 235-4377 FAX: 235-1460 native sandwiches, wholesome famous bicycle) all The Pantry's vegetable waste until she installed baked goods, gourmet salads - all Pick up this months free made by Austrian kitchen artist composters. In 1994, she received Ilse Kyssa." the Whitton Award for Environment newsletter The Pantry, however wasn't al- and Business Activities. Claritin 10mg ways the successful enterprise it is 1 asked Ilse what had ever pos- The "Eyes" have it! 18+4=22 tabs today. It had humble beginnings as sessed her to start a tea room. She Lens Plus Solution $14.99, with in three tables of baked goods at a said she was born on the border of 360mIs $5.49 coupon Flea Market. Then, in 1975, lise Austria and former Yugoslavia, store an Opti-free Enzymatic and the café moved into the small where aunt owned an inn. She Cleaner Reactin 10mg 18's room in the north-east corner of the arrived in Sudbury in 1951 and $18.99, now moved to Tabs 16's $9.99 Community Centre. lise offered me Montreal where her hus- Allergan Complete available without band studied at McGill.
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