Slavery and Slaving in African History Sean Stilwell Index More Information

Slavery and Slaving in African History Sean Stilwell Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00134-3 - Slavery and Slaving in African History Sean Stilwell Index More information Index Abbas, Emir of Kano, 189 Trans-Atlantic slave trade and, 145 , Abeokuta, 103 166–167 Abiodun, Alafi n of Oyo, 115 , 118 Ahmadu, Seku, 56 Abomey, 113 , 151 , 169 Ajagbo, Alafi n of Oyo, 115 Afrikaners, 57 , 186 Akan, 47 , 146 , 148 Agaja, King of Dahomey, 115 , 151 Akwamu, 75 , 101 age grades, 78 , 82 , 123 Akyem, 147 agricultural estates, 56–57 , 111 , 133 , al Rahman, ‘Abd, Sultan of Dar Fur, 140 135 , 138–142 , 150 , 152 , 157–159 , al-Kanemi, Shehu, 110 162–164 , 166–168 , 171 , 190 Allada, 151 agricultural revolution, 32 , 35 , 61 Aloma, Idris, 104 agriculture, 33 , 38 Álvaro II, King of Kongo, 97 , 105 Akan and, 147 Angola, 190 , 191 Asante and, 149 Anlo, 75 Borno and, 139 slavery and, 75–76 Dahomey and, 152 , 168–169 Anti-slavery international, 212 Dar Fur and, 140 António, King of Kongo, 105 economy and, 133 Archinard, Louis, 182 expansion of, 35 Aro, 86 freed slaves and, 204 Asante, 20 , 48 , 51 , 101 , 114 , 122 , 148–151 , Hausa city states and, 140 153 , 162 , 167 , 187 , 203 Kingdom of Kongo and, 159 Austen, Ralph, 167 origins of slavery and, 36 Austin, Gareth, 130 Sennar and, 141 Awdaghust, 134 slavery and, 37 , 128–131 , 133 , 135–142 , Axum, 37 , 99 146 , 150 , 152 , 155–157 , 159–160 , 164 , 167–168 , 170–172 , 174 , 188 , Badi II, Sultan of Sennar, 141 191 , 198 Bagirmi, 105 Sokoto Caliphate and, 166 Balanta, 60 , 78 Songhay and, 135–136 Bamba, Amadu, 197 South Africa and, 154–155 Bambara, 139 217 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00134-3 - Slavery and Slaving in African History Sean Stilwell Index More information 218 INDEX Banamba slave exodus, 194–196 French, 181 Bantu Migrations, 36 , 63 German, 181 , 183 Baquaqua, Mahommah Gardo, 145 Portuguese, 181 , 183 , 191 Bargash, Seyyid, 171 slave fl ight and, 192–198 Basorun , 116 , 118 slave labor and, 180 , 183–192 Bawol, 137 slave soldiers and, 180–183 , 192 Benguela, 54 , 157 slavery and, 178 , 214 Benin, 18 , 47 , 112 , 114 women and, 205–207 big men concubinage, 25 , 49 , 57 , 71 , 96–97 , Akan and, 147 108 , 114 , 121 , 147 , 157 , 170 , kinship and, 38 , 67 , 87 182 , 206 political centralization and, 64 concubines, 59 political power and, 44 Congo, 19 , 44 , 107 , 181 , 183 slavery and, 27 , 39 , 44 , 46 , 50 , 62 , 68 , Cooper, Frederick, 13 , 127 , 172 144 , 170 Cordell, Dennis, 108 , 129 Trans-Atlantic slave trade and, 149 , 152 cowrie shells, 49 , 77 , 110 , 152 Bight of Benin, 151 credit, 14–15 , 32 , 39 , 45 , 54–55 , 58 , 144 , Bight of Biafra, 151–152 155 , 171 bin Fadlallah, Rabih, 57 , 108 Bobangi, 17 , 50 , 173 Dahomey, 18–20 , 48 , 51 , 99 , 102 , Borno, 54 , 99 , 104 , 110 , 113 , 133 , 139 , 140 113–114 , 117 , 118 , 145 , 151–152 , Brazil, 5 , 48 153 , 162 , 167–168 bridewealth, 10 , 65 , 69 , 71 , 74 , 80 dan Fodio, Usman, 164 British East Africa, 196 , 197 Dar al-Kuti, 184 British East Africa Company, 181 Dar Fur, 54 , 96 , 99 , 104 , 112 , 125 , British South Africa, 185 134 , 140 British West Africa, 193 Dawud, Askia, 103 , 135 Brussels Conference Act, 180 decentralized societies Buganda, 9 , 46 , 132 , 153 , 160 , 181 , 182 defi nition of, 61 economies of, 66 Cameroon, 11 , 152 , 188 incorporation of slaves in, 73–75 Cape Colony, 20 , 54 , 132 , 154–156 , 185 occupations of slaves in, 79 Cape Town, 55 , 89 , 111 , 124 , 154–155 , 157 origins of slavery and, 67 Caribbean, 49 Dhar Tichit, 37 cash crops Dingiswayo, 122 freed slaves and, 202–203 Dinka Committee, 212 women and, 205 Diola, 79 cavalry, 40 , 50 , 90 , 102–104 , 132 domestic economy, 14 , 15–17 , 62 Central Africa, 22 , 32 , 39 , 43–44 , 47–49 , Douala, 188 52 , 105 , 114 , 132 , 144 , 153 , 157 , Dutch East India Company, 54 , 154 173 , 213 , 216 Chad, 182 Eastern Africa, 4 , 33 , 39 , 42 , 46 , 48 , Chikunda, 118–120 54–55 , 118 , 153 , 159 , 161–162 , 170 , closed slavery, 21 , 58 , 121 202 , 213 Cokwe, 58 ebitongole chiefs, 160 colonialism Egypt, 37 , 40 , 57 , 105 abolition of slavery and, 178–179 , Ehret, Christopher, 38 183–184 , 187 , 189 , 190 , 192 , 196 , El Hor , 212 198–202 , 203 , 205 Esigie, Oba, 112 African slave trade and, 179 , 184 Ethiopia, 37 , 99 , 105 , 180 , 209 Belgian, 181 eunuchs, 97 , 99 , 110 , 113–114 , 117 , 121 British, 181 , 183 Ewuare, Oba , 112 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00134-3 - Slavery and Slaving in African History Sean Stilwell Index More information INDEX 219 Fair, Laura, 207 157 , 159 , 161–163 , 170 , 174–175 , Fanisau, 190 194 , 215 Finley, Moses, 31 , 125 honor, 12–13 , 26 , 42 , 73 , 114 , 123 , 207 , foragers, 34 , 43 210 , 213 Force Publique , 180–181 horizontal societies forced labor, 187–188 , 190–191 , 205 , 211 defi nition of, 61 France, 48 households freedom domestic economy and, 130–131 Chikunda and, 120 government and, 91 , 96 colonial rule and, 181 labor and, 14 defi nition of, 7–8 production and, 16 self redemption and, 200 slave retainers and, 144 slavery and, 7–8 , 19 , 41 , 87 , 166 , 190 , slavery and, 21 , 23 , 26 , 28 , 40 , 83 , 202 , 207 , 211 142 , 150 French Soudan, 210 human sacrifi ce, 10 , 18 , 36–37 , 83 , French West Africa, 182–183 , 188 , 114 , 152 193–196 Fulbe, 184 , 209 Ibadan, 90 , 102 , 113 Futa Jallon, 163 ibn al-Sharif, Isma’il, Sultan of Futa Toro, 164 Morocco, 105 ibn Dunama, Ali, Mai of Borno, 139 Gaha, Basorun , 118 Igbo, 10 , 50 , 81–87 , 209 Gallieni, Joseph, 187 Ijaye, 102 Gambia, 79 , 210 Ijebu, 103 Gao, 135–136 Ilari , 117 German East Africa, 188 , 193 , 196 Imbangala, 52 Getz, Trevor, 193 Imerina, 173 Gezo, King of Dahomey, 115 , 168 Indian Ocean, 33 , 42 , 48 , 54 , 58 , 171 Ghana, 3 , 39 , 43 , 47 , 133–134 , 149 , Indian Ocean slave trade, 20 , 43 , 126 187n. 18 iron revolution, 32 , 43 , 61 Glassman, Jonathon, 73 , 173 iron working, 33 , 35 , 61 , 64 gold, 19 , 37 , 39 , 47–48 , 51 , 100 , 110 , 132 , spread of, 35 134 , 146–149 , 168 , 174 Islam, 41 , 101 , 132 , 139 , 142 , 161 , Gold Coast, 101 , 146–149 , 153 , 168 , 183 , 162–163 , 165–166 , 171–172 , 197 187 , 199 , 203 Islamic Law, 24 gold mining Islamic savanna, 20 , 56 , 162 slavery and, 148 Italian Somalia, 193 , 197 Great Britain, 48 , 55 ivory, 37 , 42 , 57 , 83 , 106 , 108 , 119 , Great Depression, the, 205 170 , 216 Great Trek, the, 185 Greene, Sandra, 75 Jenne, 135 Guinea-Bissau, 79 Jolof Empire, 50 , 133 , 136 , 137 Hanson, Holly, 160 Kaabu, 51 harem, 90 , 96 , 99 , 120 Kaarta, 105 Harms, Robert, 74 Kabre, 75–77 Hausa, 54 , 90 , 98 , 133 , 136 , 140 , 164 , 166 , slavery and, 76–77 182 , 183 Kajoor, 137 Hawthorne, Walter, 50 , 78 Kanem, 39 , 99 , 133 , 139 , 142 high-density slavery, 20–21 , 23 , 26–27 , Kano, 1 , 89 , 98–99 , 104 , 140 , 164 , 165 , 32 , 55–58 , 70 , 73 , 81 , 85 , 87 , 125 , 189 , 208 127 , 131–133 , 142 , 145 , 153–154 , Kanuri, 90 , 139 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00134-3 - Slavery and Slaving in African History Sean Stilwell Index More information 220 INDEX Kanyok, 105 Lugard, Frederick, 181 , 183 , 189 , 196 , 210 Kasongo, 107–108 Lunda, 45 , 52 , 111 , 132 , 153 , 159 , 173 Katsina, 140 , 164 Kea, Ray, 148 Madagascar, 155 , 173 Kenya, 183 , 193 , 200–201 Malawi, 106 Khoikhoi, 154 , 156 Mali, 23 , 39–40 , 43 , 133–135 Kilwa, 43 Malindi, 202 Kingdom of Kongo, 19–20 , 45 , 48 , 97 , Mangbetu, 77 105 , 111 , 132 , 153 , 157 , 159 Manning, Patrick, 175 kinship manumission, 6–7 , 12 , 20 , 23 , 57 , 84–85 , bilateral, 65 157 , 174 invention of, 63–66 Maraka, 138 matrilineal, 65 marriage, 3–4 , 7 , 10 , 14 , 17 , 22 , 36 , 41 , 44 , patrilineal, 70 52 , 64–65 , 71–72 , 74–75 , 78 , 84 , Klein, Martin, 12 , 207 121 , 144 , 206–208 , 211 , 215 Kopytoff, Igor, 6 masters Kpengla, King of Dahomey, 115 colonial rule and, 179 , 183 , 192 , 195 , 198–202 , 209–211 land control over slaves and, 6 , 10 , 17 , African states and, 134 172–173 , 209–213 agriculture and, 128–129 female slaves and, 24 , 73 , 206 Buganda and, 160 masters as capital, 19 defi nition of slavery and, 13–14 colonial rule and, 179 , 190 , 198 , 211 slave families and, 10 , 13 , 74–75 , 199 Igbo and, 85–86 trusted slaves and, 22 Kabre and, 76 Mauritania, 37 , 134 , 204 , 209 , 211 ownership of, 63 , 77 , 209 Mbanza Nsoyo, 45 political centralization and, 93 Mbwila, Battle of, 105 slavery and, 63 , 129 , 175 , 190 McIntosh, Susan Keech, 93 slaves and, 22 , 24 , 56 , 141 , 172 , 197 , McMahon, Elizabeth, 23 199 , 201–203 , 209 Meillassoux, Claude, 6 , 7 , 15 , 25 , 96 , 133 use rights, 26 , 63–64 Mende, 93 wealth in people and, 16 , 63 Mensa Bonsu, Asantehene , 102 Law, Robin, 118 , 152 Meroe, 37 legitimate commerce, 86 , 161 , 167 Middleton, John, 42 slavery and, 166–169 Miers, Suzanne, 6 Leopold II, King, 181 Miller, Joseph C., 17 , 31 , 39 , 62 , 66 , 93 Liberia, 180 Mirambo, 106–107 liberty villages, 187 Morocco, 41 , 99 , 104 lineages Mozambique, 80 , 106 , 177 , 183 , 190 defi nition of, 16 Msiri, 58 foundation by slaves, 84 Muhammad I, Askia, 114 kinship and, 67 , 90 murgu , 200 slavery and, 26 , 127 Musa, Mansa, 134 long distance trade, 19 , 139 Lovejoy, Paul E., 55 , 126 , 141 , 144 , 157 , Ndongo, 45 , 105 163 , 178 , 194 , 196 Niger, 212 low-density slavery, 20–21 , 25 , 27 , Niger Delta, 37 32–33 , 62 , 66 , 72 , 77 , 87 , 157 , 162 , Nigeria, 1 , 10 , 47 , 81 , 115 , 152 , 182–183 , 175 , 209 185 , 203 , 208 Lozi, 52 , 173 Nile Valley, 34 , 37 , 41 , 57 , 105 Luba, 45 , 52 , 114

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