E356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 25, 2009 distance missions. For human missions the Financial Plan: $5.5 million has previously Finance Plan: Virginia state offices manage Center is also addressing the need for greater been appropriated and there is a $1.2 million funding for tourism, natural and cultural re- autonomy in dealing with the physical needs local match through state primary road formula sources connected to the Network through de- of the astronauts, including long term water re- funds. Prince William County is using partments’ larger programs, provide a portion cycling, which currently limits the habitation $47,000,000 of local general obligation bonds of grant matching funds for critical projects, period possible without re-supply, and the to construct the section of Route 1 between participate in the advisory group to the Net- ergonomics and human factors aspects of SR 619 Joplin Road and Brady’s Hill Road work, and participate in the tourism-related human performance in zero and reduced grav- that will match up to the interchange/traffic cir- marketing by the Network. ity environments. The major research areas cle. PROJECT NAME: RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER VALLEY will include recyclable/renewable water re- PROJECT NAME: ONVILLE ROAD INTERSECTION AND NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, VA sources, autonomous/renewable control sys- ROAD-WIDENING PROJECT Requested by: The Nature Conservancy, tems and ergonomics/human factors crew Requested By: Quantico Growth Manage- 4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, Arlington, VA support. ment Committee/Stafford County, Virginia 22203 f 1300 Courthouse Road Stafford County Ad- Account/Amount: Fish and Wildlife Service, ministrative Complex Stafford, Virginia, 22555 Land Acquisition: $1,500,000 EARMARK DECLARATION Account/Amount: FHWA, Federal Lands, Project Description: Funds appropriated to Public Lands Highways, $950,000 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be used HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Project Description: Funds would be used to acquire 470 acres in fee and conserve an- OF VIRGINIA for the Onville Road intersection and widening other 390 acres with a conservation easement IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES project. The purpose of this project is to re- within the Rappahannock River Valley Na- Wednesday, February 25, 2009 lieve local road congestion between tional Wildlife Refuge. Garrisonville Road and the Marine Corps Base Finance Plan: US F&W is the recipient of Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, pursuant Quantico by improving access to MCBQ at the these funds. Funds will be used by the Fish to the House Republican standards on ear- Onville Road Gate. The intersection and a and Wildlife Services for a fee simple acquisi- marks, I am submitting the following informa- portion of Onville Road is included in the state tion of the 470-acre Bower Hill property and tion for publication regarding earmarks I re- 6-Year Plan. acquisition of a conservation easement on the ceived as part of H.R. 1105, Consolidated Ap- Financial Plan: 390-acre Winters tract. The Fish and Wildlife propriations for Fiscal Year 2009. Amount of local matching funds: $675,000 Service own and manage the Bower Hill prop- PROJECT NAME: COMMERCIAL FISH AND SHELLFISH Amount of state matching funds: $350,000 erty and would hold and monitor the easement TECHNOLOGIES Total Project Cost: $13,000,000 on the Winters tract. Account/Amount: Department of Agriculture: PROJECT NAME: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FOR THE PROJECT NAME: HAMPTON UNIVERSITY CANCER Cooperative State Research Education and INTERSTATE 95/ US ROUTE 17 INTERCHANGE PROJECT TREATMENT INITIATIVE Extension Services, $331,000 Requested By: Spotsylvania County, 9104 Requested By: Hampton University 3 Shore Requested By: Virginia Tech, 210 Burruss Courthouse Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22553 Road, Hampton, Virginia 23668 Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Account/Amount: FHWA, TCSP: $95,000 Account/Amount: HHS, HRSA, Health Facili- Project Description: Declining crab popu- Project Description: Funds would be used ties and Services: $571,000 lations are linked to worsening environmental for preliminary engineering for a new inter- Project Description: The Hampton University conditions, like loss of habitat and a degrada- change off of I–95 at U.S. Route 17 to facili- Cancer Treatment Initiative (HUCTI) will offer tion of the water quality. The Commonwealth tate traffic flow. This interchange is on Spot- active and retired military personnel and their of Virginia petitioned the Department of Com- sylvania County’s Comprehensive Plan as a dependents world-class cancer detection and merce for a federal fishery disaster declaration needed improvement. Massaponax Traffic treatment facilities unique to the Hampton and requested federal assistance for Virginia Corridor Study completed, with interchange Roads area. HUCTI’s programmatic and infra- watermen impacted by new restrictions on recommendations. Interchange Justification structure components will include improved blue crab harvests in the Chesapeake Bay. Report (IJR) funded; Regional Transportation cancer prevention, detection and diagnostic The Secretary of Commerce approved the dis- Improvement Program (TIP) Amended to In- services, and treatments and cures, for can- aster designation and NOAA released $20 mil- clude in the Constrained Long Range Plan. cers that disproportionately affect minority lion in disaster assistance funds to Virginia Finance Plan: communities, particularly breast cancer and and Maryland in November 2008. This project Interchange Justification Report: $300,000 prostate cancer. HUCTI’s centerpiece will be a would develop re-circulating aquaculture tech- Preliminary Engineering Estimate: regional proton beam therapy facility with as nology to increase the supply of domestically $2,000,000 many as four treatment bays. Proton therapy produced high-value seafood products and Final Engineering (10% Project cost): is a precise and advanced form of tumor treat- provide sustainable economic development $17,800,000 ment, especially useful for those previously opportunities for distressed communities. The R/W & Utilities (20% Project cost): unreachable or not treatable without inducing project has received numerous federal grants, $35,600,000 significant damage to healthy surrounding tis- and approximately $680,000 in local and state Construction (Net): $122,250,000 sues. government funding. Total Project Cost: $178,000,000 Finance Plan: The State commitment is $1 Financial Plan: Personnel $676,000; Equip- PROJECT NAME: CHESAPEAKE BAY GATEWAYS NETWORK million. The City has donated the land and ment and Supplies $39,000; Laboratory Serv- Requested By: Commonwealth of Virginia, committed $1 million. Financing through tax- ices and Publications $16,000 Department of Historic Resources 2801 Ken- exempt bonds and other equity investors has PROJECT NAME: US ROUTE 1/STATE ROUTE 619 TRAFFIC sington Avenue Richmond, VA 23221 also been arranged by the University. $5 mil- CIRCLE/INTERCHANGE PROJECT Account/Amount: National Park Service: lion in previous federal appropriations. Addi- Account/Amount: FHWA, Federal Lands Statutory or Contractual Aid: $1,000,000 tional revenue will be generated through pa- Highways, Public Lands Highways: 1,187,500 Project Description: The Chesapeake Bay tients using the medical services. Total cost of Requested By: Prince William County, Vir- Gateways Network (CBGN) is a program of project: $227 million. ginia One County Complex Court, the National Park Service’s Chesapeake Bay PROJECT NAME: RIVERSIDE HEALTH SYSTEM, PATIENT Woodbridge, VA 22192 Program Office and closely aligned with the NAVIGATOR PROGRAM Project Description: Funds would be used to Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Requested By: Riverside Health System, construct an interchange/traffic circle at the Water Trail. The CBGN is a partnership sys- Riverside Regional Medical System 12100 intersection of USR 1 and SR 619. The pur- tem of local, state, federal, and non-govern- Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA 23601 pose of project is to safely and securely ac- mental parks, refuges, maritime museums, Account/Amount: Health Resources and cess the USMC Quantico Marine Corps Base historic sites, and water trails around the Bay Services Administration—Health Facilities and and the National Marine Corps Museum (Her- watershed. The CBGN is coordinated by the Services: $95,000 itage Center), which is adjacent to Quantico National Park Service (NPS) in cooperation Project Description: Funds would be used to Marine Corps Base. This project will help al- with the Chesapeake Bay Program. In six expand the ‘‘Patient Navigator Program’’ that leviate traffic on USR 1 as a result of BRAC- years, the Gateways Network has grown to in- will help guide hundreds of cancer patients mandated growth of the base. This project is clude thousands of miles of trails and tens of through the complex, and often overwhelming, included in the Virginia Six-Year Transpor- thousands of acres at sites in five states and maze of health care treatment this year. Insur- tation Improvement Plan. Washington DC. ance companies will not reimburse Riverside VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:37 Feb 26, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25FE8.003 E25FEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS February 25, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E357 for its navigator program, which assists pa- budget for the project. State funding: those for striped bass and summer flounder, tients with understanding how to coordinate $910,000. Local funding:
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