Sponsor's lacking, headed s.oat\ show's for free mreV i now cat 1 FALLS, Mont. (AP) _ The Great Falls Ana imroerce decided to act when a chU called Id you tell me who's sponsoring the •e. aid where can 1 get tickets?" chamber placed a two-page advertisement in the Great Kali. Tribune that ballyhooi "A Montana * Sponsored by GOD • I IS minutes ol 'Prime Time' and BO Uckeis or Hired! One lime only showing; 8:Mim to II not appear in Continental USA. again 'til the year MI7," the ad reads The ad, which notes that a full solar eclipse was last (We In MontaM M yean ago, cplatm charts giving I alwut taw degree ol visibility in North America ol tht aebpae, predicted for Feb. M It alto conUins photographs showing what an eclipse ver purred took* like- and Usli more than IN businesses that "made » ago, Sap Siamese cat cave ths»e messages possible" THE COOD GUYS — Roy White, center, of the New York Yankees, shares a And, HI response to the child's query, the businesses light moment with Gov. Brendan T. Byrne, left, and David A. "Sonny" Mac Sunday's ad are giving away "Big Sky Country Werblin, Elberon, president of Madison Square Garden. White was honored the kittens died and Sapphire Eclipse Souvenir Tickets" free of charge as the New Jersey "Good Guy" at the New Jersey Sportswriters' Banquet yesterday. Story, other photos page 10. SeeSq.lrrel.pagel The Daily Register VOL 101 NO 184 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1979 15 CENTS Teng meets Carter today WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice I'remier Teng Hsiao-ping and lerests while helping China achieve Teng's goal of becoming a But the aides, who requested anonymity, said they expect President Carter, their nations far apart in culture, technology modern, industrialized society by the 21st Century the president to try to ensure the discussions center on issues and philosophy, begin their meetings hoping to develop a bond (o Tonight, Teng will be Carter's guest at a White House where agreement is possible, starting with educational, cultural benefit both China and the United States dinner, also attended by former President Richard M Nixon, and scientific exchanges, then moving to trade and transporta- The leaders scheduled two sessions, their first face-loface then will go to the Kennedy Center for a program put on by tion matters. meetings, in the president's Oval Office today after formal several American entertainers Teng will be in the United The sole agreement the president and vice premier are White House welcoming ceremonies replete with red carpets, Stales eight days, leaving Washington Thursday for Atlanta. He expected to sign during the visit II an umbrella pact allowing a military bands and a 19 gun salute will also visit Houston and Seattle variety of exchanges between the two countries, including Carter, his aides said, planned to be slaw and methodical in After arriving Sunday. Teng and the top members of his bureaus for news organizations and seeds used in agricultural six hours of talks scheduled with the 74-year-old Teng, recog entourage dined privately at the home of Zbignlew Brzezinski. cross-fertilization. The agreement has been the subject of nizing differences that inevitably will exist between a capitalist the president's national security adviser An dido said they negotiation for months. society and > Marxist nation, between a technologically ad dined informally on roast beef served by Brzezinksi's children The administration expects Carter and Teng to discuss vanced society and one lagging behind in such areas On a global scale, administration officials expected Teng prospects for a new trade agreement giving China most- The president will concentrate on issues likely to produce and Carter to exchange views on a variety of subjects, ranging favored-nation tariff status and access to credit from the U.S. agreements furthering American security »•"< ifmnnto in. from US -Soviet relationsto events in Korea and Indochina Export-Import Bank. There are a number of problems, however, which could surface in this phase of the talks One is the issue of expropriated American property in China. The United Slates has validated ilM ,8 million In claims Pope: for lost properly, the largest being $53 8 million for the Shanghai Power Co, a subsidiary of Boise-Cascade Corp., the Chinese seized in IMS. Against that, the United Stales has frozen about WO million Keep church out of politics; in Chinese assets here. Technically, the American claimants can ask the govern- ment to continue to freeze Chinese assets until the claims are Use spiritual ways to justice settled, a move which would prevent a normal trade rela- MEXICO CITY (AP) - Pope John Paul II speaks to tionship. Mexico's Indians today after cautioning his priests in Latin In practice, however, such problems are usually settled bj America to keep the Human Catholic Church out of politics and See Teng, page I Teng and his wife arrive in Washington seek social Justice by spiritual means. Opening a bishops' conference in Puebla that will chart the course of the church in Latin America for the next decade, the SB-year-old pontiff on Sunday rebuffed militant progressives advocating a "theology of liberation " and criticized those who Trip for peace called off see Jesus "as a political figure, a revolutionary, as the sub- versive of Nazareth " Reading in Spanish, he told the third decennial conference TEHRAN. Iran (AP) - said he would have to resign htiar's government is "illegal'' flooded the streets of Tehran of Latin American bishops their meeting was "not a symposium Prime Minister Shahpour Bak- first. Later, Khomeini told re- because It was appointed by Sunday chanting "Death to of experts, not a parliament of politicians, not a congress of htiar rejected Ayatullah porters "If Bakhtiar is on the the "illegal" shah Bakhtiar!" side of the angels, let him re- The government has closed scientists or technologists." Ruhollah Khomeini's latest de- One large group, hurling sign and come and see me as a all Iran's airports indefinitely The pope said the bishops' mission is to tend to the spiritual mand that he resign and called gasoline-filled firebombs, tried off a peacemaking trip to Par- free man, like everybody to block the return from exile aspirations of man He said they must continue to fight for more to storm a police head- is after 10 persons were re- else." of the spiritual leader of the equal distribution of wealth and for human rights But he said quarters Troops rushed to the ported killed and more than The 78-year-old priest, nation's 32 million Shitte the church must shun violence and could not be wedded to any scene and opened (ire with 30 300 were wounded in Tehran's whose title of ayatullah is Moslems. political system caliber machine guns mounted worst violence in months equivalent to that of bishop or Thousands of protester, an- "Whatever the miseries or suffering that afflict man." he on the backs of trucks. •aid. "It is not through violence, the interplay of power and Bakhtiar told a news con- archbishop, again attacked gered by Bakhtiar s refusal to Bakhtiar as a "puppet and political systems, but through the truth concerning man that he ference Khomeini's assertion let Khomeini come home to Military officials claimed Journeys toward a better future." agent of the shah," and re- convert the nation Into an Is- the rioters were armed with that he must resign before Ihe pealed his claim that Bak- The pope also reaffirmed his predecessors' opposition to 78-year-old religious leader lamic republic run by himself, machine guns and grenades. divorce, abortion and artificial contraception would receive him was unac- The bishops responded with polite applause. ceptable Bui "doors will stay The pope had spoken similarly in another speech Saturday, open," he said, indicating that telling a gathering of priests and members of religious orders: contacts would continue be- Another Jersey City fire "You are spiritual guides who try to orient and improve the tween his representatives and hearts of of the faithful You are not social leaders, political the ayalullah's. JERSEY CITY (AP)-Six halation al Jersey City Medi- When he arrived, residents leaders or employees of temporal power " The prime minister said families were left homeless cal Center were Evelyn Field, were on the roof and the fire As the bishops began their conference, a group of militant Saturday he would fly to Paris and five persons were treated 45, Grace Gavin, 34, and her escape. progressive priests and laymen opened a "dissidents' con- to try to make peace with the at a hospital early this morn- daughter Angela, 5 Treated Officials were to in- ference " at a parish church m Puebla to air demands that the holy man who from exile led ing when a two-alarm fire of for scrapes and bruises were vestigate the cause today, church take an active part in the fight against oppressive Ihe year-long civil rebellion undetermined origin damaged Mrs. Field's t-year-old daugh- Ryan said governments in Latin America. that forced Shah Mohammad a three-story frame house, au- ter, Pamela. 9. All were re- Kimball said the fire ap- The rebels rejected the pope's directive to abstain from Reza Pahlavi to leave the thorities said leased from the hospital. parently started in the base- political action, saying he "didn't consult with priests who know country two weeks ago. The Maze at 248 Webster Nancy Basso, 18, suffered ment where "a lot of papers the poor " They also condemned the working paper drawn up as In Paris, one Khomeini aide Ave.
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