LONG BRANCH DAILY VOL. 9-NUMBER 236. LONG BRANCH, N. J., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1910. 8 PAGES PRICE ONE CENT BIG SCHOOL RALLY TRAINS STRIKE AND POURED KEROSENE WILSON ASSAILS SERVICE TOMORROW KILL TWO TODAY ON ON CLOTHING AND Sup't Bennett Expects Record- Scores Baird and SHffS, Pelit- Breaking Attendance at Ic&t Corruption ind St. L«k«*s—Fine Program N. Y. & L B. R. R. TOUCHED IT OFF Promise* |T f if! Rally day will be observed by mem- Bridgeton, Oct. 8.—ft was a no- bers or the church and Sunday-school •- ^_r. Deserted Wife Left With Two Small Boys Near ble political address that Woodrow at 8t. Luke's Methodist Episcopal 'iison. Democratic candidate for Church tomorrow. Special services Michal E. Haley, Matawan Township Collector, overnor, delivered here last night. will be held morning and evening in Adelphia. This County, Chooses Novel Means Feat caught the fane* of the Ms lergymen All Being Driven Out umberland county audience more the church. In the afternoon the reg- Third of Family to Meet Death on Rail in an anything else was the manner ular rally day ejtercisea will be held of Ending Her Life-Children Find Her which he again nsed Ms keen acalp- by the Sunday-school. of Country, Monasteries At- g knife on the Republican leaders Rev. Dr. George H. Neal, pastor, will Two Years-Dunellen Man Killed Here New lentr. particularly Messrs. sound the keynote for the new year's tacked, And Seores of A Charred Corpse laird and Ke»n work In a spednI rally day sermron Priests and Nuns Are • "What ha* interested mar leaders." at the morning service, when he will Michael E. Haley, Neafor a rquarte Branchporr of a t Station While her children were picking ap- preach on "A Victorious Dynamic." said, "and what only 'has inierest- century connected with the New York Dead-War a Muti- ples yesterday, Mrs. Margaret Kayata, your leaden, is mho ahoold be the A home-coming service will be held In and Long Branch Railroad, was struck 52 years old, of Fafrfleid, near Adel- i he evening. The pastor and several IKED ROUTE FOR RARITAN SECTION tt candidate Mr the United States by the* Pennsylvania express due here ny Instead of phia, was burned to death in her Senate, That is what ha* stirred up laymen will speak. at it.lt north of the Matawan trestle home. The children bad been afemt The irddrcDBcK, which are to be ttepnDHcun leadens to tnwr real • at 11.5U o'dock loday and fatally In- Revolution about fifteen minutes when they re- lepth. They have not been worried brief, will be as tollowa: "Parental Re- i*e<l. INLAKD WATERWAY YACHTSiVIEN ACTIVE turned and found their mother burned v Dout these questions which affect sponsibility," James CldtlgDly; "So- almost beyond recognition. .Nothing • Mr. Haley, who was section foreman, Lisbon, Oct.' 8.—A score of monks e welfare, haiipinasii attd aapport of ciability," H. ft. BHnley; "Sinews of was superintending some work ai tate Geologist Adopts "Coast" Keansburg Club to Erect New was left of her clothing. whole Commonweal*: tiny have WRr," Chrlsldphor. QH'gbry; "Our that point when he met his death. The re n>porte*?vdefld iuA several soldiers Neighbors of Mrs. Kayata beHere jeen stirred up tit the question a* to Young People," HP. Bennett; "Bur* train had passed excepting the rear Route For Proposed Canal nd sailors killed and many wounded Headquarters-Keyport Club's that she committed suicide by pour- 'lose turn it was to go to the United peon Echoes," ohorles T. Stone; "Re- car. As it passed it knocked Mr. Hal- n storming QnHpho.H, a Jesuits Mon Ing kerosene on her clothing and then Mate flenat*. Were the primaries inforcement*," Dr: Neal. A selected ey* down the embankment. When ieiy, today. The monk.- had posted touching It off, an there watt a strong mtested on the ground of g*eat pub- prosram wlH be rendered by the choir Across Monmouth fttrfew in an anticipation of attack, New Officers reached, he was dead. i u • order of the fluid in the room where quest ions? No, wholly on toe In addition to two solos by Miss Plor- mob threatened th»- place and a bin* was found. The wrtman, it is •onnd Of a persoaal ehoiae. aid aome once A. Smith, Kopraho, director df Coroner John I. Sickles, of Nave- Last winter the New Jersey stale band grenade, it in alleged, was tmrled Th KeanhhiirK Yacht Club will sltlk, was called. He ordered the re- legislature passed a resolution appro- revet a clubhoii»e early next s claimed, had been slightly demented en, at least one didn't offer him-. music" in thf city nchoola. among them. * since the disappearance of her hus- IX in any contest aiaeic anything mains removed to the deceased's late iatltig %am for making a survey he newn spread Illc-> wildfire and an he bulldtag will tie put on the beach hiHTcBiiiiK exorelBHH will mark the home. WII Mauasquan to Sandy Hofh for Ight next to the New Point (Vnnfort band last spring. Kayata at thai tittle was to be discussed ne eaanot discuss celehrailon of the autumnal festival nlt on the monastery followed. anything. ! Mr. Haley was a familiar Dfciirc at e pntimse of connecting with the Hotel, on tlie east »ide of the dock. took all i lie couplfto savings with him. by ml- Iliblc Rchoxfl at 2.15 p. ro. The Republican garrison umi a body When the children discovered theiri "I hate fair private ddMSU wfcetke* Matawan, where he bad lived for roposed inland waterway. The reso- if artillery, caTalry and infantry were The yacht club is going to reorganize bis aMionl having passed the I.IHIII many years. He was collector of tion wasuntrodttcea aud pushed to luring the whiter and next reason monther's condition they hastened for knows what the Issues ef the cam- niai tr In tiieiHbprsu! p.a record-breaking hurried to the scene. The artillery paign are euept fcy label. Hi* Matawan township, and for years had age by Assemblyman Vreden- ipened fire and many monks were kill- ixpects to make a ftensatidn to the a physician. The womaa. aowe»er, attendance la expected. Teachers in been an active member of the Royal urgh, of this county, joating world.. They are preparlag! was dead long before medical aid ne la Oavid. aad I do not know that all the departments are making a ed, bat the monastery refused to sur- has any Jonathan. Aad you have Arcanum, filling the position of collec- pi pursuance of the resolution •rnit-r. The battle continue*. LOW for as opening regatta to takej reached the scene sperlal effort tb Befcure a fuM aitwid- tor. lenry B. Kummel, State Qeologlst, ilace probably on July 3rd, 1911; then Coroner Sob«rt M. Purdy. of Mana- lad your primaries upon tils Inter- aace In their crlasses. Members of as directed to .make the survey. He here will be a regatta In the middle uan, viewed the Body and car* a ring question. Want ta) the result the home department have been [ttVlt- ' i He was prominent as a fireman. The M. E. Haley Hose Company, of Mata- equeated the Waterway League, the Paris, Octo. 8.—The dethroned and f August, and moat likely another urial permit to Charles H. Clayton. itlemen. sow (hat the prlaterta* ed and, weather conditions permitting, letnbers ot which are deeply interest ugltlve King Manuel tried to end his ne in the early part of September, The deceased was the wife of John re -ever and the eeopW ef We* jer- will attend In large numbers. The af- wan, was named for him. y af the Republican sort are s«p- He Is survived by « widow and two d in*lhe project, to go over the pro- Ife when he learned his monarchy had hey are going to have a few dances ayata, a Syrian. The latter purchas- ternoon's program will Include t\f- osed route with him. On Wednesday •"••)] proclaimed a republic, but was nd other social functions during the the Emanuel Cottrell tarn two ascs) to have spoken their choice? paitmenial HiiiMiHK and special music ons, Raymond, who Is an operator, Nobody knot*, if you have a Re- mi Arthur, a brakeman. Mr. Haley . KIIIIIIII. I visited lawyer Hen}. ear. :ara ago and moved there from New ibUcan legislature, whether that by the orchestra, tinder the leader- Morris, at the latter's office In this The present officers are: ork with his family, a wile and two ship of Daniel Etrwards the orchestra •:i» about r.r. years old, and was well hoice ia going to stand er wrl. Mem iow u and highly respected by the ty, and discussed the route, Mr. Commodore—Walter S. Bailey. aye. Everything went well until last >ve poured eot aaenay. There have will render among other selection orris Is one of the vice presidents Vice Commodores—T. C. Owens and nitig. when he suddenly disappeir- • Autumn's Advent." a new rotnpoxl fflclals of the New York ft Long «en maay •eraars, • mneh Railroad. ' the league and thoroughly convers- 1. T. Ackerman. "In one praeaMt, net so fa* away tion by Bennett, introducing the brass it with the location of the bays and Rear Commodore—John S. Truaz. quartet. A baritone solo by W. H. Rid- Mr: Haley is the third member of ifrs. Kayata finally located her has- aa the sound of my voice," there he Haley family to die on the rail ilets along the coast.
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