KRISHNATH COLLEGE SCHOOL ·.,CENTENARY COMME~iORATION VOLUME 1853-1953 6~m m i.i'~.itmfi~~ -:-•• L ..,, BERHAJYlPORE WEST BENGAL ~ .. • • 1 I l • STOCK TAKING .. 2011 ·'. · ST • VERF 24487 2 2 AUG 19£8 • •;., Printed. by P. C. Ray at Sri Gouranga Press Ltd., 5, Chintatnani Das Lane, Calcutta-9 and PVblished by Gauriprasanna Biswas, Secretary, Krislmath College School CentdPary Commemoration Volume Sub-Committee, Berhampore (West Beng_al) . • • • • CENTP!NARY COMMEMORATION VOLUME SUB-COMMITTEE I. Sri Sushil Kumar Banerjee, M.A., B.T., Headmaster. 1).' Prof. Nirmalya Bagchi, M.A. B.A. rL Rakhahari Das, B.A. &. Bejoy Kumar Gupta, B.A., B.L. 6. Atindranath Mazumder, B.A., B.T. 7 Kamal Banerjee, B.A., Editor, Mur§hidabad Samachar. 8. , Kshirode Mohan ~arkhel, M.A. 9. ., Tapash Maitra (Class X). ] 0. , Balarka Gupta, (Class X). ll. ,, Gauriprasanna Biswas, M.A., B.T., Asst. Headmaster, Secretary. Price : Re. l J- for ex-students. As. -/8(- for present students and others. PREFACE !!'" is a" for us to be connected with a school which has completed one hundred years of its existence. \Ve feel it again a unique honour to compile the history of a school which is hoary with traditions ln'lilt up with a spirit of noble sacrifice and liberality ori the part of its founders and >veil-wishers. The work of compilation is, therefore, natur- and the time. Some of the rl:'mrds could nr>t stand the wear and tear of time and some are untraceable. Thus the of the same has to be an in our way. The school was, as the following pages will show, an integral part of 1·he college for more than half a century under the same management and ,.nnder the same liberal patronage of the Cossimbazar House, and~ more or pretty long since. Hence for the lirst few pages detailing the career of the school in its different aspects, we are indebted to the com­ pilers of the Krishnath College C'entenary Commemoration Volume which is replete with a wealth of information about education in this part of the country in general and the gradual development of the College and the School in particular. It is, as such, a comprehensive and illuminating '\tudy in itself and an indispensable complement to this brochure. Our :;tppeal to our ex-students to supply us with short sketches of their life at this school and of their subsequent career has unfortunately met with a meagre response. But we would be failing in our duty if we do not acknowledge our deep sense of obligation to many of our ex­ students of whom we are really very proud and particulal"ly to those of the loc4lity who have helped us in preparing an Ex-students' Register which, as it now stands, cannot be called complete. Obviously, therefore, whatever we have been able to press into our service is not free from o,rn,issien\s at;J:ctkommissions for which we hope to be excused. We ial~P tbis opportunity of noting the different aspects of the school brief '\lDLt of recounting as far as possible the achievements of our alumni afld the activities of om: present students on the academic and the 'extra-acad~nic side. We have embodied short life-sketches of three of our previous Headm<fsters who have helped in elevating the school to its present e~viable status. But after all that is said and done, we regrel very much to say that inspite of our best efforts ~we have not been able io procure a life-sketch of late Girish Chandra Mitra, one of our ablest Headmasters, who piloted the school in its roving career to the present consolida-ted position. It was his loving care, single-minded devoti.on and lofty ideal"ism which produced some of our best students. ""In fine, we are very lhankful to our ex-students and well-wisher\• who have contributed thonght-provoking articles to this Volume. \Vc conYcY .. "' vi our heart-felt gratitude also to s.ome of our learned f~r·ds who have seen these few pages through the Press inspite of their overwhelming pre­ occupations. • May the good wishes of all be always with ,the institution in the years to .come. • . • • GAURIPRASANNA BISWAS Dated, Berhampore, Secretary, The 20th .January, 1954. l Krishnath College School Centenary Commemoration Volume Sub-Committee. CONTENTS CHAPHR l, A Short History of the School IL Miscellaneous Notes on the ~:hool IH. A.chievemems of the School 19 IV. Sa tis Chandra HeadrnasteL (I ~Hl Uma Charan Ray, Headmaster (1909-1918) 30 Joseph Arulananthum, Headmaster (1919-1945) 33 The Present Staff ... 37 V Secondary Education for All -T. C. Vica_ry, M.A. (London) 39 A Few Words on the System of Education in Pre-War Germany --Dr. Narayan Ch. Chatterjee, D.Sc. (Dresden) ... 42 Secondary Education and Teachers -Bankim Chandra Roy, M.A. 47 Languages in the S.'Yllabus of Studies for High Schools in West Bengal -S. K. Banerjee, M.A., B.T. !JO /\ Few Words to our Present Students ..,.,"-Gauriprasanna Biswas, M.A .. B.T. :~lt:liSi,<t(."'l'Sl ~ 59 ~'if ~l!li871<1"l \f3 ~r ~~ ~ <.!!~ <P~ <.!! 64 -~1) ~'?ff~flHf• ' <.!!~,. m~ T>t!1Jli1-~ \f3 ~<P-~ ~~ m, <.!!~, <.!!, T<t', <.!!Q'f 69 ~?f '5!"'1~ --~mn~ ~i!lR1'fl~. T<t', <!1. h T1J 71 ~~ -~~ ~[9fT~, T<t', \!l :er,;:'ilT"'~ -~ ~~'fl?f, Pr, <!1, T<r, w 75 A List of Some Ex-student~ 76 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONs/ .. • • F"A(:ING PAGl\ • • I. Krishnath College School, Herhampore, 19th Aug., 1909 . " } 2. Maharaja Sir Manindra Chandra Nandi, K.C.. I.E. ' . !l. Maharaja Srish Chandra Nandi, M.A. ::: ! .1 1. Sri Somendra Chandra Nandi, M.A.· .. I 5. To the Memory of Maharaja Sir Mauindra Chandra Nandy. K.C.l.E. 10 ti. Foundation Stone of the Herhampore Krislmath College School l l 7. Excursion to "fatanagar. 14th Feb.-17th Feb., 1951 ... 16 8. Ex~ursion to Nalanda and Patna, 1953 ... 17 • 9. Krishnath College School F.C. Rtmners-up, Wheeler Memorial ,1 • Shield, 1936 ... ". "26 . 10. Dist. I. S. Sports & Swimining Champion, 1943 27 11. Krishnatb College School, Athletic Sports, Football and Swimming, 1943 l 28 12. Nineteen Fifty ...". t 13. I. S. Sports & Hockey Champion, 1953 14. Satish Chandra Mukherjee· ... ~ 30 15. Girish Chandra Mitra . " 16. Uma~haran Roy . " } 31 17. Joseph Anilananlham IH. Present Statr 37 _,.. ... • .. • • • .. • MAIIARA.JA SIR MANINilRA CHANDRA NANDI, K.C.l.E. • \LIH.IlHJI S!USH CHAI'<DRA N.~:'\DI, :\J.A., J\J.L.A., Ex-Sheriff of Calct!lla • j . j . j j j j j . j j j j j ~ j j j j j :\IAILIRAJI'-li~IAR SOMF.NDRA CIIANDRA NANDI, M.A. j • j j j ' J KRISH ATH COLLEGE SCHOOL .CENTENARY ,. COMiviEMORATION VC)LUME CHAPTER I " A SHORT HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL Birth of College and School In pursuance of Government Educational Policy and in response to the public the "Berhampore College" was established in November, 1853 AD. It was first started in the building now known as the Manindra Hostel. The school had no separate existence. It was part and parcel of "' the ..College. It was a Government institution. The College and school had no"fixed site. For long 16 years i.e. right from the start to 1869 when the erection of the present College bailding was completed, the College and the school had a nomadic life as is evident from "History of the Berhampore College" by Rai Baikuntha Nath Sen Bahadur, C.I.E. published in the Krishnath College Maga:zine, Vol. II, Sept., 1920, which has been reprinted in the College Centenary Commemoration Volume. In short, it made a round of the present Manindra H~'stel site,. Mr. Verdon Monasagon's two­ storeyed house at the present schoof premises, Old Circuit House, the present Police Constables' Training school, Headmaster Mr. S. VI. Bradbury's residential quarters south-east of Laldighi, Civil Court compound and. the present site of the Police Club building and the Police Barr'\fk close to the Manindra Hostel. .. S~h~-an integral part of the ·College Prior to J~undation of Calcutta University the "Berhampore College", deta. ils of ...:r-1-.e ~fe hr'S~y of which will be found in the College Commemo­ ration Vo~}~'~'" and need not he repeated here, was not a college properly called. So, for about 5 years,"the "College" meant "Junior" and "Senior" ~lasses, the latter teaching approximately to the present Intermediate standard. "' The .ierhampore College consisted of the college proper and the school whid1hadtwo sections, the Senior School Dept. and the Junior School Dept. with the following teachers :- (I) A. S. Harrison, A.B.-Principal. (2) Alfred Smith, M.A.-Head­ master, @ W. H. Fox-3rd Senior Master, (4) J. S. Graves-4th. Senior Master. (~) Gurucharan Chatterjee-lst Junior Master. (6) Haridas Ghose --'--2~d Junior Master. (7) Nilmani Ganguly-3rd Junior Master. (8) &inath Sen-4th Junior Master. (9) Chandra Mohon Banerjee-5th Junior l\1\ster. (IJ}) R~mdas Majumder-6th Junior Master, (ll) Madhusudau. Bhaduri- ..,. 2 KRISHNATH COI,LEGE SCHOOL CENTENARY VOLUME 7th Junior Master. (12) Abhoy Charan Roy-Head Pan t. (13) Banikumar Bhattacherjee-2nd Pandit. (14) Chandra Kanto Maj mder-Writer. • Foundation of the University of C cutta • •' / The University of Calcutta was founded in 1857. The first Ep.trans;:e Examination was held on Monday, the 6th of April, 1857. Berhampore was one of the centres for holding the examination. Harakanto Bagchi was •the only candidate who passed the Entrance examination from this centre in 1857. In 1858 the following students secured Junior Scholarships of Rs.
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