SECTION 1-11 ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 1. TAXATION Keywords PI; tax regime; a special tax regime; the patent sys- tem of taxation; gross income; activities; a threshold 1.1. THE PATENT SYSTEM OF income; level of tax culture. TAXATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN 1.2. PROBLEMS OF M.U. Boboev, Ph.D. in Economics, CIPA, member of INTERNATIONAL TAXATION AT the public Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Head of the THE PRESENT STAGE OF department of Finance and credit, the Polytechnic DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY Institute of Tajik Technical University named after I.A. Zhuravleva, Ph.D. in Economics, assistant academician M. Osimi; professor at the Department of tax advice N.N. Haitova, postgraduate at the department of Finances and credit, CAP, the Polytechnic Institute of Financial university under the Government Tajik Technical University named after academician M. of the Russian Federation Osimi The article discusses the main problems of interna- The article describes the features of the new patent tional tax relations in a globalized economy. system of taxation in the Republic of Tajikistan, in force The aim of the study is to characterize the interstate from January 1, 2013. There are the requirements for tax problems in the globalized economy and the devel- the application of the patent system, activities of the opment directions of their solutions to improve the effi- patent system, for example the amount of patent high- ciency of the fiscal sovereignty of states and econo- lighted the advantages and disadvantages of the patent mies. Through the application of analytical and system- system. In this article identify the problems in the patent atic approach problems in international taxation were system and possible ways to improve the use of the identified, comparative legal analysis revealed features patent system. of legal regulation of double taxation in different coun- Literature tries, the use of statistical methods made it possible to analyze the dynamics of the volume of corporate in- 1. Tax сode of the Republic of Tajikistan [Electronic re- source]. Dushanbe, 2012 // URL: http://mmk.tj/ru/- come tax in OECD countries. legislation/legislation-base/codecs/. Identified the main problems encountered in the pro- 2. 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