The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus /r^ THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS .N^ * Key Meeting * Nieuwiand Exercises * Football Banquet * J. Edgar Hoover * Basketball * Fencing * Track * Campus News * Qub News * Class News ook is not Xo bt from the LibrarT BADIN HALL (Formerly St. Joseph's Hall February. 1937 No. 5 CENTRALITY The Notre Dame Alumnus January, 1937 1935 Secretary: F. C. Hochreiter. 1014 N. chief. Luke is the epitome of dig­ EcJdy St. South Bend. Indiana. nity in his office but he was complete­ Your case worker, JMr. HocKreiter, ly dismantled of his official i-obes on dropped his Christmas investigations the night before we left for the East. long enough to say the following: Luke and your scribe went Chiistmas Of course, we have a dedication for shopping for toys with three other the New Year. The notification of wox-kex-s. Really fellas — you'd be it came too late for the last volume amazed at the scientific manner in and we were just able to squeeze it which this Kelly fellow selects toys. in with the "societj" editor." Any­ Gene Witchger was seen on the way, we are extending fond congratu­ campus one Sunday morning. Gene's lations and many felicitations to younger brother is a Freshman this Frank Deschamps on his marriage to year, and the "old man at the game" Miss Dorothy Leanor Craig, of Palm drops in occasionally to visit the Beach, Florida. Prank was married younger prodigy. on Wednesday, November 18, in Palm This is about all that we have for Beach, but will return to the home you this trip. As we left Notre town of Alpena, Michigan. Dame, the office informed us that the Our "news-man" of the moment is January number was running smaller the mighty S.A.C. man—"King" La- this time. If those plans are carried Londe. His letter was wiitten on out we will be in proportion. Thanksgiving Day and consequently Here is to many lettex-s before the the enclosed was too late for the De­ 18th of January so that February cember chatter. may again hit the stxide. Tom gave us a little dope on more For 1937 we wish jobs for those of the gang down for the Northwest- unemployed, better ones for those em game. We pass on to you those now slaving, and sheepskins for the names now just so the mentioned will seekers after education. not feel hurt at having been neg­ * lected in the last roll call. 1936 Secretary: Thomas J. Murphy, 15 Mill They include: Bob Donahue, Bus St, Newport R. I. Breen, Jim Hamilton, the Corregan Wayne Millner, end for the Boston "tAvins," Carl Esser, John Burke, Art Redskins, was a big factor in success O'Neil and Phil Kirley. of that team in the season just Coming back from town one day— past. He was an outstanding per­ and late for class—^from a Field former when Redskins met the Green Work project we ran into "bosom Bay Packers in the pro-league cham­ buddy Artie." Korzeneskj never was pionship battle, even though his team an ux-chin but now he is moi-e rotund lost. than evex\ The boy is wearing "fore- Jim Nolen is receiving wide praise eyes" too. Incidentally, he did not as the designer of a distinctive new theater in Philadelphia, the Renel. The in fhe heart oF Chicago's business volunteer this, but we got it from a letterhead: the man of many oflices is Philadelphia Exhibitor, a movie trade and social activities. A step from now President of the Polish Students paper says of his work: "A graduate Chicago's world Famous Michigan and Alumni Association of America of Notre Dame University, designer Boulevard; adjacent to Lincoln Park; with headquartex-s in the Webster Nolen can well be congratulated on a short block from Lake Michigan Hotel. the Renel from all angles. Not only and almost equally close to the heart is the house outstanding in its beauty, of the so-called Loop. We forgot to tell you in the last but it has combined beauty with com­ that Bill Measer js taking graduate fort as well as utility." • 450 guest rooms, each outside, work at Canisius College in Buffalo. spacious, beautifully equipped with Bill is in the education department bafh Qnd shower combination, servi- and that sounds like teaching to us. TOM TURNQUIST IS DEAD dor and circulating ice water. Roomie Proctor is anticipating the Tom Tuimquist is dead. • Three colorful restaurants including debating season by filling his desk The vetei-an Pullman porter who a popular priced coffee shop, ten pri­ with copious notes, books and held a unique role in the annals of vate dining rooms and ballrooms in­ speeches. Tom never feels happy un­ Notre Dame football, and who was cluding our new Notre Dame Room. less he is prepai-ing a talk. We'll be personally acquainted with most of hearing him over the air for Bill the Noti-e Dame varsity football play­ • Notre Dome alumni, student body Coyne's silver-tongued boj's. ers of the past 11 seasons, died at St. and faculty con be definitely certain Luke's hospital, Chicago, on Decem­ And here is to another apology. that they will receive the ultimate in ber 15, after a two-weeks' illness This time it goes to Luke Francis which developed into pneumonia. facilities, courtesy and service at rates Kelly (Luke to youse guys). We surprisingly moderate. entirely skipped mentioning him as He had made eveiry trip with the' • Moke the Knickerbocker your being around the "Bend in the River" Notre Dame football team since he iirst accomnanied the squad to Los headquarters when in Chicago, this yeai". As our editor volunteered a shoi-t while back, Luke is case Angeles, for the Southern California game of 1926, with the e-xception of AUan G. Hurit, Manager supervisor at the Vincentian Service Bureau in town. The Bureau is a the most recent one to that game. news agency opened in the social Shortly before time for the Notre work field, sectarian in ox-ganization, Dame special to pull out of Chicago non-sectarian in services. on November 30, Tom was stricken and had to enter the hospital. It was It has been our pleasure to do the only football trip with the Irish some field work with Luke as our he had ever missed. The Pontiac Motor Division of the General Motors Sabs Corpo­ ration and its Dealers extend a cordial invitation to all Alumni, friends and well-wishers of the University of Notre Dame to hear NOTRE DAME NIGHT on a new series of coast-to-coast radio broadcasts known as . PONTIAC'S yA'RSIT/SHOW" JOHN HEIO, JR., MASTER OF CEREMONIES BROADCAST DIRECT FROM THE CAMPUS FRIDAY, MARCH 5th, 10:30 P.M. (E.S.T.) NBC RED NETWORK With the approval of Rev. John F. O'Hora, C. S. C, and the to the music, songs and atmosphere of your student days. cooperation of oil interested Untversityauthorities, Pontiocwill In the course of this sparkling and present on Friday, March 5th, the seventh of a originalserieSftolentfrom nearlyoll the series of radio broadcosts that radio other famous Universities will be heard. experts cati one of the outstanding The radio poge of your local news­ programs on the air. The broodcast 1* paper will keep you informed as to the college scheduled each Friday night. will be mode direct from the campus ^1B^ Pontiac is happy to sponsor the "Varsity Show" at South Bend and will be transmitted for two reasons: First, because it gives us an opportunity to over the entire NBC Red Network at be of some service to the university graduates of America 10:30 p. m.. Eastern Standard Time. whose occeptonce of Pontiac Sixes and Eights has been You will hear the great Notre Dome Band, the Glee Club, such on important foctor in Pontiac's success; and second, ond thecreom of student vocal ond instrumental tolentm a pro* because we believe that the rodio audience of America gram which, for pace, variety and brilliance of production, will will be agreeably surprised at the talent available on the besecond tononenow being broadcast, tfyou tunetn, we are campuses of America. certain you will not only be highly entertained by the quality PONTIAC MOTOR DIVISION, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN of the program itself, but that you will also thrill once more General Motori Sales Corporation 6t STATIONS • From 10:30 to 11:00 p.m. f.^.T.—WWNC • WFBR • WNAC • WBEN • WCSC • WSOC • WtW • WTAM • WIS • WCOL - WWJ WOOD - WFBC • WnC • WJAX • WIOD - WEAF • WTAR • KYW • WCAE * WCSH - WJAR • WfTF • WRVA - WGY - WFIA-WSUN • WRC - WTAG. From 9:30 to 10:00 p,m, C.S.T.—KGNC - WSB • KFYR • WMAO • WFAA-WBAP - WEBC • WDAY • WGl • KTHS • KPRC - WIRE • WJDX WDAF • KARK • WAVE • WIBA • WMC • WTMJ • KSTP - WSMB • WKY • WOW • WOAI • KTBS • KFBX • KSD • KVOO. From 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. M.S.T.—KGHL • KGIR • KOA • KTAR • KDYU from 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. P.S.T.—KMJ • KFI • KGW . KFBK . KPO - KOMO • KHQ • KWG. «^i Stl¥Elt STREAK AMERICAS FINEST JUOW-imiCED CAR The Notre Dame Alumnus JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, 75 The magmine is published from October to July inclusive by the Alumni Association Member of die Amerieaa of the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame. Indiana. The subscription priwj is $2.00 Editor a year: the price of sinrfe copies is 2o cents.
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