T n a ftomotra/ RoMIIIIng ••nior cm aM DIaeotint Oroup RatBBaFKM ■aHim lw tt aa.OO Minimum 6 4 6 -3 4 2 5 production i t a S S i a r ” BRUCI LITVINCHYK, Ownar/Opwalor 341 LYDALL ST., MANCHKSTEn Se/ving the Menchester ana for 100 years HAS IT! Tuesday, May 26, 1981 Manchester, Conn. 25 Cents C H U m M ITO BODY 763 ROUTE 13 TALCOTTVILLE. CT. MAIN ST nearly set 24 HR. TOWING 643-1191 •191 GENEVA, Switzerland (UPI) — production cutback and a price 6 4 3 - 0 0 1 6 n p p MAIN ST O'Neill OPEC ministers indicated today freeze centered on the existing MANCHESTER •COMPLCTE COLLISION REPAIR FEATURING THIS WEEK . •POREIQN AND AMERICAN CARS they were near a compromise OPEC benchmark price for crude of 643-1966 agreement on oil price and produc­ $36 per barrel would tie in with tion levels aimed at countering a proposals made by leading OPEC current glut on world oil markets. moderates such as Indonesia and PAP AUTO PARTS The 13 oil ministers were seen Venezuela. smiling broadly after a 3-hour. 15- Yamani said Monday his country, YANKEE ALUMINUM SERVICES minute morning session and several the United States largest supplier of 20 Warren 8t., MflrfShMter on guns said solid progress was made foreign oil. would consider raising (Oppoatle WeyBl Ic^tB art^ toward an agreement. 646-1ioa( its price of $32 barrel to $34. which HARTFORD (UPl) - Gov. “We will cut production by 10 per­ would result in a 1 cent per gallon in­ with this ad Williani O’Neill, weighing an appeal cent and freeze prices at current crease for American consumers, if from Sen. Edward Kennedy, D- levels but I can only speak for my others lowered theirs. 16% Discount Mais., and a wave of proteit from country,” Qatar Oil Minister Abdul Saudi Arabia has acknowledged Connecticut aportsmen, decides this Khalifa Al Than! said. engineering the glut by raising its M 1 SROAD ST (M I T MANCHtStIR CONN OAOOO 4 oFF glass 0 screen repair 1.. week whether to sign or veto a harsh Edouard M’Bouy-Boutzit of Gabon daily production to 10.3 million Mjnciiesief Pn3if«.s ‘ •'» ^ •* *> 1 ('c .......... ^ stylet of doori to c fio o ta from In any color. gun control bill. said “a consensus has been barrels a day while at the same time ’The bill. Imposing a minimum reached” on general OPEC produc­ keeping prices down to pressure one-year mandatory prison term for tion cutbacks although he added that other OPEC members to fall in line. W t SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL carrying a handgun without a per­ conservative Saudi Arabia, the But Saudi Arabia found little sup­ AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION K-B AUTOMOTIVE mit, cleared the House and Senate cartel’s leading producer, would port for price cuts among OPEC HEATING and SHEET METAL KEN BRAITHWAITE after the shootings of FTesldent' “ make its own announcement members charging record-high Reagan and Pope John Paul II. 299 BROAD ST. 643-8844 later.” rates during preliminary dis­ O’Neill’s decision will-hinge on Saudi Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmed cussions Monday. Yamani offered to another bill due for Senate action New England Mechanical Services. Inc SPEGALIZING IN; Zaki Yamani made no comment raise Saudi prices if the others 'Tuesday. The measure would im­ after the morning session, but he lowered theirs but the idea was • STARTERS pose a five-year minimum man­ 166 TUNNEL RD. had earlier said he hoped agreement rejected by militant North African • GENERATORS • TUNE UPS datory sentence for the use of a would be reached by the end of pie producers. VERNON. CT. 06066 firearm during the commission of 871-1111 • ALTERNATORS •WIRING day. Yamani held out his offer just most felonies. Even Libya, one of the top OPEC before the start of the two-day con­ O’Neill has said he will make a hawks always pushing for increased ference. He said he was willing to decision when he sees both pieces of prices, said an agreement is very raise the price of his oil if — but only CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER'S Nrri iiiif Wriiir/ir.v/rr orrr .ill > rn. legislation. The bill imposing the TEL. 649-3328 p -- J^yjQ possible. if — the other high-priced OPEC one-year mandatory term arrived “We are making good progress members would lower theirs. PARTS Penttand The on his desk late last Thursday and and I hope we can get an agreement United Arab Emirates Minister Florist the governor must act on It by this by the end of the afternoon,” Libyan Otaiba said he was ' optimistic we I I H k lS I 24 B IR C H S T . ’Thursday. Oil Minister Abdussalem might be able to do something to I h o u r s Kennedy telephoned O’Neill and B TO 8 MON -FRI PAP’S “INDY 5 0 0 " SPECIAL TEL. 643-6247 Mohammed Zagaar said. narrow the gap between the various 8 TO 5 SAT. A SUN 6 4 3 -4 4 4 4 "urged him to sign” the one-year “Almost, almost,” a grinning prices of crude and also cut produc­ 5 quarts 10W40 Pennzoll Qas-Saving Motor bill, a spokesman for the senator 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) F.T.D . Mana Saeed Otaiba of the United tion.” Oil & Pennzoll Oil Filter MASTEH CHANGE said. Kennedy has been a strong ad­ Arab Emirates said he was asked if But others, notably the highpriced MANCHESTER AMEHICAN EXPNESS WOHLD WIDE vocate of gun control since his SENVIC E an agreement was near. North Africa OPEC producers, were BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY SAT & SUN ONLY WITH OIL CHANGE brothers John and Robert were Any 10 percent across-the-board less hopeful. gunned down by assassins. FREE ‘1NDY 500'* POSTER O’Neill has received “several hun­ CAP -N- CORK PACKAGE STORE « FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies Inc. dred pieces of mail and telephone 7.86 646-0228 876-3252 calls” since the gun control bill 485-489 No. Main S(. OIL by the CASE - 24 qts 10W40 A COMPLETE LINE OF WILTON CAKE MCOMTKMS Manchastar, Conn. passed the Senate the day Pope John Paul II was shot in Rome, sgid 649-0591 SAT & SUN ONLY WITH CASE OF 10W40 gubernatorial spokesman Larrye 191 CENTER ST Latest victim Kmiiitlvli'il S. t.nliirui )l FREE TNDY 500' EMBLEM MANCHESTER CONN deBear. Mon Sat 10 5 ’The calls and letters bad “exactly I II ItrlliT SiTi <• I oil 25-20 Thura tO-8 limit 2 the same meaaage” — veto the one- LIQUOR - BEER - CORDIALS year minimum mandatory bill and Larg* Salaction ol PAP AUTO PARTS tt 1 ‘ihliiiK (.nki-s I .S;f«>r-io/l> sign the five-year ( mandatory for fo u n d in kWer Imoorlad A Domastic Winga < crinninal use of a firearm, deBear 307 E Center St (Rear) said. ATLANTA (UPI) - A black man Two youths in canoes found Connecticut Sportsmen Alliance MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY. INC. (behind Lennox Pharmacy) whose nude body was found in the eater's body lying on its right side 649-3528 MANCHESnR OVER 4 5 spokesman Robert Crook said the suburban Chattahoochee River Sun­ and only partially submerged about one-year bill was “pointed at the t . .•! ''ll . I> l ’r..l. Ii. YEARS day was identified today as 27-year- two feet from the south bank within average citizen" and sportsmen had old Nathaniel Cater — the 28th sight of an Interstate 285 bridge MEMOMAL CO. EXPEniENCE urged O'Neill to veto it. •FOUL WEATHER SUITS MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. Members of the American Legion march down Linden Street to young black to be slain in the Atlan­ across the Chattahoochee. 0pp. East Camalary CALL 649-5807 “We think the governor will make ta area in toe last 22 months. Cater's body was discovered 12 •BOOTS •HOSE 5 GLEN ROAD - P.O. BOX 945 a rational decision” and veto the Memorial Day Center Park, where Monday's Memorial Day parade concluded with a commemorative ceremony. (Herald photo by Thompson) Public Safety Oommissioner Lee days after the last previous victim, •GLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS MANCHESTER, CT. 06040 UALITY one-year minimum mandatory bill. Brown called ai news conference to William Barrett, 17, was found PHONE (203) 643-B107 HARRISON 8T. Crook said.. announce Cater’s identity, which beside a dead-end road just outside 5 Gian Pd. • Mancheater • 643-5107 MORIALS MANCHESTER The governor was scheduled to was established by fingerprints a Atlanta's eastern city limits. D make a weekend appearance at the short time after the body was taken Dr. Robert Stivers, the chief “SUPPLIERS OF SAFETY PROTECTION” Fin, Fur and Feather Club In to the morgue. Fulton County medical examiner, Chaplin, putting him in line for more Spring Call for quality fleam Police said they withheld the said Cater, 5-foot-lO and 150 pounds, sportsmen pressure. name of Cater, who was never died of asphyxiation and had been in EVERYTHING IN GLASS CIsaning? carpel cleaning the Two key Democratic leaders at Memorial Day parade W E C A N T h i d e b e h i n d o u r p r o d u c t reported missing, to avoid any in­ the river from two days to a week. Bane-Clene way the Capitol who strongly support gun CALL terference with the effort to trace He safehCater's age also should give control said they have not discussed his last movements. police a better chance of tracking Otita Maiirttflance the bills with O’Neill.
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