E390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 24, 2015 to invite me to visit her husband Bill in his After 15 years in federal, state, and local The 130 Miss World contestants were long-term care facility. This was a special ex- health policy, Carol complemented her career judged not only on beauty but also on physical perience for me, and I am grateful for Cathy by contributing to private sector health care fitness, modeling, social media skills, interview and her family’s willingness to help me under- through senior level executive recruiting. Dur- skills, and their philanthropy project, called stand what it’s like to live with and care for ing the course of her 25-year career, Carol ‘‘Beauty with a Purpose.’’ someone with Alzheimer’s. Not many people was a partner at three of the top four inter- Elizabeth represented the United States are willing to open their lives up that way. national recruiting firms: Spencer Stuart, well, finishing first in the multimedia portion of Cathy’s involvement also stretches beyond Heidrick & Struggles, and Russell Reynolds the competition. She ultimately was crowned the advocacy field. She is active in a local Associates. Carol’s last 10 years were dedi- 2nd Princess, a 3rd overall finish in the 2014 younger-onset caregiver support group since cated to building and leading the Health Serv- Miss World pageant, thereby receiving the ad- 2006, when there were less than twelve con- ices Practice at Russell Reynolds Associates. ditional title of Miss World Americas. tributors. Now, Cathy is one of seventy. She She was successful in recruiting many of the So far, Elizabeth has served admirably as also participates in the Walk to End Alz- top leaders in American health care across a Miss United States. She has traveled across heimer’s and her team has been the top fund- broad swath of the industry, including aca- the country promoting ‘‘Save the Children’’, raiser for the past three years. Since that fate- demic medical centers, major health plans, advocating for the welfare of children, and has ful news in 2006, she has dedicated her life to significant health systems, and prominent also served as a spokesperson for ‘‘Rock the the Alzheimer’s cause. Cathy is the true defini- health policy positions. Vote.’’ She will travel much of the world as tion of an advocate. Carol’s dedication to executive development Miss World Americas. Mr. Speaker, and distinguished colleagues, was manifested in her leadership forums in Her parents, Walter and Lynne Safrit, who I please join me in congratulating Cathy California and Massachusetts, and her CEO/ know well, along with Elizabeth’s extended Perkowitz on receiving this distinct honor and Innovator’s Roundtable. Devoted to her pro- family and friends, are very proud of her ac- wishing her and her family many future suc- fessional colleagues, Carol focused especially complishments. cesses as they continue their advocacy on be- on mentoring the emerging young women It is a great honor and privilege to extend half of those with Alzheimer’s disease. leaders across the industry. The recent cre- these congratulatory remarks to an inspiring f ation of the Carol Emmott Fellowship stands young lady who represents Kannapolis, North as a testament to her commitment to the suc- A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF THE Carolina’s 8th District, North Carolina, and the cess of women in the health care industry. LIFE OF CAROL BURGESS United States worldwide in her role as Miss Carol was deeply devoted to her family. United States and Miss World Americas. EMMOTT, PH.D. Cameron, her husband of 45 years, was the f love of her life. Having met in high school, HON. ANNA G. ESHOO they were soul mates in all endeavors, most SUE POSER OF PIERZ OF CALIFORNIA particularly in the nurturing of their son, Parker IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Emmott. While Carol was a dedicated wife HON. RICHARD M. NOLAN Tuesday, March 24, 2015 and professional, she was a devoted mother, OF MINNESOTA Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to always prioritizing her connection to Parker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his friends, and his evolution as a unique and honor the extraordinary life and work of a dear Tuesday, March 24, 2015 friend and revered colleague, Carol Burgess talented individual. Carol was predeceased by Emmott. Born on November 11, 1946, Carol her parents, Robert Banks Burgess and Mary Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize died peacefully at her home in Hillsborough, Gary Bedwell. In addition to her husband and Sue Poser of Pierz, Minnesota who has been California on February 25, 2015, at the age of son, she is survived by her sister, Betsy named the 2015 Quilter of the Year by Min- 68, in the arms of her loving husband, Cam- Wright, and many other beloved family mem- nesota Quilter’s Inc. Not only is she an excep- eron. bers and friends. tional quilter, she is also the third generation Carol was born and raised in Bartlesville, Carol was special in every way. She knew owner of Gruber’s, which many people liken to Oklahoma. She graduated from Southern how to be a friend. She used her intellect for a ‘‘Laura Ingalls Wilder’’ style shop and com- Methodist University in 1969 with a double the betterment of humanity, and she was munity hub—and award-winning quilting major in History and Political Science. In 1975, beautiful inside and out. Once you met Carol, mecca in Genola. Her quilting business began while working for the California Senate Pro she became unforgettable. I am blessed to with Poser’s grandparents and a small general Tem George Moscone, she earned her Ph.D. have known her, to have learned from her, to store serving a town of a population of 75 and from Oklahoma University in Health Policy, have been inspired by her, and to have had perhaps another 100 in the surrounding farms studying the California Legislature through UC her as a trusted friend and colleague. and townships. The store eventually included Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies. Mr. Speaker, I ask the entire House of Rep- everything from quilting supplies to movie rent- After completing her Ph.D., Carol contributed resentatives to join me in honoring the life and als, although it was particularly famous for its to the health policy research agenda of the In- work of Carol Burgess Emmott and in extend- meat market and quilting parties. An often-told stitute for Health Policy Studies at the Univer- ing our deepest condolences to her magnifi- story in the area tells of a man who brought sity of California, San Francisco. cent family. She strengthened our community a bear into the meat market for procession After her tenure at UCSF, Carol accepted a and our country, and bettered the lives of and while negotiating, he saw a group of 50 political appointment in Washington, D.C. countless Americans. women enjoying margaritas from the bar working under Joseph A. Califano, then Sec- f across the street for a quilting party. Curious retary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Dur- IN HONOR OF 2014 MISS UNITED to find out more about the party, he stopped ing her tenure there she managed a third of STATES ELIZABETH SCOTT in only to hear one of the spirited woman say, the health care legislative agenda for the Car- SAFRIT BEING NAMED MISS ‘‘We have to get back to the convent before ter Administration. Carol returned to California WORLD AMERICAS they lock the doors at eight!’’ as Chief Deputy Director of the State Health The meat market, like so many small busi- Department, working under Director Beverlee nesses, no longer operates—though the quilt- Myers. She was later the Deputy of the San HON. RICHARD HUDSON ing shop prospered and has expanded to OF NORTH CAROLINA Francisco Department of Public Health under other locations. Gruber’s now operates with 20 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mayor Dianne Feinstein, where she shaped employees in Waite Park and has been voted policies to respond to the AIDS crisis. Tuesday, March 24, 2015 one of the best quilt shops in the nation. Carol’s commitment to California’s public Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Sue is the common thread that binds huge safety net facilities led her to found and serve recognize and congratulate Elizabeth Scott sections of the quilting community together, as CEO of the California Association of Public Safrit, a constituent from Kannapolis, North not only as a crafter but as an encourager Hospitals. During her long tenure at CAPH, Carolina, who placed 3rd in the 64th Miss helping a lot of people find success in the quilt Carol and her colleagues were successful in World pageant on December 14, 2014, in Lon- and pattern-design industry. Some years ago, bringing billions of dollars of state and federal don, England. she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis— funds to help support California’s health care Elizabeth represented North Carolina in the but that doesn’t stop her from doing what she safety net, facilitating the passage of legisla- Miss United States Pageant last year, and loves. She said, ‘‘If God gave me MS, it was tion to rebuild the majority of these vital facili- upon winning qualified to represent our coun- to slow me down because otherwise I’d never ties. try in the Miss World competition. stop.’’ She is such an inspiration to others. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Mar 25, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K24MR8.004 E24MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 24, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E391 People who struggle with a recent health diag- tire Nation.
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