JOURN OF THE ATERFORD & SOUTH EA PRESIDENT : MOST REVEREND R, A. SHEEHAN, D,D., F,R,S,A, V’ICE-PRESIDENTS: HON. DUDLEY F. FORTESCUE, J.P., D.L., M.A. LORD ROBERTS, V.C. JOIIN N, WHITE, J.P., M.R.I.A. I R. J. USSHER, J.P. (For Co. Waterford)-DR. RINGROSE ATKINS, M. A. (For Co. Tipperary)-COUNT E. DE LA POER, (For Co, K.illtenny)-M. J. HURLEY, F,R.S, A. COMMITTEOE: DR. J. B. NORRIS CANE. REV. P. POWER, cc., F.R,S.A. C. PERCEVAL BOLTON, J.P. E. WALSI-IE KELLY, MAJOR 0. WHEELER CUFFE. W. J. SM1TH;J.r. REV. W. B, O’DONNELL, ADM. CAPT. L. BONAPARTE WYSE; W. L. BURKE. HON. SECRETARY: W, LAMBERT BURKE, National Bank, Waterford, HON. TREASURER: . T. H. BRETT, Munster and Leinster Bank, Waterford. ’ MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY. Allingham, Jno., Jnr., ‘I&more Appleton, Henry, 26, William Street, Waterford Atkins, Ringrose, M. A., M.D., Lunatic Asylum, Waterford Barrett-Hamilton, G. E. I-I., B.A., M.R. I. A., Kilmannock House,. New Ross Barron, Rev. M., c.c., St. John’s Presbytery, Waterford Barry, Rev. J., o.P., Dominican Convent, Waterford Barry, Rev. R. E., P.P., Rathcormack, Fermoy, Co, Cork Beary, Michael, Borough Surveyor, Dungarvan Bilton, Joseph, Henrietta Street, Waterford Board of Works, The Secretary, Dublin Blake, Mrs. A., Clifton Lodge, Seafield Avenue, Monkstown, Co. Dublin Bolton, C. Perceval, J.P., Brook Lodge, Halfway House, Waterford Brady, Sir F. W., Bart., Sorrento Cottage, Dalkey Brenan, R. E., Post Office, Dungarvan Brett, T. H., Munster and Leinster Bank, Waterford Brown, Rev. R. L., O.S.F., Franciscan Convent, Liberty Street, Cork Buckley, James, 20, Brunswick Square, London, W. iv. IVIEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY-Continued. Buckley, M. J. C., 10, St. John's Quay, Kilkenny Burke, W. L., National Bank, Waterford Burke. Rev. P,, The Presbytery, George's Street, Waierford Burke, Rev. W. P., Catherine Street, Waterford . Burtchaell, G. D., M.A,, LL.B., 7, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin Butler, Miss, Cliff House, Dunmore East Callanan, Rev. M., c. C., Portlaw Cane, J. B. Norris, ?.D., Mullinavatt Ca'ri-igan', Reb. W., CC., Rathdowney, Queen's Co. Castletown, Lord, of Upper Ossory, D.L., F. R.s.A., Abbeyleix Cavanagh, Michael, I 159, Fourth Street, N.E., Washington, D. C. Chandlee, .Samuel, Gaul's Mills, Waterford * Cochrane, Robert, M,I.C. e., F.K.s.A., 17, Highfield Road, Dublin Coleman, James, I I Manchester Street, Southampton Coleman, John, pet& Street, Waterford Coolre, John, M.A., F. R.s.A., 66, Morehampton Road, Dubli~: Crolrer, G. D., 11, 3'11; Mall, Waterford Cuffe, Major 0. Wheeler, Woodlancls, Waterford Cullen, J. B., M. R.I.A., 40, Kenilworth Square, Duldin Curtis, Miss, Clodagh Lodge? Po~tlaw Davidson, Rev 13. W., B.A., Templemichael Rectory, Uoughal Day, Right Rev. M. F., D.D., The Palace, Waterford De la Poer, Count de Poher, Gurteen-le-Poer, IGlsheelan Delaney, J., National School, Dunhill, Tiamore Dennehy, Patrick R., Headview, Lisinore Denny, C. E., Maypark, Waterford Devereux, M. P., 25, William Street, Waterford Devereux, Robert, Battlestown, Duncannon Dobbyn,IlTilliam A., Lady Lane, Waterford Dowley, Rev. T. J., Adm., Catherine Street, Waterford Dooley, Rev. A., 79, Barking Road, Kennington, London, E. Doyle, Richard, Waterford Steamship Co., The Mall, Waterford Dunford, Daniel, Soi~thParade, Waterford Dunphy, Rev. P., Ursuline Cottage, Waterford Egan, P. M., F.R.s.A., High Street, Kilkenny Elwin, Francis, 32, Mary Street, Waterford Everard, Rev. J., C.C., SS. Peter and Paul's, Clonme1 Fayle, Benjamin, Merlin, Cloninel Fennessy, W. H., Grange, Waterford ffrench, Rev. J. M., M.E.I.A., Clonegal, Co. Carlow FitzGerald, Lord Walter, Kilkea Castle, Mageney Elavin, Rev., C. J., P.P., Clonmel Flemyng, Rev. W. W., A.M., Coolfin Rectory, Portlaw Flynn, Rev. M,, P. P., IGlcop, Passage East Fortescue, Hon. Dudley F., M. A., D. L., Summerville, Dunnmre East Friel, R, T., Provincial Bank, JVaterford Furlong, Rev. T. F., c.c., Presbytery, George's Street, Waterford Gallwey, Wm., J.P., Rockfield, Tramore Gardiner, T. G., Munster and Leinster Bank, Dungarvan Gillington, Rev. G., A,B., Villierstown, Co. Waterford Goff, W. G. D., Slenville, Waterford Grainger, Dr. W. H., 408, Meridian Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A, Graves J. P,, J.P., Newtown, Waterford Grubb, J. Ernest, Carrick-on-Suir Harvey, Edmund, Grange, Waterford Harvey, T. Newenham, Cove Lodge, Waterford Hassett, Rev. E., cc., Carricltbeg Harty, John, William Street, Waterford. -, . - a~ MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY-Continued. ? IIayes, Rev, Bro. J. T., Waterpark, Waterford f Iearne, James, Catherine Street, do. Hearne, John, Beresford Street, do. Hearne, John, jun., do, do. Healy, kev. W., P.P.; F. II. S. A., Johnstown, Co. %lkenny Hickey, Rev, Professor, St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth Higgins, Patrick, Asst. Town Clerk, Waterford , Howard, William, B.A., New Ross. Hughes, Benjamin, “ Independent ” Office, Wexford. Humble, C, Nugent, Cloncoscraice, Dungarvan Hurley, M. J., P. R.S.A., Abbeylands, Waterforil Hurley, Pierce, South Parade, Waterford Hutton, Lucius O., 8, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin Jennings, J. R. B., c.I., R.I.c., Elysium, Waterford Kenting, Rev. M., P. Y., Dunhill, Tramore Kelly, E. Walsh, Beresford Street, Waterford Kelly, Gerald H., 76, The Quay, do. Kelly, Miss, Gladstone Street, do. Kelly, Mrs. A,, Cathedral Square, do. Keogh, D. J., Mall, do, Lennon, Rev. J., c. c., Dunmore East _ M&kesy, Dr. W.-L., 38, Lady Lane, Waterford Maher, Rev. J., c.c., Dunhill, Tramore Mansfield, Edward, Landscape, Kilsheelan Melleray, Lord Abbot of, Cappoquin Mockler, Rev. J,+ De la Salle College, Wsterford Mockler, Rev T., c.c., St, John’s College, Waterford . Molloy, w. R., J. P., M R.I.A., 17, Brookfield Terrace, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin Morgan, A. P., Springvale, Tipperary Morley, C., D.L., Milfort, Portlaw Morris, Dr. W. R., Lady Lane, Waterford Morrissey, Richd., T. c., Beresford Street, Waterford + Murphy, John J., Rosebank Villa, Tramore i Murphy, I?. M. A., Otteran Place, Waterford . McDonnell, Rev. T., P. P., Gladstone Street, Clonmel . Nelson, A., D.L,, IO, William Street, Waterford Nolan, George, Annaville, Newtown, do, Nugent, Rev. Bro. T. J,, Mount Sion, do, . Nugent, Rev. James, St. Mary’s, Oldham, Lancashire O’Byrne, kev. T. P.,’ c:c., Clondalkin, co. Dublin ’ O’Connell, Rev. D,, St. John’s College, Waterford O’Connor, John, Solicitor, 23, Kildare Street, Dublin O’Donnell, Rev. Pierce, C. c., Rathmines, Co. Dublin O’Donnell, Rev. W. B., Adm,, Presbytery, Gedrge’s Street, \;Vaterford O’Donoghoe, J., 18, Lower Newtown, Waterford Odell, Mrs., Cloncoscraine, Dungarvan Ormopde, Rev. L., c.c.; Stradbally, Co; Waterford Ormonde, Rev W,, St. Patrick’s Presbytery, Waterford O’Shee, N. P:, J.P., D.L., Gardenmorris, Kill, Co. Waterford ’ Otway, James, c.E., John’s Hill, Waterford Patterson, W. H,, Garranard, Strandtown, Co, Down Poole, A. H., The Mall, Waterford Pope, R. A.., F.R.S.A., South Street, New Ross Power, Nicholas, 87, The Quay, Waterford Power, P. J,, M.P., Newtown House, Tramore Power, P. M., D.L., Faithlegg, Waterford Powe& Rev. James W., All Saints’ Rectory, 47 East rzgth Street, New York, U*S.A, vi. .? IMEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY-Continued, Power, Rev. P., c.c., F.R.s.A., St John’s College, Waterford Power, Rev. T., c.c., Convent Hill, Waterford Power, William, 18, Beau Street, do. Power, T. F., 168, South Orange Avenue, Newark, S, I., U.S.A. Redmond, C. P:, O’Connell Street, Waterford Roberts, Lord, v.c., G.C.B., Royal Hospital, Dublin Ryan, L. A., J.P., Thomas Street, Waterford Ryan, Rev. J., c.c., Dominican College, Newbridge Scott, Miss E., IO, Lady Lane, Waterford Sheehan, Most Rev. Dr., D. D., Bishop’s House, Waterford Shee, James J., J.P., Abbeyview, Clonmel Sheehy, Very Rev. W. H., D. D., St. John’s College, Water-ford Sisters of Mercy, Dungarvan Sladen, Rev. R., P.P., Modelligo, Cappoquin Smith, W7. J,, J.P., Roanmore Lodge, Waterford Smith, G. N., A.B., Duneske, Cahir Strange, T. F., Eaton Terrace, Tramore Sutton, John, The Quay, Waterford Skeffington, T. B., L.L.D,, Inspector of N. Schools, Waterford Tighe, James, C. E., Sion Villa, Ferrybank Tobin, John A., Newtown Villa, Waterford Tobin, J. R., Rocklands, Tramore Ussher, A. E., J.P., Camphire, Cappoquin Ussher, R. J., J.P., Cappagh, Cappoquin Ursuline Convent, W7aterford Vigors, Col. P. D., F.R.s.A., Holloden, Bagnalstown Villiers Stuart, Capt., Dromana, Cappoquin Waldron, L. A., 58, Wellington Road, Dublin Walsh, Rev. D. F., c.c., Passage East Walsh, Rev. M., c.c., St. Mary’s, Clonmel Walsh, Rev. M., c.c., Trinity Without, Waterford. _ Walsh, Rev. T., P.P., Knockanore, Tallow White, J. N., M.R.I.A., J.P.., Rocklands, Waterford White, Major J. Grove, J. P., Kilbyrne, Doneraile Whelan, Mrs., Oakbank, Whitehaven, Cumberland Whitty, Rev. T., CC., Glenbrook, Arklow Williams, W. D., c.E., Bellevue Terrace, Waterford Wogan, Very Rev., o. s. F., Franciscan Convent, Waterford. Woollcombe, Dr. Robert Lloyd, LLD., M. R. 1.~. , F.R.S.A. I., B.L., 14, Waterloo Road, Dublin Wyse, A. Bonaparte, ,M.A., Manor of St. John’s, Waterford vC7yse, Capt. L. Bonaparte, Manor of St. John’s, Waterford Waters, Dr. G. A., M.D., Tramore LIFE MEMBER, Wright, Prof. E. Perceval, M.D., Hon. Sec. R.I. Academy, Trinity College, Dublin HONORARY MEMBER. Drew, Thomas, M.R.I.A., 22, Glare Street, Dublin vii, I.-That the Society be called “ THE WATERFORD AND SOUTH EAST OF IRELAND ARCHBOLOGICAI, SOCIPTYJ . " a--That the purpose of the Society be the promotion of the study of matters having an antiquarian interest relating to Waterford and the South Eastern Counties. S.-That Ladies shall be eligible for membership.
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