Indian Railways is divided for administrative convenience into several regional railways. Until recently there were 9 zones, and this structure had not changed much for four decades. Recently, 7 new zones have been created, giving a total of 16. In 2010, Kolkata Metro was given the status of the 17th zone of Indian Railways. Additionally, Konkan Railway has the administrative status of a zone of IR, but is nnoott normally considered a zone for operational purposes. (For the administrative structure of Indian Railways, please see the miscellaneous section..)) The nine older railway zones are: Northern Railway (NR) North Eastern Railway (NER) Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR, sometimes NEFR) Western Railway (WR) Southern Railway (SR) South Central Railway (SCR) South Eastern Railway (SER) Eastern Railway (ER) Central Railway (CR) The seven new zones are: South Western Railway (SWR) North Western Railway (NWR) West Central Railway (WCR) North Central Railway (NCR) South East Central Railway (SECR) East Coast Railway (ECoR) East Central Railway (ECR) Deemed zones: Kolkata Metro (given zonal status Dec. 29, 2010) Konkan Railway (deemed a zone for administrative purposes) ZZoonnee HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss DDiivviissiioonnss New zones that started in April 2003 East Coast Bhubaneshwarr Khurda Road, Waltair, and Sambalpur divisions of SER Railway Bangalore and Mysore divisions of SR, reorganized Hubli division of SCR, South Western Hubli including Hospet-Toranagal. Railway (Earlier constituted to have Guntakal division of SCR as well.) West Central JJaabbaalplpuurr JJaabbaalplpuurr aannd Bhhooppaall ddivivisisioionnss ooff CCRR,, rreeoorrggaanniizzeed Koottaa ddivivisisioionn oof WRR Railway North Central AAlllalahhaabbaadd RReeoorrggaaninizzeed divivisisioonns: Allllaahhaabbaad of NNRR, Jhaannsi off CCRR,, aanndd nnew Aggrra divivisisioonn Railway South East Nagpur division and reorganized Bilaspur division of SER, new Raipur Bilaspur Central Railway division New zones that were created in 2002 North Western Jodhpur division and reorganized Bikaner division of NR, reorganized Jaipur Jaipur Railway and Ajmer divisions of WR Sonpur and Samastipur divisions of NER, Danapur, Mughalsarai, and East Central Hajipur Dhanbad divisions of ER. Railway (Was earlier constituted to have Katihar division of NFR as well.) Old zones as they are after April 2003 Bhavnagar and Mumbai divisions, reorganized Ratlam, Rajkot and Vadodara WWeeststeerrnn RRaaiillwwaayy MMuumbaiai divisions, new Ahmedabad division Bhusawal and Nagpur divisions, reorganized Mumbai CST and Solapur CCeenntrtraal RRaaililwwaayy MMumbbaaii divisions, new Pune division (including Pune-Kolhapur) EEaasstteerrnn RRaaiillwwaayy KKoollkkaattaa HHoowwrraahh, MMaallddaa, SSeeaallddaahh, aanndd AAssaannssool ddiivviissiioonnss Chennai, Palghat, Tiruchirapalli, Thiruvananthapuram, and Madurai Southern Raiillwwaayy CChhennaiai divisions (a Salem division has been proposed [7/06]) Ferozpur, Ambala, Lucknow and Moradabad divisions, reorganized Delhi NNoortrthheern Raillwwaayy DDeelhlhii division North Eastern GGoorraakkhhppuurr LLuucckknnoow and VVaarraannaasi divivisisioionnss,, rreeoorrggaannizized IIzzzzaattnnaaggar divivisisioionn Railway Reorganized Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Guntakal (including Bellary- South Central Secunderabad Guntakal (MG) and Bellary-Rayadurg), and Vijayawada divisions, new Railway Guntur and Nanded divisions. South Eastern Kharagpur division, reorganized Adra and Chakradharpur divisions, new Kolkata Railway Ranchi division Northeast Katihar, Lumding, Tinsukia divisions, reorganized Alipurduar division, new Guwahati Frontier Railway Rangiya division Loco, coach, and wagon manufacturers whose products have been used in India AABBBB AASSEA Brroowwnn--BBoovveerri, Swwiittzzeerrlalanndd ALCO American Locomotive Co., Schenectady, NY, USA BBUNLL Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam, Ltd. BBEEMMLL BBhhaarraatt EEaartrth Moovveerrss LLiimmititeedd BBHHEELL BBhhaarrat Heeaavy Eleecctrtricicalals Limititeedd BBLLWW BBaaldldwwiinn LLooccomoottivive Woorrkkss,, UUSSAA BBPP BBeeyyeerr PPeeaaccoocckk,, MMaanncchheesstteerr BBSSCCLL BBuurn Sttaannddaarrd Coo.., Ltdd.. BBTTHH BBrrititisishh TThhoommssoonn HHoouussttoonn BWEELL Bharat Wagon and Ennggiinneeeerriing Co., Ltdd.. CCLLWW CChhititttaarraannjjan LLooccoo Worrkks,s, alalssoo CCaannaadidian Looccoommoottivive Worrkks (now Boommbbaarrddieier)r) DDLLWW DDiieesseell LLooccoo Worrkkss,, VVaarraannaasisi EBW E. B. Wilson EE English Electric EMD General Motors' Electro-Motive Division, USA GEC General Electric Corporation, UK GM General Motors, USA GMD General Motors Diesel, Canada HL Hawthorn-Leslie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK ICF Integral Coach Factory, Perambur ISW Indian Standard Wagon Works, Satna KS Kerr Stuart, Stoke-on-Trent, UK LHB Linke Hoffman Busch GmbH, Germany MLW Montreal Locomotive Works MV Metropolitan Vickers NBL North British Locomotive Co., Glasgow NW Nasmyth Wilson, Manchester O&K Orenstein & Koppel, Berlin RCF Railway Coach Factory, Kapurthala RS Robert Stephenson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK SFAC Societe des Forges et Ateliers, Creusot SIG Schweirische Industrie Gesselschaft Schweizerische Lokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik, SLM Winterthur, Switz. TELCO Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co. USATC US Army Transportation Corps., USA WB William G. Bagnall, Stafford, UK Wagon India Ltd. (an intermediary firm for wagon WIL contracts) Organizations & Corporations AIRF All-India Railwaymen's Federation (union organization) BMRTC Bangalore Metropolitan Rail Transit Corporation, Ltd. BPT Bombay Port Trust (later MPT) CMC Computer Maintenance Corporation, also Calcutta Metro Corporation COFMOW Central Organization for the Modernization of Workshops CONCOR Container Corporation of India COOIS Central Organization for Operations Information Systems CORE Central Organization for Railway Electrification COS Central Office of Standards (predecessor of RDSO) CRIS Centre for Railway Information Systems CTC Calcutta Tramways Corporation DCW Diesel Component Works, Patiala DMRC Delhi Metro Rail Corporation ELRTS Elevated Light Rail Transit System (proposed, Bangalore) FNRM Friends of the National Rail Museum FROA Federation of Officer's Associations (umbrella organization for railway officers' groups) IPWE Institution of Permanent Way Engineers IRAS Indian Railway Accounts Services (financial management) IRC Indian Railways Corporation (proposed) Indian Railway Conference Association (body that issues inspection guidelines, allots wagon IRCA codes, inspects workshops) Indian Railways Construction Company, now IRCON International Ltd., which takes on contract IRCON work to build railways in other countries (Iraq, Nepal, Indonesia...). IRCOT Indian Railways Central Organization for Telecom IRCTC Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation IREB Indian Railways Executive Board (proposed) IRFC Indian Railways Finance Corporation IRIATT Indian Railways Institute of Advanced Track Technology IRICEN Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune IRIEEN Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering, Nasik IRIMEE Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jamalpur IRISET Indian Railways Insitute of Signal Engineering and Telecommunications, Secunderabad IRMS Indian Railway Medical Services IRPHA Indian Railway Public Health Association IRPS indian Railway Personnel Services (human resources) IRRA Indian Railways Regulatory Authority (proposed) IRSE Indian Railway Service of Engineers IRSEE Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers IRSME Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers IRSS Indian Railway Stores Services (inventory control) IRSSE Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers IRSTE Indian Railway Signal and Telecom Engineering IRTS Indian Railway Traffic Services (management, marketing) ISRS Indian Steam Railway Society ITB International Tourist Bureau (New Delhi) KRCL Konkan Railway Corporation, Ltd. KRDC Konkan Railway Development Corporation K-RIDE Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Ltd. KRIST Konkan Railway Institute for Staff Training KMRT Kolkata Mass Rapid Transit LRDSS Long Range Decision Support System LRTS Light Rail Transit System (proposed, Kolkata) MPT Mumbai Port Trust (see BPT) MRSP Model Railway Society of Pune MRTS Mass Rapid Transit System (Chennai) MRVC Mumbai Rail Vikas Corporation MTP Metropolitan Transport Project (Railways), Bombay MUTP Mumbai Urban Transport Project (a World Bank project) NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (union organization) NRM National Rail Museum, New Delhi PRCL Pipavav Railway Corporation Ltd. NRMU National Railway Mazdoor Union (railway employees' trade union) RB Railway Board RBSS Railway Board Secretariat Services (part of Railway Ministry) RCIL Railtel Corporation of India, Ltd. RDSO Research, Design and Standards Organization ROMA Railway Officers' Medical Association RPF Railway Protection Force (also see below, Miscellaneous) RSC Railway Staff College, Vadodara Rail India Technical and Economic Services, which takes on planning, design, and operational RITES work in other countries (Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mexico, Zambia, Nepal, etc.). RTRC Railway Testing and Research Centre (a predecessor of RDSO) RWWCO Railway Women's Welfare Central Organization RVNL Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. SGE Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd. WAP Wheel and Axle Plant, Yelahanka (also a loco classification :-) ) Trains AP AndhraP radeshE xpress DQ TheD eccanQ ueen GT GrandT runkE xpress JJ JayantiJ
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