04|2021 DER HANNOVERANER No. 04 | April 2021 | Breeding Grande-Preis goes to Stanley Sport Sanceo‘s double victory Breeding Valuable Information Breeding A Hannoveraner/Dutch success story: Glock’s Toto jr. With rider Edward Gal. Photo: Melissen The KWPN dressage horse The Dutch breeding of sport horses has become one of the most successful breeding programs worldwide for all three Olympic disciplines. The breeding area is located in the direct neighbourhood of both Hannover and the Rhineland. Hence KWPN stallions also attract the interest of breeders of the Hannoveraner Verband. By Dr. Ludwig Christmann 2 Der Hannoveraner 04|2021 Breeding here is a lot of interest in Dutch genetics, espe- Tcially with respect to dressage horses. So there are good reasons to take a closer look at KWPN dressage horse breeding. What is the origin of the breed? The Netherlands was home to two warmblood breeds. The Groninger was bred in the north and was similar to the Altoldenburger and the Ostfrie- sen. The Gelderlander was bred in the south, its build is lighter. It was originally used as a workhor- se for agriculture and as a cart horse. After World War II, as mechanization in society and agriculture gained momentum and equestrian sports increa- sed in popularity, these horses were also used un- der saddle. “The Gelderlander was a real all-roun- der: for work in the countryside, at the weekend for riding in dressage, jumping or eventing, and, on Sundays, as a means to get to church. Its characte- ristics were just as versatile: a strong horse with a good walk and trot with a lot of flexion in the Va’Pensiero – the outstanding joints and a sublime front leg technique with a lot 1993 by Kostolany), Holstein stallions such as Hannoveraner and Bundeschampion of shoulder freedom and knee action. At the time, Flemmingh (born 1987 by Lacapo), Selle Française of 2020 and a successful result of the selection process for character and willingness stallions such as Le Mexico (born 1970 by Mexico, combining Hannoveraner and Dutch to perform already existed: “People parted with a right-hand brother of Furioso II), but also Hanno- genetics. Photo: Fellner horses that did not want to work,“ Johan Ham- veraner stallions were used. Especially Voltaire by minga, a dressage trainer up to the Grand Prix-le- Furioso II/Gotthard (born in 1979; breeder: Erika vel and a member of the KWPN licensing commis- Kuwert, Mülheim), had a strong, positive influence sion, describes the Gelderlander. According to on the development of the breeding of Dutch show literature (Wikipedia), the Andalusian, Neapolitan, jumpers. Lord Leatherdale by Lord Loxley/Ferraga- Anglo-Norman breeds as well as Norfolk Trotters mo, born in 2003 and bred in the Rhineland by are mentioned as breeds that influenced the Gel- Zuchtgemeinschaft Pleines in Uedem, continues to derlander. The latter breed, which originated in be popular in the breeding of dressage horses. England, has also influenced various trotter breeds, Among others, he is the sire of Glamourdale, the among others. Changing the breeding process to- World Champion of Young Dressage Horses 2019. wards creating riding horses began as early as the 1950s with imported stallions such as the Anglo- About the breeding principles Norman L‘Invasion or the Holstein Normann and In the book “The KWPN Horse“, which was publis- later Amor to name a few. But also the Hannovera- hed by the KWPN in 2012, the breeding objectives ner Eclatant by Duellant/Ableger II out of the mare and selection characteristics of the Dutch dressage line of Nehrung (breeder: Claus Schmoldt, Holler- horse are described in detail. The breeding goal is deich) played a role. The stallion, which was born explicitly defined as striving to produce a horse in 1963, sold to the Netherlands on Verden’s stal- that has the conformation and movement to be lion sales in 1965. In the 06/1965 issue of “Han- successful in Grand Prix. Many criteria are similar noversches Pferd“, he is described as a “strong to those in Hannover, but some accents are defini- stallion with a very steadfast character, a short tely set differently. “Raising the forehand is one of cannon-bone and very good, swinging move- the basics of dressage and that is why we prefer ments“. an upright (vertical) neck carriage in the dressage horse,“ as it is formulated in “The KWPN Horse“. In 1969, the existing studbooks merged and the Great importance is also attached to the horses Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands being constructed uphill and, above all, to them (KWPN) was founded. Since 2006, there are four moving uphill, bringing the forehand up in the mo- official breeding directions: the dressage horse, the vement, having good self-carriage and being light- show-jumping horse, the carriage horse and the footed. For this they should be supple in the joints Gelder horse. Foreign genetics were heavily used with an active hind leg and a bit of knee action. In the development of the dressage and show- jumping breeding lines: Trakehner stallions such as What are the experiences in the Hannoveraner Ver- Doruto (born 1962 by Komet) and Gribaldi (born band with Dutch genetics? In the Hannoveraner Der Hannoveraner 04|2021 3 Breeding Breedung values of KWPN dressage stallions Name Year of birth Year Type Conformation Number of offspring/ accuracy Hannoveraner breeding value dressage Triot Canter Walk Rideability Number of offspring/ accuracy FN-breeding value young horses FN-breeding highest value level achieved Ampere by Rousseau/Flemmingh 2005 138 143 45/0.85 119 122 124 90 136 25/0.80 141/0.96 148/0.86 Bordeaux by Unitedt/Gribaldi 2006 90 97 29/0.78 101 103 111 94 94 13/0.68 143/0.97 170/0.90 Bretton Woods by Johnson/De Niro 2006 113 101 48/0.85 94 99 99 81 97 19/0.75 117/0.96 133/0.89 Buckingham by Bordeaux/Rousseau 2011 78 91 49/0.86 95 98 87 97 101 29/0.82 129/0.86 Rousseau by Ferro/Römer 1998 116 117 47/0.85 106 105 100 92 129 52/0.88 121/0.94 155/0.90 Totilas by Gribaldi/Glendale 2000 92 110 35/0.82 97 101 109 97 79 15/0.73 128/0.95 139/0.84 Vitalis by Vivaldi/D. Day 2007 118 130 31/0.81 109 103 124 104 100 15/0.73 150/0.97 167/0.92 Vivaldi by Krack C/Jazz 2002 131 134 44/0.84 109 105 119 112 96 17/0.74 150/0.95 184/0.82 Zack by Rousseau/Jazz 2004 132 139 40/0.84 119 116 130 111 113 17/0.76 134/0.96 160/0.88 Average 112 118 105.44 105.78 111.44 97.556 105 134 157 Source: Hannoveraner Jahrbuch Hengste 2021 Yearbook Stallions 2021, the breeding values of From my impressions at mare performance tests, I nine KWPN dressage stallions are published and can confirm that offspring of Dutch stallions are shown in the chart on page 8. The estimated bree- more often endowed with less swinging trot move- ding values from the studbook evaluations confirm ments, as we know it from Hannoveraner or Rhine- an overall positive heredity with regard to the con- land mares. The canter often is the best gait, the formation of horses. The average was 118 ranging walk the weaker gait. Could it be that the horses from 91 to 143. From a statistical point of view, need more time in their development allowing these breeding values are quite well secured. Bet- their undoubtedly present talents to emerge? Ingo ween 29 and 49 daughters per stallion were eva- Pape‘s comment fits this, “In the first phase under luated, the accuracy is between 0.78 and 0.86. The the rider, the Dutch horses often appear to be run- Hannoveraner breeding value dressage is estima- ning. The movement is not very swinging. The hor- ted from the assessments at the broodmare tests ses then certainly need the influence of a suitable and from the evaluations at Verden’s auctions. The rider to add stability to the rhythm, as well as number of horses evaluated was between 13 and springiness and increased suspension to the move- 52 per stallion, the accuracy between 0.68 and ment, whose mechanics are labor-intense.“ It is 0.88. Changes may still be expected in the bree- fitting that the Hannoveraner breeding values, ding values, which show a low accuracy. which are mainly based on the evaluation of three- and four-year-old horses, are relatively low. With Of the breeding values for the basic gaits, the one increasing age and appropriate rider encourage- Eclatant by Duellant participated in for canter is the highest with an average value of ment, the movement sequences are developed, the development of the riding-horse 111 and a range of 87 to 130. Clear individual resulting in higher horse show-breeding values. breed in the Netherlands in the differences can be seen. The worst breeding value Furthermore – just sufficent movement with less sixties. Photo: Archiv is the walk with an average value of 98 with a swing can be advantageous for the collection. A range from 81 to 112. The average values for trot predisposition for Grand Prix does not require very (106) and rideability (105) are in between. The big movement; the rideability of a Grand Prix-ta- average overall dressage breeding value is 105 lent does not have to be easy. There are enough with a range of 94 to 119, which is rather sparse examples of successful Grand Prix horses, inclu- for potential dressage specialists.The picture is ding Hannoveraner, that were difficult and requi- completely different when looking at the sport- red great riding skills.
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