MAKING CONNECTIONs 2012 ANNUAL REPORT S Rev. Henry A. Belin III AGENCY Ty Burrell David Chang maRKetiNG ACTOR CHEF, AUTHOR CHAIR ADVISORY ADVISORY TOR BETHEL AME CHURCH Helena Christensen Caryl Chinn C COMMITTEE COMMITTEE MODEL CARYL CHINN CULINARY Rev. Henry A. Belin III CONSULTING Nancy Seliger IRE Jewel Jones alan Cumming CO-CHAIR tom Colicchio CHAIR VICE CHAIR ACTOR F D BETHEL AME CHURCH CHEF, TV HOST, AUTHOR FLEISHMANHILLARD Love KitCheN, iNC. O Gavin DeGraw Jewel Jones Yann de Rochefort MUSICIAN Madison Cowan D CO-CHAIR VICE CHAIR Todd Aaron CHEF, AUTHOR R Love KitCheN, iNC. dominic Fumusa BOQUERIA A EXECUTIVE VICE CHAIR ACTOR Yann de Rochefort O Nurah amat’ullah Claire G. Behar SENTINEL DATA CENTERS, LLC RESTAURATEUR B musLim WomeN’s Cat Greenleaf Heather Benn INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH HOST, NBC-TV Jake Dickson Robert Weinmann AND DEVELOPMENT diCKsoN’s FaRmstaNd Chris Console Ethan Hawke MEATS TREASURER stuart desmond steiNeR sPoRts maRKetiNG RDD ASSOCIATES, LLC ACTOR & memoRaBiLia, iNC. WEST SIDE CampaIGN Barbara Fairchild AGAINST HUNGER michael Kay CULINARY AUTHORITY Charlie Dougiello John F. Fritts, Esq. Gilbert Diaz SPORTS BROADCASTER Brad Farmerie THe Door – AN IDEA HOUSE SECRETARY PHOENIX HOUSE Oliver Platt CHEF Melanie Dunea CadWaLadeR, WiCKeRsham & taFt LLP swami durga das ACTOR Tyler Florence MY LAST SUPPER THE RIVER FUND Mario Batali Robin Roberts CHEF, TV HOST, AUTHOR Moonah Ellison Anita Fein NEWSCASTER NeW YoRK moves CHEF, AUTHOR Marc Forgione ST. EdwaRD FOOD PANTRY Gavin Rossdale CHEF Marisa Farina Peter L. Bloom stephen Grimaldi MUSICIAN Paul Giannone time out NeW YoRK YoRKviLLe CommoN PaNtry GENERAL ATLANTIC, LLC Kyra sedgwick RESTAURATEUR Katie ilch LaMaunda Maharaj ACTOR Jean-marc houmard Food NetWoRK NYC HRA–EFAP Anthony Bowe Tony Shalhoub RESTAURATEUR maria Kalligeros CREDIT SUISSE Denny Marsh ACTOR dan Kluger KaLLiGeRos COMMUICATIONS, INC. NEIGHBORS TOGETHER CHEF Gail Grimmett Jennifer Leuzzi Jeanne McGettigan Kate Krader DELTA AIR LINES adveRtisiNG, maRKetiNG CATHOLIC CHARITIES CULINARY Food & WiNe maGaziNe & editoRiaL CoNsuLtaNt COMMUNITY SERVICES COUNCIL emeril Lagasse Carla A. Harris Diane Glick Morris Stephen McCarthy Mario Batali CHEF, TV HOST, AUTHOR amNeW YoRK MORGAN STANLEY NYS DOH-HPNAP CHAIR Jennifer Leuzzi Brendan J. Murphy dr. melony samuels CHEF, AUTHOR, tam ho RESTAURATEUR ADVERTISING, DUFF AND PHELPS BED-STUY CampaIGN maRKetiNG & editoRiaL SECURITIES, LLC AGAINST HUNGER M·A·C AIDS FUND Ted Allen CONSULTANT tom Neylon Rev.Terry Troia TV HOST, AUTHOR michael Lomonaco aCosta saLes & maRKetiNG Gloria Pitagorsky PROJECT HOSPITALITY Phillip Baltz CHEF, AUTHOR ChiCKeN & eGG PiCtuRes marc oshima Benny Wechsler BaLtz & ComPaNY Marisa May AEROFARMS METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Joe Bastianich SD26 EVENTS Ralph L. Rogers, Jr. ON JEWISH POVERTY annika schmitz CHEF, TV HOST, AUTHOR masaharu morimoto WELLS FARGO ADVISORS, LLC John Weed DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Lidia Bastianich CHEF, TV HOST, AUTHOR BRoNxWoRKs Bob Schneider Lee Schrager CHEF, TV HOST, AUTHOR seamus mullen CAPITAL ONE southeRN WiNe & sPiRits Ken Biberaj CHEF, AUTHOR, RESTAURATEUR CELEBRITY Linda simidian RESTAURATEUR Ruth Reichl FOX TELEVISION Eric Schwartz COUNCIL april Bloomfield CULINARY AUTHORITY Irika Slavin 76 WEST HOLDINGS Stanley Tucci CHEF Missy Robbins Food NetWoRK CHAIR Daniel Boulud CHEF Eileen Scott ACTOR, DIRECTOR Monica Talan CHEF, AUTHOR Michael Schlow FoRmeR Ceo, PathmaRK stoRes UNIVISION Hank Azaria Anthony Bourdain CHEF, AUTHOR, RESTAURATEUR COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ACTOR Nancy Seliger CHEF, TV HOST, AUTHOR Lee Schrager Angel Vazquez Kevin Bacon tim Buma southeRN WiNe & sPiRits EL DIARIO LA PRENSA FLEISHMANHILLARD ACTOR CHEF tanya Wenman steel John Wiseman michael smith Kelly Bensimon David Burke EPICURIOUS.COM sKiLLshaRe.Com ACTOR, MODEL CHEF, AUTHOR CooKiNG ChaNNeL Susan Ungaro Lorraine Bracco Anne Burrell THE JAMES BEARD FOUNDATION arthur stainman ACTOR CHEF, TV HOST, AUTHOR FIRST MANHATTAN andrew Carmellini Jean-Georges Vongerichten CHEF, AUTHOR Stanley Tucci CHEF, AUTHOR, RESTAURATEUR Cesare Casella ACTOR, DIRECTOR CHEF, AUTHOR COVER PHOTO: TIM REITER 01 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Dear Friends, We’ve all heard of six degrees of separation—the idea that each of us is just six connections or less away from one another. at Food Bank For New York City we see this play out on a daily basis. Every one of our donors, supporters and partners is closely linked to the people we serve. Food Bank would not be able to help provide 400,000 free meals, as well as other programs, each day to New Yorkers in need without the support of individuals, corporations and foundations who are as committed as we are to ensuring that no one in our city goes hungry. there is a misperception out there that giving is done at a distance. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whether you give money, time, expertise or advice, there is always a human being at the receiving end. When we take a moment to reflect on that fact, the distance falls away and we’re left with a sense of commonality that binds all of us together. approximately 1.5 million struggling New Yorkers are counting on us to provide them with the food, services and resources they require to survive. almost half a million of them are children who depend on soup kitchens and food pantries for dinner. Because of this we must connect with their families in the fewest steps possible. We do that by bringing everyone to the table and paving a direct pathway for those with the means to give. One by one, these connections add up to a lifeline for millions of New yorkers, and, as you’ll see in these pages, their stories are a testament to the power of connection. at no time have these bonds been more vital than in 2012, a year bookended by two major challenges. the year kicked off with 11 million meals lost due to federal spending cuts and ended with the devastation of hurricane sandy. But the strength of our network and the power of our supporters pulled us through an incredibly difficult time. We’re proud of the amount of food that we were able to get into the hands of our most vulnerable neighbors: Food Bank distributed more than 65 million pounds of food last year, enough for more than 54 million meals. during the first week of hurricane sandy alone, we helped to provide nearly 1 million meals—with millions more to follow in the weeks and months ahead. the work we do year after year also puts much-needed money into the pockets of New Yorkers who are struggling to keep food on the table: our volunteer income tax assistance (VITA) program helps low-income New York City residents file their taxes free of charge, bringing them $60 million in 2012 refunds and tax credits. Our work to ensure that eligible New Yorkers have access to food stamps helps to provide $3 billion a year in food purchasing power. None of these accomplishments would be possible without the relationships we have with our partners and supporters. Because of you, we’re able to effectively serve New Yorkers in need. though you may never meet these six-degreed neighbors, we hope that your partnership with Food Bank relays the strength of this vital connection. in a complicated system of food distribution, tax refunds and outreach, your support and connection to our mission allows us to show up in the lives of the most vulnerable as simply dinner. sincerely, Margarette Purvis Reverend henry A. belin III PRESIDENT AND CEO CHAIR, BOARD OF DIRECTORS ThANK yOU FOR bEING hERE FOR NEW yORK CITy MAKING CONNECTIONs WE’RE hERE FOR OThERs bECAUsE OUR Partners ARE hERE FOR Us LEE sChRAGER: PROVIDING REsPITE FROM ThE sTORM hOT MEALs served VIA FOOD TRUCKs DURING ThE hOLIDAys IN sANDy AREAs 12K ThANKs TO RObIN hOOD PHOTO: MELANIE DUNEA/CPi 03 2012 ANNUAL REPORT “ ThANKsGIVING WITh FOOD bANK MADE ME FEEL LEss ALONE AND shOWED ME That PEOPLE CARED. I hOPE I NEVER sEE ANyThING LIKE sANDy AGAIN.” EILEEN DRIVICK eileen was one of the lucky ones. she evacuated before hurricane sandy hit with full force and returned a few days later to four feet of water in her home and substantial damage. But she’s grateful she still had a home. “my brother lost everything,” she says. Our Table is Yours was the perfect escape at the perfect time. “it gave me a break from everything i was going through,” says Eileen, who lives on staten island. “it was great to have some good food, a few laughs, and let go of the pressure for one night. Plus, the gift cards were a nice—and necessary—surprise.” Making a connection is as easy as picking up the phone. Just ask Lee schrager, Food bank board member and director of the New york City Wine & Food Festival. When hurricane sandy hit, Lee began phoning and emailing his vast network of friends with an idea for help- ing victims of sandy get much-needed relief—host a lavish Thanksgiving dinner. Lee joined with Food bank and many of his friends to sponsor the event. On November 21, less than a month after hurricane sandy, 1,000 New yorkers from the hardest-hit communi- ties entered Cipriani Wall street for Our Table Is yours, hosted by Food Network, Cooking Channel and southern Wine & spirits. Without Lee, this event would never have happened. he brought all the parties together and facilitated a day that provided storm-stricken New yorkers not only with Thanksgiving dinner, gift cards and access to benefits, but also hope. PHOTO: TIM REITER ThANK yOU FOR bEING hERE FOR NEW yORK CITy target: A bULLsEyE ON hUNGER RAIsED IN 2012 ThANKs TO ThE GENEROsITy OF OUR corporate, INDIVIDUAL, foundation AND $31.8M GOVERNMENT partners PHOTO: TIM REITER 05 2012 ANNUAL REPORT “ FEEDING My family OF sIx IsN’T EAsy.
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