Piatt B. Spencer As! County Geneologic&i iw>%n*»i$ • . r^tons and Archival Dept. Do .Not Remove •*^->>">"' Special 9°^*^ District Library Geneva Ubrary Branch $ s^^^^ J?«^y^^ ^ O 5 cf S' <3er^<L^J^ i ^e^rw^-XL id iOj &©i\ ^ *** EVA GENEVA, ASHTABULA ; / ,»>•>*:V*iW7*!« Ky;y and. the •-> Hampden, ^a.tcb;.. Works,. ;pf oppressive^. Wi^^fe^ fittcfefeedmany to go prfcoa^ej;^^ Sprmgfieid, Mass^haye" eonspiidated and to the lake shored, wftere- the breeses- were in rare; delightfully cool and the shade Abandarit. ItJwiiremjj^^^ and: ~- We state elsewherein-this.'issne that the shriek antt7oi,j,at^fltog,Vthe.!Qe^ :W^.be<t&ei:largestinjtitutic^ of ots-kind;. in- " ; Webster trial-has. been set"for~jtngT-^d^but £<feYtheibid ha* been^begunv ^The the world..', ..Canton: contributes twenty feres' ; the following, clipped _frpm the Ashtabula . next- Sunday' jjfillt pe^stoly^be; pjf* iand;;a^d i bbnus^df $100,000:. jf: it Sax^Slndicafes tnata-mbtion for a contin- Ue basement^of &e cht^H; ^uldbe'advei?^sed^o,.the world'that' Gene-.- y^ha^^perior^dvantages for^.manufacture uanGe^'Btilltobeheard.: "At the opening of Trummill County Court of Common Pleas irn ing-aad-at,..least, two idle "plants" tiiat at Warren July 1, Prosecutor Cadwell, of formerly" cajp^ "what" to* do with, Ashtabula county, stepped forward and a'sk- eflort.be made by i a^:;Ete;le*^C|efeUijdj June30j fpfc jthe-directidn we have indicated-, Who will that Judge E. B. Taylor and Hon. Stephen ree/io ^kevdh^igfrox tWvesgelt^-S second! the motion ? Northway be appointed ft), assist the prdse- cutionv. He informed the Court that he had aw=t SwT^^JKbjsl-: receivect a. telegram~froBVCapt^BUrraws7 :^nEpM^e ^^^iadimactW ^ Rf~^^^.^ungei^E^^ia hi? artM&Mn*- thi& 'Bon-stettegrt&at MF. Barrow* was sick" and issue, says that " the-first cemetery in Gene­ would be unable tq.be at Warren tins week. iarance'o> —.-—.,"f • Ifie^business•, "*. • "*•- ; portion pfr_ • .ISHIIft HftVS that " kh«-first nemfttfWV in fipnp. wnnErl kaiintihln *A ho at Warron fTiiu «/ut va was' located on the eastern half of the sor that 8mith. one of tiie^ttbrHeys^sr The new buildings are to "front present school grounds.'* In time", it was defendant^ had-informed him (Cadwell) that Jroadwi^and EastMain, and when at some time a motion would ee^made-fpr a thoughtrbest by the authorities' to locate • a S'they will bfe lutndBoine places for continuance of trial until the October term. new cemetery and remoye~th& bodies in After consideration of the matter, the Court ^e second stories will be used Jtbe old oils, This was done, the-new cem­ thought-it advisable that the case be assign­ ed for the first Monday- in August, provid­ • iin etery being, located dn-what is-now, Centen­ ing the defense did not wish to move that rn egithe premises of th"e~iate Geo. nial street. We are informed that at that the cjpe, be continued. A telegram was sent NAB desq»yed; byTifglast Wednes- time some opposed fhe site chqsen-for the to Cantain Burrows regarding the matter of lYng about daylight. The fire alarm new^einetery, saying^'why go clear over the a motion for a continuance of the trialj and reply was received from the Captain that he Rjusly given, and nearly, the wfcolo creekintoa fr>rrypatch ? Tnn migh<LJ»gt would bq in Warren on Thureday. July 8." • aroused. The-fire department w&s as well go down into. Saybrook." We pre- : dicllhaiJbwenty-fiyg^veaiaJrom now, some Last Sunday being Independence Day, aved.,.., Insurance $300." Origin of of therecent utterancesoonceruliig the ¥lttT^BB^ieSlerctseB'al the Bap14iit^e1mreh==8f^m= iunknown, chosen for "Geneva's present new cemetery pla"ce wete made to take a patriotic turn •——-^—if:*** ••—•—— will sound ] ust as absurd ; as the statement both morning and evening. The church . Goodrich,. Cook '.& Co. resumed was most beautifully decorated with flags,, ^boy§ aE°i§i?.-_ •l_i_i s' ts^ again. .W^dreBdayrtgst." Their plantsVand ffi&'wers^TradBr^he-^supervwioH - 1 cation was ^'adeJieSs¥ary by tire ft will Be remembered that F. C. Cookf of Mesdamea J. E. Keuuv and Flora Au&- .they desired to put in a larger. Esq., of-WiHiamsfleldr-was one of t.h'fi fjp- tinpassistcd byMcssfSv-II.'W. Lifldergreen They took out a 35-horse power feated candidates before the . recent county and L. M. Cole. The beautiful flags be­ d put in i^-horse power. They are convention. We learn from the Andover longing to the G. A. B. and the Geneva Si- r equipped to meet the demands of Citizen that' there is some " talk " of run­ fles were gracefully suspended behind the •easing business. - ning him as an independent candidate^for pulpit, while small flags were jjrouped and ^Agenfe^aayiisa,.„ofJhifl4asee,a% -SecMer^he^ office Jo^whick Jwa^dT festooned" all over theironse:—Amoi»g-*h«- ifcbaton-^reseniatibn^of <»rtificater ^^^oheap^i^wer^beUev a beautiful pyramid ^^—^^^^sim-^-^^,—•-—~~~.— -yjll^me^frjtr-TT^he^cce8Bf^:candidate>. of- flowers,- th•* e color- s bein. • g red, , whit. e and jfr^AiHsy;^^^ blue. In the monfing the pastor, Rev. S. : theTs S.-& M: ^ ^y ^^eiUi^teil:Mdii» ?ery Worfey; gentleman." Wei if .jpralnbleK preached an eloquent Fourth *agf QBtfe^ftrSaTrf'ftfticij^^Btfe^ftrSaTrf'ft^cij^oamo ami i are confideht^Jherefofe, tn^Tffruook, who of july/sermou, which is to appear in the e H^/3^5g/3^5.. <3podlaod goingoingg. July 3, tto &''*' *)^ Republican, will not listen'to " the TiMEsr-by tire request of the congregation retmntagrOcl^ft^TBrH^ore™-'-—krea^lau3^eMsi£?l^ 4ltat^atened-taiL»-.Ia.tIiLft.exejilug the exer- •tlttf*' ' } • •'— ... I to come.up as an independent candidate'." cises were cohducied by the Sunday school, ted recentljrin these columns; that If "he shouia1 ae so, lie may'as Well dig ~JiiB in tlie presence of ajlarge and interested T. McMrirtry; of AshtabuJJi, had political grave at once. It will be the surest audience. }lie programme consisted of a assignment. The Doctor informs way we. fcribw pf, under tho circumstances, brief address \yi J. P. Trpnt • rxusav h^ Tlit.rt»»«»*i GENEVA FREE PRESS Geneva, Ashtabula Co., OHIO Tuesday, March 20,1917 GftAfjfr ANDPETIT , £•' .JURftORS A«E CALCET5T V {.WOT April term of court.) JGu^uutJlutx to" Appear April-2. •. ' M.^l.'febsei"Gimpv^rT^~S.- Julinsuu, Ashtibitla; B\ j, Blair, Ashtabula; J W.'Shull, Plymouth; O. S. Blackney,. .Annl Morgan was toring to get-hold Denmark; F. E. Anderson, Cherry Val­ of- herself and finding 'it the Hardest ley; O. jif. Bacon, Monroe; P. P. Jones, proposition she had ever attempted. It was a struggle to reach out tor com­ Wayne;-Wm. Babbitt, Conneaut; W. mon sense after the blind unreason of *S. I&rris-,- Saybrook; ITred Trapp, ASHTABtiLA^. March 20. Geneva; L. H. Loeb, Ashtabula; l\ FOR SAI affection, and there was nothing to'help gy, harn esqept the'newness of the life about Members of the Farm Efficiency D. Carey, Home; G-. J. Record, Con­ Club of Ashtabula County, met here Road, M her. It was as if she had gone back Saturday for the third time since the neaut; R. D. MeTrill, Andover. to the very beginning of things. In a organization iwas started. Twenty^Jne Petit Jury Galled for April 11. way she had. She and her,iather were r FOR SAI j, of the twenty-eight townships are now L. O. 01spn, S. R. Harris, F. E. living outside a Freach. vlllage in a OBganized, and ready for work. * Of the Mann, John Zimmerman, A- 6. Net- first pri; weather-beaten house across the bor­ more than four hundre0 d members of son, -W, S. Goggin and Joseph Da vino, Geneva the K^ub, District No. fr.has 506. This der from New Brunswick, with a cook of A^attabula; Henry Weaver, Say­ stove, two beds, a rough table and a districOs. composed of Jefferson, Len­ ox, Dorset, Austinburg, Morgan and brook; C. F. Harrison, Windsor; A. FOR SAI couple*'of.chairs. Her father was like deal for a boy in this environment and did the Denmark. ; J. Cutlip, L. J. McNutt, Jay Young, of cooking, while Ann made a determined A resolution,- was passed thanking Jefferson; J. M. Hoover, Pierpont; Nichols. effort to find a glimmer.of light, other­ the Commissioners for their prompt O. B. Cooney, Morris Feldstein, ,Leo work in .getting a county agent and FOR SAL wise called sanity, fn ihe darkness that for the use of the room in the court Cunningham, Frank Barnes of Con­ encompassed her. : Tiouse for headquarters. It'was stat- neaut; T. S. Hollister, North Kings- Runner - When she reached St Attegat, dur­ epVthat the Ashtahula Cotfflty Commis­ viUe; En A. Dunbar, Saybrook; M. C. fjfcg. ( ing the early days of June, she had; sioners had done the quickest work Noble, Orwell; J. R. Clark, WiUiams- been too indifferent to care for.thje' along this line of any commissioners field; Frank Case, Andover, and J. J.. of the stat?T~ --_ FOR SAI quaintness--of her surroundings. Her .Cousins, Geneva. The president and secretary wets good fur father'had been alarmed about'her authorized to obtain the services'* ipf health, and the family physician, un­ a stenographer to do necessary office ^m^ll be able to discover cause for her illness, work in getting ready for .the County. NOTICE: had sent her where he knew the air Agent.. As soon as possible, the club The trustees of Harpersfield town- FOR SAI fAYS wns sweet and pure. wFlI be connected up'with, the differ-.- &bip will sell to the highest bidder Inqurie i As she- "sttt listless under the.-sbadow "ent farm, papers wjjicb will-be at the at public sale at the Town, hall at 2 of„North of a sugar ruaple, Ann thought of las disposal of members; of the club whOt o'clock p.
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