. -"" ...0 ~ 6 S i g m a MARCH Kappa TRIANGLE I 9 4 0 Official Publication of Sigma Kappa Board CONTENTS The Twenty-Sixth N ational Panhellenic Congress ............................. Amy Burnham Onken 3 of Busy Were the Editors ....... ....... Jessie Pulcipher 5 The New Sunbeam Is Launched . Dorothy Brown Dooey 7 $3,500 Gift to the Sunbeam . 9 EditOI'S Sigma Kappas Must Be Proud ... .. T ertius van Dyke 10 Launching the Sunbeam III .. ...... .. Patricia Thomas 11 The Birthplace of Sigma Kappa . Louise Helen Coburn 13 She Flies for Fun and Studies for Prison . 14 Navy Life Is a Moving One .... .. Julia Western Smith 15 Editor-in-Chief Sorority Membership Limitation ....... Irma E. Voight 19 Northwest to Hold Regional Conference April 5-6-7 . 20 MRS. }AMES STANNARD BAKER Now Is the Time to Build Rush Lists for Next Formal (Frances Warren Baker) Rush Season ...... .. ..... .. H elen Johnston Dow 21 289 Woodland Road The Magazine Agency Reports ... Betty Whipple Butler 22 Highland Park, Ill. Magazine Subscriptions at Their Lowest Authorized Prices! 23 Introducing the Little Sister ... Dorothy Langdon Y ates 24 Do You Recognize Propaganda?.Louise ("Sally") Langdon 25 South American Romance Unites Airways Executive and Collef{e Editor Barbara Harmon . 26 They Thank Us . 26 DOROTHY STEINMEIER My Final Traveling Report . ... Rttth Norton Donnelly 27 R.R. 13, Box 325 . Snapshot Glimpses of Sigma-land . Edna M011ch Parker 29 Indianapolis, Ind. How Founders' Day Was Observed . 31 These College Members Have Mothers, Sisters or Aunts Who Are Sigma Kappas . 32 Rho Shares Scholarship Cup for '38-'39 with Delta Chapter 33 Scholarship Report for 1938-39 Year . 34 Alumnte Editor A Year in Syria . 35 MRS. WILLIAM F. SHELTON I Run a Book Shop in Alaska . 37 (Helen Wilsey Shelton) Pictorial Section . 38 Milestones . 44 1133 Miller Avenue Initiates and Pledges . 46 Berkeley, Calif. With Sigmas Everywhere . 48 With Our Alumnre Chapters . 54 With Our Alumnre Clubs . 61 Directory . 62 Philanthropy Editor NBLLIB B. MANSFIELD SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in March, June, October, and De­ 56 Hillside Avenue cember, at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., by George Banta Publlshmg Everett, Mass. Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority. Entered as second-class matter October 1 S, 1910, at the post offic.e. at Menasha Wis. under the act of March 13, 1879. Acceptance for ma~lmg at special rates of postage provided f ~ r in section 1103, act. of Octo~er 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. PriCe $2.00 per annum. Smgle copies SO cents. Life subscription $15.00. Director of Central 0 ffice Chapters, College and Alumna must send manuscript in time to reach MRS. EDWARD D. TAGGART their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and (Margaret Hazlett Taggart) September. Room 605, 129 East Market All communications regarding subscriptions should be sent to Mrs. Tagj:art at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or 129 East Market Buildmg, Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matter~ pertaini~g to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazmes AssoCiated, 1618 Orrington avenue, Evanston, Ill., or 52 Vanderbilt avenue, New York City. Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol. 34 Edited by FRANCES WARREN BAKER No. 1 The Twenty.. §ixth National Panhellenic Congress By AMY BURNHAM ONKEN, Pi Beta Phi, Grand Presidmt O MEMORIES of the Twenty-sixth pa Gamma, Dean of Women at the Uni­ National Panhellenic Congress will versity of Kentucky and President of the N be longer cherished than those of National Association of Deans of Women, the gracious and delightful hospitality of who reminded fraternity officers of "Some the hostess fraternity, Alpha Delta Theta, Problems on which National Panhellenic and of the equally gracious and quietly effi­ Congress and the College Administration cient presiding and the unfailingly apt Can Co-operate" ; Mrs. Arthur Vandenberg, comments of its delegate, Violet Young Delta Gamma, who discussed informally Gentry, Chairman of the Congress. No fra­ "Diplomatic Wives from the War Zone"; ternity could have made more evident its and Mrs. Schuyler Foster. Alpha Xi Delta, loyalty to the ideals and principles of fine who claimed that "Women's Work Is Just inter-fraternity relations. The fraternity Begun." Vera Edwards, an active Alpha world congratulates Phi Mu as it wishes Delta Theta from Brenau College, twice de­ the members and chapters who have been lighted the Congress at luncheon with her Alpha Delta Theta the utmost happiness lovely singing, and Elizabeth Medert Taylor, and inspiration in their new affiliation. Alpha Delta Theta alumna, gave the ban­ The one hundred and six fraternity offi­ quet guests an interesting and unusual ex­ cers present at The Greenbrier, White Sul­ perience when she led them in "Crystal phur Springs, November 2-4, 1939, found Notes," group singing accompanied by their much to arouse their interest and thought­ own intriguing music made on glasses. ful consideration in the special programs Charming colonial dames welcomed each which brought to the Congress Dr. C. S. fraternity officer to the Alpha Delta Theta Marsh, Beta Sigma Gamma, Vice-President reception and in the warmth of their greet­ of The American Council of Education, who ing established the theme of the happy, in­ spoke on "Some Trends in Collegiate Edu­ formal time-together which made the eve­ cation"; Dr. Harry Stanley Rogers, Alpha ning one of such pleasure for everyone. Tau Omega, Chairman of The National The negro quartette's beautiful singing of Interfraternity Council, who discussed "The old melodies made the guests long to join Co-ordination of College and Fraternity Ob­ with them but even just watching the clever jectives"; Miss Sarah BlandiQg, Kappa Kap- tap-dancing of the Greenbrier negro boys SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 3 and girls made most fraternity representa- tives breathless_ _ The Constitution of National Panhellemc Congress says that .the. object of. the asso­ ciation is, "To mamtam on a. htgh ~lane fraternity life and interfraternity r~l~tw~s, to co-operate with. co~lege. author~ttes m their effort to mamtam htgh sooal and scholarship standards throughout th.e wh.ole college, and to be a forum for the dtscusston of questions of interest to the coll~ge and fraternity world." Adherence to thts estab­ lished purpose means that the .greate~t v~lue of any Congress. lies. n_ot i~ tts legtslatt~n, which is necessanly hmtted m scope, but In­ New N.P.C. Officers: Mrs. Burnaugh, Beta Sigma stead in the interchange of ideas and meth­ cron Secretary; Mrs. Moore, Theta Upsilon, Chai1 ods and in the fostering of interfraternity Mrs .' Cunningham, Phi Omega Pi, Treasurer. friendships. The official "R~port. of th.e Twenty-sixth N.P.C" will gtve tn detatl all recommendations passed by the Con­ "That the incoming Committee on City Pan­ gress, and will be available to all ~.P.C fra­ hellenics stress the importance of the definite func­ tion of City Panhellenics and the responsibility of ternities, their chapters, and thetr alumna:: creating in the public mind recognition of the true groups. A few of the adopted ~ecommenda­ purpose of College Panhellenic Fraternities." tions in which the greatest mterest was "That City Panhellenics be encouraged to pro­ shown are: mote a better alumnre understanding of recent fraternity developments and trends" and "That "That the Ten-Year Plan of Progress Commit­ they. be encouraged to strive for greater interfra­ tee" (whose name was later changed to The Plan ternity co-operation." of Progress Committee) "be authorized to plan a "That N .P.C. go on record as approving a co­ program for one day at the next N .P.C., using operative, non-governing affiliation with the Wom­ the report submitted to the 1939 N.P.C. as a en's Professional Panhelleriic Association. The As­ guide" and "That the program cover the discus­ sociation of Education Sororities, and similar Na­ sion of the function of fraternities on a campus tional Associations, in the collegiate field. That the and of organization technique for N.P.C. and for objectives of such an affiliation be to further the College Panhellenics." welfare of fraternity women by giving greater "That a Rushing Committee be appointed by emphasis and more widespread recognition to fra­ N.P.C. to effect a program to develop and improve ternity standards, and safeguard and point the rushing systems in schools which have expressed a direction of future fraternity life in the educational desire for help and experimentation, based. upon system" and "That the Committee on Eligibility systems recommended in the report of the Rushing and Nationalization of Social Groups be authorized Survey Committee with variations suitable to to complete details of such an organization and specific cases" but "That the unanimous consent of report same to the next N.P.C." all N.P.C. Grand Councils concerned be required "That N .P.C. agree not to enter the fields al­ for conducting any such experiment in rushing." ready occupied by the Association of Education "That N .P.C. be open-minded on rush systems Sororities, and agree to consider as the field for and while encouraging early rushing fqr a majority the Association of Education Sororities the insti­ of schools and also encouraging experiments toward tutions accredited by the American Association of better and simpler rushing systems." Teachers' Colleges." "That N.P.C. affirm its belief in the principle of limitation." National Panhellenic Congress appreci­ "That member fraternities request their members ated the splendid service given by Judge to resign from discriminatory organizations on their campuses." Annabelle Matthews, Phi Mu, parliamenta­ "That N.P.C. not approve of a change in rush­ rian for the Congress, and by Mrs.
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