Highlights NOW OUT MONTHLY Issue 12, March 2013 MEET THE BOARD: SEE PAGES 18 & 19 Highlights launches a new series on members of the NHS Highland board. This month, Okain McLennan (left). LAUNCH: New primary care programme aims to reduce avoidable harm PATIENT SAFETY TO GET A BOOST MOVES to improve based range of effec- Health Secre- patient safety in NHS tive tools, techniques Highland and else- and learning that will tary Alex Neil where in Scotland improve patient safety. pictured dur- have taken a step for- The aim is to de- ing a visit to ward. liver a programme Highland ear- The Scottish Pa- which will reduce the lier this tient Safety in Primary number of events m onth with Care Programme which could cause Gwen Calder, (SPSP-PC) was avoidable harm to launched in NHS High- people from health- charge nurse land, as well as the care delivered in a pri- at the Critical other 13 area NHS mary care setting. Care Unit, boards in Scotland, GPs and their staff Raigm ore earlier this month. will undertake safety Hospital. For SPSP-PC provides surveys and case note details, see a targeted, world- page 2. leading and evidence- Continued on page 2 Pg 12 Join the THE GIFT OF LIFE … ORGAN DONATION register - - Highlights welcom e news from all parts of the organisation but we are particularly keen to hear from colleagues working in the com m unity, care hom es and other staff who have com es across to NHS Highland as part of integration of adult health and social care. Contact com m unications m anager Tom Davison at tom .davison@ nhs.net (tel. 01463 704903). ARLIER E t h i s month, Alex Neil, the Health Secre- tary, visited Highland. During his whistle-stop tour he sat in a t e le - consultation ABOVE: NHS Highland‘s Scottish from New Patient Safety program m e m an- Craigs to Ab- ager Maryanne Gillies and Stew- beyfield Care art Lam bie, clinical lead for the Home in Ballachulish. The work Raigmore Hospital as part of the SPSP, pictured with Mr Neil. is allowing people with dementia Scottish Patient Safety Pro- RIGHT: Dr Fiona McGibbon, con- to get specialist mental health gramme and met representa- sultant old age pyschiatrist at support without having to travel tives of the ARCHIE Foundation, New Craigs and Richard O'Keeffe, to Inverness. which is raising funds to develop nurse team leader of Clava W ard Mr Neil also saw first hand the children‘s department in at New Craigs, with Mr Neil. some of the leading work in Raigmore. Launch of GP patient safety programme Continued from page 1 the initial focus on im- patient safety pro- For its assessments, plementation within gen- gramme across the IHI sets challenging ob- reviews to increase staff eral medical services. whole healthcare sys- jectives which require awareness and inte- However, the pro- tem.“ boards to demonstrate grate patient safety into gramme will evolve into NHS Highland is al- sustained improvements their daily work to re- other areas of primary ready leading the way in in patient care. IHI found duce avoidable harm. care. terms of patient safety. that by embracing the The new GP pro- Announcing the Last year, we emerged aims of the Scottish Pa- gramme follows on from launch of SPSP-PC, as one of the top two tient Safety Programme the Scottish Govern- health secretary Alex health boards in Scot- (SPSP) and through the ment‘s successful pa- Neil said: —Regarded as land in a national as- work of its frontline tient safety initiatives in a world leader for our sessment of patient teams, NHS Highland hospitals, in which NHS work on patient safety, safety standards. achieved many exam- Highland has partici- we already have much The board scored 4.0 ples of improved patient pated, which have seen to be proud of in Scot- on a five-point scale set care and demonstrated a 12.4 per cent reduc- land and I am delighted by the American-based that these changes led tion in death rates since that we are now extend- Institute for Healthcare to clear results. 2007. ing this to primary care. Improvement (IHI), in NHS Highland is tar- The programme is —Scotland will be the conjunction with Health- geting a 4.5 rating in the being introduced with a first country in the world care Improvement Scot- next round of assess- phased approach, with to implement a national land. ments. - 2 - PARTNERSHIP: rogramme to break new ground R&D courses on statistics organised Asking not telling – STATISTICS will be on the agenda at R&D training how we will support courses to be held in the Centre for Health Science, In- verness, on 14th May and 11th June. young mothers ”Introduction to Statistics‘ is a half- W ORK is under way to set up a Family QUOTE day course de- Nurse Partnership across the Inner Mo- signed to provide a ray Firth area. basic understanding This is an intensive, evidenced- We are really excited of statistics and pre- based programme for first-time teenage liminary data de- mums to give their children the best about what we m ight be scription and analy- possible start in life, and is run by able to do to support sis. It is aimed at highly-trained family nurses. researchers who Jacqui Stevens, the supervisor for these young people have little or no ex- the partnership, said: —This is a ground- perience of data breaking programme which, if we get analysis. right, will make a real and lasting differ- Highland is unique as the partnership ”Hypothesis Test- ence to young people‘s lives. is being managed via the council. ing in Statistics‘ fol- —Young first-time mums are entitled The programme doesn‘t work in iso- lows on from the to take part in the programme œ they lation and has strong links with other first course and as- choose if they want to join and they lead professional staff and agencies. sumes a basic the conversation. It is expected that the first mums will knowledge of de- —As a team we are really excited be recruited onto the programme scriptive statistics. about what we might be able to do to shortly. Joining is entirely voluntary. Students will be support these young people, who have The team is based in the Kinmylies introduced to hy- their whole lives ahead of them.“ Building in Inverness. pothesis testing in Young mums join the programme For further information contact: jac- statistics, with the before they are 28 weeks pregnant and queline.stevens@ highland.gsx.gov.uk course covering chi- they are entitled to stick with it until their or phone 01463 703492 / 07788 squared tests, t- child is two years old. 387608. tests and analysis of variance. Application forms Pictured are available on the from left intranet and should are Anne be returned when Johnstone, completed to Laura Kirsty Fuller, McIlhatton, Re- Lorna search and Devel- MacAskill, opment, Room Jennifer S101, Centre for Stariski and Health Science, Old supervisor Perth Road, Inver- Jacqui ness, IV2 3JH. Stevens - 3 - Training course to help researchers get work published 0 SHORT training search and develop- devising a title, writing intranet for an applica- course on how to write a ment training course is an abstract, structuring tion form. scientific paper for publi- intended for healthcare the paper and avoiding The completed form cation has been organ- researchers who have common pitfalls. should then be returned ised for healthcare re- not previously had their It will also offer re- to Laura McIlhatton, Re- searchers. work published. searchers tips on clarity search & Development, To be held on The course gives a and style. Room S101, Centre for W ednesday 8th May in brief overview of how to N H S H i g hla n d Health Science, Old the Centre for Health write a scientific paper healthcare researchers Perth Road, Inverness Science, Old Perth for publication and cov- who are interested in (email Road, Inverness, the ers the identification of attending the training laura.mcilhatton@ nhs.n ”W riting a Paper‘ re- an appropriate journal, course should go to the et). NEW CRAIGS: New gallery greets visitors thanks to efforts of school artists Hospital art project is a winner with school pupils AN art project organised thing for the patients by staff from New and staff to enjoy and Craigs Hospital in Inver- look at it was also good Above: The winning piece and, in the insert, the ness has caught the for the pupils to get in- winning artist and other participants imagination of local volved with their local school pupils. hospital. —After discussing our up with 11 pictures for Patients, staff and She said: —W e were idea with the principal the main corridor.“ visitors are now greeted looking to change the Art teacher, M ar- W ith the help of with an art gallery as artwork that was on the jory Tait, from Charles- ”Picture This‘ the pic- they walk along the hos- main corridors and, as ton Academ y, she tures have been framed pital‘s main corridor and part of the hospital Ac- thought that we could and hung within the they were even able to tivities and Environment involve all the Inverness main corridor of the hos- vote for their favourite group we came up with secondary schools.“ pital. Patient, staff and piece. the idea of contacting —I was really im- visitors were asked to Diane W oodward, our local secondary pressed by how enthusi- vote for their favourite, clinical area manager at school to offer wall astic they were about and the prize-giving was New Craigs, explained space to any art pupil to creating artwork for the held on 6th March at that as well as some- display their work.
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