Allthe News of Allhe pointes Every 1hu~day Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes I10me of the New! Entered as Second Class MaUer at The Post omce at Detroit, Mich. fS.OOPer Yeu GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, AUGUST 3, 1967 lGe Per Copy 20 Pages-Two Sections-Section One Prepare for Increased School Enrollment Building in Farms City,Farms, of the }-" • Only Pointes tVEEK ''5. ... Dunng June,Not"Involved " May, !lr;ompiled by the .~ .. ~ pointe News :: .' .~ ~. 1966 Controversy J 2 Years Ago .•. Drops Below Recalled: Voters Had . .~~ Fluoride Removed Only Two Permits For Residential Construction Were From System Granted During Two-Month Period Com- pared To Six Last Year The citizens of the citi,es of Grosse Pointe Woods, Public Service Director John A. Defoe has issued Grosse Pointe Park and the building department report for the City of Grosse Grosse Pointe Shores start. Pointe Farms for the months of May and June. During May, two building per.€>>------------- ed drinking fluoridated wa- rr.;ts were issued for the con. M E la. ter as of Tuesday, August :;truction of new residences at ust Xp ~n 1. At that time, their sun. 316 Belanger road and 32 r. Warner road, at a total cost of P f plier, the Detroit Water $115,000. No permits were resence 0 Department, began adding issued for construction of new one art II .d t ~usinesses, while ~ight w~re P:~tol Ammo P UOT!e 0 every Issued for construction t()tallng . ~, million parts of water. $299,000, no business permits, Fluoride is a colorless, odor. and six miscellaneous permits, Illegal Turn After Curfew less, and tasteless liquid that for a total of $16,500. Construc. has been the subject of nation. tion valued at $155,200 this Trips Up Driver Without wide controversy for many year during Jolay is more than License: Held For years. lis proponents who in- $150,000 less than the $315,000 Examination elude most cental and medical constrLlction for the same pe. experts, contend that it retards riod last year. • tooth decay. Its opponents claim No permits were given for Robert Hardy, 30 Boyne, that fluoride may be injurious nonassessable property, while Mt. Clemens, ~as sto.pped to health, although this belief last year during :May, one ller. by ~oods Police officer:s is rejected by most health au. mit was issued for nonassess. Martm Trombley and Paul tborities. able construction valued at Titcombe, on Tuesday, July Old Fight RetaDed $8,000. 25, at 9:51 p.m., who ob- June. Also Drops . served him at Vernier and Grosse Pointe Farms, and the Constr'u~tion was d?,vn thIS Mack in the east bound lane City of Grosse Pointe. which re- year durlOg June WIth only ceives its water from the Farms six permits issued, all for mis. making an illegal left hand Pumping stati<ln, will continue cellaneous purposes, totaling turn from the wrong lane to use water that has not been $38,000. Last year during June, north on Mack, after the fluoridated. Twelve years ago , Preparations for an anticipated increase in S~pt- two buildings will provide four large attractive class- three permits were issued for curfew. a great controversy flared up ('mber enrollment in the population of The Grosse rooms. This is the second consecutive year that ne,y residences for $109,000 The officers asked Hardy for in: the two Pointes regarding Pointe Public School System proceeded on schedule portable units have had to be erected to meet the need estima~ed costs, and 11 m?re his registration and driver's the use of fluoride in the water. as workmen erected two relocatable classroom build. for instructional space. Last fall three classrooms for miscellaneous construcho!! license. Hardy was unable to At that time the ,Farms was jngs on the grounds of Ferry Elementary School, 748 were erected at Maire and two at Kerby to provide for valued at $88,500. One perrmt produce his Michigan driver's supplying fluoridated .water to Ros~n road. JOE SPAGNOLI, Assistant Superintend- the pupil increase. Clas~es in ,th~ public schools be. for construction ($8,000) was license Farms and City residents. In a t. d' . t t. S . h ( . ht) t h' . S t b 7 to . .. th n" In 500' students issued for nonassessable prop- The' If' t .,... .batUe, headed' by- Dr, George en - mmls ra lye erVlces, IS s own rIg wa c mg gm .on ep em er. r mo~e. a "', . erty last year in the month of .f) Icers ht:a placed L. Waldbott, of BaHour road, his full state of as the last s:.ctions of a roof are put into place. The J~ne, while none were issued ~::d~d~~::r oFhetst caonndstl.thu~a referendum was held and resi- thIS year dents voted to have fluoride -includinga 9 p.m.. I. b d .. tional rights. Officer Trombley r~moved from the Farms water. ~e~~~eD:~~~ Pointe Boat \Hastily Ol-ganized Centel-s Man Na be o/::~~~ct{~~ :B'~e\~~::~~~:~.t~~mar::daro1J~~~::: Fluoridation was stopped on f!It four-dayriot was I · d' h V I S W. l P · I compare .to .$197,000 for the vehicle. They called for as. May 3, 1955. ~Ycsun~dous"speancdtaatmoras.,C ~~'"Holdwng Manne y 0 unteel-S et "t I, lSto same perIOd ID 1966.. sistance and Car 59 conveyed Dr. Waldbott, who wrote the uo; II . As of Ju!?e 30, permIts for the vehicle to the stat" n bQOk, "A Struggle with Titans," b"" H I Hi V.. Ai. C i fIve new reSIdences at $295,000, . ~o . maintained that fluoridation of ,p ersd,wereJa.m. Cor'n .Roast Up To e p ot ICbmS ter ur e'.v no new businesses, and 40 mis- Lots of Amm~hOll. public drinking water was dan. areaan lampenng ., ceUaneous projects at $287,000, Trombley and Tltcom~e con- gerous to health and caused ad utililycrews. ---,---- E with none being nonassessable veyed I:!"ardy t!> the station. At damage to vital organs, espe .. o Vast Quantities Of Food, Clothing And Furnishings Held In Jail To Await lC- properties, bave been issued the station offIcers James Far- clally the stomach, bowels and Second Annual Regatta T Collected and Distributed; Soldiers, amination After Giving during 1967. The overall total reU ,and Donald S e h m a It Z kidneys; serious neurological Be Staged In Connec;. Police And Firemen Feci Vague Answers To is $582,800 to be spent on con. search,ed the trunk are~ of disorders: and calcification of tion With Big Event struction through June this Hardy s car and found a sliver ligaments. joints and blood ------~ Questioners year. gra3~ too~ box: llnd a ~olt auto. vessels. At City Park By Betty Stephens . Big Drop in Six Illonths mafic pIStol, .45 caliber, am- Shirley Davidson, of 253 Lakeland avenue, de. Engelhert Udo SteIg, of At this time last year per- munition containing 33 live Two BaDotsTaken The Grosse Pointe Boat scribes herself as just one of the many volunteers who 24447 Loretta, Warren. was mits for 16 new re~iden~es at rounds, a box of .45 caliber The use of fluoride in De. Club will hold its Second worked where they were needed, did what had to be picked up by Woods offi. $889,500, one new business at ammunition conta!ning 48 li,:~ troU's water was approved by a . Ann u a I Summer Regatta done last ~eek. ~un~ay afternoon in the annex of the cers, Donald Schmaltz and $325,000 and 55 miscellaneous r.ounds, all .45ca~ber ammum- margin of 5,600 votes on the ., preS!. on August 13. The Boat Grosse Pomte Umtanan Church at 17~50 Maumee av~. Albert Abend on Wednes- projects at $233,900, with three tion, gov~rnment.lSsue, one box first ballot November 2, 1965, Club, which moors its fleet nu.e, she tolr. what had been accomplished to date In day, July 23, for violation properties at $278,000 being of .32 cahbe~ SmIth ~nd Wesson and by 7,700 votes November th f 33 ters scattered throughout f th rf d I t nonassessable had been issued long 98 gram, SOhve rounds, 8, 1966, after opponents were at the Grosse Pointe City IS one ~ .emergency <;en. ... 0 e Cll ew an a er The con s t'r u c t ion totai Remington make. The pistol successful in getting a seeo[1d Pier, has for some years the DetrOIt area to help VIctims of the rIOtmg WhICh found to ha~e a concealed of $1,448,400 is $865,600 more w~s loaded with a seven round ballot. Fluoridation was first iT JOHNSONAP. sponsored a corn roast on began July 23: weapon on his person. than this year's total. clip. proposed 10 years ago. I.specialcommisslonthe second Sunday of Aug- . "Atfirstwet~oughtwe.would ated semi.trailertruck loaned The officers first spotted ------ Hardy was again advised of J!gbt~ see~ causes ust for its members, their Just be hand.ling supplies of by Allen Industries, which also Steig, walking south on Mack Woods Firemen his rights and &llowed to make IIInctaldisorders. families and guests food and clothmg for those who donated many of the cartons at old 8 :liile road at 10:06 p.m. a call at 10:20 p.m., then was lk"9iDelwith secret ' . had lost their homes, but we used. When they stopped him, they Help Nah Snipers fingerprinted. The subject was Woods Helpers lltuoof Investigation The c?rn roast will be held soon found ours~lves in the Plenty of Volunteers observed what appeared to be asked if he wished to make a lLdthe agency will at the City Park from 5 p.m.
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