Wednesday, October 20, 1993• Vol. XXVI No. 38 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE OAME AND SAINT MARY'S Kirk responds to Colloquy 2000 By KATE CRISHAM News Writer Assistant Vice President of Residence Life William Kirk addressed student questions in response to the Colloquy 2000 at last night's Hall President's Council meeting. HALL PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL "This document is a self-study of the University." said Kirk. "It shows the long term goals, hopes. plans and dreams of the University." Student questions primarily focused on Recommendations 25 and 26, which call for in­ creased 24-hour space both on campus and in residence halls. "As we make renovations in residence halls, we hope to make a special effort at improving 24- hour space," said Kirk. "Increased social space will hopefully help improve male-female rela­ tions." Several students expressed concern over whether students would have any input into the various changes proposed by the Colloquy. HPC Co-Chair Chris Canzoniero remarked that "as a The Observer/Erika Quinn whole, HPC was pleased with the recommenda-. Ceramic curves tions made by the Colloquy. However, we don't see HPC 1 page 4 Pangborn Hall resident senior Raquel Alviar works on a sculpture for her ceramics class held in the Riley Hall of Art. Senate rejects bid to limit Presidential use of troops Republican effort poses challenge to Clinton's leadership capabilities By DONNA CASSATA overwhelmingly for a non-bind­ were Sens. Wan Nunn, D-Wa., eign policymaking has fueled ceed to the Turks and Caicos Associated Press ing resolution calling on the and John Warner, R-Va. Sens, Senate efforts to curb the presi­ Islands, officials reported. president to consult with Malcolm Wallop, R-Wyo. and dent's power. The Senate spent much of the WASHINGTON Congress before placing any Charles Grassley. R-Iowa, were "I think the administration past two days debating the President Clinton fended off a troops under foreign command the only opponents. has been given a warning president's right to place U.S. challenge to his powers as com­ and asking for a report within The action,. while a triumph light," Nunn said of the debate troops under the control of for­ mander-in-chief Tuesday night 48 hours. for Clinton, was a prelude to a and subsequent votes. eign commanders, with the as the Senate rejected a It adopted, 96-2, a measure sterner challenge to his war­ Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy arguments crossing party lines. Republican effort to bar U.S. stating the sense of the Senate making powers expected later said it stopped and boarded a "I don't see how you can troops from serving under a that U.S. troops "must be under in the week by Senate Minority Belizian ship off the coast of prospectively tell the comman­ foreign commander. operational control of qualified Leader Bob Dole. R-Kan. Haiti on Tuesday afternoon, the der in chief what he can do By a vote of 65-33, the Senate commanders; and must have The White House continued to first such action since the reim­ with armed forces," said Sen. turned aside a measure that clear, effective and robust com­ negotiate with Dole on mea­ position of the oil and weapons John McCain, R-Ariz. would have prohibited spending mand and control' ar­ sures requiring prior congres­ embargo against Haiti at mid­ Nunn, chairman of the Senate defense dollars on any United rangements; appropriate rules sional authorization for the use night Monday. Armed Services Committee, Nations operation in which U.S. of engagement; and clear and of the military in Haiti and The master of the boarded said, "We ought to say, 'Mr. soldiers were under the com­ unambiguous mission state­ Bosnia. ship, who said he was carrying President, slow down, slow mand of a foreign officer. ments." Congressional dissatisfaction cement, cooperated with the down. We don't think you've Instead, lawmakers voted Sponsoring this measure with the administration's for- Navy and was allowed to pro- thought through this."' ND names honorary alumnus SMCSC proposal to be Special to the Observer and the annual construction Prior to joining the executive budget of $10-20 million. ranks at Notre Dame, Mason debated at future forUm Thomas Mason, vice presi­ Since Mason's election by the served at the University of dent for business affairs at the Board of Trustees in 1976, Michigan for 10 years in vari­ By PATTI CARSON an attempt to best accommo­ University of Notre Dame, has Notre Dame has had 17 con­ ous financial positions, includ­ News Writer date students' desires to serve been named an honorary alum­ secutive "in the black" budgets, ing director of financial affairs the community, according to nus of the University by the of the university's hospital. Upon further review of last S.U.R.V. President Kristin national board of directors A certified public accoun­ week's proposal for the Saint Johnson. of the Notre Dame Alumni tant, Mason received his Mary's Christian Service Cen­ "At this point, BOG strongly Association. Mason is only undergraduate and M.B.A. ter, the Board of Governance supports the proposal and be­ the 14th person to be degrees from the University {BOG} concluded that further lieves there is a need for SM­ accorded the honor. of Detroit. He taught research is still needed before CSC," said Wilkinson. In honoring Mason, the accounting there, as well as full implementation of the pro­ BOG members will meet with alumni board cited "his pru­ at Eastern Michigan gram occurs. said Student Body Saint Mary's College President dent management of Notre University, and has contin­ President eth Wilkinson. William Hickey and Vice Presi­ Dame's financial resources ued to teach at Notre Dame. dent and Dean of Faculty and his commitment to cre­ Dorothy Feigl to discuss plans ating a stable and produc­ Mason is a director of the "The purpose of the center is regarding SMCSC on Nov. 9. tive workforce." National Association of to provide a place to coordinate A forum, which will include a Reporting to University College and University service activities on campus question and answer panel, will Executive Vice President Business Officers (NACUBO), and to improve relations be­ then be held to discuss the pro­ Father William Beauchamp, higher education's foremost tween students and the Sisters posal for SMCSC on Nov. 16 at 7 Mason exercises overall con­ organization of business and of the Holy Cross," said BOG p.m. in the Carroll Auditorium. Students and administrators trol of Notre Dame's fiscal ·.. ···•··· ... · ·. · .··•·• finance administrators. He member Melissa Whelan. affairs, including the annual · .· ·· OIJ!ll!rverfile hot~ is also a member of the The proposal included plans are encouraged to attend .. operating budget that now Honorary Alumnus Thomas Mason P boards of WNIT-TV. the for employing a director, a fac­ In other business: exceeds $327 million; the South Bend Center for the ulty coordinator, student plan­ •BOG also voted in favor of a endowment of more than $800 has remained virtually debt­ Homeless and Guest House, a ners and speakers. petition for the partial funding million, 16th largest in free and is one of only nine uni­ nonprofit health organization of the Student Alumnae Asso­ American higher education; versities in the nation with a providing treatment to S.U.R.V. (Spes Unica Resource ciation's student directory. The student financial aid disburse­ AAA credit rating from Moody's Catholics suffering from alcohol & Volunteer Center) may even­ directory was passed out during ments approaching $50 million Investors Service. and drug dependence. tually become part of SMCSC in the Founder's Day Festivities. I • ' i ' 'I page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Wednesday, October 20, 1993 INSIDE COLUMN WORLD AT A GLANCE Somalia situation changing face of mission The preseason I Top weekend I MOGADISHU along with the U.S. reinforcements that I I The worst seemed to be over for have been trickling in. I movies I Somalia in May, with starvation virtual­ Rocks once were among the biggest I October 15·17 I grosses nationwide verdict might ly ended and Mogadishu's streets safer threats for foreign troops. Now they I I than they had been for nearly four face remote-controlled land mines, years. rocket-propelled grenades, and heavy­ 1 "Demo/it Today, the United Nations and the caliber machine guns. There are $70.3 milt;~~n Man" be incorrect United States find themselves looking rumors of even heavier weaponry. 2 '"T'L .. for a way out of the tangled mess that •ue Be~~;]""·····-·;·-.-. .... __ . The jury of Irish fans had-------1 was supposed to be a blueprint for Gen. Mohamed Farrah Aidid had $9.5 mi/lio Y Hillbillies" ,;··-···-···· ... -.... _~ ·~ decided: this was supposed "'' future UN peacekeeping operations. seen his influence steadily erode fol­ 3 CooJ Ru ··-~·-···-···-....... to be the year. June 5, a month and a day after the lowing the arrival of foreign troops, but . ~7.o millionlliUngs ,, The city breathed a sigh UN took control of Operation Restore he appears to have won the tactical ;;·· ..... ········-. ..... __ _ of relief when we handed Hope from the United States, was the fight for now. One of the country's top 4 'Malice•· ···-... -. -. down the decision. We turning point. Twenty-four Pakistani warlords, he was blamed for the "··---....$5sm·,. · '"'on broke the deadlock as soon troops were killed in coordinated am­ Pakistani massacre and ensuing at­ 5 ··j··d.. " .... as the backfield bolted, and bushes. tacks on UN troops. $4 u gment Ni~h~:·;-··· . three one-time Heisman Since then, the UN has found itself He is disliked by some of Somalia's .1 million candidates left town in drawn into an urban guerrilla war and other clans but has built a reputation one day, on their way to Rolando do Aguiar a public relations quagmire that have among his people as a wronged free­ the NFL.
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