H IOHLI NE COMM UNITY COLLEGE Jack Rober!s Salts his story of success on Page 2 StaR Writer eating sources forpossible helppolicy. Swanberg believesstudents Studentswho havc been in order for them to raise thcir Although a version of the need "remindersof success.'* flailing and failing are going to grades. The policy will start policy was embodied in the Sourccs ofhelp for students be thrown a liferaft befom with practiceruns in both recent 1988-90 catalog, it include tutoring labs, tcsting, they'reactually in deep spring and summerquarters remained unimplementeddue counseling, and talking with trouble. This vehicle is the before its official start in au- to lack of computer capability, anadvisor. For instance, a Academic Standards Policy tumn 1990. Phil Swanberg, according to Swanberg. HCC, studentmay simply need to soon to be adopted atHighline dean of students and chairman incooperation withthe Wash- startwithalowerdivisionclass. CommunityCollege.Students of the committee, said rhe aim ington Community College The policy will help stu- who have a gmde point aver- was "students' success and Computer Consortium dents who am not making sat- age (GPA) of 3.5-3.89 will be recognition of quality stu- (WCCCC),can potentially isfactoryacademic progress, ontheDean*sLiscthose!above dents." Beginning a year and a interveneandfindstuclentswho but swanberg notes there's 3.90 wilt be on the hsident's - half ago, members frcrm the are in netd of help, vialetters, '"It enough staff to help ev- List Students whoare eam- Faculty Senateandthestudent and praise those who have eryone as much as we wad ing below a 2.0 GPA wiJl E- Affairs Council metas a com- - achieved exaUence in aca- fike." Senate wants camms -D- - - Warm weather teases students statistics on crime i NancyHansock sarawoodman Setzuan' opened last StflW~ters week. See the review Senator PeterVan Reich- on page 12, bauer 'has introduced a bill which would require colleges and universities in the state of Washington to provide statis- tical Wormation about crime that occurs on campuses. The bill has passed the Senate and the House and is now in the House of Appropriations. Von Reichbauer said Bill 6234 would mandate commis- sioned police officers on four- In the last decade there has Photo by oavid Welngton year institutions and encour- been an increase in crime from A student at HCC takes advantage of the good agebutnot mandate cummis- shooting death but- weather and even better view. The week of Spring sioncd police officers on some @arY ~draFson~PU~~weather, often reaching temperatures 01 65 degrees, two-yearinstitutions, It Washington. Von Reichbauer was followed by a week of scattered snow showers. ask all campuses tobe a part of -Continued on page 16- Women'sond men's basketball wrap-up ASSET test shows startling results on page 13. sarawoodman Stll~Writer Some interesting results on the ASSET placement tests taken by students at Highline Community College were re- The University of leased secently. The ASSET Nashington's Native test is a placement test that inmm~g~denutalcemhelp read at an elementary level ingm receive an education can hmericanthemselves Day will place be them into ... at be met HCC, Grubiak said. qeld on March27. classes"_" ~ - in which they would Highlineoffersclassesthatwill allow anyone tostart from the I'there will be infoma- * best succeed, "It isawitanm read at a college level. These of students of different ages tion available about placement test used in more percentages m "onlytrue and backgrounds took the test, very beginning of education financial aid, aca- than one-half of the mmmu- about the students who took Grubiaksaid. Some of the andgoAUthewayuptoatwo- demic departments, nity colleges in Washington thetest',' said Grubiak. If peopledo not speak good year college level, said Gru- and was developed especially everyone' on campus was to Englishor have dropped outof biak. Withclassessuchasadult student groups, and basic education and develop- the school in general for community colleges:' said take this testthe averages high school andare now start- DeanofStudents MichaelGru- would be higher or lower, he ing out again. mentalstudiesofferedfrom the Detail are available il biak. added. The communitycolleges fourth grade level up to high the Multi-Cultural The number of people who The results were based on are there with open doom to school level,it can be done, he Center in Building6. took the test was 5,428. The data collected fmm the fall of those people whofall into the added. t e ' c. .*.. '. c Students head to Roberts works for success in business Steve Thorp V Srag N'rircr Mexico for tour Onc of thc toughcst dcci- Kym Rccvcs located about 250 rnilcs south- sions cwt put bclorc 3 small Sf,!fT 1\ 'ritc*r u.cst of Mcxico City. N'hilc busincss is knowing whcn to 1 i1 g!d inc Cowmuni 1 > Cd- hxc. studcnts will livc with grow and how to go ;tb~it. iL*gk* ilfd C:-ttin, hlc\icmo iocal familics, u ho. Wilson It's twnsaid of tclcvisiorl :hat ImL~mxion;~1(Chli'~ ;1rc sptl XW. ilie c;lgcr to S~;WC ttwir in many cascs thccommcr- -soril:gttlc Ylc\ico Stud! wur tmncs ;mi cuiiur wi!h visi- cials arc bcttcr than tJ\c itv iKT slutlcnts. Thc lour. itbm. All host familics arc programs. A WCIIknown IOMl :iiltjii 3 SLU~CIIIS 10 C;IIII ;tt\ OP- scrccncd by CMI. that *sgo1 tcn in on thc advcrtis- lion.t! I~VCcrcdfits in Hununl- Wilson fccls onc of thc kst ins action is tkcvcr cnlight- tics I70 while living u.itll ;I aspects of thc tour is thc build- cning Jack"I-won't-hc-.2~dcr- hlcxican hmily and studying ing of rricndships and thc sold*' Robcns. SpilIllsh at CMI for ;t month common ground found he- J3ck Robcrts camc to thc c!uring thc sumnlcr. twccn studcnts and thcir host Norttwcst 20 years ago and Donna Wilson, HCC in- families. opcncdhis first storc four years Photo by Patti Rofhbun structor and group lcadcr for Thc trip won't bc all work latcr . Hc's not cvcnSUR how Jack Roberts won't be undersold thc tour,said studcnts will andno play. Students will hc got into appliancc sales. "I spend about thrce hours a day havcrhc opportunity to scc don'tknow. It'slikcthcclouds onthe CBS ncwsmaga7inc usother guys have onc or studying thc languagc andwill mote of Mexico as well. Thcrc pancd onc day and God said, "48 Hours" because of his ad- maybe two storcs. have the option of taking two are walking toursoflocal sights 'Jack I want you to sell TVs vertising style. "To have that kind of ad- clectiveclasses in subjects offcredweekly. In addition, andrefrigerators.' But the Robcrts hasnever been vertising backing you, you have rangingfrom literature and there are optionalone- and busincss never rcally took off injured while perfoming any to have the volume sales to anthropology to Mexican his- two-day trips to thc sumund- until I got into television ad- of his more dangernus stunts justify the exspenditurns of tory and culture ing areas of Santa Clara del vertising six yearsago." during the tapingof any of his multiple TV spots." Wilson said studcntS.don't Cobre, Patzcuaro, and Gua- In real life Roberts is a commcrcial spots, butsaid, Small business owner Ted have to speak Spanish to par- najuato. The cost of these side calm, casy-going, regularguy. "It's come prttty close. Like Selmersaid, 'Ihe problem ticipate the tour. Language in trips isusually $15-25 per day. Put him in fmnt of an advertis- one time we were filming in 3 withsmallbusinessisthatwhen classes are availablc for all metour leaves Seattle June ing camera, however, and the warchouse, doing one of our a small busimss starts to ex- bels of proficiency, and the 22 and returns July 21. The commerciatlunacybegins. He chainsawcommercials. Dur- pandtheyoftentimesgoatitin tour literaturestates that many application deadlinehas been comes off with a lot ofhis own ingthefbingthesmokettfrom too big of a way. of the elective classes avail- extendedthrough March 16. twists: getting shot out of a thesawgotsobadthatittripped "The secretof asmall busi- able require no knowledge of A $10 deposit is quidat canon, using sledge hammers the fire dm,closing the fire ness is, just that, . to keep it the language. the time of registration. The andanmberofdifferentpmps door. We weretrappedintherre small. I'veseentoamanylittle The uip cost of $1,476 in- balance is due by April 23. as part of his commercial for about an hour." guys go bankrupt in the fimt cludesround-trip airfare to Completed applications should clowning. Whydon'tathcrapplianoce yearofuyingtomakethetm- Mexico City, ground transpor- be returned to the Center for "helist ofwhackey things dealers follow Robert's ex- sition from small to big. It's tation to Morelia, wheR stu- Continuing Education. hedoestosellhisstuff keeps ample? The general manager sad to watch, when youknou dcntswillliveduringtheirstay, For more information,stu- growing. SinceRobertsstarted of Melody TV and Applian~e their heart isin the right place, meals and lodging, as well as dents can contact the Center his campaign of advertising said, '' It's got a lot to do with buttheirbusinesssenseisstuck all tuition fees. for Continuing Education, ext. buffoonerryhehasappearedon costeffectiveness. You'vealso in the back coom of a small Morelia, which is the capi- 341, or tour group leader such local TV shows like got to mlize that Roberts has shop." tal of the state ofMichoacan, is Donna Wilson, ext. 514. "Almost Live," "North West got six stores, where most of Aftemoon,"andhas hadaspot Bird can't fly but it sure can sing Value of Daniel Stephens script, his stories of drug deal- them down in the street with comes under fire St@ Writer ing,extortimandmurdcrhave automatic weapons and shot- grade and I really don't feel This story is the result of a a terrible ring of truth to them.
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