i .I 'I'~ANSI,A'I'IONSOE' CHRISTIANLITERATURE SElUES V I.IVlrS SAINTS .\.. 01J THE CELTIC KIBITKIIIIY ELEANOR HULL # ST. MALACHY OF ARMAGH (MAEL MAED& UA MORGAIR) 111s 1,lm ANI) OTII~DOCUMENTS RELATING TO 111b1, COMI'OSICD BY ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX 0 CONTENTS VAGE PIINCIPAI. AlJTHORITIES REFERRED TO . vii NAMRI OP IRISH PERSONSAND PLACES . .x INTNC)INJCTION . xii IJlK OF ST. MAI.ACHY . .I l,EITRR.9 OF ST. IlERNARD . I31 IIUIMONI OF ST. BERNARD ON THE PASSING OF MAIACIIY . 141 AllIIl’l’lONAL NOTES :- I\.---RT. IIRRNARD’S DESCRIPTION OF THE STATE nv TIIK IRISH CHURCH . 161 l\,--TlIK HRREIXTARY SUCCESSION OF THE COARBS op PATRICK . 164 C.--MAl.ACilY’S CONTEST WITH NIALL . 167 AI’PRNIbIX . 171 INDICX . I72 T PRINCIPAL AUTHORITIES - REFERRED TO A. T.C.D. MS. F. 4,6, containing the Vita S. Malnchiue and a portion of Sumo ii. imbedded therein. Cent. xiii.; copied from a much earlier exemplar. AA.SS. Acta Sanctmm. A. F.M. Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters, ed. J. @Donovan, 1851. A.I. Annals of Inisfallcn, in O'Conor, Rrrunt lZi6micarrms Scr+fores, 1814-1826, vol. i¡. A.L.C. AtrnafsofLoch Cr, ed. W. M. Hennessy (R.S.), 1871. A.T. Annals of -Tipmuch (so called : see J. MacNcili in &ritt, vii. 30), ed. W. Stokes, in A'evrre Celtiqrre, xvi.-xviii. / A.IJ. Annals of Ulsfer, otherwise Armais of Senat, cd. W. M. Hennessy and B. MacCarthy, 1887-1931. Aclamnan. The Lire of St. Columba, written by Adamnan, ed. W. Reeves (Irish Archrcological and Cellic Society), 1857. Archdall. M. Archdall, Monasficon Hi6cminmr, 1786 : the earlief part ed. by P. F. Moran, 1873. C.M.A. Chartularies of St. Mary's Addey, Drdlà~r,cd, J. T. Gilbert (R.S.), 1884. c' Cant. S. Bernardi Sermones in Cantica, in P.L. clxxxiii. 779 K (1879): English Tnnslation by S. J. Ealrs, Th Li$e and Works of St. Bernard, vol.iv., 1896. Colgan, A.S.H. J. Colgan, Acta Suncforzr!n Hiherhe,' Lovanii, 1645, tom. i. D.A.I. Thc Dublin Annals of Inisfallen, Roy$ Irish Acstlcmy , MS. 23, P. g. De Cons. S. Bcrnardi Be Consinkratione Libri V., in P.L. clxxxii. 727 ff. (1879): English Translation by G. Lewis, 1908. De Dil. S. Bernsrdi DeBilipm'o Deo in P.L. clxxxii. 973 ff. ( 1879). English Translations by M. C. and C. Patmore, second ed., 1884, and E. G. Gardner, 1916. Dugdale. W. Dugdale, Monmticorr An,ylìcanartr, cd. J. Cdey, H. Ellis and B. Ihdinel, 1817-30. Endmer. Eadmeri Historia Novorunr irr Aqylia, ed. M. Rule (R.S.), 1884. E'. S. Bernardi Epistolz in P.L. clxxxii. 67 ff. (1879) Translationin S. J. Eales, 2 - vols. i.-iii.-lgRg-1896). vii .i /’ .- viii PRINCIPALAUTHORITIES REFERRED TO PRINCIPALAUTHORITIES REFERRED TO ix Giraldus, Expug.; Gest.; Top. Giraldi Canzbrensis Opera, ed. J. S. R.T.4. Register of the Abhey of St. Thomas, Brdlin, ed. J. T. Brewer, J. F. Dimock and G. F. Warner (R.S.), 1861-1901. Qlbert (R.S.), 1889. Expugnati0 Hibemica. vol. Y. 207ff. ; De Rebus a se Gestir, Reeves.~..-~~ W. Reeves. Ecciesàasfàcal Antiquities of Dopurr, Conmr vol. i. p. I ft.; Topop-nphia Hilmica, vol. v. p. I ff. adDrotnn-e, 1~7. Gorman. The Marfyrolo of Gorman, ed. W. Stokes(Henry Reeves, Charchcs. W. Reeves, Ancient Churches of Artnafh, 1860. Bradshaw Society), I&. Richard of Hexham. Historia Ricara’ipricris Xaugwtaldemis, in Gougand. L. Gougaud, Les Chrifientk Celtiqrres, 1911. Chronicles of Stephen, etc., ed. Howlett (K.S.), iii. (1886), Gwynn. The Book of Armagh, ed. J. Gwynn, 1913. I37 B. J.ILS.A.1. /oumal of the hbyal Sociefy of Adquaries of Zreland: Theiner. A. Theiner, Vetrra Monuntenia Hibernmurn et Scotomnd, references to volumes according to the consecutive numbcring. Jarri.. Refesta Pontijcurn Romanoruru, ed.P. Ja& 1851. John of 1 lexham. Historia jobrrrris Priori> H¿pstaldelrsis Ecrfesim, in SymeonisMonachi Dunclnrensis OfiraOntnia, ell. T. Arnold (R.S.), i¡. (ISSS), 284ff. IC. Codex Kilkenniensis; Marsh’s Library, Dublin, MS. Z. 1.5, containing the Vita S. Malachiae. Cent.xv. ICeating. G. Keating, Ifistory of Irefad, ed. D. Comyn and P. S. Dinneen (Irish Texts Society), 192-1914. LA.J. Corrnty Louth Archeological journal. l,.lL Leabhar Breac, Royal Irish Academy MS. (Facsimile ed. 1876.) Imipn. J. Lanipn,-An Eccltsiasticaf IIistory of Ireland . to the Hed*inrrihg of the Thirteenth Centwy, 1829. M.G.H. Monuntenta Germnniae Historìca. Mansi. Sacrortm Concifiorum nova et amplìssha GoIlectào, ed. J. D. Mansi, 1759-1798. O.C.C. The Book of 06itsand Martyrofogy of the Cai4edral Church of the Holy Trimly, cmzntonly called Christ Church, Dullin, ed. J. C. Crosthwaite and J. Il. Todd (Irish Archao- logical Society), 184. Oengus. The Afarfyrology Oengws the Culdee, ed. W. Stokes (Henry Bradshaw Socidy), 1905. O’Hanlon. J. O’Hanlon, The Lue of Sairrt Malarhy O’Morgnir, 1859. b O’Hanlon, Saints. J. O’Hanlon, Lives of the Irish Sainfs, vols. i.&., 1875-19ii. P.L. Patmfonk Cursu~Co?n#letus, -- Series Latina. ed. T. P. Migne. - Petrie. G. Petrie, The Eccfesiafical drrhitecttwe of &eland . conrprising an assay on fhe Origin alrd Uses of fhe h‘orrnd Towers of Zreland, 1845. Plurnmer. VifaSanctorum Uibmiac, ed. C. Plummer, 1910. Plnmmer, Bede. Venerabilàs . Baedae OpCr0 Historìca, ed.C. Plummer, 1896. R.I.A. Proceedhrg-s nf the RoyalIrish Arad~t~y,Archeology, Lin- guistic and Literature. References to volumes according to the consecutive numbering. R.I.A. 7’mns. Ttnnsacfions of the Royal Irish Academy. R. Q.H. Revue der Qumtzii Histor+uer. l -_X’ - NAMES OF IRISH PERSONS AND PLACES xi’ Form used in this volume. lieinster Lail:in I herick I.oimncnch NAMES OF IRISH PERSONS Lismore Idis(kivzd M& ANDPLACES Lugadh MacCarthy Mac (rneic) Carlhnig Maelisa Malchus Mae1 Ísa Form used in this Malchus} volume. Mnlachy Malachias Miel Mded6c Moriarty Ur Muircherlaig - Munster Murnonia Muma Antrim (Denthrcb I Oentrch Murrough hhrchatlh Armagh Ardmacha Ard Mach? Murtough lMauricius Muirchertnch Bangor Iknchor Uennchor Nehemiah Nchemias Gilla na Nacm Niall Nigellus Niall Cashel lCnsclensis Caisel Catholicus lCatholicas Callac O’Boyle Un Ikigill ‘ Cellach lCclsus Cellach O’Brien [Ja ßrinin Christian lChristianlw tiilla Crist O’Carroll Un Cerhnill Colernine lCulratim Cí11 Knlhin O’Conor Ua Conchobair Colurnlnnus lZolumlnnus Colnrnhdn 9 O’Hagan Ua hAcllacain Comgall Congellus Comgall O’Hnnratly Ua hIndrechtnig Connor lConnercth Coinclire O’Hanlcy Ua hhingli Conor Conchobar OKelly Ua Cellnig Cork lCorcngia Corcach O’Loughlin Ua Lochlainn Oriel Oirginlla Dcrmot Dinrmicinn IXarmnil O’Rorke Ua Runrc Derry Daire Desmond Mnmonia australis Dcsmurna Pntrick Patricius Pdtraic Donne11 Dornnall Donough Donnchad Rory Ruaidhri (Donngus Down Dunum Diln d;i Lelhglns Soul Salwl Phdlrnic Ednn Edanus Aedh Shalvey Ua Selbaig Faughart Fochart Fochart Tengue Tndhg Thomond Tunrhmurnn Ccl~~ills lGelnsius Gilla rneic Ling Turlough T~~irtlell~ach Gilhcrl lGilleberlus Gilln espllig Ulaid Ulgdia Ulaid Imar Tmnrn Uenagh Uisnech Inispatrick Iverngll Ilm~censis Waterford Port Láirge X c’ .. INTRODUCTION xlll was no merere-modelling of the hierarchy. It can be rhown that it imposed on the meínbers of the Church a new etandard of sexual morality ; if we believe contemporary writers, it restored to their proper place such rites as Confession, Confirmation and Matrimony ; it substituted for the offices of divine service previously in use those INTRODUCTION of the Roman Church ; it introduced the custom of THEmain purpose of this Introduction is to give an paying tithes ; it established in Ireland the monastic account of a movement which changed the whole face orders of Latin Christendom l; and it may have pro- of the Irish Church, and to the advancement of which duced changes in other directions.’But I propose to St.Malachy devoted hislife. In default of a better confine myself to the change in the constitution of the word we may call the movement a Reformation, though Church, which was its most striking feature. The subject, it might perhaps bemore accurately described as an ann thus narrowed, willgive us more than can be ecclesiasticalrevolution. Without some knowledge of ratisfactorily treated in a few pages. its aims and progress it is impossible to assign to Malachy First, I must emphasize the assertion made a moment his true place in the history of his native country. ago that the constitution of theIrish Church in the That such a movement actually took place in the eleventh century was sui generis. Let us begin by twelfth century isbeyond doubt. From about the year reminding ourselves what it wasfrom the sixth to the 1200 on it is certain that the organization of the Church eighth century. It was then essentially monastic in of Ireland was similar to that of the other Churches of character. The rulers of the Church were the abbots western Christendom. The country was divided into of the monasteries,commonly known as the coarbs dioceses ; and each diocese had a bishop as its ruler, or successors of their founders. Theseabbots were and a Cathedral Church in which the bishop’s stool was rometimes bishops; but whetherthey were bishops or placed. The Cathedral Church, moreover, had a chapter of lower rank in the ministry, their authority was inherent of clergy,regular or secular, who performed important in their officeof coarb. At thisperiod bishops were functions in the diocese.But up to the end of the numerous-more numerous than in later medieval or eleventh century all these things were unknown among modern times ; and certain functions were reserved for the Irish. The constitution of the Church was then biehops,for example, ordination. No ecclesiastic, of of an entirelydifferent type, one that had no exact whatever status, could perform such functions, unless he parallelelsewhere. The passage from the older to the WOB of the, episcopal order.
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