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PO Box 1347, Frankston Vic 3199 The Revd Stuart Soley, speaking in a debate on Email [email protected] the detention of asylum seekers. " .. t h a nk you for your en ormo us <ifjorts in a ssistin9 t h e Cath o lic Church qf Melbourne to The Melbourne Anglican resp ond in a const ructive and huma n e way t o t h e 1998 winner of the Gutenberg Award for Excell ence reality qf t h ose vulnerable p eople in o ur m idst in Religious Communication who a re livinB with 1-11 V and A I DS" Ve ry R ev K. M. Moon. Mention this ad for a free sample copy of TMA Episcopal Vicar for S ocial Welfare, M e lbo urne Phone: (03) 9653 4221 or email: [email protected] < )> 03': '> CCl ElJREKA STREE I!': )> ~~ NZz m cO 3':-n ~~ ;>::Jo:J_.c on om-n> ~~ !':"' co Y' m-1 "'I "-' m 8> -{ "' V>"' )> COMMENT z 0 -{ 4 Peter Steele Lyre and wheel I m 5 Morag Fraser Portents 0 5 Cl -< SNAPS HOT 6 Mincing words, helping hands, stroke play, water, and tramming it LETTERS < OVFR STORY 8 Cassandra Oliver, Peter Graves, 14 Peace on ea rth Katrin Lee Photographic essay by Daniel Loughlin THE MONTH'S TRAFFI C 12 Ben Fra ser The long road home THEATRE 16 fohn Rickard Aria for Azaria 39 A Dickens ca ravansera i Publisher Andrew Hamilton 51 Peter Craven takes in Oliver' and Editor M orag Fra se r COLUMNS Simon Callow's The Mystery of Charles Editorial assistant Susa nnah Buckley Dickens Graphic designer Siobhan jackson 7 Ca pital Letter General manager M ark Dowell Marketing & advertising manager Kirsty Grant facl<Wat erford The Whitlam way BOOKS Subscriptions Jess ica Batt ersby 13 Archimedes Editorial, production and administration 42 The short I ist assistants Juliette Hughes, Ben Hider, Tim Thwaites Carbon queries Reviews of A History of Islamic Steven Conte, Kristi e Dunn, Kate Hird, Alex 1 6 Summa Th eo logiae Connelly, Tara Drinkwater, Paul Fyfe 51, Societies; Recognising Spirituality: Geraldine Batt ersby, Irene Hun ter Andrew Hamilton Down to the bone The interface between faith and social Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg 25 Bush Lawyer O'Kelly s1; Perth : Dea n M oore; Sydney: work; The Pocket Guide to Saint Paul; Edmund Ca mpion & Gerard Windsor; Seamus O'Shaughnessy Dead end Understanding Deleuze and The Queensland: Peter Pi erce 26 By th e way Many-Coloured Land: A Return to United Kingdom Deni s Minns OP jesuit editorial board Peter L'Estrange Sl, Brian Matthews Huli-doolally Ireland. Andrew Bullen 51, Andrew Hamilton 51, 43 Th e good and fa ithfu l se rvant Peter Steele Sl, Bill Uren Sl 54 Watching Brief Patrons Eureka Street gratefully Juliette Hughes The audio gets visual fohn Button reviews Tim Rowse's ackn owledges th e support of Nugget Coombs, A Reforming Life. C. and A. Carter; th e trustees of the estate of 45 To have and have not M iss M . Condon; W.P. & M .W. Gurry FEATURES Jon Greenaway analyses Joseph Eureka Street magazine, ISSN 1036-175 8, 9 Th e ethics of stem cell resea rch Stiglitz's Globalization and its Au stralia Post Print Post approved pp349181/003 14, is published len times a Bill Uren argues the 'no' case on Discontents. yea r by Eu reka Street M agazine Pty Ltd, embryo experim entation. 47 Making a mea l of reform 300 Victoria Street. Ri chmond VIC 3 121 PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 3 121 18 Crime and punishment Andrew Hamilton reviews a clutch Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 It's time for a change of policy of books on theological reform, papal email: eureka@ jes pub.jes uit. org.au direction, argues Peter Norden. power, priesthood and St Thomas http:// www.eurekastree t.com.au/ Aquinas. Responsibility for editorial content is 21 AIDS : South Africa 's cri sis accepted by Andrew Hamilton 51, Sarah Lowe reports. 49 The perenn ial observer 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond looks at Christopher Printed by Doran Printing 24 Law v Law Hugh Dillon 46 Industri al Drive, Braes ide VIC 3 195. Hitchens' Orwell's Vi ctory. © j esuit Publications 2002 When immigration and human rights Unsolicited manusc ripts w il l be returned laws conflict, there are no winners, 50 Th e helpmeet only if accompanied by a stamped, argues Moira Rayner. Stephen Holt reviews Hilary Spurling's se lf-addressed enve lope. Reques ts for Portrait of Sonia Orwell. permi ss ion to reprint materia l from the 27 Still life: a conversation w ith magaz ine should be addressed in w riting to Don Watson th e editor. Kristie Dunn and Alex McDermott FLASH IN THE PAN 52 Reviews of the films Pollock; Th e Ring; Thi s month: 34 An essential ambivalence Cover design by Siobhan jackson Donnie Darko; Crackerjack and My Big Cover photograph and photographs Robert Manne on Barry Hill's epic life Fat Greek Wedding. pp3, 14-15, by Daniel Loughlin of T.G.H . Strehlow. Graphics pp6, 9-10, 24, 37 by Siobhan Jackson 36 Tak ing Turkey SPECIFIC LEV ITY Cartoon p 12 by Peter Fraser Robin Gerster in Istanbul. 55 Joan Nowotny Cryptic Crossword COMMENT:l PETER STEELE Lyre and wheel L ,NK>NG ot CHR'5TMAS, •nd ,iffling thwugh lyre, for instance. Perhaps music is always in some some postcards, I found two of them claiming degree mysterious, but if it is so it is our mystery attention. The first, improbably perhaps, was of a too; whenever it is more than formulaic, it is a way silver ten-stringed lyre from Ur, in Babylonia-or, as of searching as well as a way of saying. The figure of we say nowadays, southern Iraq. It dates from about David playing the harp, whether to solace a tortured 2500Bc, and it comes from the Great Death Pit, Saul or to celebrate things found good, is an emblem excavated in the twentieth century. It has an inlaid of the mind about its work as well as of the fingers in front, and a bull's head adorns one edge. The second their dexterity. card shows a painting, from about 1531, by Maarten And of more than the mind. Music from the Van Heemsberck, of a woman spinning. Her left hand death-pit cannot but challenge sentiment and atti­ trains the raw fibre towards the spinning wheel, tude-all that we call 'the heart'. At the end of the which she turns with her right hand: the wheel, Second World War, among ruins, ad hoc orchestras balanced on her knees, is supported by an orna­ began their work in devastated cities, as indeed they mented dolphin. had tried to keep going while the bombs were falling. Versions of the Bible which are arranged accord­ And before and after that cataclysm, at countless ing to an historical logic begin with Abraham's funerals, music and song have attended both the dead departure from Ur, and on that exodus all that fol­ and the grieving.
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