The D avie Record DAVIE COUNTY'S OLDEST NEWSPAPER-THE PAPEK THE PEOPLE UEAD “HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY CAIN.” VOLUMN XLIV. MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY JUNE 2 . 1 9 4 3 NUMBER 4 6 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Wasting Time Some Rat Story Memo To Farmers Bond Ad Sponsors Seen Along Main Street Rev. W alter E. Isenhour. Hiddenite. N. C. Eli Privette and his little dog Some of us can remember when Has it ever occurred to you that By T lie S tr e e t R am b ler. What Was HappeaiDg b Dane Time is precious. It can’t be Willkte are veteran fighters In Ire­ the Department ot Agriculture was sponsors of War Bond advertise* 0 0 0 0 0 0 Before The New Deal Used Up , bought with silver and gold, diam dell county’s war against rats. They dedicated to serving the farmer— ments are contributing to a vital Two husky fellows playing check­ onds and pearls, rubles and gems. are just naturally rough on rats and not destroying him. part of tbe nation’s war effort The Alphabet, Drowned The ers while we are loafing around try­ It Is so precious that the Psalmist any rat that takes up at Mr. Priv- And, remembering, it is difficult The government depends upon ing to win a war—Henry Brogdon Hop and Plowed Up The prayed: ‘‘So teach us to number ette’s store and feed mill on the to believe the concoctions the eco­ the newspapers to put over the urge standing on a street corner in the Cotton and Con. onr days, that we may apply our Wilkesboro road has to be smart nomic play-boys of that department to buv war bonds, and the sponsors rain—Miss Ruth Boger running to hearts unto wisdom.” Thlsshould to enjov life and good health. today can put together to plague for advertisements make it possible catch a bus—Young lady sitting In fDavie Record, Jnne 2 , >9 2 0 .) be the prayer of all men Saturday Eli and Willkie *‘smelt the farmer. for the newspapers to do their part auto tousling young man’s hair— Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Tucker and No one should waste his time. a rat” and went on the warpath as We are indebted to the Washing­ In getting the messages to the A. Young man drinking beer and two son Alex, of Elbaville, spent Sat It can never be redeemed. Time usual and thereby hang, a tale of ton Times-Herald for turning up merican people as no other medium girls drinking chocolate milks in urday in town shopping. lost is forever gone. Rehret It a Wilkie “spilling the beans” up this latest plan to re-make Ameri­ of publicity can do. cafe—Soldier boy bidding his girl a Miss Hazel Turner, of Hampton. you may, you can never recall it Eli's breeches leg. Instead of chew, ca: In tbis connection we quote the fond farewell—Pretty blue-eyed girl Tille, is spending a few weeks at God may forgive you for wasting ing up Mr. Rat In the fitst round, “It seems the Bureau of Agricul. following editorial from the “ Meek. eating ice cream in dime store— Pork Church with his grandpar­ your time, when you cali upon Him as is bis wont, Willkie caused him tural Economics wants to make 2 0 Ienburg Times: Mrs. Paul Allen reading letter and ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams. honestly, patiently and sincerely, to beat a strategic retreat right up per cent of the rural population of “The merchants of our comma wearing broad smile—Smith twins A crowd estimated at six to nine but He will nevar give it back to Mr. Privetie’s pants leg. the Uuited States move to' cities nity have been very liberal in ad shopping around town on cloudy thonsand people, heard Senator Hi you. A moment lost, an hour Right then the fun started in a after the war, whether theruralites vertising War Bond drives. So morning—Mob of hungry folks fol­ Johnson, of palifornia, speak at lost, a day. a Iweek, a month, a three ring circus, Mr. Prevette he. like it or not. have the manufacturers. When lowing bunch of bananas into gro­ Pepper’s warehouse Thursday eve­ year lost is lost forever. A life of gan yeiling for “ Berthie” but when F. F. Elliott, chief agricultural they spend bard earned money to cery store—Girl Scouts cycling in­ ning. Many Davie folks attended. time lost can never be regained. It Mrs. Prevette came and learned economist of the department, says put over a drive for the govern to town from the old swimming George Feezor, of Hanes, was in is forever lost. what the commotion was all about the plan to c it post-war rural po­ ment and for the community they hole—Baptist preacher walking a- town Monday. It is astonishing ho the vast she screamed and ran in the bouse pulation to 8 0 per cent of its pre­ don’t get it back in ten years with round town wearing big overcoat Misses Doris and Virginia Haus- multitudes of people regard their and slammed the door behind her. sent level is in line with its pro­ monetaiy interest. —Farmer walking down the street er, of Germanton, are guests of time. So much of it is lost in fool­ 'Don’t you come in this house with jected ravamping of American eco­ “Our natural reaction to war counting roll of money—Clarence Miss Eva Call. ishness, nonsense, idleness, sin and that rat, Eli Privette, she screamed. nomy and possibly that of the en. bond advertising is to think about Grant selling strawberries. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William wickedness^ Every moment and Finally Eli hunted up John R. tire world. whether we can afford more bond or Keller, on Monday, a fine son minute one lives in sin and the ser­ Morrison. ’‘John,” be pleaded, "T h e outline fits snugly w ith re* not—of course that is the primary How He Gets That Way D. G. Tutterow, of Winston-Sa­ 'help me get this danged rat out CUMent reports th a t th e planners purpose of the advertisements. So vice of the devil Is lost. Every He Is a colonel or a major or lem, visited relatives here Sunday of my clothes." By that time the have In mind creations of a hugely read the sponsor’s name on each ad. hour one spends in reading sorry something like that now, although A number of our citizens went to rat had gone up Eli’s back and was industrialized United States with Read them so that you can give a books and literature is lost. Every he never shouldered or parked a hear General Leonard Wood speak coming down inside by his sleeve. Latin America supplying the food.” nod of rcecognition to those ma. hour one spends in looking upon gUn In his life, never learned to at Winston Salem Saturday.. But John R. was scared too and Elliott tentatively suggests that nufacturers and business firms who the screen at ungodly pictures, or 'squad left” or even right. If he C. Frank Williams, of Camden, Eli had to “take the message - to farm production be maintained “at are digging in their pockets to spends in a dance ball, or at idle, ever learned how to peel potatoes, S. C., spent the week-end in town Garcia” himself. *He grabbed the such levels and in such patterns as make the bond sales in our town a unprofitable games, or at gambling it was at some boy’s camp and came on business. or in foolish jesting, or in gossip rat by the head with his othei hand to permit adequate diets adapted to success.. Miss Rosa Owens, who has been about because he was very, very and evil speaking, or in doing the and held on for dear life. The rat the economic resources and food The government sends this news­ teaching at Thomasville, returned hungry. wrong things, or in laboring at the turned around and its tail emerged habits of the different income paper many bond advertisements to home Sunday. But he’s in the Army now—way wrong job which hurts humanity from Eli’s sleeve. “Get hold of groups.” be published with a note to obtain Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jefferson up front iu it, while Bill Jones and rather than helps, is time lost. that tail aud pull him out, John.” The blue.print he is drawing up a sponsor, or group of sponsors for Davis, of Winston-Salem, spent the Ezra Smith, his one-time school Think of it. O, reader, dob’t waste John pulled but their efforts were would include an organized market tbe ad. Naturally every newspaper week-end here with relatives. mates have “pfc” prefixed to their your tim e! not coordinated. Eli couldn’t turn system, controlled by the Govern thinks of the merchants first. How­ J. C. Crawford, of Marion, spent names in the home town newspaper. There is too 'much to do, too louse when John pulled and the tuil ment, with fixed prices for tbe ever, ever> citizen should drop by last week in town the guest of his They are first class privates, know much that Is good and worth while, pulled off. But they rolled up the farmer, tbe marketman, and the and put his name on the sponsor’s son, Dr.
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