MALWANCHAL UNIVERSITY Index City, NH-59A, Near Khudel, Nemawar Road, Indore-452016 (Madhya Pradesh) Ph./Fax: 0731-4013656 FILLED UGC PROFORMA CONTENTS: 1. Covering Letter 2. Filled UGC Proforma 3. Appendices 4. Annexures MALWANCHAL UNIVERSITY, INDORE (Madhya Pradesh) [Unit of MAYANK WELFARE SOCIETY] Corporate Office: University Address: In d e x City, NH-59A, Nemawar Road, Near 104, Trishul Apartment, 5, Sanghi Colony, Khudel, District Indore-452016 A.B. Road, Indore-452008 (A Private University Established by the Ph: +91-731-4215757, Fax: +91-731-4044715 Madhya Pradesh Niji Vishwavidyalay E.mail: [email protected] Adhiniyam No.17 of 2007) [email protected] Registration no.: MPPU20 W e b s ite : www.malwanchaluniversity.com No.: MU/RO/2016/^f^ Date: 15.10.2016 To, The Under Secretary, University Grants Commission (UGC) Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, 110002 Sub: Application for UGC recognition. Sir, With reference to your Letter No. F. 8-7/2016(CPP-I/PU) dated 08th June 2016; please find enclosed the duly completed Proforma for UGC recognition and all relevant documents required. Thanking you. Yours sincerely, (Dr. M. C hristopher) Registrar Malwanchal University, Indore (M.P.) Mob: 7024107401, 7568222888 E nel: 1) Duly filled UGC Proforma. 2) DVD Disc. UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAKAR MARG NEW DELHI-110002 Proforma fo r submission o f information by State Private Universities for ascertaining their norms and standards A. Legal Status 1.1 Name and Address of the University Malwanchal University, Index City, NH-59-A. Near Khudel, Nemawar Road, Indore-452016 (Madhya Pradesh) 1.2 Headquarters of the University Indore (Madhya Pradesh) 1.3 Information about University: W ebsite www.malwanchaluniversity.com E-mail [email protected] Phone No. 0731-4013656 Fax No. 0731-4013656 Information about Authorities of the University: a) Ph. (including mobile). Fax Nos. and e-mail of Phone No.: 0731-2542469 Chancellor Mobile No.: 9826025956 Fax No.: 0731-2542469 E.mail: [email protected] b) Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Vice- Phone No.: 0731-4013656 Chancellor Mobile No.: 9425112266 Fax No.: 0731-4013656 E.mail: [email protected] c) Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Phone No.: 0731-4013656 Registrar Mobile No.: 7024107401 I ax No.: 0731-4013656 E.mail: [email protected] Page 1 of 26 d) Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Phone No.: 0731-4013656 Finance Office Mobile: 9685096540 fax Nos.: 0731-4013656 E.mail: [email protected] 1.4 Date of Establishment 04'1’ January,2016 1.5 Name of the Society/Trust promoting the University Mayank Welfare Society, (Information may be provided in the following format) Indore (Madhya Pradesh) (Copy of the registered Mo A/Trust Deed to be enclosed) (Copy of the registered Mo A/Trust Deed enclosed) (Annexure-I) .6 Composition of the Society/Trust Composition of the Society/Trust (D etails to be provided in Appendix-I) (Appendix-I) 1.7 Whether the members of the Society/ Trust are members !No in other Societies/Trusts or in the Board of Governors in companies? If yes, please provide details in the Appendix-ll: NA following format:- Name A ddress Occupation Designation in the Society/ Trust (Detai 1 s to be provided in Appendix-11)_ 1.8 W hether the prom oting Society/Trust is involved in No promoting/ running any other University/ Educational Institution? If yes, please give details in the following Appendix-Ill; NA form at:- Name of the University / A ctivities Educational Institution (D etails to be provided in Appendix-Ill) 1.9 Whether the promoting society/trust is involved in No promoting/running activities other than educational? If yes, please give details in the following format:- Appendix-IV: NA Name of the University / A ctivities Educational Institution (Details to be provided in Appendix-IV)__________________ __________ Page 2 of 26 1.10 Act and Notification under which established Madhya Pradesh Niji Vishwavidyalaya (copy of the Act & Notification to be enclosed) (Sthapana Avam Sanchalan)- Adhiniyam 2007 Enclosed / Not enclosed MP Act no.17-2007. (Annexure-2) 1.11 Whether the University has been established by a Yes separate State Act? Madhya Pradesh Act No.01 of 2016 (An n ex u re-3) B. Organization Description 2.1 Whether Unitary in nature (as per the UGC Yes Regulation) 2.2 Territorial Jurisdiction of the University as per the Act Madhya Pradesh 2.3 Details of the constituent units of the University, if Constituent Units of the University as per the MPPURC letter vide Ref. any, as mentioned in the Act no. 859/M PPU RC,Bhopal Dated 11.7.2016 (A n nexure-4) 1. Index Medical College Hospital & Research Center, Indore (MP) 2. Index Institute of Dental Sciences, Indore (MP) 3. Index Nursing College, Indore (MP) 4. Index Medical College (Paramedical Courses) , Indore (MP) 2.4 Whether any off-campus centre(s) established? If No yes, please give details of the approval granted by the Appendix-V: NA State Government and UGC in the following format:- a. Place of the off-campus__ b. Letter No. & date of the approval of State G o v ern m en t___ c. Letter No. & date of the approval of UGC _ (D etails to be provided in Appeiidix-V) (Please attach attested copy of the approval) Page 3 of 26 2.5 Whether any off-shore campus established? If yes, No please give details of the approval granted by the Appendix-VI: NA Government of India and the host country in the following format:- a. Place o f the off-shore c a m p u s_____ b. Letter No. & date of the approval of Host C ountry c. Letter No. & date of the approval of Government of India (Details to be provided in Appendix-VI) (Please attach attested copy of the approval) 2.6 Does the University offer a distance education No programme? If yes, whether the courses run under distance mode are approved by the competent Appendix-VI 1: NA authority? (Please enclose attested copy of the course- wise approval of competent authority) 2.7 Whether the University has established study No centre(s)? If yes, please provide details and whether these study centres are approved by the competent Appendix-VI 1: NA authority of the University and UGC? (Details to be provided in Appendix-VI 1) (Please enclose attested copy of the approval from the competent authority) C. Academic Activities Description 3. Academic Programmes Details of the programmes permitted to be offered by Gazette Programme Sanctioned Actual Notification of the State Government and Intake enrolm ent its reference UG PG Diplom a (Details to be provided in Appendix- PG Diplom a VIII) Certificate course M.Phil Ph.D. Any other (pi. Specify) Appendix-VIII Page 4 of 26 3.2 Current number of academic programmes/ courses offered by the Program m e Sanctioned Actual U niversity Intake enrolm ent UG PG (Details to be provided in Appendix- Diplom a IX) PG Diplom a Certificate course M.Phil Ph.D. Any other (pi. Specify) Appendix-IX 3.3 Whether approvals of relevant Yes statutory council(s) such as A1CTE, BCI, DEC, DC1, INC, MCI, NCTE, PCI, etc. Appendix-X have been taken to: All are already running courses and Permissions from a. Start new courses relevant National / State Statutory Counci l(s) enclosed: b. To increase intake An nexu re-5: If yes please enclose copy of approval 5(a): Faculty of Medicine and give course- wise details in the 5(b): Faculty of Dentistry following format:- 5(e): Faculty of Nursing 5(d): Faculty of Paramedical Sciences Name of the Statutory W hether C ourse council approval taken (Details to be provided Appendix-X) 3.4 If the University is running No courses under distance mode, please provide details about the students enrolled Appendix-VII: !NA in the following format:- N am e C ourses No. o f o f the offered students Study enrolled C entre (Details to be provided in Appendix-VII) (Please enclose copy of the course-wise approval o f the competent authority) Page 5 of 26 3.5 Temporal plan of academic Annual System(as per norms of National / State work in the University Statutory Council|sJ) Semester system/ Annual system Semester System: Provision will be made in the other up-coming programs as per UGC norms. 3.6 Whether the University is No running any course which is not specified under Section 22 Appendix-XI: NA of the UGC Act, 1956? If yes, please give details in the following format:- a. Name of the course(s) b. Since when started c. Whether the University has applied for permission from UGC? (D etails to be provided in Appendix-XI) Page 6 of 26 4.1 Number of students enrolled in the University for the current academic year according to regions and countries (Please give separate information for main campus and off-campus/off-shore campus) Annexure- 6 Particulars No. of No. of No. of NRI No. of Gra nd students students students overseas Total from the from students same other excluding State States NRIs where the University is located Foreign Person Student o f s Indian O rigin students UG M F T PG M F T M . Phil M F T Ph.D. M F T Diplom a M F T PG Diplom a M F T Certificate M F T Any O ther (PI. Specify) Page 7 of 26 M-Male, F-Female, I - Total 4.2 Category- wise No. of Category Female Male Total students SC ST OB C PH General Total An nexure-7: (a): Faculty of Medicine (b): Faculty of Dentistry (c): Faculty of Nursing (cl): Faculty of Paramedical Sciences 4.3 Details of the two batches of students admitted Malwanchal University is a newly established University.
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