Detailed information on Medicinal Plants of Karnataka SL. Threat Season of System of Botanical Name Family Vernacular name Habit Habitat Part used Used for Mode of Propagation Trade information No. Status Reproduction Medicine Flowerin Fruiting g 1 Ablemoschus crinitis Wall. Malvaceae No Herb North canara Rare 0 0 Whole Plant dysentry and Gravel Complaints AUS and F Seeds 2 Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Malvaceae Bende kayi(Kan), Herb Bangalore,Coorg,Mysore,raichur Cultivable 0 0 Leaf, Fruit, Seed Fruit used as a plasma replacement or blood volume Ayu, Siddha, Seeds Moench Bhinda, Vendaikkai expander,also used for vata, pitta, debility.Immature capsules Unani, Folk (Tam) emollient, demulcent and diuretic, Seeds stimulent, Cardiac and 3 Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik Malvaceae No Herb Chickmagalur, Hassan, North kanara, Very 0 0 Bark emmenagogueantispasmodic Diarrhoea,leucorrhoea, aphrodisiac Folk Seeds Shimoga common 4 Abelmoschus moschatus Medik Malvaceae Latha Kasturi(Kan), Herb Chickmagalur, Coorg,Hassan,Mysore, Cultivable 0 0 Seed,Root,Leaf Seed used for Disease of Ayu, Siddha, 1.Seeds 2. Kaattu kasturi(Tam) North kanara, face,distaste,anorexia,diarrhoea,cardiac Unani, Folk Vegetative: through disease,cough,dysponia,polyuria,spermatorrhoea,eye disease, cuttings. seed musk used as stimulent,leaf and root used for Headache,veneral diseases,pyrexia,gastric and Skin disease 5 Abrus fruticulosus Wall.ex Wt. & Papilionaceae Angaravallika(San), Climbing Chickmagalore,Hassan,North 0 0 0 Root,leaf,seed Roots diuretic,tonic and emetic. Seeds used in infections of Ayu, Siddha, Arn. Venkundri or shrub kanara,Shimoga,South kanara nervous system, Seed paste applied locally in sciatica,stiffness Unani, Folk Vidathari(Tam) of sholder joints and paralysis 6 Abrus precatorius L. Fabaceae-FaboideaeIndian liquorice(E), Climbing Bangalore,Bellary,Bidar,Chickmagalo Cultivable Septembe December- Root,leaf,seed Roots diuretic,tonic and emetic. Seeds used in infections of Ayu, Siddha, Seeds soaked in hot water Gulagangi(Kan), shrub re,Chitradurga,Coorg,Hassan,Kolar,M r- January nervous system, Seed paste applied locally in sciatica,stiffness Unani, Folk for 5 minutes and then in Gunja (San), ysore,North Novembe of sholder joints and paralysis.Leaf,Root,Seed are used in cold water for 24 hours are Kundrimani (Tam) kanara,Raichur,Shimoga,South r leprosy,alopecia,disease of pittam and found to germinate better. Kanara,Tumkur kapham,jaundice,poisoning,fainting,arthritis,leucoderma. 7 Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Malvaceae Srimudre Under Bangalore,Belgaum,Bellary,Bijapur,, Cultivable througho throughou Whole Plant Whole plant used as a febrifuge,anthelmintic and anti- Ayu, Siddha, SEEDS AND gida(Kan), shrub Chickmagalore,Coorg,Gulbarga,Hass ut the t the year inflammatory,also in urinary troubles and lumbago.Bark is Unani, Folk VEGETATIVE MEANS Atibala(San), an,Kolar,Mysore,Raichur,Tumkur. year.Spl. astringent and diuretic, Leaf extract used as diuretic and Thuthi (Tam) October- demulcent. Root nervine tonic, antipyretic and used for Decembe piles,ulcers,haematemesis,cough,leprosy,dysuria,leucorrhoea,ap 8 Acacia catechu Willd. Fabaceae-MimosoideaeKaggali(Kan), Deciduou Bangalore,Chitradurga,North kanara Cultivable March-r Bark,Heart wood Leprosy,pruritus,wounds,bronchialhrodisiac.Seeds used as laxative and asthma,d demulcent.istaste,stomatitis Ayu, Unani, 1.Seeds 2. Khadira(San) s tree July and also for throat and cough Folk Vegetative: through root and shoot cuttings. 9 Acacia decurrens Willd Fabaceae-Mimosoideaeno Evergree Mysore october- December- Bark Decoction of bark used in dysentry Folk Seeds n tree Decembe January r 10 Acacia eburnea (L.f.) Willd Fabaceae-MimosoideaeKudai vel(Tam) Armed Bellary,Bijapur,Chitradurga, Very 0 0 Bark,Root,leaf,see Fainting,rheumatic fever,arthritis Folk small tree common d,gum 11 Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd Fabaceae-MimosoideaeKasthuri jaali(Kan), Small Bangalore,Gulbarga,Hassan,Mysore,R Very 0 0 Bark,Heart Leprosy,pruritus,wounds,bronchial Ayu, Siddha, Arimed(San), thorny aichur common wood,leaf,fruit,flo asthma,distaste,stomatitis,Leucorrhoea,gingivitis and diseases Unani, Folk Peekaruvel (Tam) tree wer,gum of pittam 12 Acacia ferruginea DC Fabaceae-MimosoideaeBanni(Kan), Armed Bangalore,Bellary,Chickmagalore,Has Very August- December- Bark,Fruit Giddiness,diarrhoea,dysentry,piles,worm Ayu, Folk Shamee(San) tree san,Mysore common march February infestation,haemorrhage,cough,dyspnoea,skin diseases 13 Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.)Willd Fabaceae-MimosoideaePanicled acacia(E), Deciduou Bangalore,Bellary,Bidar,Bijapur,Chitr Very January- March- Bark,Root,leaf,see Bark used in bronchitis and biliousness and other for Siddha, Folk Vel- s tree adurga,Hassan,Kolar,Mysore,Raichur, common February June d,gum Fainting,rheumatic fever,arthritis velam(Tam),Tella- Tumkur lumma(Tam), Bili jaali (Kan), 14 Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd Fabaceae-MimosoideaeKaree gobli(Kan), Medium- Bangalore,Bidar,Bijapur, Very 0 0 Root,leaf,bark,see Decoction of bark used as a gargle and pods in urino-genital Ayu, Siddha, 1.Seeds 2. (A.indica (Benth.)Brenan Babbula(San/Hi), sized Chitradurga,Gulbarga,Hassan,Mysore, common d,gum resin,fruit diseases, and other for Unani, Folk Vegetative: through Karuvelam (Tam). thorny Raichur,tumkur Wounds,haemarrhage,diarrhoea,dysentery,piles,worm cuttings and air layers. tree infestation,skin dseases,ulcers,cough,dental diseases,poyuria,pyrexia and drug reaction 15 Acacia pennata (L.) Willd Fabaceae-MimosoideaeKaadu seege(Kan), Stragglin Belgaum,Bellary,Chickmagalore,Chitr Cultivable 0 0 Whole Stem,heart-wood used for leprosy,haemorrhages,wounds.Whole Ayu, Siddha, Vallikhadira(San), g shrub adurga,Hassan,Kolar,Mysore,North Plant,Stem,Heart- plant used for coryza,headache,leucorrhoea,pain,burns,digestive Unani, Folk Indu/Kattu Kanara,Tumkur wood disorders. Indu(Tam) 16 Acacia polyacantha Willd Fabaceae-MimosoideaeMugali(Kan), Medium- Belgaum,Bellary,Bidar,Chitradurga,H Very 0 0 Seed,Bark,heart- Seeds for hypoglycimia,Bark and heart-wood Ayu, Unani, (A.suma (Roxb.)Ham.) Somavalka(San) sized assan,Kolar,Mysore,North common wood forLeprosy,pruritus,wounds,bronchial asthma,distaste,stomatitis Folk tree Kanara,Tumkur and also for throat and cough 17 Acacia sinuata (Lour.) Merr. Fabaceae-MimosoideaeSeege(Kan), Prickly Bangalore,Belgaum,Bellary,Chickma March- April- Pod,leaf Decoction of pods purgative,relieves biliousness,fruit for Ayu, Siddha, 1.Seed Propagation Saptala(San), scandent galore,Chitradurga,Coorg,Hassan,Kol July August Oedema,disorders of blood,regurgitation and leaf for Unani, Folk 2.Vegetative propagation: Sigaikai(Tam) shrub ar,Mysore,North Kanara,Tumkur. constipation,jundice,ulcers,emetic Through cuttings 18 Acalypha fruticosa Forssk Euphorbiacea Chinni mara Shrub Mysore Very 0 0 Leaves,root Leaves for digestive troubles and their infusion used as a Ayu, Folk e common vulnerary,leaf juice for opthalmia anr root for indigestion,diarrhoea,vomiting,insect bite,food poisoning 19 Acalypha indica L. Euphorbiacea Kuppi gida (Kan), Erect Bangalore,Bellary,Bijapur,Chickmaga Cultivable 0 0 Whole Whole plant decoction used as a laxative,severe cough Ayu, Siddha, Seeds e Kuppaimeni (Tam), herb lore,Chitradurga,Coorg,Dharwar,Mys plant,root,leaf associated with bleeding from lungs (haemoptysis).Worm Unani, Folk Haritmanjari(San) ore,North Kanara,Raichur. infestation,gingivitis,burns,piles,cough,dyspnoea,constipation,sk in eruption,ear diseases,urinary diseases,purgative.leaf juice for cutaneous troubles and for emetic, 20 Acalypha sanderi N.E.Br Euphorbiacea No Shrub Mysore Very 0 0 Flower diarrhoea Folk e common 21 Acampe praemorsa (Roxb.) Blatt. Orchidaceae No Herb Belgaum,Chickmagalore,Mysore,Nort Very 0 0 whole plant rheumatism,it has the anti-typhoid properties.paste of leaf used Folk (A.wihtiana Lindl.) h kanara common for fractures. 22 Acanthospermum hispidum DC. Asteraceae Kadle mullu(Kan) Herb Bangalore,Belgaum,Bellary,Bijapur,C Very 0 0 whole plant Dermatological medicamants Folk hickmagalore,Chitradurga,Coorg,Hass common an,Kolar,Mysore,North Kanara,Raichur,Shimoga,South Kanara,Tumkur. 23 Acanthus ilicifolius L. Acanthaceae Hole chulli(Kan), Shrub North Kanara,South Kanara. Very 0 0 Leaves,root Leaves for fomentation in neuralgia, rheumatism and Ayu, Siddha, Harikasa(San) common expectorant,Roots used in curing alkaloid acanthicifoline Unani, Folk 24 Achyranthes aspera L. Amaranthace Uttaraani(Kan), Under Bangalore,Chickmagalore,Coorg,Dha Very Novembe January- Whole plant Decoction of whole plant used for diuretic in renal Ayu, Siddha, Seeds ae Apamarga(San), shrub rwar,Gulbarga,Hassan,Kolar,Mysore, common r-January June dropsies,leucorrhoea,anaemia,dropsy,jaundice,amenorrhoea,pile Unani, Folk Nayuruvi(Tam) North Kanara s,abdominal disorders,dysuria,ear diseases. 25 Achyranthes bidentata BI. Amaranthace Kaadu Under Belgaum,Bidar,Chickmagalore,Coorg, Cultivable Novembe Througho Whole plant Decoction of whole plant used for diuretic in renal Ayu, Unani, Seeds ae Uttaraani(Kan), shrub Hassan,Kolar,Mysore,North Kanara. r-March ut the dropsies,leucorrhoea,anaemia,dropsy,jaundice,amenorrhoea,pile Folk Apamarga(San), yrear. s,abdominal disorders,dysuria,ear diseases. Nayuruvi(Tam) 26 Acorus calamus L. Araceae Baje(Kan), Marshy Mysore, Tumkur Vulnerabl 0 0 Rhizome,Root Rhizomes used in epilepsy and other mental ailments,chronic Ayu, Siddha, Vegetative propogation: Vacha(San), herb e diarrhoea,dysentery,glandular and abdominal Unani, Folk through rhizomes. Vasambu(Tam) tumours,Dyspepsia,cold,bronchitis,fever,skin
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