Voice of Peace on Air Annual REPORT 2019 Methodological Note For this seventh edition of the Annual Report in- formation were taken from several World Family’s departments and individuals: > Administration > Communication managers > Technical Services > Continental Managers The information contained herein comes from the S following sources: > Minutes of the meetings and of the Board > Letters, e-mails and communications to and from the stakeholders > The Association’s management documents > Reports from head of departments > Reports from partners and local offices The document was approved by the General As- sembly held on 30th of June 2020 and will be dis- tributed by means of circulars, newsletters and through the World Family’s institutional website. The Annual Report refers to the World Family of Ra- dio Maria ONLUS, and also contains a few pieces of information concerning its main stakeholders, which are mainly Associations from several countries. ________________ The Annual Report is edited by: Paolo Taffuri and Matteo Guerra With the collaboration of: Vittorio Viccardi, Walter Vulcano, Davide Tornatora, Marta Donati Photo: World Family and Radio Maria staff worldwide Paolo Patruno, www.paolopatrunophoto.org Graphic Design: Paolo Marchetti Voice of Peace on Air ince its foundation world family of radio maria some English speaking languages countries as Aus- is Onlus is engaged with many projects in all the tralia and England too, by digital frequency DAB. world but especially in developing countries. We re- We defined our priorities in two main aspect: ally organize our projects responding to the call from First investing time and funds to consolidate and ex- local population and communities by helping institu- pand the radio frequency network, second develop- tions, working directly with local Catholic Dioceses. ing digital tools that our partners may use to keep on Personal and spiritual growth are essential compo- communicating to their listeners. nent of the development process and Radio Maria The following statistics and numbers will help us to promoting local culture needs ensure the develop- understand better the rea dimension of our activities. ment of human being in its universal rights and val- Writing this report we couldn’t take in consideration ues where communication could play an important what it’s happening in the present year 2020 about training role. the Coronavirus, practically all the regions of the SCapacity building, technical infrastructure providing, world are affected in some different way. The follow- administration assistance, juridical support are some ing economic crisis will arrive in the next months, Ra- of the important services that World Family of Radio dio Maria played and will play an important role not Maria Onlus provides to local organizations, and they only in communications but as a service being beside are the ways in which it contributes to improve the the people in this important and painful moment, es- world in observance of the principles of the Church pecially the more affected countries. We will take in and of the international cooperation for develop- consideration in our future projects this mandatory ment. mission. In 2019, our work was particularly oriented to the re- gions of the World with dramatic conflicts as Africa, and Middle East, but we started important project in Vittorio Viccardi WFRM President 3 6 WHO WE ARE OUR FAMILY 10 4 THE PROJECTS 18 OUR FAMILY 32 OUR NUMBERS 5 Info Registered Office W Roma, via Rusticucci 13 Headquarter Erba, via Valassina 40 Continental Offices AFRICA: World Family of Radio Maria Africa Mikocheni Industrial Area, DAR ES SALAAM, Box 34573 Tanzania AMERICA: World Family of Radio Maria Inc. 21 Oliver Street, New York, N.Y. 10038, USA Type of Organization O.N.L.U.S (Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale) Non for profit organization of social utility Participation to International Organizations ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Counsel) WHO WE ARE 6 History, Mission and Identity world family of radio maria was founded and reg- istered in Italy in 1998 as a non-profit association to help people from several countries in the world to develop locally the Radio Maria project. In fact the The Mission Radio Mara Italy was receiving many requests from Bishops, clergy and lay people to have the same kind of radio and programs in their own country. To assist and help, through Therefore World Family of Radio Maria was reg- its own services, the diffusion istered with the specific task to respond to such of the Radio Maria Project calls and work with local partners for Evangeliza- tion and development through communication. throughout the world, specifically W providing assistance to developing countries in order to create › Socio–cultural–educational area a local organizational culture through the implementation within the scope of the means of communication projects aimed of communication and their at development related activities. › Professional training area through the implementation of technical training projects in the field of social communication › Support initiatives to face crisis 1987 and/or emergencies especially First Radio Maria was born in Italy availing know-how about telecommunications 1993 First Radio Maria in Africa, Burkina Faso World Family has the task of supporting non for profit radios and organizations in four areas: editorial pro- 1996 duction, associative and administrative management, First Radio Maria in Latin America, Peru promotion and dissemination. Besides, it works with other organizations in developing countries to im- prove the life of people. Its presence in the panorama 1998 of international cooperation has always underlined the importance of good communication for the de- World Family of Radio Maria was born velopment of the integral human being. The recipients of such activities are mainly local or- ganizations in over 70 countries, most of them are de- 2002 veloping in Africa, Latin America, Middle East, Eastern First Radio Maria in Asia, Philippines Europe and Asia. The Association operates according to codes of con- duct that consolidated through the years, and specif- ically with no commercial, advertising or sponsorship 2007 contribution whatsoever. First Radio Maria in Oceania, Papua New Guinea 7 Governance during the course of the year 2019, the Association For the ordinary part at 10.30 a.m. convened the General Meeting on 27th of June 2019 1) Report of the Board of Directors; with following agenda: 2) Approval of financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2019; For the extraordinary part at 9.30 a.m. 3) Approval of the Budget 2020; 1) Amendments of the Statute of the Association 4) Approval of the Annual Report 2019; following the guidelines of the Italian law Legislative 5) Any other item. DDecree n. 117 of 3rd July 2017 – Third Sector; World Family of Radio Maria Organigram Board of Directors EXCOM Editorial Technical Presidency Department Department Operation Finance & Promotion & Editorial Secretary Radio Frequency Fundraising Department Budgeting & Services Department Department Department Department Audio Frequency Department Database Editorial Information & Administration Communication Reporting & Secretary Service Office & Technologies Office Office Department Remote Control Office Streaming Campaign Editorial Service & Mobile Services & Mailing Web & Social Office Office Network Office Continental Operation Office African Editorial Secretary Office General Services & Operation Office Logistics 8 Below is a list of the Board meetings and their agendas during the year 2019: DATE OF BOARD MEETINGS AGENDA 1— Membership fee for the year 2019 2— Continental Meetings 14/02/2019 3— Any other Business 1— Approval of the Balance Sheet and the Statement of the Activities for the year ended on 31st December 2018 (Draft version) 30/04/2019 2— Next General Meeting convocation 3— Any other Business 1— World Family of Radio Maria Statute draft amendments 2— Definitive approval of the financial Statement at end for the year ended on 31st December 2018 17/06/2019 3— Next Board Convocation 4— New Members 5— Any other item 1— Approval of the Budget 2019 2— WF Activities 2019 26/06/2020 3— New members 4— Any other items 1— Balance sheet at 30/09/2019 2— Budget for 2020 3— Continental Activities and services 03/12/2019 4— New projects for the year 2020 5— Mariathon 2020 6— Any other items Stakeholders’ Map International INSTITUTIONAL donor Insitutions ACTIVITY Vatican States/Governments Partner Ngos Local Churches/Dioceses WF ASSOCIATED MEMBERS IT Suppliers WF STAFFAND Radio VOLUNTEERS Donors Partners Universities CONTINENTAL OFFICES Technical Task Force Students of Peace STRATEGIC SERVICES Journalism ACTIVITIES Listeners Consultants Satellite Supplier Suppliers ACTIVITY PROJECTS 9 OUR FAMILY 10 11 The Network the members of world family of radio maria on- lus are, pursuant to the Bylaws, individual not-for- profit associations. At the end of 2019, there were 73 members (two new members were accepted during the year: Radio Maria England and Associacao Radio Maria Angola). NAME COUNTRY OF THE REGISTRED OFFICE 1 Radio Maria APS Italy 2 Asociacion Radio Maria Perù T3 Asociacion Radio Maria de Colombia Colombia 4 Udruga Radio Marija Croatia 5 Radju Marija Malta Malta 6 Internationale Christiche Rundfunkgemeinschaft e.v. Germany 7 Fondo Radio Maria Russia 8 Radio Maria Österreich Austria 9 Fundacion Radio Maria Ecuador 10 Asociacion Radio Maria Guatemala 11 Radio Maria Uganda
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