Queries & Adverts: 01865 241133 (Mon-Fri 9-5) or via www.dailyinfo.co.uk JOBS OFFERED Snail mail: 5 Standingford House, Cave St, Oxford OX4 1BA Oxford’s Email: [email protected] Line ads @ 40p/wd. (min. 10) + VAT HOUSES & FLATS TO LET DAILY Display boxes @ £10/cm. (min. 3cm) + VAT www.dailyinfo.co.uk SECOND CHEF required by Quod Brasserie Iffl ey Village. 4 double bedroom house with large to support the Head Chef in all aspects of kitchen Accommodation Offi cer open plan kitchen/dining area with patio to private INFO rear garden. Cloakroom, utility, study, large lounge. Next issue: Tue 13th June management. This is an ideal opportunity to play OISE is recruiting an Accommodation Offi cer for Off street parking. £1350pcm. Available NOW Issue No. 7717 Deadline: 10am, Mon 12th June a major part of our senior team. You will need to its busy Oxford school. Temporary or permanent be experienced in working in a high volume busy considered. The successful candidate will have Howard Street, East Oxford. Comfortable 3 environment using quality fresh ingredients. bedroom property. Part furnished; central heating; Sat 10th-Mon 12th June 2006 (7-8th Week) We offer an excellent salary package for the right excellent communication skills and enjoy working good size bedrooms; large living room. Suit 3 applicant, plus benefi ts. under pressure. The position will involve dealing with professional sharers (giving them 2 large reception rooms) or 4 student sharers (one reception Please apply with your CV and cover letter to students’ accommodation, welfare and various offi ce WHAT’S ON / COMING SOON room). £1100pcm. Available NOW [email protected] or call Mark duties. Please contact the Principal, David Newton OPEN MORNING: LECKFORD PLACE SCHOOL. MOZART + STAMITZ CONCERT. Figaro overture, on 01865 799593 or 202505 with your CV and covering letter. St Clements. One bedroom basement fl at. 1 Independent co-educational day school. Entry at Haffner symphony, 2 clarinet concerto. Oxford double bedroom, kitchen/living room. Bathroom 13-15 High Street, Oxford, OX1 4EA 11+ and 13+. Join us on Saturday 10 June from 10am Studio Orchestra. Mansfield College Chapel. 15:30 with shower over bath. Furnished. to 1pm. An informal event which gives students Sunday June 11th. £5. [email protected] £720pcm. Available mid July and parents an opportunity to look around the THE STORYTELLING CIRCLE OF OXTALES will meet College Secretary school and meet our teaching staff. Tel: (01865) on Friday 26th May and 30th June at 7.30 p.m. in Full-time academic administrator to deal with students, SECURITY GUARDS WANTED for short term www.collegeandcounty.biz Available for Rental Autumn 2006 weekend relief work. Immediate start. Please 302620 or visit www.leckfordplace.com for details. the Library at the Friends’ Meeting House, St. Giles. tutors and examinations (job share considered). 01865 722277 10 stylish & contemporary one and two bedroom All welcome. Everybody is welcome. Come and enjoy listening respond detailing experience and qualifications. Send CV and letter to: Senior Tutor, Greene’s Tutorial apartments in a newly converted period property JERICHO STREET FAIR SATURDAY 10 JUNE: bigger to stories or tell one yourself and have a lovely [email protected] located on the Iffl ey Road. College, 45 Pembroke Street, Oxford OX1 1BP and better than ever! 50 market stalls, arts and evening. NIGHT PORTER REQUIRED by The Old Bank Hotel For further information please contact Lucy Properties crafts, bric-a-brac, gorgeous food, local real ales or email [email protected] for 5 night shifts per week. Please call Steffan on Tel: 01865 559973 Email: [email protected] and cider, live music, dancing, Punch and Judy, kids’ 01865 799599 or e-mail [email protected] sumo, bouncy castle. Loads of fun for everyone. 12 QUOD BRASSERIE REQUIRES a part-time Busser to FAIRACRES ROAD: 4/5 BEDROOM fully furnished - 4.30pm. Canal Street (by St Barnabas Church). MARY’S GARDEN Student Properties Available Oxford Advanced assist the waiting staff. Please call the manager on Wide selection 1-10 bedrooms house, suit students or professional sharers. HANGMAN’S JOE Studies Program 01865 202505 or e-mail [email protected] Refurbished throughout last autumn. Double Oxford SU JORDAN Professional Properties Available glazed/ GCH/ dishwasher/ garden etc. Available NB: Magdalen Sun June 11th, STAFF FOR CARAMBA CAFÉ. We need one café 169 Crescent Road – 4 bedrooms, large garden, loft with en-suite £1250pcm Coff ee MARK BOSLEY BAND is seeking a dynamic, articulate and caring end of August £1,500 pcm. Contact 07764 933700. Auditorium Concerts 11.15am assistant and one cook/chef. Monday to Friday 140 Headley Way – new, 4 bedroom property, fi tted luxury kitchen £1450 pcm person to join the residential team only, day-time. No split shifts. These are temporary 18 Longfellow Drive – 3 bedrooms, refi tted kitchen, double garage £1200 pcm IFFLEY ROAD - 5 bed house, fully furnished, excellent Daniel Debora (piano) PORT MAHON, ST CLEMENTS on its summer course, from 2nd – 28th July. positions for the summer but the chef position may 5 Tyler Row- newly built, 2 double bedrooms, parking for 2. £1125 pcm decor, avail Sep 06 - [email protected] Schumann: Sinfonic Etudes TUE 13 JUNE † 8.45PM † £3 Th e person appointed will share responsibility to oversee become permanent. Details from Oxford English 12 Gillians Way- 4 bedroom terraced house, spacious throughout, fully Haydn: Sonata in C minor hob XV1 20 the safety and well-being of female students, aged sixteen Centre [email protected] furnished, parking for 2 cars. £1350 pcm Beethoven / Bach & MANY MORE … Call 01865 202555 for more details HOUSE/FLAT WANTED and seventeen. In addition, the residential team plays a CHEF DE PARTIE with experience required for The Tickets: Playhouse 01865 305305 / 07976 740024 220 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1UQ LOOKING FOR NICE 3-4 BEDROOMS, city centre, www.coff eeconcerts.com vital role in the social, cultural and sporting programme Old Parsonage Hotel. Please call Mark on 01865 01865 202555 [email protected] OXFORDOXFORD BACHBACH CHOIRCHOIR and so applications are welcomed from candidates with 292303 or e-mail [email protected] minimum 1 year, starting July/August, furnish for an interest in sport, music or drama. professionals and postgrads. £1200pcm excl. E: SaturdaySaturday 17th June 2006 at 8.00pm8.00pm FREELANCE PHP PROGRAMMER required by LANDLORDS WANTED [email protected] CHRIS PATTEN A sound knowledge of Oxford and an excellent level Alberon, Oxford based web developers http://www. (Rt Hon Christopher Patten, Chancellor of the University of Oxford) SheldonianSheldonian Th eatreatre,e, OOxfordxford of spoken English are expected. Please forward a CV alberonsystems.co.uk/jobs LOOKING FOR TENANTS? We have a waiting list of to [email protected] who will provide further professional tenants in your area. Let only - Fixed ROOMS WANTED RACHMANINOVRACHMANINOV : VespersVespers FULL & PART TIME BAR STAFF with experience details to suitable candidates. required for The Victoria Arms, Old Marston. Good Fee £350. Full Management @ 7%. Tel: 01865-378183 SHORT-LET STAR SEEKS SOMEWHERE to sleep this ‘Not Quite the Diplomat’ ConductorConductor:: AAdriandrian PPartingtonartington communication skills essential and must be flexible E: [email protected] W: www.oxford-letting. summer- July and August, that is. Doubles preferred Tuesday 13 June 5.00 pm SSoloists:oloists: MarMarthatha McLMcLorinanorinan (me(mezzozzo TRAINEE CHEF AND WASH UPS required at busy on working hours. Ring between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. co.uk/landlordinfo3.htm and £400 pcm max, unless very special, but will pub restaurant just outside Oxford. Full training in the Lecture Th eatre, St Antony’s College soprano),soprano), Aled OwainOwain Morgan (tenor) ONLY for further details. 01865 241382. consider most places. Call 0781 624 5847. given, enthusiasm essential. Own transport needed, VAC JOB PERSON WANTED by academic charity. GARAGE WANTED MALE, 30’S, PROFESSIONAL, agreeable, fully house- Copies of the paperback of Not Quite the Diplomat will be AdrianAdrian HuttonHutton (bass) most people cycle! Good pay and tips plus a meal on sale afterwards and may be signed by the author. Write to Oxford Forum, 17 Denton Hill, Cuddesdon. LARGE GARAGE (MIN HEIGHT 2M 55) or secure trained, seeks room, from July 1st, in friendly non- on duty. Call Amy/David on 01865 244 372 at The www.celiagreen.com smoking house reasonably close to East Avenue. No All welcome 0865-274470 / [email protected] Tickets:Tickets: £6 - £32. Music at Oxford:Oxford: 0870 750 0659 White Hart, Wytham. parking area wanted for kiosk / trailer. 01865 OxfordOxford PlayhousePlayhouse BoxBox Offi ce: 01865 305305 WANTED! EXPERIENCED, WILLING and HAPPY 556572 / 07957 385498. party animals, extortionate rents, or low ceilings. SUMMER RESEARCH ASSISTANT, flexible hours, [email protected]@oxfordbachchoir.org waiting staff to assist in the smooth runing of Short lets considered. [email protected] BOOKS driving license & biological experience please. the breakfast, lunch, and afternoon shifts in the HOLIDAY LETS LARGE OXFORD ROOM sought by sane, considerate, [email protected] most friendly café in Oxford!!! Contact Rich Gibbs, literary/artsy, n/s 30’s female in kindred household. OPERA REVIEW LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, £5.50 p/h, 2 hours per day. General Manager: [email protected] CENTRAL OXFORD SELF-CATERING APARTMENTS. Willing to trade housekeeping/office help for low With language students, Italian and Chinese. 01865 INTERNETBUCHHANDLUNG HAT EINE £375/apartment/week. [email protected] rent. Car owner. Likes pets. LauraKingsey@hotmail. The Marriage Of Figaro 552312 WUNDERSCHOENE LITERATURSAMMLUNG in www.oxfordcity.co.uk/accom/cosca/index.html com Waterfi eld’s deutscher Sprache, die zu sorgen und katalogisieren +44(0)1865 241324 for second-hand books in Oxford Oxford Millenium Opera VOLUNTEERS WANTED ist.
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