Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04774-7 - Irish Nationalist Women, 1900–1918 Senia Pašeta Index More information Index Abbey Theatre, 61 Caffrey, Chris, 198 Allan, F. J., 204 Carbery, Eithne, 31 Allgood, Maire, 62 Carney, Winifred (‘Winnie’), 163 , 165 , Allgood, Sara, 62 232 , 261 Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), 69 , election campaign 1918, 265 245 , 264 Carson, Edward, 229 , 251 role of women in, 65 , 254 Cashel, Alice, 239 , 254 , 261 violence against suffragists, 78 , 80 Cathleen ni Houlihan , 55 Andrews, C. S., 220 Catholic Bulletin , 187 Anglo-Irish Treaty, 267 Catholic church, 271 Anthony, Celia, 169 Cavan, 239 Ardpatrick, 152 Cavanagh, Maeve, 25 , 30 , 48 , 97 , 160 , Arnott, Lady, 251 163 , 168 , 172 , 258 Asquith, Herbert Henry, 76 Ceannt, Áine, 150 , 158–9 , 176 , 190 , 203 , Association of Irishwomen, 19 206 , 224 , 226–8 , 231 , 234 , 237 , 260–1 Athy, 151 Ceannt, Eamonn, 171 , 174 , 192 Celtic Literary Society (CLS), 27–9 , 35–6 , Barton, Dulcibella, 31 40 , 53 , 93 Barton, Robert, 31 Chenevix, Helen, 209 , 270 Barton, Thomas, 31 Childers, Erskine, 31 Bean na hÉ ireann , 9 , 23 , 31 , 96 , 113 , 122 , Children’s Land League, 37 143 , 158 , 183 Church League of Women’s Suffrage, 228 Belfast, 151 , 210 , 217 , 254 , 256 , 259 Clan na Gael, 207 Bennett, Louie, 127 , 146 , 200 , 242 , 244 , Clare, 231 251 , 270 Clarke, Kathleen, 132 , 148 , 152 , 157 , 173 , Birrell, Augustine, 76 187 , 190–2 , 202–4 , 206 , 216 , 226 , Bloxham, Elizabeth, 14 , 30 , 108 , 132 , 142 , 229–31 , 237 , 261 , 270 144 , 191 , 216 , 218 , 235 , 247 Clarke, Liam, 178 Boer War, 51 Clarke, Thomas, 256 Brady, Alice, 124 Clarke, Tom, 172–3 , 175 , 181 , 192 Brady, P. J., 118, 255 Clifden, 239 Brennan, John, see Gifford, Sidney ‘collecting Marys’, 111 Brennan, Lily, 148 , 150 Colum, Mary, 132 , 135 , 137 , 141–2 , 144 British Home Rule Association, 66 Colum, Padraic, 44 , 52 , 55 , 61–2 Broderick, Albinia, 255 Comerford, Maire, 12 , 29 , 160 , 186 , 215 , Browning, Elizabeth, 212 257 , 265 , 268 Brunicardi, Johanna, 89 and Gaelic League, 24 Bryant, Sophie, 134 , 233 , 252 Conference of Women Delegates to the Bureau of Military History (BMH), All Ireland Conference (WDAIC), 13 , 188 225 , 237 Butler, Mary, 22 , 30 Connery, Margaret, 116 , 231 , 242 , Byrne, Cathleen, 176 249 , 263 285 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04774-7 - Irish Nationalist Women, 1900–1918 Senia Pašeta Index More information 286 Index Connolly, James, 31 , 84 , 110 , 116 , 123–4 , Department of Agriculture and Technical 126 , 162–3 , 166 , 168 , 175 , 177 , Instruction (DATI), 152–3 , 212 192–3 , 214 Derry, 239 conscription crisis, 246 Devlin, Joe, 77 , 254 Contemporary Club, 27 Digges, Dudley, 55 Cooney, Annie, 176 Dillon, John, 70 , 248 Cooney, Lily, 177 Dix, Rachel, 244 Cork, 186 , 206 , 224 Dixie, Lady Florence, 66 Corr, Nell, 210 Dixon, Brí d, 180 Cousins, James, 55 , 61 Dixon, Henry, 39 , 94 Cousins, Margaret, 70 , 123 Dobbs, Margaret, 149 Coyle, Eithne, 148 , 175 , 186 , 192 , 256 Dockrell, Maurice, 255 Craig, James, 250 Donegal, 245 Cruise O’Brien, Francis, 69 Doyle, Chrissie, 129 Cruise O’Brien, Kathleen, 83 Dryhurst, Sylvia, 96 Cullen Owens, Rosemary, 2 , 270 Dublin, 186 , 223 Cumann na dTeachtaire, 258 , 261 , Dublin Corporation, 76 , 103 , 121 , 123 see also Women Delegates to the Dudley Edwards, Bridget, 134 , 141 , 149 , All-Ireland Conference 151–2 , 155 Cumann na mBan, 5 , 7 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 25 , Dundalk, 259 53 , 168 , 170–1 , 183–4 , 188 , 200–1 , 233 , 246 Easter Rising, 6 , 132 , 169 anti-conscription campaign, 241 preparation for, 174 and arms, 162 Edward VII, 48 and constitutional nationalism, Esposito, Vera, 61 135 , 156 and Easter Rising, 186 , 191 Farren, Thomas, 208 family networks, 191 Fay, Bridget, 25 and feminism, 220 Fay, Frank, 53–4 feminist critique of, 137 Fay, William, 53–5 fi rst aid and nursing, 154 ffrench-Mullen, Madeleine, 97 , 119, foundation, 135 125–7 , 163 , 166 , 168 , 196 , 198–9 , and general election, 1918, 262 210 , 213 , 228–9 , 234–6 , 239 , 261 mobilisation for Easter Rising, 177 Field, William, 262 number of members, 221 Finlay, Fr Thomas, 121 post-1918, 269 First World War, 157 post-Rising, 205 Fitzgerald, Mabel, 199 , 216 , 268 and Sinn Féin, 221 Flanagan, Fr John, 189 split, 153 Flanagan, Sinead, 52 subservience to Volunteers, 141 , 159 Franco-Irish society, 39 and women’s suffrage, 144 Freeman’s Journal ( FJ ), 82 , 142 Cumann na nGaedheal, 28 , 46 , 49 , 53 , 59 , Furlong, Alice, 31 62 , 92 , 94 Cumann na nGaedheal Theatre Gaelic Athletic Association, 36 Company, 60 Gaelic League, 22 , 26 , 53 , 62 , 134 , 138, Cumann na Saoirse (Council of the 152 , 159 Free), 268 feminism within, 24 , 26 Czira, Sidney, see Gifford, Sidney foundation of, 19 Keating branch, 25 , 152 Daly, John, 36 motivation for joining, 21 Daly, Madge, 152 , 206 , 261 number of branches, 19 Daly, Ned, 176 , 184 number of members, 21 Davis, Bridget, 232 politicisation of members, 24–6 Davitt, Michael, 197 social life in, 24 de Valera, Eamon, 174 , 181 , 227 , 239 , 267 women as executive members, 20 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04774-7 - Irish Nationalist Women, 1900–1918 Senia Pašeta Index More information Index 287 Galway, 186 , 240 Heron, Aine, 161 , 179 , 190 , 238 Garvey, Maire, 61 Hibernian Journal , 65 , 252 Gavan Duffy, George, 255 Hobson, Bulmer, 95–6 , 112 Gavan Duffy, Louise, 135 , 137 , 142 , 173 , Hoey, Patricia, 66–7 , 79 , 83 , 247–8 188 , 204 , 206 , 208 , 216 , 221 , 235 , Holloway, Joseph, 58 237 , 240 , 255 , 268 , 270 Horniman, Annie, 61 general election, 1918 Humphreys, Sighle, 132 constitutional nationalist Hyde, Douglas, 27 , 53 , 58 , 79 organisation, 256 unionist organisation, 251 Infant Aid Society, 233 violence during campaign, 259 Inghinidhe na hÉ ireann, 7 , 16 , 25–6 , 28–9 , General Post Offi ce (GPO), 173 , 175–6 , 31–2 , 54 , 85 , 130 , 146 , 150 , 159 , 178 , 180 , 189 214 , 221 George V, 110 aims of, 40 Gifford family, 216 and anti-recruitment, 43 Gifford, Grace, 62 , 97 and Bean na hÉ ireann , 98 , 100 Gifford, Muriel, 97 clerical disaproval, 40 Gifford, Nellie, 125 , 195 , 210 co-operation with IWFL, 121 Gifford, Sidney, 23 , 95 , 97–8 , 108 , and cultural activities, 40 112–13 , 117 and Cumann na nGaedheal, 47 Ginnell, Alice, 226 , 232 , 234 , 236 , 256 as election workers, 44 Gleadle, Kathryn, 9 feeding children, 116 Gleeson, Evelyn, 89 and feminism, 38 , 45 Gogarty, Oliver St John, 62 , 118 , 120 foundation of, 19 , 39 Gonne, Maud, 27 , 29 , 33 , 39 , 47–8 , 50–3 , impact of Boer War, 39 55 , 58 , 62 , 85 , 97 , 113 , 125 , 214 , 234, infl uence of Maud Gonne, 39 261–2 , 270 and Irish women’s history, 102 breakdown of marriage, 94 and Ladies’ Dinner Committee, 117 disagreement with Yeats, 56 as language teachers, 41 and Inghinidhe na hÉ ireann, 35 , 41 loyalty to Maud Gonne, 94 as journalist, 31 , 115 number of members, 48 on theatre as propaganda, 59–60 and politicisation of children, 37 , 41 Gore-Booth, Eva, 201 and republicanism, 48 , 95 Gorey, 186 and royal visit of 1900, 37 Green, Alice Stopford, 134 , 216 , 242 , and royal visit of 1903, 49 , 51 244 , 252 and royal visit of 1911, 114 Gregory, Lady Augusta, 55 and theatre, 51 Griffi n, Miss, 223 , 231 as theatre pioneers, 53 Griffi th, Arthur, 28 , 46 , 53 , 59 , 95 , 106 , unconventional lifestyles of, 57 207 , 224 , 229 , 248 and women’s suffrage, 34 , 104 , 109 Gwynn, Mary, 89 as working women, 51 Gwynn, Stephen, 118 , 255 International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom, 270 Hackett, Rosie, 166 Irish Association of Women Graduates, 27 Hanna, Henry, 251 Irish Catholic Women’s Suffrage Harris, Ruth, 16 Association (ICWSA), 89 Harrison, Henry, 81 Irish Central Committee for the Harrison, Sarah Cecilia (‘Celia’), 78 , 81 , Employment of Women, 212 121 , 123 , 127 , 217 , 244 , 249 , 262 Irish Citizen ( IC ), 3 , 97 , 122 , 142 , 144 , Hartley, Gerald, 240 184 , 192 , 196 , 200–1 , 216 , 228–9 , Hayden, Mary, 27 , 82 , 89 , 217 , 233 , 236 , 245 , 264 255 , 270 Irish Citizen Army (ICA), 7 , 14 , 25 , 110 , and Gaelic League, 20 , 24 113 , 127 , 147 , 161–2 , 170 , 183 , 193 , Hazleton, Richard, 67 , 71 225 , 232 Hearne, Dana, 3 appeal to women, 167 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04774-7 - Irish Nationalist Women, 1900–1918 Senia Pašeta Index More information 288 Index Irish Citizen Army (ICA) (cont.) and socialism, 124 background of members, 165 violence against members, 80 equality of women and men in, 169 Irish Women’s Suffrage and Local women’s involvement in, 166 Government Association (IWSLGA), Irish Free State, 267 27 , 89 , 98 , 236 , 269 Irish Freedom , 97 , 130 Irish Worker , 123 Irish Independent ( II ), 243 Irishwomen’s Council, 136 , 139 Irish language Irishwomen’s International League, women as teachers, 22 200 , 242 Irish League for Women’s Suffrage, 68 , 79 Irishwomen’s Reform League, 232–3 Irish Literary Theatre (ILT), 53 , 55 , 58 Irishwomen’s Suffrage Federation, 232 Irish National Aid Association and Volunteer Dependants’ Fund Jacob, Rosamond, 26 , 109 , 126 , 140 , 144 , (INAAVDF), 210 156 , 168 , 186–7 , 206 , 213 , 215 , 223 , Irish National Aid Association 227–32 , 236 , 258 , 261 , 270 (INAA), 207 Johnson, Marie, 264 Irish National Dramatic Company Johnston, Anna, see Carbery, Eithne (INDC), 54 Joint Committee of Women’s Societies and Irish National League, 66 Social Workers, 270 Irish National Theatre Society (INTS), 60 , 62 Kavanagh, Rose, 26 Irish News , 248 Keating, Pauline, 156 , 210 Irish Parliamentary Party (IPP), 7, 45 , 86 , Kelly, Matthew, 96 131 , 193 , 204 , 238 , 249 Kelly, Thomas, 81 , 112 , 255 opposition to Snowden’s amendment, 88 Keogh, Margaret, 28 views on women’s suffrage, 80 Kettle, T.
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