See p. 19 for photos ofBACCHUS' big week O'S y:our ideal ~resident? See ~. 7 for others' lileas Atlantic Sun Vol. 67 No. 10 The Weekly Publication of Florida Atlantic University October 16, 1988 Engineers gear up for submarine races IIOLLY MCCLURE fit iJ1$ide!he ....b~ a pedaliot and sp Sl<if/ Writu "The idea of these races is to develop better technology for • pilot. A mock·up of the design 'Jbe DepJIrun<:n, of Ocean hydrodynamics. It'll show students who are thinking about ;s;n!he engineering building, in Eoti"""ring ;s in the middle of room T2. "'" years of pllU\ning and work ocean or marine engineering what they can do with the program." The grand prize awarded 10 !he '" the 'l11emational Subnlaline Brent Hoelzer winner of the DCeS i, S~.OOO. b«s. '0 be held off Sing". Winners in th"""OIher categories l<land next summer. develop bener technology for c<>ul"Se will be set up by. special and the Coast Guam will also be will ,..,.,.,1,,0' $500 each. If FAU ..",., whole dcp<u1rnen, is ual_ hydrodYlllUnics.·· Hoe]u. ex- commillOl: in the department and p.....,n, at the rnoes. Channel 12 is a winner. the money will be us- I)' ..volved in \his rac:c:." partiei_ plaine<l. "Il'U show srudenu who will aover one kilome\er. News will provide underwater ed by the ocean engineering I'd Brent HoeI2.er said. Hoelzer, are \hinking about ocean Or Tho,., competing in the races television coverage of \he event. del"'rtmen<. ,,,,,,,,,,",n;:ial diver for 7 years. marine engineering what !hey can include the Florida Institute of F.... U·. entry ha$ boen the '·I.-s a great opportunil)' for loI=ntly graduated from F .... U do with the program." T""hnology. Duke University. yearlong pro;ee. of the senior me, plus the conta<:1S I'll make _ IS ......... dcvocing his time to The races will be held from the Massacllusem InstilUle of design cl..... It will be propelled out in the field...from overseeing .. submarine project. June 23 through June 2S in 1989. Technology. Lockheed In_ by a bICycle mechanism, as all a project of this size,,. said Hoelzer', pan...,r. Oraeme The subol; will """" In 20 fee' of dustries. the U.S. Naval subs in the race must be human· Hoel:r.c:r. .. , .IDlu><o<I. is among the students watcr until only one sub is left Academy and entrants from powered. The frame. made of If anyone tS tnterested ,n porbo'p"ting in the development victorious. Hoelzer compared il Japan. Sweden. and privalc O<)rn- aluminum. will be covered with donating to the proj<:cl, or train· 01 FAU's $lib entry. 10 yacl" mdng and 10 thceiimilUl- panies. Sponsors (includiJlg the a fibergl.... hull. ing to be the sub pedalist, they ''lbe idea of these "",cs is to lion heat of drag ntCing, The H. A. Pen)" Foundation), judges Only .wo pooplewi1lllo: able 10 may call 393-3430, Whoo will name the new FAU mascot? BONNIE CLARK SpeeW to thr Sun • ICC wants to get Whoowill name the rlcw FAU everyone involved fighting owl? in giving our new Earlier this year. the Inler'-Club Council. an agency of Student owl mascot a name. Govemment. sponsored an owl (It) will show the m~t drawing contest open to participation by all FAU studenu;. people in our raculty and ....ff members. community that... The conteSt resulted in the new FAU fishling owl. which made we do care about its dchut on the FaU semestcr our university. scheduleor OOUrse5 thanb 10 the help or University Relations. do have pride in our nlllSCOC and Ourowl mascot has be<>ome in­ that wedo un: about our univer­ creasingly popular around cam­ sily. Panidpation in \his cQIlt..,.. pus _ more clubs and orllaniza­ will help to incr the level of tions are usinllthe owl on nyers spiri, here at F U, Vandalism and in publiUtions. and the Hen: an: the d<:tails: ~bmil any hookston: is carrying additional number or nlUT1oC5 thai you feel merchandise di.playing our owl best describe the F .... U fighting by Hall 21 nUlSCOl. The new owl appears 10 owl. Each entry should be sub­ At I a.m. CIa Friday. October'", be a winner. but it is l""k.ing one mitted separately and be accom· ll,lwobkydes cltaiDotd 0Uf.5ld0, ; thing - a name. panied by your name. phone IlaIll wen vaDdalbed by "'1 This semester. ICC wants to number and dale .uhmi"ed. TIle --... who .......pped lotiet ~ get everyone involved in giving person who $IIbmi.. the winning ........out><! the _lS ...d oct . OUr nr:w owl mascot a name. Oiv_ .... rm,. DaJnage 10 one bike: ing tbe owl a name will show the See CONTEST IIatIoe II; $70. See page 1 for 1"i poople in our community thaI the IIKaIIs In Pollee Blotler. Q students. facull)' and Staffat F.... U .... 4 Union honors Berry, Catlin LOOK INSIDE••• highest IOtaI nt!ings. This year. UNIVERSITY REUl.T10N5­ DT, Clay Steinman, associale _ ..... decalI& of IIAC· 1\0 Florid.I Allantic UniversitY professor of communication and Berry and Callin ""hieved iden­ lical top ratings. Bolh ad­ CJtUS' bu5y ..... C!Iopter of the United FacultY of pn:sident of the union chapter of I minislrators assumed their posi_ IIorida "- sel<:clO:l DT. Leonard F .... U. presented Ihe ann"al w-.1•• _ a'''', Odobes'... ~. awards at a lunch ....,...;ng held tions in 1987, lIlliversitY prov05l and ••, k.ind of feel like rookie-of­ _.-d ..... "'" president for o.cademie af­ OCtober 7 on the Boca Raton the-year and I110Il valuable play.... _ttt._ .. ....and Dr. RobenCallin, ~ campus. Steinman bad been honored as the University's at the same time." aaid Callin. IIACCHUS _ted It~ College ofSocial S<::i~nee. ·~Iw."""'ql OistinSUi¥ Teacher for the Berry, who holds the second al!leoutlUnding &drninislraton ............ Tum to 19&8--89 lOCSIdemie year at FAU', higl>esl post at F ....U. told those in atbo Univenil)' for the 1985-89 p.,.e 111 for dtUlIs. "'>demie year. Honors ConvocatiOn on atlen<lano:e thai he '""'" very pleas­ ed with his firs! year al the PAU chapter ofthe official September 9. ~ 1he UniversitY and that be is o:ommit­ of rt... week: ... facull)' union also named TIle selection of the UPP', "love Is not love """ 10 lis"",,in81O wbatthe facul­ Dr Krisrine AndenIoB. associate outstanding adrniBi5lralOr and .......,h allen ...... it I)' union has to say. n:ganllesa or Ptof~..or of oociology. the union member is determined by atIeRtion finds." a survey c:ondtadod in April. The ··whether or nne the "",tter i, ........Ity·. oulaUlnding UFF positive.•• WlII'-'o Shakespeare """tIer for the ocadcmic year. wiruten ""' mo.c who n>edve the p.... October 26, lvee• news~!l1l®Oii' news - events - notices police[Q)~@ilil®IT' The gripping, gritty drama of a place called FAU---- _ Republican Meeting The ColI~ R~blioon. of F.... U are pleased to announce thill the newly formed Young Republicans of Boca R"'on will Rattlesnake in T-IO? have Congressional Ol,'ri<:l. 14 candldilte Ken Adams speal< ill CRAIG DORFMAN San80n SC:ieDl'e buUdl.,. onr­ 10120I88 in the kltcl>cn or Hall 17 their O<;tober meeting. to be held ill the Bridge Hotel of Boca $ .... B..~/nu~ Bdilo, COrne b,. c~1 fu...... _ Of· when a femal.. Slud.. n, pIlt I (999 E. Camino RealJ on October 26 at 6 p.m. The Ylh will Money "'olen I'r-om Hall 21 ­ flee... w...... caJled to invutigate r~n dinner in the oven at SIlO have a cocktail hour (cash bar), followed by the speech and the report th.rlt a strona chemicaJ de........ and len it 10 bum. period wilh will " Audent SlaShed S6j away In her a question and answer Cilndldilte Adams. and drswer On 10114188 it odor wu coming rrem room 2~S Another student who left the then hav.. a discussion of the up<:omlng amend~l$on the thin.l<ina ..... hid<kr>. However. the money or th.. scienc.. b ..ndlng on ki,chen when she did came t.dt November ballo!. All in~ ~ univenity c0m­ aim.. ..... miai... tWO dayt. """r ....hen 100'19/88. and pul the omolling fr'Ozen diI­ munity are in"lted to attend. The event is free 01 ~.-ge. she _ 10 retriev.. i•. .........-ua ..... later delc:nnin­ .. oo.n wiTh a fi.... extiJl&l'4bco 11Iree ....ee... -eo. $30 was ed to he IcakiDg rrom a tank wiTh when he smdJed the smoke.. SIOkn r.-. her pwx In the same the valve halropen. A BO<:lI Hu.­ OffICers dosed off !he ~ AIDS Discussion for Women Only room. but she dida't repon iI. zaN DiIf'OSlllI<e&m Dl!eded 10 be wotil the rnainIenaDa: ~ "For Women Only: Rebtionsh,ps in me Age 0( ....IOS·· will 'The compIainani iI pot.itiv.. that oolkd 10 ~thc Iea1<ina tank.. oouJd rnab: ........repairs thc ...... be held on Wednesday, Oclobe. 26 ill 7 p.rn. in Hall 21, Third the door 10 I>cr llUile was lockocl A ~veorthe.tcieDot F100l', ~ Lounge. All women are urged to attend _It could durina boIh incidcnu. dq>artmem said that no one was "'........11..a' raq••eU:-.U ~ save you. lire tancllhe loves oIl~ you love.) Ref~h..,...,l'i Car vandaliud in pool ~rk­ IlUpposcd to be in that room. but V&J>d.a1bcd - Unknown ~. will be ...rved. I... lot _ Officers were noIified iDvcstiplOfS found the door to the son(s) Ctll the lock on the bos by th.rll a car parked in the P-4 lor room ajar and the lights on Inside.
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