Moraine Park In the News September 12 to October 10 2019 West Bend, Daily News 2A • DAILY NEWS • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 LO Sep 11 2019 Page A02 Clip resized 37% Submitted photos A pom-pom Christmas tree, left, and a bandana pumpkin are two examples of crafts created in Crafts for Grown-ups at the Jack Russell Memorial Library. The program returns to the library Monday. BACKYARD TOURIST Crafting a journey of creativity Crafts for Grown-ups returns to Hartford library By Gay Griesbach She tries to have a proto- that was a lot of fun. I’ve Special to Conley Media type, along with a list of taken it twice,” Enderle supplies needed, at the cir- said. HARTFORD — Crafts for culation desk a few weeks Her first Crafting for Grown-ups is returning to before the program. Adults session involved Hartford’s Jack Russell For the September craft painting ceramic mugs. Memorial Library. the library will provide all “I did it once to see if peo- From 6 - 7:30 p.m. Monday, materials except scissors. ple would like it,” Enderle adult crafters will be able to “It’s hard for us to have 20 said. express their inner child in pair of scissors on hand,” Last year, she added Jan- the library’s community Enderle said. uary to the regular schedule room. Her crafty journey began of projects, held in March, Library Director Jennifer in high school, where she June, September and Einwalter said the pro- learned how to sew. December. The program gram’s return is creating a She would make dresses usually draws between 20 buzz. for her daughters to wear and 25 people. “I’ve seen a lot of the cre- and once outgrown, Enderle As for prototype disasters, ations they are pretty cool,” would save them. Enderle said she’s had a few, Einwalter said. “You have special memo- but usually can find a way Library associate Nancy ries with fabrics,” Enderle to tweak a craft to fit a wide Enderle came up with idea said. range of patrons. about three years ago, after Spoken like a true quilter. “I want things that are former Assistant Library A friend got her interest- fairly simple to make, but Director Cary Perzan start- ed in the craft and when her people might not think of ed Movies for Grownups oldest child went to college, doing them on their own,” and staff started to talk. Enderle sent her off with a Enderle said. “Kids always get to do fun quilt made of dresses she In the 90-minute time things; why can’t we do fun had sewn for her daughter frame, some patrons finish things?” Enderle said. since she was a girl. their projects while others She gets many of her Enderle branched out will take them home to com- ideas from books at the from there, taking classes plete. library. from baking to welding Last year, a finger weav- “They have a nice vari- through Moraine Park with ing scarf project sparked a ety,” Enderle said. her sister, Deb Cullen. cooperative effort between During the Monday ses- “We’d just find classes attendees. sion visitors will make that looked interesting. We “Some got the idea, some “bandana pumpkins.” took a glass blowing-class didn’t, but the ones that got it helped the others,” Ender- le said. “We have a good time.” Bizarro The program is free and all are welcome regardless of crafting ability. “It’s about getting togeth- er, being with friends mak- ing new friends,” Enderle said. The Jack Russell Memori- al Library is at 100 Park Ave. in Hartford. More information about the library can be found at hart- fordlibrary.org. orig.pdf 1 12-Sep-19 21:54:31 Property of Wisconsin News Tracker and members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. or spruce up for fall? Clip Sep 2019 Page resized 12 A017 132% Kiel, Tri-County News Tri-County nEWSs3ERVING#HILTON +IEL.EW(OLSTEINs4HURSDAY 3EPTEMBER 17A Heavy Metal Tours set Moraine Park Technical College will Q Wednesday, Oct. 16, Wells Manu- host a Heavy Metal Tours event during facturing Corporation and Mid-States October’s manufacturing month. Aluminum Corp.; This free event offers participants a Q Wednesday, Oct. 23, BCI Burke Co. behind-the-scenes opportunity to tour and Mercury Marine. local manufacturing facilities and learn “The manufacturing world is chang- PRUHDERXWWKHVNLOOVQHHGHGWRÀOOFXUU- ing,” said, Marcia Arndt, associate dean rent employment gaps. of manufacturing at Moraine Park. “This The events will run from 4:30 to 8 p.m. is a fun opportunity to highlight our local Participants will meet at the Fond du Lac partners, the advancing technology, and campus, and after a brief introduction the overall changes within the industry.” they will be bussed to the Heavy Metal Space is limited for this opportunity Tour event locations. and registration is required. Interested Tours will take place at the following individuals are invited to participate in Fond du Lac area manufacturers. A light all four weeks, or they may choose their meal will be served. preferred date(s). Q Wednesday, Oct. 2, Kondex Corr- poration; For more information, or to register, Q Thursday, Oct. 10, Fives Group and visit morainepark.edu/heavymetal or cal RB Royal Industries, Inc.; call (262) 306-5321. pp Property of Wisconsin News Tracker and members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. Kiel, Tri-County News Sep 12 2019 Page A017 Clip resized 86% John St. Peter (right) administers an oath of office to Moraine Park Technical College District Board members at a recent meeting to (from left) Thomas Hopp of West Bend, employer member; Renee Almeida of Beaver Dam, employee member; and Vernon Jung of Kewaskum, additional member. New member sworn in to Moraine Park Board Thomas Hopp of West Bend was Bend Safety Commission as a volunteer sworn in recently as the newest member for over 10 years and the Kettle Moraine of the Moraine Park Technical College YMCA as an active member and volun- District Board. teer for over 20 years. He will serve as an employer member “I have always believed that continu- representative with a term expiring in ing education benefits everyone and June 2022. what better organization to contribute as Hopp learned from a young age the all- a board member than MPTC,” he said. DURXQGEHQHÀWVRIYROXQWHHULQJZLWKLQ Also sworn in alongside Hopp were the community. Renee Almeida of Beaver Dam and ´0\IDWKHUZDVDODUJHLQÁXHQFHLQ Vernon Jung of Kewaskum, retaining my life,” Hopp said. “Through his dedi- their spots on the board as an employee cated volunteer work, he taught me that member and additional member, respec- volunteering and helping others creates a tively. Their new terms also expire in strong, vibrant, and growing community June 2022. by simply taking time to help others.” Hopp has been an active part of the The 2019-’20 District Board members community of West Bend for many for Moraine Park were also nominated years. He currently serves on multiple LQWRRIÀFHGXULQJWKHPHHWLQJ7KHIRO- boards including Albrecht Free Clinic, lowing board members will serve as of- Commerce State Bank, and the United ÀFHUV³%XU=HUDWVN\FKDLUSHUVRQ9HU- Way of Washington County. Addition- non Jung, vice chairperson; Bob Lloyd, ally, he is involved with the City of West treasurer; and Lowell Prill, secretary. Property of Wisconsin News Tracker and members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. Clip Sep 2019 Page resized 12 0010 108% Ripon Commonwealth Press Two students earn awards for their service hours at MPTC Moraine Park Technical College held its second-annual Service Learning Award banquet, recognizing students for their volunteer work during the 2018-19 school year. Of the students honored were Roberto Mondragon of Ripon and Stephanie Munro of Markesan. The Service Learning Award recognition program is designed to ac- knowledge students who complete more than 50 hours of service learning, log their hours and submit a refl ection on their service time at Moraine Park. Mondragon and Munro earned bronze awards for 25 to 49 hours of service. Property of Wisconsin News Tracker and members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. Clip Sep 2019 Page resized 12 A04 104% Berlin Journal Property of Wisconsin News Tracker and members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. Berlin Journal Sep 12 2019 Page F04 Clip resized 80% Property of Wisconsin News Tracker and members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. Campbellsport News Sep 19 2019 Page 0001 The Ledge Games Return Clip resized 94% Bringing Flannel & Friendly Competition The Ledge Games , a as the event welcomes to make education more local timber competition 100 amateur lumberjacks accessible and affordable for charity, will make its to compete in six events for local students study- return for the fourth con- in the Man of the Ledge ing engineering, manu- secutive year on Satur- and Woman of the Ledge facturing and technology. day, Sept. 28, at Red divisions. Local competi- “We created this event Cabin at Green Acres in tors will test their skills in to not only give people the Fond du Lac. the caber toss, hammer opportunity to live out a The event, which toss, archery, keg toss, lumberjack lifestyle but began in 2016, wel- speed chop and axe also to support local man- comes both competitors throwing events. ufacturing,” said Josh and spectators and is The champions for Michels, The Ledge free to attend with at- both the men’s and Games co-founder, said. tractions such as local women’s divisions will “Through The Ledge food trucks and non- take home a brand new Games Scholarship, we stop timber action. chainsaw, and the win- are helping create the next “We’re excited to bring ners of each event will generation of leaders in The Ledge Games back receive a custom Ledge manufacturing for the in 2019 and can’t wait to Games axe.
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