Daily Kos Community for Public Field Hearings 1

Daily Kos Community for Public Field Hearings 1

First Name Last Name State ZIP !3%* 1)* NFHFL beverly burditt OR 97504 .!0$ .0*!6 GOMHF Dakota Butterfield MA 2130 .6 +*7(!7 IIIHN john smith NJ 8012 0!3!* .$( NKMGF nancy bruno CA 93401 ** !6*+/+ HFFFO Phillip Patrick MI 48374 /0!3! 06* (( OHGGG Belen Garcia TX 78363 0!..6 0,, GGHFL Christine Stuart CA 94941 .6 +(+)+* LFLGN Greg Kimble CA 90019 %)!.(6 +.0!. OGMJL James Nigh CA 92404 .6** $*!% !. KIHHM Beverly Barry LA 70121 %$!(! (0!./ OMIJG Dave Curl WA 98638 * 1/* $!1.!. NFFHL Danielle Wirth IA 50276 .%!( ! "+. IHIFJ Mark Cappetta CA 92270 %$ .*!. GHIFI Christine Udoni IL 60445 6 )%0$ MMINN Richard Hernandez CA 92198 %$. %'/ HMGFI tony ludwig ludwig MN 55125 ) %+* GOGGO Ronald Larson CA 93405 +. %$+(/ NNFFM Melinda Fisher NV 89521 ((!* %( . OHIFN Jenette D'AlessandroNY 11257 !** 1((!. OGOMM Jonathan Hampton VA 23188 +6! 1.,$.!! OJFHJ Ballard Boyd NY 11104 ) 6 MFGGN Evan Oxenham NH 3781 !"" %'!./+* ONFGH Melody Nielsen WY 82007 3+**! $*# OFHLK Catherine Gardner KS 66207 !##6 ((%#+00 OMHHO Reese Forbes MO 63108 1/* %#"%!( KKJGJ Christine Thayer CA 90034 &+/$ !.#!. LFFII mayank mehta CA 90095 %$+(/ -1!7 LFFGJ Katheryn Gallant CA 91791 $.%/0+,$!. !%//= !$) NFIFK Doug Hilborn WY 82190 +$* 1!0%$ JNHIM Elin Defrin NY 12501 + 0%(+4!. JLHHJ Andrejs Jansons NJ 7605 )!/ +4! MNLKI Daniel Petrangelo CA 92065 &+$* ,+((. GFFIL Ralph Tobin TX 76103 3% '!/ HJGKG julie barron CA 94618 .!# %((%*#/(!6 OMKIF Melinda Arnold CA 91505 (3%. )%.!7 LFGHI Art Carlton KS 67501 +/$1 !6!/ HGJF Jim Lazar CA 94597 0. /0%*6=1 HGFJL Frances J. Navarro CA 95747 ..%! "+5 OFLFJ Thomas Bouchat PA 19504 * !.+( OJFJJ Jeff Hall OR 97116 .+* .+(( LFKLK Brad Barrett CA 92109 +** .!!* JLHGO Peter Ljungquist CT 6410 $.(+00! 1!3/ JJFIO Lynn Lander NJ 7640 $+)/ 6!/ LFLHK Thomas Ford ID 83876 0!3! +4*! LFGNG Darrell Miller WV 25411 +! $.%/0 MMJMO Henry Nielson AR 71945 !.( $% OGIKH Dave Johsnson SD 57201 )%! .0(!00 IKGHJ Robert Gibb PA 15120 +6! %##/!! HNGFJ Kenneth Larson OR 97330 0!3!* .* (( OHHLJ Diane Malas TX 76209 !/. .0!# OFMIH Evelyn Smith NE 72116 $.(!/ !(( GOOKF Philip Paille IL 62863 .! !.%' %!/! IHNHK Rayeanne King MA 2360 +* 11!00! OHLHM Jeffrey Mann CA 90814 6)+* $. LIFII Nat Johnson MA 1966 +$* ..%/+* GLGJH travis brown WI 53153 *%!( %! KKGHK Phil Schoggen TN 37215 ;; .%)) IFFGJ Barbara Tischler IL 60189 !(!*+. *3..+ NKMGH Lynn Busch TX 77096 ) 4%('%*/+* MOJGI Erin Parker VA 24060 )) 64%* GGHFL Ann Pelzer OH 44136 %* $+"!( MFIO John Falvey TX 78597 !+.#! +*#! OKLGN Regina Baxter MI 49534 1(% !*/%*# OJFMF Charles Sheperd GA 30039 +)%*% *** ONFKH Allen & CaroFromowitz FL 33559 %$!( !*$) JNNIN Patricia Yax MI 48101 *; %00(!.; HNMNM Michael Lutestanski FL 34432 /)1!( )% , NIMGJ Charles Coulter MO 63143 @!' .)/0.+*# JNHFJ Carol Wenz NY 10010 .6 +"#.!* LFKHK Barbara Dickens CO 33418 6**! ./+* HHGNH jim polichak NY 11784 %5%! 0""+. JOFHJ Dee Bell OH 43623 !.!)6 .+// HGJK Teresa Hargrove TN 37211 / +@*!%(( OJMFM David Roberts FL 33823 .'/ MIGGN Mel Greer NY 10034 !36 IFFHH Janice Haws PA 18914 !3!.(6 #% OGJHI John Newton NH 3860 +/$1 1$!. NOFG victoria boucher MD 20781 NNIK Francesca Martinez TX 76201 $!.!/ 1%(.0! IIKMI George LaBonte AZ 85286 *%!( "0(!. GFFHH Gabriel Lopez-Allen CO 80011 (%! $%#%*++( OHHLJ steven Moore FL 33311 **! 1..6 NFLIJ Matt Fournier FL 32712 1 6 $0!. OFFHK lynne zeigler MD 21113 %$. +( /0+*! GHLFI Gary Peyton IL 61821 (%!; +/!*"!( GFKNO Jonathan Nash NY 10028 %$!( 6* NFIFH Ed Louchard WA 98368 +$* 6+*/ JKHFO Dana Valatka OR 97218 !(%( 4!*/ OIIFJ Suzanne Artemieff MA 1451 !+ !%*/0+' GNOKJ William Hatfield PA 19124 (!5* . .7%*+ OGILF janet squire CO 80021 .$ . %* OMHGI Walter May OR 97504 3% +6 NFKFI John Cook NC 27596 . %#(! MFILF Nancy MickenbeckeIL 61821 /0!3! /!%#(! JNIHH Myrna Sak NY 12866 ).6 7' JIFNK Luke Steichen WA 98058 1( !.!/ MMKKF Gene Masters WI 53711 (!5* . %((+* LLGK Martin Kornbluh NY 11050 **$ . HMKGI sharon drube AL 36265 !.!' .1/! IIOLM Jacques Lepine NH 3561 +** '+( NNFFK Paul Schmalzer FL 32780 ".*%*! '1,"!.)* GGMGJ Christina Rutkaus NM 87514 0$*%!( 0'%*/ MKFFG Candice Gottschalk TX 76504 +! !(% %/ NFFGG Elias KeshishoglouCA 95037 .0 )%0$ HILFH Peter Brown PA 19147 4%#$0 .!$%!( LMGGM Michael Sirois TX 77373 1( 1/! IFFJG Jenine Menth MN 55435 ..!* ),!(( OGINM Robin Wilder NM 87124 !*+. + 6 OHGFG John Taylor NY 12545 0!3!* !07!. IFGJJ Rhesa Olsen AZ 85741 .! !.%' !((!./ JLHFK Kristin H MT 59717 &%) )6!/ MKFJJ Elizabeth Kartiganer NC 28806 1.6/ ).#+/ GFJKN Mark Tischler IL 60189 %' ++ GJNGN Jeffrey Arberman NY 11231 *%!( *.+! GGGFH Mike Ferguson MN 56001 .(+/ 1*!7 OGIIK Greg German CA 94611 *6 ""*!. GFKHH fred schneider OR 97455 (!5* .+ 1!.. OKHFJ Joanne McGrath NC 28779 . 1(( MMFKO Kristopher Green RI 2860 .%* )%.!7 MOOFM Ofelia Iszaevich IL 62170 .6 !!(!. ONGGM Audrey Moskowitz PA 19103 .6 !(+* GFFHJ Angelo Jannuzzi NY 10708 6** %/!. IHHKO Anne Greene MD 20860 +* !"" LLGFL Thomas Foley NJ 8872 %$+(/ +4(!/ IFLJH Justin Pikula CA 94118 )* !%(( NGIHG Eric Stephens OR 97035 )6 !..!* GFFHM Robert G CA 91107 +006 +,,#! MLIFN Janelle Losoff NV 89002 $+)/ %(/+) NMGGF Rob Milburn IL 60625 !0!. +$! NMKFM Verlin Hawkins CA 92264 !0$ !3%* OMHGI Dianne Kristoff OH 44310 ,.6((*! (*! OJKIL Gregory Newham NY 12401 %$+(/ .%# JNGFK Bobbi Feyerabend CA 94611 *6 (( NKMGL Kristopher Heidorn TX 77035 +00 +4* NJGFO Gregory Newham NY 12401 * ".(*! KOOFG Gregory Newham NY 12401 +) %07,0.%' OFFJN Paul Jimerson CA 95062 !0!. .6 IJLON Celeste Howard OR 97124 46*! $!!'/ JJGHF Laura Paalanen MI 49319 )%$!( $% !/0!. HGJJ William Reulbach NV 89122 $ 3*/ ONGFI Matt Ezero NY 12972 +$* /$4+.0$ MLGMO Greg Zen NC 28277 4%((%) /$++'$+"" OMHHK Doreen Fitzgerald CO 80128 %$ 00!*/0.+!. MFNI Katherine Pedersen OH 45387 JJGFO Damien Shulock CA 94107 %$!((! !*!/0 OJGGN Felicia Williams DC 20016 .%!**! 4(%*/+* ONGJL Anne Knight Watson SC 29458 +!.0 (*'!*/$%, HNHFK Mag Dennehy IL 60643 +**%! !!. GGOFG nicolas barboza PA 15005 ".*'(%* /$*!% !. OMHGM Sue Foster NY 13760 +**! 1")* IIJJL Nancy Stengl WI 54414 1(%* )%0$ MNMKG Ernst and SarSchwarz FL 32086 1 %0$ (%* OJOML Carolyn Roney MI 48382 %((%) -1! OJFJF Jay Russo WA 98648 .%/0%*! .!7 OHHLJ Jane McDonough OH 44074 0!3!* !//(!. OJNFG Patricia Bern FL 32605 .;5 #. MIGGH Tim Miller PA 19127 * $1(07 GNOIN Jill Butler MS 39158 %$!( 6!./ JIMFG Oleh Sydor IL 60137 !.#!.+* LIGHN Patricia Jenatsch NJ 7950 *1!( +*# OFHMH Brenda West NE 68505 %* +)(%*/+* NFNGL Alicia Zack CA 92506 *%!( (3!. ! GGIMK Michael Taylor NC 28577 !.!*! .!6 IHGLO Christine Wood WI 53704 $!.0 &+*!/ HHLFG Mary Geer OR 97086 (.! %#!0 GGHGM Deborah Dixon OH 44515 * .! %(+0 IMHFL Jennifer Zero NY 10309 ** %*# +*0KOFGL Charles Sepos CA 95403 +!.0 + 4%* OGHJF Jim Beitel NE 68516 6**! .!/0+* OJGFM Nancy Nydegger WA 99163 .. *7 GFOLO Alec Scott IL 60630 .6 ++1(%+0 KKJIG Michael English CA 94525 +$* $+),/+* // GKNN Lynne Thomas MN 55104 6! .%/'%(( JMKOG Charles Evans NY 11106 (!&* .+ +$! !(. GGHHH David Luna TX 87114 .6 ++1(%+0 KKJIG James Corrigan WI 53005 !3%* +.0+* JFHGG Gabrielle King MI 48043 .' %!* KHJFI Doroteo Noe Garza TX 78076 %*!* ./+* NFGHM Trey Fanney GA 31907 +* ,!*/(!6 ONIMJ Marzlie Freeman OR 97378 *0$+*6 .0%*!7 OFHMH Lynn Fanelli MI 48335 *%!( 1.1* LFLHH David Sell AZ 85304 $/! +(* JJFHI Dale Alber WI 53072 !(! *%!( GOJFG Dana Garcia AZ 85281 .' !),/!6 OKLLH Mary Dupuis MI 48603 $.6 +/%*/'% HGHHM ann trenton TX 76016 0!3! +*/ MNMKL Nancy Slade CT 6010 !+*. .!))!( OJGGK janet thayer WA 98042 .%(6* * !./+* JOFNM MaryEllen Conaway NV 89410 .%* 6 NOKFL Thomas Sharbaugh FL 33755 /+* . !(( NFKFJ Mary Ann MN 55426 !**! $(00!. JINGH Alan Rosenberg CA 91361 ,0 ,()!. KFGHK Stephen Ring NY 11946 /+00 1('!./+* OHGFG Stephanie Shine NM 87044 0! //!.)* LFLHK Suzanna Regos CA 90068 .!* +1*# OJGGN Laura Shore CT 6457 ./$ $%)* ONGHH William Smith CA 90048 %) (!%* OHNJK Janice Dau CO 80124 !*0 +(! MMIHF Donna Janovsky IL 60611 3% +3!. HGIH Dan Anderson CA 95747 *%!( +4(* JFKFM Edward Marcinko CA 92683 !*!00! .-1. 0 ONHMH Lisa Witham OH 44060 4. %00)* IFIFO stephen pitt CA 92557 ) '/+* MKFNF Frank Letton CA 95589 %* +.+ %* NFHN Paul Kennedy CA 92008 /!! )5"%!( OFFHN Deborah Gostin CA 92103 +$* ..6 MNHF Joel Hopkins TX 75080 %) !*.+ MHGGI Rosemary Rogers OH 45701 .' 0* .% #! MMFFN Robert Phillips CA 92507 !0$!. @((!6 IMGHM Alan Spicer FL 33334 !0!. .+/6 OJJFJ Charles Fabian CT 6515 $.+* +%(%*% LNHJ Stephen Hanan NY 10040 %*! !.(%*+ IIMKO Janet Lachman TX 77549 +!.0 .1/ ONGFO Thomas Milcarek CA 95063 +*( $(!/%*#!. HFNKH Trudi Smith CA 94901 0!3! +4*! LFGNG roman fruth TX 78228 +!6 0!3!*/+* JHMKJ Peter Lawson MN 55110 1. +(! GHKNK Ian Bailey OH 43026 $.%/0+,$!. //!( GFMFL Jennifer Vigil AZ 85755 +!.0 0*0+* ONGGH Ian Bailey OH 43026 +6 %/$!. KIKLL Bob Balhiser MT 59602 ..6 0!*/3+( OGJFI RJ Mitchell WlliNY 11520 %$. +#!./ HIKO Sara Farneth PA 19067 !((6 %,!. OKFLH Emily Brandt CA 93722 /0$!. #*!. OJKLJ James Showalter CA 94127 00 %*#-1%/0 KLHNI Anthony Zenner FL 32680 $ .)(! NJGFL John Morgan GA 30025 (%.! 1//!(( KIFLL Carolyn Mercurio OR 97467 $1' ., OHHLG Steve Greenwell GA 30143 1( !* !. OFMGF Anthony Zenner FL 32680 ) ..%/$ OMHFH STEVEN GIBB FL 34711 %* +.+ %* NFHN Cassandra McDougall WA 98028 %((%) %*'(!6 OJOHK Ase Blake OR 97304 .%# +4 !6 NKINI Joyce Leggatt OR 97211 +!.0 .*/4+.0$ MNMKN Ron Rabold PA 15237 (! /$ ONGFI Daniel Earle MI 48188 .' !6/! GFFHK Mark Garza CA 94109 **! 7(1/'/ HJML carolyn wheeler WA 98012

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