Eastern Illinois University The Keep Eastern Illinois University Bulletin University Publications 11-1-1966 Bulletin 265 - 1966 Winter Sports Guide Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/eiu_bulletin Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Bulletin 265 - 1966 Winter Sports Guide" (1966). Eastern Illinois University Bulletin. 97. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/eiu_bulletin/97 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Illinois University Bulletin by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1966 Winter Sports Guide . - EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY .. GENERAL INFORMATION OFFICIAL NAME-Eastern Illinois University LOCATION-Charleston, Illinois FOUNDED-1895 ENROLLMENT-5,800 PRESIDENT-Or. Quincy Doudna FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE-Or. William Zeigel, Vice· President for Administration NICKNAME-Panthers COLORS-Blue and Gray HOME GYM-Lantz Building (6,800 capacity) AFFILIATIONS-NCAA and NAJA CONFERENCE-Interstate Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (IIAC or Interstate) UNIVERSITY PHONES-581·2021 (area 217) ATHLETIC STAFF Walter S. Lowell-Director, School of Health and Physical Education Tom Katsimpalis-Director of Athletics Maynard O'Brien-Chairman, Division of Physical Education for Men; Track, Cross Country Clyde Biggers-Football Robert W. Bisseii-Trainer Frank Chizevsky, Jr.-Asst. Football, Asst. Wrestling Rex Darling-Basketball, Tennis Robert Eudeikis-Asst. Football, Asst. Track Robe·rt Hussey-Gymnastics, Asst. Soccer William McCabe-Baseball, Asst. Football Ben Newcomb-Asst. Football, Asst. Baseball Ronald Paap-Asst. Basketball, Asst. Baseball Raymond Padovan-Swimming, Asst. Tennis Harold Pinthcr-Wrestling, Golf Francis Teller-Soccer, Asst. Golf Dick Vaughan-Asst. Football, Asst. Gymnastics Thomas Woodaii-Asst. Cross Country GRADUATE ASSISTANiTS Richard Hopek-Football Val McPeak-Football Fred Richardi-Wrestling Ted Schmitz-Football Jerry Smith-Baseball Ronald Ummei-Track Jim Dudley-Basketball Eastern Illinois University 1966-67 Winter Sports Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Eastern illinois University ------------------------- 2 Area News Outlets ----------------- --------------- 2 He ad Basketball Coach -------------------- -------- 3 Assistant Basketball Coaches ---------------------- 4 Athletic Administrators ---------------- ------------ 5 Panther Preview ---------------------------------- 6 1965-66 Basketball Scores -------------------------- 6 IIAC Outlook -- ----------------------------------- 7 The Lantz Building --------------------------------- 8 Panther Profiles ---------------------- --------- ---- 9-11 Varsity Basketball Roster --------------- ----------- 12-13 Basketball Record Book -------------------- -------- 14-15 Ye ar-by-Year Records ----------------------------- 16 EJU Cage Honor Roll ------------------------ ------ 17 Gymnastics _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ __ 18-19 Swimming _____ _____ _________________________ ____ ___ 20-21 Wrestling _____ ---------------------------------- 22-24 Freshman Basketball __________________ Inside Back Cover Basketball Schedule -------- ------------------ Back Cover NOTE TO PRESS, RADIO, TV: This booklet of information and records of EJU winter sports is presented as a service to all news media. Addi­ tional information, stories, or pictures will be furnished on request. Please address all requests for press, radio or photographic accommodations to: TOM HOPPIN Sports Information Director Eastern Illinois University Charleston, Illinois 61920 Office: 581-2920 Home: 235-1226 Area Code 217 COVER-An "action design" is featured on the cover. The design symbolizes an athlete striding forward while reach­ tng new heights. The de,ign is symbolic of Eastern Illinois University in that the athletes, the coach ing staff and the administration of the university are constantly striving to reach new heights of excell ence in both athletic and educa­ tional endeavors. EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Number 265 November, 1966 Published six times a year (January, April, July, Septem­ ber, October and November), by Eastern Illinois UniversitY. Charleston, Illinois. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Charleston, Ill. Effective date Sept. 1, 1961. ABOUT EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY . Eastern Illinois University, founded in 1895, has grown from the original one building on a 40- . acre tract of land to the present 30 major buildings on a 266-a cre campus. Eastern has consistently been ranked as one of the outstanding teacher training institutions in the nation. The university also provides curricula in the liberal arts and awards the B.S., B.A. , and M.A. degrees. Th ere are pre-professional programs. Dr. Quincy Doudna, Easte rn 's third president, has been EIU's Dr. Doudna adm inistrative head since 1956. Eastern is located in Charles· ton, county seat of Coles County and rich in Lincoln lore. Charleston has a population of 13 ,500 and is readily acces­ sible by air, rail and bus to metropolitan centers. EIU offers interco llegiate competition in 11 sports, and has a complete intram ural proqram ooen to nil st11rl P.nts. Enrollment this year is a record-breaking 5,800 . To meet the demands of in creasin g enrollment, Eastern has undertaken an extensive bui ldinq program. A new men's physical education building, but a part of the program, is the new home of Panther athletics. EIU'S AREA NEWS OUTLETS Newspapers Jim Kimball Bill Kaczor Bob Fallstrom Sports Edit or Sports Editor Sports Editor Courier-News Journal-Gazette Hera ld Charleston, Ill. M attoon, Ill. Decatur, Ill. Sam Rickelman Ken Noblit Sports Editor Dave Kidwell Sports Editor News Sports Editor Coles County Effir:gham, Ill. Eastern News Daily Times Eastern Illinois U. Charleston, Ill. Charleston, Ill. Radio and TV Ron Stearns Jim Case John Kearn Director Sports Director Sports Director WEIC WELH WTHI-TV Charleston, Ill. Eastern Illinois U. Terre Haute, Ind. Charleston, Ill. Ken Wooddell Tom Schoendi enst Carl Holler Sports Director Sports Director Sports Director WLBH WCIA-TV WTWO Mattoon, Ill. Champaign, Ill. Terre Hau te, Ind . REX V. DAR:LING · HEAD BASKETBALL COACH Rex V. Darling is much more than Eastern Illinois University's head basketball coach, but when late October and November rolls around, Rex and basketball are king at Eastern. Besides guiding Eastern's hard­ court fortunes, Darling is the head tennis coach, is a member of the 1968 Olympic Committee, is a member of the selection committee for tennis participants in the 1967 Pan-American Games, will direct his ninth NAIA Na­ tional Tennis Tournament next summer and is chairman of the NAIA's tennis coaches division. Long known for his imagina­ tion and zest, Darling is currently planning the Panther campaign. " I've seen the top and the bottom of the !lAC standings in two years and I don't like that cellar," he says. Staying out of the cel lar and near or on top of the Inter­ state Intercollegiate Athletic Conference standings are Darling's goa ls for the 1966-67 campaign. Although four let­ termen are returning , Darling says his squad will probably be built around a rotating startinq lineup. The familiar " Split-T" offense will be back in full force this season with its power plays and quick openers. "We have the size and the ball handlers to make it work this season," Darling says. The only prediction that Darling will make regarding his 1966-67 club is that " it will be exciting to watch." Exc iting has always described Darling, both as a person and as a coach, so Panther fans will not be surprised at any new tricks Darling uses this season. A native of Roanoke, Darling received his bachelor's de­ gree at Illinois State University in 1939. His advanced de­ grees are from Indiana University. He coached at Roxana prior to entering the Army in World War II. While in the service he advanced from private to captain and was an intelligence officer for the Rainbow Division in the European Theater. Darling has been the head tennis .;oach since coming to Eastern in 1945. His tennis teams have never had a losing season and he has been recognized as one of the nation's foremost authorities on the sport . Darling has a sizeable collection of jazz recordings and is also interested in art and literature. He is active in golf, tennis and bowling. He and his wife, Kathryn, have a son, Rex Jr., who is a Second Lieutenant in the U.S . Air Force and in pilot training. 3 RONALD PAAP Assistant Basketball Coach Ronald Paap begins his third season as assistant basketball coach at Eastern Illinois Univer­ sity. Paap has an extensive back­ ground in his home state of Ne­ braska. He coached all sports for two seasons at Palmer in west· ern Nebraska, then coached six years at Papillion in the Omaha suburban area. At Papillion his 1960 basketball team came with­ in two games of the state tour­ nament, and his 1959 and 1960 baseball teams placed second in the state Cl ass B tournament. Paap was also freshman football coach at Papillion. He was a basketball squad member at Peru (Neb.) State Te achers College. He graduated in 1955 and received an M.A. in 1962 at Colorado State College, Greeley. He came to EIU in 1963. Paap is a collector of coins and Indi an arti­ facts. He is married and has three children. JIM DUDLEY Varsity Assistant Serving as Coach Re x V. Dar­ ling's varsity assistant this sea­ son is Jim Dudley, a native of Farmington, Illinois, who coached Lake Park High School to the Tri-County Suburban League bas­ ketball title last year. A 1958 graduate of Lake For­ est College wh3re he captained the basketball squad his junior and senior years, Dudley was 11th in the nation in field goal percentage as a senior. He also lettered twice in baseball at Lake Forest. As a high school athlete, Dud­ ley lettered three years in bas­ ketball and four years in baseball. His first coaching post was at Riverdale High School, Port BYron, Illinois, where he also served as sophom-:~e football coach. In between the Riverdale and Lake Park positions, Dudley coached three seasons at Riverdale-Brookfield, Chicago and compiled a 36-24 record.
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