9' : ■ y - .. 'r.j- ..f-\ <ri ' '-A y , 4 F R r o A T , O C T O B B R C, I t i C Avsrag* Daily CircalaikNi OT aw Mwitk t t iipM wIiir, 1S44 TomTEBM Manchester Evening Herald The Weather 8,908 , PorMoW .t o. S. Heatkw Bnna. MoniW of aw Aunt pair today and toolght; part Chlirle# Kube ly cloudy .SoaOiy ; moderate wiad . street received word yester^y ot *W HALE'S SELF SERVE Bueaa of Oifcalaaouii AHout Town the death of hi* sister, Mrs. E ^ a today aod taalgUt; owderote to Gurbat of Brooklyn, New York. Th« Original In New England! freWi wiMk Sooday. Besides her .brother, Mrs. Gijrbat M a n ih e s U ^ i Uy of Village Charm / " Th« •arriafe of StelU leaves several nieces and nephews In Manchester and Hartford. Dress Up To Look V01^LXIT.,N0.t (doaoNtod Adm tM ag on ruga IS) / Unybak of IW Cantor atraet nna MANCHESTER, CONN., SAtufe iY, OCTOBER 7, 1944 IT, sSSm 8a<Jond Owm MlchMl SATURDAY SPECIALS! (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Swlck. Jr., of 487 Center ntwet, V-. "i-*> win take irtace tomorTW n ^ - TA U . CEDAK8 -------- noon In the rectory of 9t Mof- >N. Loud Reports Bricker Crowd in Tall State et’a chuKh. b i n g o Your Prettiest Iri Hale's Bread Loaf 7c t o n ig h t O f Fireworks ORANGE HAEL' FRUIT CAKES 15 Oz. SSc Surging Toward isets Revue New Fashious From Regular Size To Send Overaeas! MANY OTHER LARGER SIZES. NORMAN RENTE Today Firecrackers Throw Pre­ Melnl Work >- Bnvea miere of ‘F. D. R. Vic­ t S i h a W^nuf and Pecan .Meats iMve BMW* Troofhe tasUUed Move SteadUy T ow a^ tory Bandwagon*' at or repnlreS. ", — "■— ‘ V Tisza^ and koros , Riv­ Japs Boast Sob MaM or Del Monte ■ ‘ - V Boston into Confusion. C A IX M M ers, ' Last Big Natur­ Lge.Pkg. 14c About New Boston, Oct. 7.—(jf)—I'he loud Raisins al > Obstacles; Back­ explosion of several large fire;, Dougbboys Also Pound AlUed Planes Arm y Care bone of Resistance Ap- A ir Pow er crackers threw the premiere of the Nearly Mile Through OVERSEAS SHIPPING ROXES pears to Be Broken. Oommuniat Political .committee’s noOFIMC controversial musical revue, "F. D. ^ Pile Up More Seen Close Hurtgen Forest, Tenp'J Special Prices! Claim They Have Air* R. Victory Bandwagon” Into tem­ |\ £ .S ID IM C Moscow, Oct. 7'.— (A*)— ^Red Miles into Germany;! porary cqgfualon last night. Army infantry waves, surg­ craft Which *Far Ex­ Ruin in Reich eBiStaintea rmaiT Olviia The sharp explosions came only To Miracle Third Army'Wins Sol* : Premier x ing acrosp the Romanian • WMrlOBBMhle OtMUMteM. ceed Enemy* 9 First- a momeiit after Earl Browder, id Hold on Two Cor* frontier into Hungary on a Communist political association Period 4 and 5 Gou* eHlghwtQM ltty Mntorinia Prune Juic# 2 pts. 25c 76-mile front, moved steadily Line Air Force* Note. leader, had finished apesking, but Bombers Crowd Skies in Surgeon General Says ners of Fort Briant* pons Good Until Aug. eTlnie Pnyments ArmnseC. Dresses toward the Tisza and Koros quick-thinking men in the capaci­ Good Weather Over Results Achieved in Southwest of Metz. / 'rivers, last big natural obsta­ San Francisco, *Oct. 7.—-(P)— ty Symphony hall audience quick­ ly calmed excited spectators. 31e 1945. 2-Lb. Jar 3 5 C Japan now has aircraft "ready for Reich Today; 6,000 Treating Wounded Un­ A. A. DION, IN C Grape Jam cles before Budapest today. Police Sergt. Frank Mullen, In , London, Oct. 7.— (iP)— ^Ths^ Indications were that the action” which ‘Yar exceed the Flights Made Friday. paralleled in Warfare, L. T. WOOD ca OONTKACTOM charge of the uniformed and plain­ U. S. First Army slugg^ na Aatwnn St. TM. 48M backbone of Oerman-Hungarlnn enemy’s first-line Air Force,” a clothes officers on duty, said his Phons 4496 O m p e fi^ t , resistance had been, broken and away wifh both fists abovs Tokyo propaganda broadcast men found evidence of exploded London, Oct. 7— (JPi — Allied Washington, Oct. 7— (4b— The that the Sovieta had an exceUent Aachen today, jabbing Ger­ beamed to the United States firecrackers near an emergency bomber* crowded the skies in good \ 2-Lb. Jar 3 5 C ‘ chance of carrying the fight to the record achieved by American Marmalade claimed today. exit through which the thrower man stop-gap tanks and in­ area of the Hungarian capital weatoer over Germany today, pil­ A rm y aurgeona in care of the The oroadcast, beard by FCC apparently escaped. fantry back half a mile north within four or five day. at the monitors, declared Japan is now Rush Into Hallway ing up new destruction in toe wake wounded la "unparalleled In the Gold Medal of Beggendorf and a mile and preMnt rate o f advance. Budapeat “posed for dealing a sledge-ham­ Several persons rushed into the of more than 6,000 flights by history of warfare and is little waa about 90 mile, away thia mer blow on the enemy." hallways as others rose from their a half southeast of Ubach. 25-Lb.Bag morning., bomber* and fighters yesterday. short of miraculous,” says Arm y Flour ^133 It quoted Capt. Kelso Matsumu- Ue*t*. The Eighth A ir Force and the Surgeon General Norman T. Kirk. The doughboys also pounded Coealacka Spreading "Panic’* ra, chief of the press section of Booming masculine voices shout­ "The survival rate among our nearly a,mile through the Hurt* R. A. F. rent up more, than 8.000 PUisboiT’a Kuban Ooaaacka were reported the Japanese fieet In China wa­ ed: "S it down. Sit down,” and M ill wounded at the present time la gen forest, ten miles into Ger­ \ ters, as saying: heavy bombers in night and day many a third of the way to Co* spreading "death and panic" in Ann Burlak, Massachusetts Com­ higher than It haa ever been in 26-Lb. Bag the rear of Hungarian troops un­ Powerfal Air Force Nucleus munist leader,. Joined in the appeal operations against oil and indus­ any Army In any war at any logne. Flour $1.33 Solid Hold Woa at Fort able to disengage themselves on “ A thing which we must not over the loudspeaker system which trial targets and airfields with time,” he told a acientlflc assem­ On the middle Moselle front the shattered front in southeast­ lose sight of is that the Japanese she had. been using to ask. for Berlin, Dortmund, Bremen, Ham­ bly of the District of Columbia Presto ern Hungary. f '' financial aupport of the commit- Medical society vesterday. Third Army won a solid bold rombinei. fieet has undergone burg and Ludwigshafen among the the northwest and southwest "Our mobile unlU are chasing big qualitative change, enabling tee'a effort to re-e|.ect President Beyond saving more lives, he Roosevelt. This crowd turnM out to hear Goy. John W. Bricker of Ohio, targets. said, military aurgeona are devel­ ners of Fort Drisnt, sbuthwi Lge. Pkg. 25c the retreating enemy," said a front It to operate with a powerful Air Mete, taking everything Cake Flour Force as its nucleus.” Police, some with drawn re­ Republican 'vice presiuential nominee, w'ncn he stopped at Washing- Support Americoa Armies oping new treatment techniques line dispatch to Izveatia. "And mans could burl at them Dtea tha Lion In this broadcast intended for volvers, converged on the scene of tab, la., and to show him how tali the corn grows in Iowa. High tncpmplete reports indicated designed to hasten wound healing light Cossack units are In their outside and blasting In/ooggadly Hortoa rear." the explosions but found no onC school girls stand alongside the stalks. (A P Wirephoto),_____________ the Second Tactical Air Force flew and prevent deformity and dlaabll* American consumption, Matsumu- to dig out the g a rriiM buttonod ru waa said to have found “ nu­ who was involved. 1,500 sorties and the Ninth A ir Ity. One is a m etb ^ o f leaving Already morfc than 100 com­ into the honeycomb of.tunnels ba< 14-Oz. Can 3 9 C munities o f the last big Nazi pup­ merous weaknesses in the enemy's Lewis Linked To flewey . Force flew aiiother 1.500 yester­ certain wounda open for a time Idw. / Brand Chickep Hoddie Browder, speaking between the day in aupport o f the U. S. First unill all. danger of Infection la pet nation had been seized, the strategy” because o f extended sup- On the south flank French and acts, said John L. Lewisr Mine and Third A rm ies. ---------- past------ . - Among our superb selections of 1944 latest communiques announced. ply linen "as seen In the opera­ Most of Peninsula American aotdiera o f the Seventh Royal Already IS miles inside Hungary tions in the Morotai and Peleliu Workers chieftain, had cbnapired Bad weather restricted opera­ In very complicated wounds, he • /■ tions o f the Mediterranean A ir Army beat y »lr way eastward flva newcomers you will find high spirited the Red Arm y has seized three im* areas.” to atir up atiikes only oecauae he Force, but Germans in the Bal­ (ConUaued oa Ppge Eight) to seven ^ e s to positions oa thrau Can 37c portant railwaya and highways had "tim- protection and collabora­ aides of the copper mine town o f- fashions. Rayon t^epe dr«?sse8, one Large Shrimp tion or Candidates Dewey and kans were attacked during the leading into Budapeat.
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