University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-3-1908 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-03-1908 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-03-1908." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/4729 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. QUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. THIRTIETH YEAR, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1908. Bf Uurrtw. M "It Is a pleasure for me to be here ers will check it before morning The with Senator Foraker.' continued "Mother of the Forest" is the only TAFT-FORAKE- Judge R Taft, "because when governor' TRAGIC FATE OF MENWHQ WORE CALAVERAS BIG big tree attacked by the fire as yet. 01 unio ne gave me anally my nrst but It was not damage,!1 much. The TRUST BUSTING chapee, and took a guJr deal of risk fire has burned over an area of live In putting a man offcenty-nin- c on miles square. The forest tonight seems the bench of the superior court of to be in little danger. Cincinnati. - FEUD We are about to enter, or rather UNFORTUNATE BANKER TREADWELL ENDED have entered, a great political cam THEBLUEON TREES FOOD FURNISHES paign. It is a great pleasure to think ACQUI I TED OF PERJURY In his presence that we are going to stand in the campaign, shoulder to San Francisco, Sept. 2. After being shoulder with the full strength of the republican party." out seven hours the Jury which tried AERONAUT PARAOE James Treadwell for perjury In con- HARMONY Mr. Taft here directly to a FOR FIRE TEXT FOR went nection with the examination by the political argument, in re- which he grand Jury Into the affairs of the sus- peated what he had said in his trip pended through California Safe Deposit and Ohio last week, that the real Trust company, returned a Issue of verdict late the campaign was whether DROPS TO HIS DEATH VETERANS SHOW SMALL FLAMES REACH M0NARCHS this afternoon of acquittal. IN OHIO the voters of the country would give Treadwell. according to the charge BRYAN their endorsement to the Roosevelt FROM BURNING BALLOON SIGN Oft ADVANCING AGE OF CALIFORNIA FOREST in the Indictment returned by the their endlrsemcnt to the Roosevelt grand Jury, testified In denial of the can party or turn to the democratic fact that he had hypothecated the party Twenty-fiv- with its untried promises. He e Thousand Horri- Twelve Thousand Men in Line Rangers and Settlers Struggle bonds known as the Colton eecurities. in had proceeded along this line a rew it developed Senator Presence of Can- fied Spectators Wit- from the testimony of Republicans Denounced For minuten when Governor Harris made Helpless at Toledo; Many Declare Desperately to Save Famous other witnesses that the securities didate, Pledges Himself to his appearance on the stage which were hypothecated by him, he nesses of Thrilling Accident Themselves Fit for Still An- Grove With and Putting Representatives of was the occasion of another outburst Scant Prospect of now claims that at the time that the Work Loyally for Republican by the audience and the remark frOtn at Central Maine Fair. other War. Success. question was propounded to him he Predatory Wealth in Charge Mr. Taft: did It in November, not understand and disclaimed Success "We are coming strong gentlemen. tltat he made the answer which con- of Campaign, We array all the forces we have." Hj .Morning Journal Speei.il Leiined Wire) Illy Morning Journal Special l.e:.ed Win I By Morning Jnurnul Npeelul Leaked Wlrr stituted the ulleged perjury- After the candidate had reviewed Watervllle, Me., Sept. 2. In full Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 2 The Grand Sonora, Oil., Sept. 2 The Cala- HATCHET BURIED AT view of 25,000 bonified spectators as- EXTERMINATION ONLY the tariff question, spoken of the pres Army parade today wns remarkable veras grove of big trees, one of sembled on the Central Maine the HEARST ACCOMPANIES GRAND ent restoration of prosperity, and tak lair for the absence of accidents and cases ARMY PARADE en a rap at the grounds here late this afternoon, ("has. natural ronden of the world is in REMEDY FOR MONOPOLY democratic party, ha of exhaustion, and for the good order serious , HIS CANDIDA FE ON TOUR concluded with (liver Jones, a well known aeronaut danger tonight of destruction the sentence: Which prevailed, not only among the by Are. did come of Hammondsport, X. II., fell a dis- Starting from sparks thrown Rumored III Feeling All not here to make a dense crowds, along the line of march, off by Policy Mistake 1 tance of live hundred feet to his death. an engine used to haul logs New York, Sept. 2. Thomas of Regulation Proven speech. came here to attend the but throughout Om Mayor Whit- Among the witnesses of the frightful city, on last Monday afternoon, the ftre Hlsgen, presidential candidate on the Declares Senator at First reception in Which Senator Foraker, lock tonight state.) despite Failure plunge were Airs. Jones and child, and that the quickly spread to tin- heavy timber Independence party, and W. It. Hearst Declares Nebraskan Governor Harris and other distin- 100.0110 they were crowd of visitors there had a mile west country-wid- e Meeting With Successful R- guished Oh loam are participating." almost the lirst to reach the of the north arrove of the starteil today on a tour in Address Scoring side of the dying man. The been fewer accidents, fewer misde- hlg trees. All the rangers In Lift for After a most glowing endorsement aeronaut forest on behalf of the Independence party ival (iied an hour and a half alter the acci- meanors and less work for the police the district were quickly gathered, and ticket. Since Convention. of Judge Taft by Hishop Samuel Fal- generally on any average ray Lack of Backbone. dent. thun of they, together with the settlers, many Both men win speak at the Indiana lows, of the Reformed Episcopal year. was Jones had been at the fair grounds the The Weather of the visitors living in camps around and state convention at Indianapolis. Fri- Hv Morning Journal Hpeclul church, Chicago, Senator Foraker was Variety, Hy Uaml Win with his dirigible ba'loon "Hoonn rang" made to order bright sunlight in (lie groves and the employes of the day night. From there they will go Mornlns Journal Special LeSMd Wlrel introduced and was received with a temperature Toledo, Sept. 2. That Taft and known as a Strobel airship, since Mon- and comfortably below Big Trees hotel have fought the to .Milwaukee, where both will speak Sioux City, Sept. 2. Addressing a cordiality. He began by scor- day. Today "to the summer average. To fact Foraker aro politically together is not he arranged make a this (lames ever since. They have thus on Saturday, and will start south, monster democratic rally here to- ing the press to the extent of saying night '' and 4 was the lack activity only the public admission of both between o'clock but such due of at the far saved the hotel but have p speaking n indiana, Illinois ami Ohio night. William that there came near being a tragedy high winds prevailed a was two emergency hospitals. Aside J. Bryan, in the Taft and Foraker here today, but also thai delay from unable to prevent the lire gaining on tin ir way to Kentucky, where John In his absence from the meeting in necessary. 4:.'I0 was oounns of a speech on the tariff, guar the political sensation of Ohio. At weather conditions a veternn who slightly bruised headway In a direction that tonight Temple Gravee, vice presidential can- the lirst minutes be- te of its duration, had mode rated ami he gave the word by being hit by an anty of bank deposits, Senator Foraker is an avowed can-dlda- ambulance there menaces the giant sequoias have didate, win join party, the labor and cause the newspaper correspondents to have mac hine that the for the United State tenate to the released. were not more than a dozen visited Withstood the elements foi thousands trust questions, and governmental re- were preparing dispatches announcing hen the aeronaut reached a height the hospital as the result of fatigue. succeed himself and his services' In of years and been the wonder of in- forms, declared that Colonel Du Font the confirmation Of the "feud and hud of more than the hundred feet, the All were able to leave after resting. KANSAS WINS HONORS IN the national campaign have been numerable travelers who have jour- of Delaware, and Bols Fen-ros- e feeling that is existing spectators were amazed to see small of? Senator sought by Chairman Hitchcock atuf between Judge Estimates the number in line neyed far to marvel at their bigness. AT DENVER of iVnnsylvunlu, Ta I t und myself." tongues of llame Issuing from under TRAP SHOOT members of the the senator has promised to tnke varied from s.oOO to 12,000. The vari- Conflicting reports have reached republican executive committee, He continued: "Under the circum- the gas bag in front of the motor. ous posts inarched a block At a dinner given hi re last with half here as to the extent of the damage could not be sXSectaa to become re- stance, .
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