2 Thursday,-. September- 22,1988, The Chanticleer Committee chair appointments made, ------------------------------.Announcements Happy birthday Gail Story. dent in Public Administration. Our fearless treasurer is now 21 Dwight He has served SGA as Cotillion *Resume Writing Skills Workshop will be at 3 p.m. Wednes- - so look out. Gail celebrated her Burton Committee Chairman, day in Room 107, Bibb Graves Hall. birthday Sept. 12 by attending Cinematic Arts Chairman, and *Tactics For Teachers Jobsearch Strategies will be at 2:30 the 'Oncert with SGAPresident on the traffic court. Grover p.m. Wednesday in the Placement Conference Room. about 1000 of the rest of us. served as vice president of Abercrombie Hall. The comments I have heard membership in SAM and has about the concert have all been Cyndi Owens and Grover Kit&- been active in College Re- he ~merican~arketing Association (A.M.A.) holds a positive and I am pleased by our ens, cotillion; Arlene ~~~ki~~,publicans, Phi Beta Lambda, general meeting at 4:30 p.m. ~hursdayin Merrill Building. first major entertainment effort Residence Life; ~i~~ smith, BCM and Sigma Tau Delta. Everyone is encouraged to attend. All majors are invited. of the fall. I would like to thank Publicity; John Hopson, ICC ; U n t i 1 n e x t t i m e , G 0 *Applicationsare now being accepted for the seventh annual his in Dee Dee Jarrel and Sherry Pitts, G~~mecocks!! Spinners Arts and Crafts Show. The show will be Oct. 22 and 23 making the 'Oncert a success. Elections; Robert Brock, Senate from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Spinners Park, West Sixth Street in Sherry1 Byrd also deserves our clerk, For the record Prattville.Admission to the show is free. Interested exhibitors her New senators were also ap- On the 'Oncert and in making should contact Georgia Smith. 709 Spencer Street. Prattville, P,V~: Reynolds Wolf. Reggie In an editorial on page 7 of the Alabama 36067, or phone (205 365-3553. JSU it can be. (She deserves Carr, Mike Goode. Gina Willis, sept issue, we want to clarify a bonus for every "concert and Steve Lawranee. 1 am confi- two pints. week" because she has to put up *The English Competency Examination will be given from 3 dent their contributions will be ~i~~tof all, rezon- with Michael and me. ) to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 3, with a make-up exam from 6 to7: 30 p.m. very positive. ing of fraternity-occupied prop- Diane, Maybe11 and Lana Oct. 4. Students who are eligible to take the exam must pre- The featured Of the erty: According to Jacksonville spared You from having to buy register for it by signing a list by Wednesday in 215 Stone week is Grover Kitchens He has Mayor John Nisbet, no prop- tickets from anxiety-ridden been in the SGA for over one and Center (the English office).At that time, they will be assigned erty has been rezoned. a specific room in which to take the exam. Michael and me. a half years. He attended Second, concerning NisbetTs Committee appointments Gadsden High School and involvement in the East Ala- *Prospective law students will have an o~~ortunit~to talk were made at our weekly meet- ~~d~d~~state ~~~i~~ College. one-on-one with representatives of more than 100 lawschools at ing Tuesday, New chairmen are: Grover is now a graduate stu- bama Planning Commission's the first Law School Forum in Atlanta. The forum is designed study: Nisbet told the Chan- to provide up-to-date information about law school admission ParentS ticleer he could not remember if policies and financial aid to a broad spectrum of prospective (Continued From Page 1) he attended the meeting in ques- applicants. kinds of programs the school the quad, and, of course, the tion, but said he probably would This free, two-day event, scheduled October 7 and 8 in the offers. game, JSU vs. Mississippi ~01- have voted with the majority. Hyatt Regency Atlanta in Peachtree Center, is sponsored by Some of the events scheduled lege. According to minutes of the participating law schools. Any student interested in attending for the weekend are a 5-K run, a A complete schedule of meeting, which do not tell who the forum should contact Hope Davis in the political science tour of historic homes, a events, including a map of cam- attended or who voted, the department at ext. 5651. chemistry magic show, a pres- pus, will be included in a special payment to the University of entation by the drama honorary p~ll-~~tsecti~n of next weekss Alabama totaled $99,558 and the Alpha Phi Omega, a picnic on Chanticleer. vote was 10-2. ........................1 The Featuring: Family Buffet Monday thru Saturday ...............................$3.95 Evenings - Sundays - Holidays. ............$5.95 n FAMILY BUFFET 1 Meat (with one vegetable) ....... ::. ......... onb $2.50 now features I Vegetable Plate ( -ALL YOU CAN EAT- (3 vegetables of your choice) .........................$2.50 SPECIAL All You Can Eat 07 vegetables salad bar .soup bar SOUPand Salad Bar Anytime ................... 04 meats .dessert bar $3.50 ICE CREAM Salad Bar Only. ...............................'2.50 Now Open Extra Hours on Saturdays Bowl of Soup......................................... 95 after each JSU Home Game 10°/o Discount for JSU Students Single Dessert Only........................... .95 with I.D. - 4 p.m. until closing Ice Cream ON THE SQUARE 435-5653 one serving. ............................................... 50 Lunch 11:OO - 2:30 Monday thru Sunday Sunday Nite Special I Dinner 4:30 - 9:00 Sunday thru Thursday U Can Eat .....................................$3.95 ( . Friday & Saturday 400 - 9:30 ,, >,. I , t a 4 ,,, . q ' 6 . ,.. ~-'o-r------i The Chanticleer, Thursday, September 22,1988 3 Summer means drug testing 'Center shocked by * From CPS (DEA), has subpoenaed the re- dats to submit urine samples l'wo universities were cast saying they are necessary for screening this fall. into the drug-testing fray during increase in rapes for the drug probe Falwell, who serves as the the summer. One, Liberty Uni- some of the athletes hired a school's chancellor, said school From CPS through their disciplinary pro- versity, of its own accord. lawyer, Stephen Bernstein, who faculty and adrninistrators--in- Shoeked when 16 victims of cedures. A attorney in Florida will argue in court this month eluding himself--also will partic- campus rapes came to it for help Such insensivity amounts to realized drug testing opponents' that the subpoenas are im- ipate in the program. within a six-week period, the "'revictimizing' the victim," greatest fear in when he proper. Bernstein will ask the "All of us have agreed to Rape Treatment Center of Santa the report said. subpoenaed the results of drug court to quash them, voluntary drug testing at ran- Monica (Cal.) Hospital last The Santa Monica report was tests university "When the government goes dam, and several of us at the week publicly asked college not the only effort to draw cam- athletes. on a fishing expedition, without top, myself included, will be presidents to step up efforts to pus attention to the problem last Opponentsof drug testing have showing any reason to think a drug testees," said Falwell, who prevent sexual assaults on stu- week. long argued that if colleges particular student-athlete did also founded the Moral Majority dents. Indiana University students gathered data on drug use, it anything wrong, there is nothing conservative lobby. The center decided to issue its rebuilt a "shanty" aimed at be impossib1e keep the that outweighs the privacy ex- Liberty's drug testing Pro- report, called "Sexual Assault shaming administrators into pectations of the athletes," he gram is the broadest in the 0, Campus: What Colleges Can funding a rape crisis center. law enforcement officials trying said. nation. No other school tests all Do," after treating the 16 wom- "Campus is not a safe place," bust a ring in the Legal experts say they doubt students for drugs, although ath- en, an "inordinate number pro- explained junior Laurie Nich- Gainesville area. that law enforcement agents letes who Participate in National portinate to our clientele," said olson, "and a crisis center is a UF are awaiting the will be stopped from getting Collegiate Athletic Association Marybeth Roden of the center. valuable system that other uni- results of a court hearing before what they want. eventsarerequiredtoundergo "Universities," she said, versitiesprovide." deciding whether to give drug <<Idon't think there's a way in drug testing. "have a responsibility to protect The shanty, said Indiana alum- agents the results of drug tests the world in which the athlete or &'I'mhopeful they (other ~01- students." nus Mike Evans, was built to of 30 and current ath- the school can keep the informa- leges) will watch what we're While sexual assaults on the increase awareness of campus letes. tion from law enforcement of- doing and follow suit," Falwell nation's campuses seem to be sexual assaults. It has been torn The issue of whether cam- ficials," said John Scanlan, a said. happening more frequently, col- down and vandalized several puses have turn over the drug professor of law at Indiana Uni- Central Florida Community leges themselves do not know times, only to be rebuilt and results to police has not come up versity. College began random drug tes- how to prevent them or treat repaired. before, observers say. UF officials are torn, said of all students who Partici- them when they happen, the A lot of awareness may be 'IThere hasn't been a Alvin Alsobrock, Florida's vice pate in ext~'acurricular ac- report claimed. needed on campuses nationwide.
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