Adams plans OK’d Dilbert creator to build 16,000-square-foot property °page 8 Spring 6OL)8 .UMBERs-ARCH WWW0LEASANTON7EEKLYCOM Easter Home & Garden is here Find out what’s happening Inside at your this congregation issue °page 6 Castlewood in cold blood Double homicide shocks Pleasanton as investigators continue to follow leads PAGE 16 CLOCK REPAIR Timely Service Free Estimates Free Pick-up & Delivery in Tri-Valley Byfield’s Clock Shop Call (925) 736-9165 Moms, get fit with Baby Boot Camp at Stoneridge! Å Å Å Visit babybootcamp.com to register 7BB;O7H;Å:E9JEHIÅ7H;ÅH?=>JÅ>;H;Å?DÅOEKHÅD;?=>8EH>EE:Å7D:Å>7L;Å8;;DÅ C7A?D=Å7Å:?<<;H;D9;Å?DÅJ>;ÅB?L;IÅE<ÅJ>;ÅF;EFB;ÅE<ÅEKHÅ9ECCKD?JOÅI?D9;Årzwr for classes or call 925.413.3624. >;J>;HÅOEKÅI;;ÅED;ÅE<ÅEKHÅF>OI?9?7DIÅ<EHÅ7ÅIEH;ÅJ>HE7JÅEHÅ7DÅ7:L7D9;:ÅIKH=?97BÅÅ See Guest Services for more details and a class schedule. FHE9;:KH; ÅOEKÅ97DÅ;NF;9JÅ7Å9ECC?JC;DJÅJEÅOEKHÅ=EE:Å>;7BJ>ÅsuÅ>EKHIÅ7Å:7O DÅ>EDEHÅE<Å 7J?ED7BÅE9JEH«IÅ7O Å 7H9>Åt{ ÅM;ÅM?I>ÅJEÅJ>7DAÅ;L;HOÅED;ÅE<ÅEKHÅ:E9JEHIÅ <EHÅJ>;?HÅ:;:?97J?EDÅJEÅFHEL?:?D=ÅMEHB:Å9B7IIÅ97H;ÅJEÅJ>;ÅF;EFB;ÅE<ÅEKHÅ9ECCKD?JOÅ ÅÅ Å Å rÄy{{ÄxrzÄzrrr MMML7BB;O97H;9EC Å ÅÅ Located in Pleasanton at the intersection of I-680 and I-580. 925.463.2778 simon.com® J\im`e^k_\Ki`$MXcc\pn`k_D\[`ZXc=XZ`c`k`\j`eC`m\idfi\Xe[Gc\XjXekfe% nnn%mXcc\pZXi\%Zfd All of our trainers are NSCA Certified Strength GRAHAM-HITCH and Conditioning Specialists. MORTUARY Dignified Care & Compassionate Service Since 1891 BodyMAX has a new program just for you. Personal or small group exercise training. We can help you: sSELECTTHEPROPEREXERCISEFORYOURNEEDS sPROPERLYPROGRESSYOUREXERCISES sLEARNTHECORRECTWAYTOSTRETCH sBALANCEAEROBIC STRENGTHENING Advance Planning and stretching appropriately Made Easy Best of all: Call Deanna for a FREE s./MEMBERSHIPFEESFOR consultation. In-home visits available. personal training s./CONTRACTSTOJOIN s./STARTUPFEES 4167 First Street, Pleasanton Call NOW to schedule your training time. 925-846-5624 Crematory Privately Owned & Operated 6668 Owens Drive, Pleasanton | 925-621-2200 | www.bodymax.net FD#429 Page 2ÊUÊ>ÀV ÊÓ£]ÊÓäänÊUÊ*i>Ã>ÌÊ7iiÞ Private Studio Around Downtown Pleasanton Exclusive Pleasanton 1 on 1 by Jeb Bing Guitar Lessons Amador Boosters raise Adults and Kids Ages 10 thru 110 big bucks for sports established in 1997 4625 First Street 417-0561 n this time of fiscal cutbacks specialists, in flashing their bid Invader Sport G/T Starting atIntegrity® Starting at in Pleasanton schools, the hun- cards in his search for the highest P205/65R15 $55.95 P185/65R14 $67.00 dreds signed up for athletic- bidder. With door and table prizes I P215/60R15 $58.95 $ 95 P205/70R14 $71.00 $ 95 related programs at Amador Valley and one of the best meals in town P225/60R16 $67.95 >VÊ P185/65R15 $77.00 High and the eighth-graders who served up by Read Phillips of -iÀÀ>Ìi`Ê *Ó£xÉÇä,£xIÊ fÇ°ää *£ÇxÉÈx,£{ iÌÌiÀ >VÊ-iÀÀ>Ìi`ÊiÌÌiÀ 47 59 will be in them next August should Beet’s Catering, nobody left emp- *£xÉÈä,£{ >VÊÜ>°ÊI ÝÌÀ>Ê >ÀÀÜÊ7 ÌiÜ> /ÀiÊ`ëÃ>ÊviiÊ`iÃÊ>««ÞÊÊÃiÊÃÌ>Ìià Pleasanton xä]äääÊiÊ/Ài>`ÊviÊÌi`Ê7>ÀÀ>ÌÞ schedule a grandstand salute to Lori ty-handed. Local craftsman Gary ÊÌ iÀÊ`ÃVÕÌÃÊ>««Þ Rice, Sally Parsons, Suzy Graham Winter also sold out his wood and many others whose Booster carvings of Amador Theater min- Real Estate News Club fundraiser last Saturday iatures, with purple and yellow raised more than $125,000 for banners etched on the front that these activities. Parsons, whose son buyers could add “Class of 2008” by Ryan plays varsity football at the or other years, with all profits Gerarda school and whose daughter Kelly going into the Booster fund. Stocking will move there after completing eighth grade at Pleasanton Middle Even the “items” Direzza DZ101 Starting at Eagle GT-HR™ Starting at School, chaired this year’s Purple contributed for the and Gold Gala, which had a record- P215/50R16 $102.95 P195/60R15 $79.00 high 490-plus turnout at the din- silent auction held WHY YOUR HOME P205/45R17 $127.95 $ 95 P195/65R15 $82.00 $ 95 P255/40R17 $133.95 >VÜ> P205/65R15 $85.00 ner, auction and dance at the Palm *ÓäxÉxä,£x before the dinner WON'T SELL P215/65R16 $98.00 *£xÉÈä,£{ 71 Event Center. Rice is president of >VÜ> 74 the Amador Athletic Boosters Club were in the out-of- /ÀiÊ`ëÃ>ÊviiÊ`iÃÊ>««ÞÊÊÃiÊÃÌ>Ìià xä]äääÊiÊ/Ài>`ÊviÊÌi`Ê7>ÀÀ>ÌÞ ÊÌ iÀÊ`ÃVÕÌÃÊ>««Þ and Graham handled logistics and the-ballpark range, According to long-time real estate finances, counting door receipts expert and attorney Robert Bruss, Get up to a Or, double your Rebate up to that totaled $195,000, a new whop- generating over "the top reason a home doesn't sell" $ $ ping record before expenses. $5,000. is very simple: "the asking price is 50 100 12 Months Even the “items” contributed for too high." er with the purchase when you make the purchase on the No Interest4 of a set of four select Goodyear tires. Goodyear Credit Card. See below for more details. the silent auction held before the On Goodyear Credit Card purchases of $500 Okay—but what exactly does or more from March 8 through April 5, 2008. dinner were in the out-of-the-ball- This was the 23rd annual fund- "too high" mean? And why can't a Minimum payments required. park range, generating over $5,000 raiser dinner-dance sponsored by for such offerings as sports tickets, the Boosters, who raise money buyer who likes your property go power tools, laptop computers and during the year for 23 athletic ahead and offer less than you're ask- weekend getaways. sporting programs that include all ing for it? Lube, Coolant / Skilled auctioneer Mark Gellman varsity and junior varsity sports, "Too high" means that the asking Oil fi lter $ 95 Antifreeze $ 95 Change & of Charity Benefits handled the live the cheerleaders and other sport- price simply can't be justified by the 4-Tire Rotation Service auction after dinner with his usual ing organizations at Amador recent selling prices of comparable 17 49 VÕ`iÃ\ VÕ`iÃ\ rapid-fire call for bids that steadily Valley High. homes located nearby. Today's buyers raised the offers on scores of top- Parsons found that with the school UÊ-ÞÌ iÌVÊ i`Ê"]Ê iÜÊÌiÀÊ­Õ«ÊÌÊwÊÛiʵÕ>ÀÌî UÊ*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊÌiÃÌÊÃÞÃÌiÊvÀÊi>à value contributions. This included district’s decision to cut some coach- are far more sophisticated than they UÊÎÓ«Ì°ÊëiVÌ UÊ À>ÊÀ>`>ÌÀ]ÊÀiwÊÊÜÌ ÊÕ«ÊÌÊÓÊ}>ÃÊ xäÉxäÊ>ÌvÀiiâi a seven-day stay in a 3,000-square- ing jobs along with programs and were five or ten years ago. They know UÊ >ÃÃÃÊÕLiÊ­vÊ>««V>Li® what homes like yours are selling for foot apartment in the bow of The classroom aides, such as reading ÃÌÊÛi ViðÊ->ÛiÊÌ ÀÕÊäÎÉÓnÉän ÃÌÊÛi ViðÊ->ÛiÊÌ ÀÕÊäÎÉÓnÉän World, a private cruise ship that specialists, parents were especial- and, generally, they are prepared to spends its time sailing the globe. ly motivated this year to pitch in offer a fair purchase price if they like The high bidders can board the actively and financially to help. They your property. vessel anywhere it docks to start know it’s going to be a hard couple However, if you are asking more their seven-day tour. Other winning of years for many of these programs Front / OFF 95 $ Computerized $ than makes sense in the current ÀÌÊ Ê / ÀÕÃÌÊ bids went for a banquet for 24 with and they’re willing to do whatever Rear Break ,i>ÀÊÝi Vehicle }i winery magnate Phil Wente, two it takes to keep Amador athletics market, most buyers won't think Service 50 49 Alignment weeks at a club in Phoenix and a financially sound. Their record- you're a serious seller and, further, day of sailing on a 42-foot yacht on setting attendance at Saturday’s will doubt that they can negotiate a $ OFF $ 95 the San Francisco Bay. Booster fundraiser and generous fair purchase price with you. So they ÀÌÊ Ê ÕÀÊ7 ii ,i>ÀÊÝi The poker-based theme of the contributions may also bode well generally won't even want to look at 25 69 viÌiÊ7>ÀÀ>ÌÞÊÊ ÃVÊ*>`Ã]Ê À>iÊ- ià event was “All In,” and most of in any effort by the school board to your home. Obviously, if they don't £ÓÊÉ£Ó]äääÊiÊ7>ÀÀ>ÌÞ° the nearly 500 party-goers joined ÃÌÊÛi ViðÊ->ÛiÊÌ ÀÕÊäÎÉÓnÉän Save thru 03/28/08 seek approval for a parcel tax to help even look at it, they're not going to Gellman, a Ruby Hill auction all schools later this year. N make an offer on it. Your real estate professional can NOW OPEN! PLEASANTON - 2 California Avenue 925-461-4290 About the Cover provide all the data you need to ALAMEDA 861 Marina Village Pkwy. .............510-523-2900 *LIVERMORE 1485 First St. ...........................925-455-4330 The city of Pleasanton and particularly the hillside enclave of Castlewood check recent sales prices and the *CASTRO VALLEY 3430 Castro Valley Blvd. .510-886-9500 *PLEASANTON 4216 Rosewood Dr. ...............925-734-3444 are in shock after learning of a couple who were brutally beaten in specs on the homes that sold. With *CONCORD/CLAYTON 5288-A Clayton Rd ...925-363-5900 PLEASANTON 3420 Stanley Blvd. ................925-462-4900 their home recently.
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