Index to Volume XIV Authors and Titles A RNOLD, B . c ILLG, P AUL 1.: Mycorrhizal Infection of Germ inating Seedlings Marine Copepods of the Genus Anthessius from of N othofagus solandri var. clilJortioides (H ook the N ortheastern Pacific Ocean, 337-372 f.) Poole, 248-250 IWAI, T AM OTSU : BANNER, ALBERT H ., AND D ORA MAY. BA NNER: Luminous Organs of the Deep-sea Squaloid Shark, Contributions to the Knowledge of the Alpheid Centroscyllium ritteri Jordan and Fowler, 51-54 Shrimp of the Pacific Ocean. KNUDSEN, J ENS W .: Part V. T he Ind o-Pacific Memb ers of the Genus Reproducti on, Life History, and Larval Ecology of Athanas, 129-155 the Californ ia Xanthidae, the Pebble Crabs, 3- 17 Part VI. Prionalph eus, a N ew Genus of the AI­ ph eidae, 292- 298 KURODA, NAGAHISA : Part VII . On Metab etaeus Borradaile, with a New Analysis of Sea Bird Distribution in the Northwest Species from Hawaii, 299-303 Pacific Ocean, 55- 67 BA RY, B . M. : LUOMALA, KATH ERIN E: N otes on Ecology, Di stribution, and Systematics of A History of the Binomial Classification of the Pelagic Tu nicata from N ew Zealand, 101-1 21 Polynesian N ative Dog, 193-223 B OVB]ERG, RICH ARD V.: M ARPLES, B . J .: Court ship Behavior of the Lined Shore Crab, Spiders from Some Pacific Islands , Part IV. The Pachygrapsas crassipes Randall, 421--423 Cook Islands and Niue, 382- 388 BROWNLIE, G . : MARTIN, EDGAR]. : Studies on Pacific Ferns, Part I. Nomenclature Observations on the Toxic Sea Anemone, Rhodactis Changes and Distributions of Some Species of howesii ( Coelenterata) , 403--407 Hyrnenopbyllum, Artb ropteris, Microlepia, Olean­ dra, and Adiantum, 242-245 M ARTI N , W . E .: Studies on Pacific Ferns, Part II. Humata and Hawaiian Helm inths, Part III. N ew Opecoelid Ctenopteris, 400--402 T rematodes, 411--415 B URN ETT, G . F.: M ATSUMOTO, W ALTER M, : The Arri val of Aedes (Oc h l erot atus) vigi lax N otes on the Hawaiian Frigate Mackerel of the (Skuse ) in Fiji, 389-394 Genu s Auxis, 173-177 C UTRE SS, CHARLES E ., AND WILLIS E. P EQ UEGNAT: MILLER, H ARVEY ALFRED : Three N ew Species of Zoantharia fro m California, Remarks on the Succession of Bryophytes on Ha­ 89- 100 waiian Lava Flows, 246-247 GARTH, JOHN S.: MURPHY, G ARTH I. : Pinnixa darwini, a New Species of Pinnoth erid Introduction of the Marquesan Sardine, Harengula Crustacean from the Galapagos Islands , 39--42 vittata, to Hawaiian Waters, 185-1 87 GOSLINE, WILLIAM A. : N EWELL, IRWIN M . : AN ew HawaiianPercoid Fish, Sutt onia lineata, Charadracarus new genus, Charadracarinae new sub­ wir.i a Discussion of Its Relationships and a family ( Acari, John stonianidae ), and the Status Definition of the Family Grammistidae, 28-38 of T yphlothrombium Berlese 1910, 156-1 72 Hawaiian Lava-Flow Fishes, Part IV .Snyderidia canina Gilbert, with N otes on the Osteology of OTSU, T AMIO : Oph idioid Families, 373-381 Albacore Migration and Growth in the N orth Pa­ cific Ocean as Estim ated from Tag Recoveries, GRICE, G EORGE D ., AND EVERET C. J ONES : Two N ew Species of Candacia (Copepoda : Calan­ 257-266 oida ) from the Central Pacific, with N otes on PAR AMONOV, S.].: Two Other Species, 280-291 Lord H owe Island, a Ri ddle of the Pacific, Part II, H ELD, EDWARD E.: 75-85 Land Crabs and Fission Products at Eniwetok Atoll , R ANDALL, JOHN E. : 18-27 A New Species of Acanthurus from the Caroline Is­ HYMAN , LIBB IE H . : lands, with N otes on the Systematics of Other Second Report on Hawaiian Polyclads, 308- 309 Ind o-Pacific Surgeo nfishes, 267-279 425 426 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XIV, October 1960 R IFFENBURGH, R OBERT H ., AND CHARLES W . CLU­ T AYLOR, R . W .: NIES-Ross : Taxonomic N otes on the Ants Ponera leae Forel Linear Discriminant Analysis, 251-256 and Ponera nor/olkensis (Wheeler) Hymenop­ ST . JOHN, HAROLD: tcra-Formicidae) , 178-180 Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part l. T ESTER, ALBERT L. : Key to the Sections, 224-241 Fatal Shark Attack, Oahu, Hawaii, December 13, Flora of Eniwetok Atoll, 313- 336 1958, 181- 184 STRASBURG, D ON ALD W .: U TINOMI, H uzt o : A New Hawaiian Engraulid Fish, 395-399 On the World-Wide D ispersal of a Hawaiian STONE, BE NJAMIN c.: Barnacle, Balanus amphitrite hawaiiensis Broch, Correc tions and Additions to the Flora of the Hall 43- 50 Islands and to the Flora of Ponape, 408-410 Flora Malesiana: A Review, 423-424 WINKLER, LINDSAY R . : STRAHAN, R . : Localization and Proof of Chitin in the Opis tho ­ AComparison of the Ammocoere and Macrophthal­ bran ch Mollusks Aplysia cali/ornica Cooper and mia Stages of Mordacia mo rdax and Geo tria Bulla gouldiana (Pilsbry) , with an Enzymo­ australis (Petromyzonidae), 416-420 chromatographic Method for Chitin Demonstra­ tion, 304-307 SWANHOLM, CARL E., H AROLD ST. J OHN , AND PAUL J. SCHEUER: WOODWICK, KEITH H . : A Survey for Alkaloids in Hawaiian Plants, II, Early Larval Development of Polydora nu chalis 68- 74 Woodwick, a Spionid Polychaete, 122-128 Sub jects Acanthurus achilles, 277 Aleurites moluccana, 329 achilles X A . gleucopereies =A. racklifJei, 270-271 Allium Cepa, 329 bleekeri, 277 Alpbeopsis diabolus, 293 chron ixis, n. sp., 267-269 equalis, 293 coeruleus, 274 fissipes, 293 gahhm, 277 idi ocarpus, 293 glaacopa reius, 277 tetrartbri, 293 guttatus, 277 triarticulatus, 293 leucocheilu s, 272 A maranthus dub ius, 325 leucosternon, 271-272 viridis, 326 lineatus, 272, 277 Anthessius, 340-341 melanosternon, 272 facbi, n. sp., 364-371 nigro/uscus, 277 hawaiiensis, 34 1- 345 nigroris, 277 lighti, n. sp., 351- 356 nubilis, 271 navanacu , 345-351 oli vaceus, 274, 275, 277 nortoni, n. sp., 357-364 ph ilippinus, 272 Apiacera minuta, 385 sohal, 268, 272 Aplonis /uscus hullianus, 77 tennenti, 272 Aplysia cali/ornica, 304-307 triostegus, 271, 277 Apogen ellioti, 54 xantbopterus, 277 marginatus, 54 Achyranthes aspera, 325 Aporops aljreei, 28, 29 velutina, 325 bilinearis, 28, 29 Acronurus [ormosus, 272 [aponicas, 28, 29 Acropom«, 53 Arete, annotated bibliography of the species of, 129; Adiantum aneitense, 245 133-134 /u lvum, 245 Artema mauriciana, 385 novae-caledoniae, 245 Artbropteris neocaledonica, 244 Aedes aegypt i, 391 Artocerpus in cisus, 324 pseudoscutellaris, 391-393 Athamas wh itmei, 386 oexans, 390 Athanas, annotated bibliography of the species of, vig ilax, 389-394 129-133 A itutakia armata, n. gen. and n. sp., 386-387 redefined , 135-137 Index to Volume XIV 427 Athanas arete/ormis, 138-140 Chitin in mollusks, 304- 307 djiboutensis, 140-141 Chloris in/lata, 322 dorsalis, 151- 154 Citrullus vulgaris, 333 esakii, 146-147 Clubiona alveolata, 385 indicus, 149- 151 Cocos nuci/era, 324 iph ianassa, 150 Coenobita perlatus, 18-27 marshallensis, 142 Coitocaecum banneri, n. sp., 411-412 parvus, 141-142 hawaiiensis, n. sp., 412 rhothionastes, n. sp., 142-146 norae, n. sp., 4 12-413 verrucosus, n. sp., 147- 149 Conopistha samoensis, 386 Auxis thazard, 174- 176 unimaculata, 386 thynnoides, 174-176 Cordia subcordata, 332 crabs, land herm it, 18-27 Balanus amphitrite var. albicostatus, 48 crabs, pebble, 3- 17 communis, 44-49 Crinum asiaticam , 324 denticulatus, 43-49 Ctenochaetus binotatus, 274 eburneus, 43 cyanoguttatus, 273 /ranciscanus, 46 hawaiiensis, 275 hawaiiensis, 43- 50 magnus, 273 berzi, 46 striatus, 273 im provisus, 43 strigosus, 273, 274; 413 krugeri, 48 Ctenopteris crassi/rons, 401 saltonensis, 46 bornei, 402 venustus, 46 seemanni, 401-402 Bavia aericeps, 386 Cucumis Melo, 333 Belostoma indicum , 79 Cucurbita maxima, 334 Boerhavia diffusa var. diffusa, 326 Culex annulirostris, 39 1 var. tetrandra, 326 sitiens, 391 Brassica oleracea capitata, 327 Cyanorhamphus novaezeelandiae sub/lavescens, 76 pekinensis, 327-328 Cycloxantb ops nove mdentatus, 3- 17 Bryoph ytes on lava flows, 246-247 Cynodon Dactylon, 322 Bu/o marinus, 403-406 Cyperus javanicus, 323-324 Bulla gouldiana, 304- 307 odoratus, 324 pennatus, 323- 324 Caesalpinia Bonduc, 328 Cyrtopbora moluccensis, 388 Canavalia microcarpa, 328 Cytaea piscula, 386 Cancer magister, 3 Candacia guggenheimi, n. sp., 285-288 Dactyloctenium aegyptium, 322 noruegica, 288- 289 Digitaria pruriens, 322 po/i, n. sp., 280-285 Dioclea rejlexa, 328 tru ncata, 288 Dirofilaria lm mitis in Fiji, 39 1-393 Carica Papaya, 331 Dixonia antarctica, 82 Caridina brevirostris, 302 D oliolum ( Dolioletta) va!diviae, 104-108, 115 Cassytha /ili/o rmis, 327 Drassoides ciusi, 385 Cenchrus Brownii, 32 1 Dyschiriognatha oceanica, 387 Centroscyllium /abricii, 51, 53 apoluensis, 387 granulatum, 51, 53 nigrum, 51 Eleusine indica, 322 ornatum, 51 Elminius modestus, 43 , 48 ritteri, 51- 54 Eniwetok atoll, fission products at, 18- 27 Cbaetopterus uariopedatus, 4 1, 42 flora of, 313-336 Charadracarus, new genus, 156-172 Entada pbaseoloides, 328 aelleni, n . comb., 171-172 Epeira tb eisi, 388 delitescens, n. sp., 165-171 Epizoantb«: gabrieli, n. sp., 98-99 grandjeani, n. comb., 171 induratum, n. sp., 95-98 httrdi,. n. sp., 165 leptoderma, n. sp., 93-95 Charadracinae, new subfamily, 156-1 57 Eragrostis amabilis, 322 Chauliodus sloani, 54 Erigeron albidtlS, 334 Chiracanthium [urax, 385 bonariensis, 334 428 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XIV, October 1960 Etm opterus [ronsimucslee«), 52, 53 Leucauge tuberculata, 387 lucifer, 51-53 Linyphia tuasivia, 386 Eupagurus bernhardus, 21 Lopbopanopeus bellas diegensis, 3-17 Euphorbia Cbemissonis, 329 leucomanus leucomanus, 3-17 hirta, 329 Lord H owe Island, 75-85 thymi/olia, 329 Lycosa tongatabooensis, 385 Lygos oma lichenigerum, 78 Fimbristylis atollensis, 324 fission products at Eniwetok Atoll, 18-27 Malvastrum coromandelianum, 330 Flacilla minuta, 386 Menemerus bivittatus, 386
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