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University of' Chicago, Father .John "I will do evnrything to leavn the Jnnkins returned to facn another Univnrsity in good shape and then get challengn - having 14 months to out of thn way,'' Univnrsity Prnsidnnt prepare to become Notre Damn's Father Edward Malloy rer.allod 17th president. llnsburgh saying. Jenkins called the limn period a Sovontnen "great luxury," years later, saying ho will "You follow the Malloy intends to use the ynar of "It is part of spirit. you follow the tradi­ transition to my vocation. tion his predeces­ absorb thn expe­ make sor established. riencn and wis­ part l~{my decisions. you lie announced dom of depart­ call. I will give have no Friday his dnei­ ing presidnnt it everything I sion to stnp down Fathnr Edward regret:·;, you as the presidont Malloy. have to do the move on. " of Notre Dame. "I really look best I can." The Board of forward to this Edward Malloy Trustens electnd year of working John Jenkins vice president with Monk on University and associate this transition University president provost Father and learning all president-elect .John .Jenkins to that's involved in replace Malloy. · this job," the 50- lin will bneonHJ thn 17th presid1mt of year old president-elect said. "This is Notre Damn on .July 1, 2005. a tremendous honor and a great Tho Board also announced the responsibility to lnad this great appointnwnt of currnnt vice president University and I look forward to this and assor.iatn provost John Affleck­ challenge." Graves as the next exeeutivo viee pres­ Malloy insisted that thn transition ident. between himself and his sueenssor .ft~nkins, who praised Allleck-Graves' will be "seamlnss" bncause a nlt~ction, said he was consulted during Congregation of lloly Cross priest will the search process regarding whether CHUY BENITEZ!The Observer continue to bn at the University's hn would rneornmtmd Alllnck-Graves, University President Father Edward Malloy, left, talks with President-elect Father head. John Jenkins after the Board of Trustees announced Jenkins' appointment. Malloy, see MALLOY/page 2 who has served as president since 1987, said he would step down In· June 2005. see JENKINS/page 2 Affleck-Graves named to No. 3 post Former associate provost becomes first lay executive vice president in ND history Malloy said the Board of Trustees mnnt was also solidtnd as a dodsion By CLAIRE HEININGER waited to announce the choke of John approached. News Editor NTieck-Graves- tho first layperson to "I responded with unboundnd enthu­ hold Notro Dame's third-ranking post siasm," he said. "IAfllnt~k-Gravnsl is For nearly a year a.ftnr the msigna­ - to eoineide with thn selection or the going to bn a gn1at executive vien pres­ tion of Father Timothy Scully, new president, as Father John idnnt." University Presidnnt Father Edward Jenkins' input was instrumental in Afllnck-Gravns' appointment takns Malloy assumnd the traditional duties both the selection process and in ell'ect irnmediatnly, Malloy said. of executivn vicn president in addition AlTieck-Graves' formal approval. Jnnkins and A('flnck-Gravns have to his own - a movP. that ultimately "At a certain point, I was askod my work11d dosnly for thrnn ynars. While CHUY BENITEZ/The Observer allowed Notre Dame to follow its recornmnndation and I enthusiastically serving sidn by side as assodatP John Affleck-Graves was named executive vice recent precp,dnnt of eleeting both top supportnd [Nlleck-Gravesl," Jenkins president at a press conference Friday. officials at once. said, adding that his formal endorsn- see EXEC_UTIVE VP I page 2 -====-.---- 1.1.1 Many students were While Malloy will step The process that result­ As new administrators The provost's office has Malloy and jenkins Q surprised when they down in 14 months, the ed in Jenkins' appoint­ prepare to take over, an a gaping hole in it after write letters to the Notre learned about Malloy's Board of Trustees ment was unlike any Observer senior hopes that three top officials Dame community after -en decision to step down. approved his most recent other Notre Dame presi­ Notre Dame will maintain annouced their depar­ Friday's announcement. z strategic plan. dential search. its Catholic identity. tures within five months. - page 3 page 3 page 6 page 6 page 7 page 8 -----r--r-.--:-- -- ~-.---- -,-.. -;-~----:- ~,-------:, ... I l I, • page 2 The Observer + NEWS Saturday, May 1, 2004 .. ''I'm kind of the grey beard on the block when I go to presidential meet­ Malloy ings," Malloy said, later adding, "I think continued from page 1 that all of us recognize, especially when you are a religious community member, who will now oversee the University's that you live under obedience and what business and financial operations. This God calls you to do at a given moment to follows a trend as both Hesburgh and do as well as you can." Malloy entered the office with their Malloy said when he officially steps executive vice presidents, Fathers down on June 30, 2005 he will probably Edmund Joyce and William shed a few tears wheri he departs his Beauchamp, respectively. fourth floor corner office for the last Though Malloy is stepping down as time as president. But, citing a resilien­ president, he does not intend to stop cy he enhanced as a ·.varsity basketball serving Notre Dame. player for Notre Dame during the ''I'm not retiring, just shifting focus. I 1960s, Malloy said he would rather have no intention of going anyplace focus on the great memories he had as else," Malloy said. "Father Hesburgh president and what lies ahead. His fifth provides a great model - he got away, booj( is scheduled to be published this he came back, he's done great things." summer and Malloy is already writing Malloy said he informed the Board at his sixth book. its October 2003 meeting of his intent to Malloy said he also hopes to continue step down at the conclusion of his cur­ teaching and serving on the boards of a rent term in June 2005. But Malloy also variety of not-for-profit organizations. said he wanted the board to ultimately "I certainly want to imitate all the suc­ decide if a new president should be cess Monk has had," Jenkins said. "I named. will work closely with Monk to learn Malloy said that after praying and what he has done to move this consulting with others, University." he entered this week's During his tenure as CHUY BENITEZIThe meeting prepared to ''I'm not retiring, just president, Notre Dame President-elect John Jenkins shakes hands with University President Father turn over the reins of shifting focus. I have no completed the Edward Malloy at a press conference Friday afternoon. the University to his Generations campaign successor. intention of going that raised $1.1 billion, "You follow the spir­ anyplace else. Father increased student body ... Notre Dame is in good hands with it, you make decisions, Hesburgh provides a diversity, redirected John Jenkins as president." you have no regrets, academic and faculty Jenkins Jenkins' extensive academic back­ you move on," Malloy great model- he got priorities to emphasize continued from page 1 ground - which also includes two said. away, he came back, research, increased philosophy degrees from Oxford The chairman of the he's done great things." financial aid, made Jenkins, a Holy Cross religious University and leadership roles on Board of Trustees, major capital improve­ superior of priests and brothers at Notre Dame's Academic Council and Patrick McCartan, said ments and increased Notre Dame from 1997 to 2000 and Code of Honor Committee - will he told the Board's Edward Malloy the academic profile of priest since 1983, also stressed the prove equally vital as he moves for­ nominating committee University president its students. role his faith has played in his career ward into the presidency. Pointing to in January to begin While Notre Dame and will play in his leadership. the award-winning teaching efforts of the presidential saw great success "It is part of my vocation, part of my Affleck-Graves, Jenkins emphasized search process. Although other candi­ under Malloy, his tenure was not with­ call," he said. "I will give it everything the University's commitment to out­ dates besides Jenkins were considered out its blemishes. In 2000, the football I have to do the best I can." standing undergraduate education during the four-month search process, team received its first sanction from the The search for that vocation began and said he would emulate Malloy in McCartan did not identify who else the NCAA after it was discovered that dur­ during his undergraduate experience seeking advice from other institu­ committee considered. ing Lou Holtz's era booster Kim Dunbar at the University, which Jenkins tions. "As Trustees, we all look forward to had illegally given football players recalled as a "process of reflection" "It's a wonderful chance· to learn," working with Father Jenkins," money and gifts, which resulted in that eventually led to his religious Jenkins said of outside committees in McCartan said in a statement.
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