FOR SALE Beaumont Enterprise Building 380 Main Street & 425 Pine Street / Beaumont, Texas 77701 Value-Add Investor, Redevelopment or User Opportunity with Immediate Upside Located in an Opportunity Zone OFFERING SUMMARY PROPERTY FEATURES • Includes Production/Warehouse Space with Loading Area (3 Dock Asking Price Interest Offered Terms High Positions and 3 Grade Level Doors) $1,350,000 Fee Simple All Cash • Easy Access to Interstate 10 (I-10), the major east-west Highway connecting El Paso, San Antonio, Houston and New Orleans PROPERTY SUMMARY • Near Port of Beaumont & Exxon Mobil Refnery Property Name Beaumont Enterprise Building • One block from Crockett Street Entertainment District Address • Located adjacent to the U.S. Historic Downtown Beaumont 380 Main Street & 425 Pine Street Commercial District, registered on the National Register of Historic Beaumont, TX 77701 Places, and Texas Historic Landmarks within walking distance to: Fire Building Area* Museum of Texas, Edison Museum, Art Museum of Southeast Texas, 66,352 SF Texas Energy Museum, Beaumont Children’s Museum, Jefferson *Per Jefferson CAD (JCAD) Theater, Julie Rogers Theater, Beaumont Events Centre, Tyrrell Stories Historical Library and Beaumont Civic Center 3 • Discount to Replacement Cost Year Built/Renovated 1969/2010 • New investments in businesses and the acquisition and substantial Total Land Acres improvement of property located in an Opportunity Zone may be 1.82 acres eligible for federal tax benefts, including the reduction and deferral of capital gains taxes Parcels 2 PARCEL DETAILS Parking Surface Parking Lot Surface Parking Lot Land Area Land Area 35 Spaces 59 Spaces (Fenced) 1.32 Acres 0.50 Acres Parking Garage 5 Levels, 42 Spaces Zoning** Zoning 425 Pine Street 425 Pine CBD, Central Business CBD, Central Business 380 Main Street District District 425 Pine Street 425 Pine Total Parking Spaces 380 Main Street JCAD Parcel ID Number JCAD Parcel ID Number 135 Spaces, Ratio of 2.04/1,000 RSF 5429 5456 **CBD zoning regulations are intended to accommodate commercial, offce, service, residential and public uses. Permitted uses are subject to City of Beaumont parking and applicable special condi- tions. Buyer should verify the zoning and confrm with the City that its intended use is in compliance with the City Zoning Ordinance. the property of their respective owners. Use these images without express written consent owner is prohibited. are herein CBRE.Photos of endorsement or with affliation any imply not does logos such of use the and owners, respective their of property the are document this on displayed marks other CBRE,All of Inc. marks service are logo CBRE the and CBRE risk. own your at solely is information or completeness. accuracy You for should verifed been not has conduct but reliable, believed sources a from obtained been has careful, information This reserved. rights independent All Inc. CBRE, 2020 investigation © of the property and verify all information. Any reliance on this J. MILTON PREWITT, SIOR ONNO F. ZWANEVELD ONNO F. PLEASE CONTACT: [email protected] 750 North Eleventh Street Beaumount, Texas 77702 Beaumount, Texas Executive Vice President O: +1 409 892 3000 C: +1 409 658 1189 J.M. Prewitt Company Prewitt J.M. F: +1 409 892 3044 F: [email protected] +1 213 613 3243 CBRE, Inc. President Information About Brokerage Services 1 1 -2 -2 0 1 5 Texas law requ ires all real estate license h olders to g ive th e following information abou t brokerag e services to prospective bu yers, tenants, sellers and landlords. TYPES OF REAL ESTATE LICENSE HOLDERS: • A BROKER is responsible for all brokerag e activities, inclu ding acts performed by sales ag ents sponsored by th e broker. • A SALES AGENT mu st be sponsored by a broker and works with clients on beh alf of th e broker. A BROKER’S MINIMUM DUTIES REQUIRED BY LAW (A client is the person or party that the broker represents): • Pu t th e interests of th e client above all oth ers, inclu ding th e broker’s own interests; • Inform th e client of any material information abou t th e property or transaction received by th e broker; • Answer th e client’s qu estions and present any offer to or cou nter-offer from th e client; and • Treat all parties to a real estate transaction h onestly and fairly. A LICENSE HOLDER CAN REPRESENT A PARTY IN A REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION: AS AGENT FOR OWNER (SELLER/LANDLORD): Th e broker becomes th e property owner's ag ent th rou g h an ag reement with th e owner, u su ally in a written listing to sell or property manag ement ag reement. An owner's ag ent mu st perform th e broker’s minimu m du ties above and mu st inform th e owner of any material information abou t th e property or transaction known by th e ag ent, inclu ding information disclosed to th e ag ent or su bag ent by th e bu yer or bu yer’s ag ent. AS AGENT FOR BUYER/TENANT: Th e broker becomes th e bu yer/tenant's ag ent by ag reeing to represent th e bu yer, u su ally th rou g h a written representation ag reement. A bu yer's ag ent mu st perform th e broker’s minimu m du ties above and mu st inform th e bu yer of any material information abou t th e property or transaction known by th e ag ent, inclu ding information disclosed to th e ag ent by th e seller or seller’s ag ent. AS AGENT FOR BOTH - INTERMEDIARY: To act as an intermediary between th e parties th e broker mu st first obtain th e written ag reement of each party to th e transaction. Th e written ag reement mu st state wh o will pay th e broker and, in conspicu ou s bold or u nderlined print, set forth th e broker's oblig ations as an intermediary. A broker wh o acts as an intermediary: • Mu st treat all parties to th e transaction impartially and fairly; • May, with th e parties' written consent, appoint a different license h older associated with th e broker to each party (owner and bu yer) to commu nicate with , provide opinions and advice to, and carry ou t th e instru ctions of each party to th e transaction. • Mu st not, u nless specifically au th orized in writing to do so by th e party, disclose: th at th e owner will accept a price less th an th e written asking price; th at th e bu yer/tenant will pay a price g reater th an th e price su bmitted in a written offer; and any confidential information or any oth er information th at a party specifically instru cts th e broker in writing not to disclose, u nless requ ired to do so by law. AS SUBAGENT: A license h older acts as a su bag ent wh en aiding a bu yer in a transaction with ou t an ag reement to represent th e bu yer. A su bag ent can assist th e bu yer bu t does not represent th e bu yer and mu st place th e interests of th e owner first. TO AVOID DISPUTES, ALL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN YOU AND A BROKER SHOULD BE IN WRITING AND CLEARLY ESTABLISH: • Th e broker’s du ties and responsibilities to you , and you r oblig ations u nder th e representation ag reement. • Wh o will pay th e broker for services provided to you , wh en payment will be made and h ow th e payment will be calcu lated. LICENSE HOLDER CONTACT INFORMATION: Th is notice is being provided for information pu rposes. It does not create an oblig ation for you to u se th e broker’s services. Please acknowledg e receipt of th is notice below and retain a copy for you r records. J.M. Prewitt Company 0492087 [email protected] (409)892-3000 L icensed Broker/Broker Firm Name or L icense No. Email Ph one Primary Assu med Bu siness Name J. Milton Prewitt 0391133 [email protected] (409)892-3000 Desig nated Broker of Firm L icense No. Email Ph one L icensed Su pervisor of Sales Ag ent/ L icense No. Email Ph one Associate Sales Ag ent/Associate's Name L icense No. Email Ph one Bu yer/Tenant/Seller/L andlord Initials Date Regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Information available at www.trec.texas.gov TAR 2 5 0 1 IABS 1 -0 J.M. Prewitt Company, 750 North 11th Street Beaumont, TX 77702 Phone: (409)892-3000 Fax:(409)892-3044 Untitled J. Milton Prewitt, SIOR Produ ced with zipForm® by zipL og ix 1 8 0 7 0 Fifteen Mile Road, Fraser, Mich ig an 4 8 0 2 6 www.zipL og ix.com.
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